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>>21608260 prev
Miz live
odds on Emi being in this meeting ?
0. It's orc guild meeting
it is for orcs
Is miz using a green screen?
Ohhh i thought it was something run by Soda
Car shadows and beepo starts going crazy at 10:05 this morning,
Did he milk her already?
Could be arrav and sardaco
I think arrav is at esfands, but sardaco for sure could be
Sardaco was at esfands door to wake up arrav
I'm having trouble with the vod, but around 43:30
Is this what he’s ditching gameday for then?
No he ditched gameday because emi will be there
Real, he almost moved out, finally, the night she visited beepo
No, gameday is not even on yet
but but but why is soda ditching gameday?
Why are people fixated on him not going to gameday..
Of course
remember when this was the thread where people refrained from shitposting
Here's your reason
Because Emis there

damn, yeah fuck gameday.
Wasn't here since they had a big fight and possibly broke up over some miku pics. Do things still look as bad right now or did something change? Came here for some update
Well, at least is a not a random afk mobile game sponsor
outlook is a lot better than before. if they're broken up, they're on good terms at least. been some decent log/timing evidence to suggest they've stayed over at the others house at least once since she got back from japan.
things are back to normal
Night and day difference from 3 weeks ago ngl
Back to normal
he didn't lie for once. and it's not one of those sponsors he can push until later since it's a tourney, so he actually had to skip if he wanted in.
Looks like they got back together again the day she landed from Japan, people are saying they made-up before she even went there but idk
People that have addresses stated that emi and exem came from miz's place yesterday (emi and exem were heading to San Antonio for a sponsored stream)
Also emi said that exem picked her up driving away from miz's place from it looks like
Alright thanks for the Update guys and not just giving troll answers. But by the looks of it they seem way more comfortable now doing stuff without the other especially traveling. Hope to see they travel together in the future again
Good she can mention him now without cringing or rolling her eyes. She even told a story when they were hanging out recently
>cringing or rolling her eyes

this was a thing?
tbf she has always made weird faces when mentioning miz even before the miku pic "drama". Its like she was alwaysmmjtp hesitant to tell them.
damn i didnt even notice i typed the captcha in my sentence lol
>Good she can mention him now without cringing or rolling her eyes
That honestly doesn't mean anything, the day she mentioned watching LotR she also had a hard time saying his name, there could be plenty of reasons behind it and not all are negative
she's prolly used to calling him matt off stream, when she's on stream, she has to remember to call him miz. She has slipped up a few times but its rare
Idk about rolling her eyes, she's just hesitant in saying his name, she either sighs in between or she takes like 2 seconds before saying it but she's always done that, even when she lived with him, people started hyper analyzing it when she moved. It really could be the stupidest reason ever, like her trying not to say Matt instead of Miz
"Trying to think of the timeline. So we see miz holding his keys on cat cam then emi in offline gifting shortly after that. This is all between 7 and 8. (maybe when he picked her up and brought her back). Then knut shows up with his daughter just after 9pm and miz comes from his bedroom to meet them and shows louise how to milk the cat. He then makes them leave to wakes and raid him from there. Shortly after puts the emi portrait over the door. Then when he comes to beepo much later he takes it out of the room for a while before dropping it off and turning off the lights. The next morning miz has discord activity at 9:30 then another around 10 minutes later. EE starts stream and is seen leaving from near where miz's house is back in the direction of EEs/Emis. Emi said she woke up around 10 and that. Confirms EE picked her up"

From other thread
Yeah watch her otv video reaction
Lol I was literally just typing that >>21613532
>maybe when he picked her up and brought her back
I think Miz just left to buy things for the WoW room, Victor was there working on it when Knut came in. IF Miz ever picked up Emi was probably after everybody left
Yeah maybe. When he picks her up is pure speculation on my part. Could have been before or after knut came over
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Oh yeah she was at mizs house right when she got back from Japan
It was always fucking useless to interpret their facial expressions or how often they "mention" each other on their streams but it got out of hand after she moved. Like it never meant anything, sometimes they didn't talk or mention each other for months even though everything was good, it's just how they are.
I do think people go over the top with analysing that stuff, but it definitely felt different after the miku pictures.
sebbywebz was streaming outside late so it would be obvious if he left from his vod. I heard the exact moment knut left on his stream but wasn't listening for all of it
The only thing that was different was the lack of Miz mentions, the way she hesitates with his name has always been the same
Yeah because it was obviously something wrong given all the other stuff that made it obvious, but just trying to get info by faces or mentions is useless. Usually there are 100 things that give more and better info
The lack of mentions felt more obvious by how much she had been bringing him up recently. Plus they had been collabing non stop up until that point.
Who were the ones that deleted their emikif folders? I didn't
jesus christ why do you post these threads everywhere every fucking day you dipshit
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I don’t blame them. Hope they completely moved on
kek, that's a good screenshot
Anyone watching gameday
i checked 10 min ago and saw wake yapping. checked again, still yapping. thats all you need to know
yeah, games havent started yet
did miz said he had a dinner date tonight?
yeah, with chompy
The teams are again unbalanced it's like last week and the the week before
oh he was joking?
Who kmows anymore.
Mizkif joking? That’s unheard of
It's an obvious miz joke
Slow day today?
theyre both on stream separate from each other so... not much to schizo over
Who here thought that it was over with this last fight of their's?
always thought they had split, but never thought it was over. Just assumed Miz was being petty/childish about it all
Well it was over but if you go back to the archives I always knew they would get back together, it was way too stupid to break-up over
Shit wasn't making much sense to me, things looked rough and there were no clear attempts at repairing shit for nearly a month, but Miz's continued attachment to things Emi related seemed positive, like wrapping himself in her blanket fresh after the fight and keeping her key chain and painting. Would have been retarded for him to not attempt to fix things with the only person who jumped into the fire of his cancellation with him against a prime xqc hatemob and the rest of the internet, so I'm glad things seem to be heading back to a good place again.
Could even make an argument and solid case that they never split up since he (likely) ordered emi tea and dumplings her last stream before japan
I wouldn't call the dumpling thing solid, but I've leaned towards it being him who ordered it. Regardless, I don't think they ever split, just think there was an explosion over some dumb shit and maybe they both were somewhat disappointed with themselves and each other so needed some time to recollect and let them miss each other a bit for a better feeling reunion. That's something that happens a fair bit and it fits here
Didn't she try and hide the name on the tea
She did, then apparently showed off the label a lot the next time she ordered one
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She was about to show the tea then quickly retracted it and read the label. it never ended up showing.
As opposed to her last stream where the label was in clear view the entire stream "Emily S"
Random question: Considering the OTK games expo is a few days before the streamer awards, do you guys think emi ends up going to LA, and by extension the awards?
I think Emi already made her bed in in.
That Emi picture is diabolical wtf lol
I know what she said but I wouldn't put it past her to fold, especially if she's in LA anyways
Doubt it
Could see her and Soda going the day before and coming straight back for the otk thing
Soda? Lmfao
you think soda isnt going to the otk games expo ?
Okay when she hid the name it's miz like when he got her Starbucks
Emi already said she's not going to the awards same with miz
There is kind of an interesting timeline to this.
At first Miz was never actually invited.
QT messed up on the invitations and Miz was never formally invited
>This could have been why Emi said she's not going
Mid stream QT was clip reacting then she felt like shit and said that it was a complete accident and Miz is absolutely invited and there was an issue on their end where he didn't receive an invitation.
Immediately after QT ended her stream she called Miz crying and said she's really sorry about the invitation not sending and that he's invited.
It's possible Emi was more bitter than usual about not going because at the time she said it Miz wasn't invited.
After miz returned he still said he isn't going
>It's possible Emi was more bitter than usual about not going because at the time she said it Miz wasn't invited.
Maybe but She did just literally repeat what Miz himself had already said and he said they talked off stream about it.

You completely erased the fact that both Miz and Emi thought she got put there and removed from the Sapphire nominations insinuating malice behind QT's choice. Pretty sure that's why they are not going but I can see them getting guilt tripped
She tried to on the phonecall with miz and miz still said he isn't going
Oh I didn't know that, then yeah they are probably not going, Emi even uploaded the clip as a short
Miz said him and emi talked about it off stream. Pretty sure it’s just about the nominations
I can understand Emi not wanting to go after the hate she was getting online for the nomination. But I'm not sure if the scorched earth approach is good in the long run with her editor uploading it as a short, dexerto and other outlets with the clip getting viral without backpedaling a bit or trying to defuse the situation.

But then again Emi isn't the type to follow the drama maybe she completely ignores it or they dm'd privately
emi doesnt care about qt
I fucking hate nick bros... That creep schtick got old so fast.... Honestly these niggas got to accept they're 30 and pump boomer content
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If emi sleeps at mizs and visited him more than once after her Japan Trip why did she only visit beepo once? Wouldn't she go see beepo more than just once if she was there?
miz has taken beepo out of the room
The theory is she does when Miz takes the cat out for 10-20 minutes and puts it back in.
I think it's still better to make up and not burn bridges. QTC and Ludwig are still one of the few extended circles of OTK.
Did QT reply to anything after that yet?
He also said that qt has to learn deal with feedback and said something about communities but he wasn't defending qt if anything he was on emi side
Emi does not even collab with them she does not care for them. She is not MIz everyone will kill to collab with Emi lol

Oh wait he took beepo out sometimes? Didn't know about that so yeah could be it but why not do it the first time too when she came back from Japan?
Yeah I'd imagine she doesn't want to be on cam
Miz and lud got into a disagreement because of mogul mail
is that the long black cat plushy on miz's couch?
That's a green screen
oh LMAO didnt know, just tuned in now
Miz ended directly after asmon raided, seems like he has set plans, did he say what he's doing? Normally he would have farmed the raid for a little bit before ending
You're also forgetting the lud video drama with miz, which was 1 day before emi's stream
Yeah emi is literally the first streamer to get pressed about being nominated for an award. It's not a good look
He has to set up for tomorrow, or in other words he has to walk around doing nothing while Victor sets up for tomorrow
Both emi and miz could clap back with the bs qt said 3 years ago but they don’t got that dog in them
bc showing up once is fine, but if she shows up every day then its weird. and they clearly need a 3rd person (wake) to be there and not just 2 of them alone
Before people start using this as evidence for Emi being there, Miz has taken Beepo out while she was in Japan too but yeah it could be a pattern if he keeps doing it late night.
>but why not do it the first time too when she came back from Japan?
I'm thinking WoW alt stream after she moved situation
Dumb to farm that clip on stream but seems like there's actual beef bts so she has reasons to be upset
he was on his phone a lot towards the end
Most likely Victor, he said he still needs to setup for tomorrow, also I think Louise and Knut come over at 6pm everyday now
Yeah I think he wanted to show everyone they are good. Lots of people in his comm saying they were done
That would open up the worst can of worms. They wouldn't do that in a million years
Louise has been there for 5 minutes already
has the mic been on like this for the catcam before?
knut turns it on
knuts daughter turns it on and off when she's there
Another /b theory dead. That asmon has beef with miz now
Miz and lud have some drama with mogul mail stuff
Louise going to leak something 100% one day unmuting that catcam mic
she always remembers to mute it before she leaves
well he she did leak Knut asked MIz if he had to leave lol
Miz is leaving, already leaking mic LMAO
>knut "you have to leave?"
>miz "yeah"
Ahh love a good old fashioned knut leak.
What was the Kirby thing Knut was holding? Old Emi stuff?
It's not just that, you could hear knut and miz's conversation when they were outside the room too like 10 minutes ago. The mic is sensitive and no one knows but Louise that the mic is hot
That was a theory?
was posted in b looks like a light emi would have ordered
was thinking it could've been one of her gifts from japan but i dont recall that being in her video so idk
Could be also something Miz is throwing away and Louise wanted it
Emi had a period of being obsessed with ordering the neon lights from a website in 2022
I recall her browsing it on alt after being linked the site and was scrolling for 5 minutes and ordered a few
They were posting a clip where asmon was clearly joking about how miz would throw him under the bus if he could. Or something along those lines. Was when the lsf clip of miz saying ban politics was popping off.
ye thats what i was thinking too
Probably found it in the downstairs storage room and is giving it away
Miz just asked wake for his car but his isn't registered.
Can hear a girls voice saying bye and Wake referred to the group Miz was in as a "they"
Could be Bonnies voice potentially since she just ended stream.
Said they're going to Michaels which is an arts and crafts store. Probably doing something for his stream setup tomorrow.
b said they heard Miz say he's going to Michaels which is a craft store. likely getting stuff for his streaming room.
Yeah, that's Bonnie.
yea that girl voice is bonnie. and he said he's going to michael's so might be helping him with the arts and crafts stuff.
You two sync your periods too?
He say's "whos they" referring to miz saying 'they', so he could be with multiple people
Definitely bonnie. Is that miz top new? Don't remember him wearing it before
also needs to borrow a car cause only 2 fit in the r8
Emi has mad mushroom meeting today
Or they need to borrow a car that has space to carry the shit they're about to buy from Michael's
I'm guessing they have some kind of LAN setup for WOW in the new streaming room, maybe they're getting tables or chairs
for context Katchii was drunk and a woman was crying in the background telling her she is drunk and needs to shut of the stream.
Wrong board
Is this not the thread to gossip about otk, their orbiters and other twitch streamers?
I think the era of people sacrificing their viewership for Miz is over, I can only see Russel being down and I doubt Miz is making a LAN room for Russel
Not about Katchii no
Maybe the next thread should be titled Otk & Company / Twitch Streamers (other than Katchii) Gossip then
I could see the lower level orbiters like the new otk top streamers, julia, dani etc but you might be right.
I'm just telling you how it is, nobody is going to talk to you about fucking Katchii ITT lol
Why would anyone have to sacrifice their viewership ? They can just stream from the lan setup
is anyone else thinking that since japan they just spent every free moment they could find together, preparing for not seeing each other for a week. i'm starting to imagine endless posts about how they broke up again after miz streams every day for 12-24 hours.

also what are the odds the 3-4 computers for this lan party thing are gonna bake this converted garage room with no a/c and they are gonna hate it after a day.
It has A/C he just doesn’t use it. He turned it down for Clara
it literally doesn't matter what they do, they will spam bait every day regardless.
They could make out on stream and they will be spamming the hot tub 10 minutes later
some of these guys have been 'baiting' for almost 3 years now
Let them. Easy enough to ignore. If miz/emi do go back to being on bad terms it would be obvious anyway. Just like after the miku fight. Don't need baiters spamming about asmon or tectone to tell us that.
Just sad that we could've gotten a lot of emikif content starting tomorrow :( Even Miz forgot that he's not playing with Emi anymore today, made a joke about killing her again while talking to Coco
Hopefully she switches to orcs because undead are sweats she wouldn't find that fun
Who knows. Not getting my hopes up but maybe at some point they change their minds. But if not so be it.
i never saved the floor plan for miz's house that gets posted, does that door you could see on monday go through to the pantry? that wall has always been buried, can't remember if its always been there.
I've said this a few days ago, I can see them starting the duo again in a few days if either Miz's views are down or if Emi keeps dying
I'd rather see someone like Sardaco teach Emi how to play the game properly. Even that short session last stream taught her so much valuable stuff
I thought it would be hard with the lan room if that is genuinely whats happening with his room, but if whoevers present juts runs solo or with a duo over discord it could work I guess. Not really that odd to have the people you're playing around doing their own shit, could keep the conversations between them fresh since they have other shit going on.
soda tuned into the undead meeting and closed it because it was so boring
She said she wanted to prove herself and especially as a warrior she needs someone to teach her stuff. I think the road to success and learning to play is more entertaining than the orc smash RP
This is for content lmao Emi had her highest viewed streams after miz “killed” her
She does need someone in the call to coach her or she's not making it past 15
yeah there is no content being on undead with the sweats, orcs is the content race
The orc meeting annoyed me after 5 minutes of screaming, maybe just not for me
Tectone accusations. I guess relevant here since could affect emi with the pod.
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heads up ur pfp is there
0 motion. Wish it would work tho
why cant she just make a tweetlonger at this point, maybe lack of hard evidence?
it's not my ss
she should really do more than post on her alt twitter for shit like this. tectone deserves his life to be ruined.
Even if this is true nobody will ever believe this girl, she's autistic and seems like everyone on Tectone's side has been undermining her words because of her autism, it's sad cause they also have proof of her acting autistic and doing stupid shit so they will win the public opinion
Also she confirms Tectone actually doesn't have sex, I thought that was a joke
Bros actually got ptsd lmao. Or that’s all a lie so he can just get head. Does that Sophia girl still live with him?
Jfc. It feels so on brand.
She was at Gameday today so I assume so.
Hopefully she doesn’t go through the same shit if it’s true
Maybe people will take it seriously on girl 3
Disband OTK, at this point it's not salvageable. Almost every guy had a scandal now. They can't just kick another sexpest and move on for the nth time
I don't think it's a lie, being in a relationship for 2 years and only getting head is crazy, I think Fream said the same thing and they were together for 5+ years
As much of a lapdog as she seems to be to him, she seems much more capable of resisting him than pink to be honest
It’s crazy they even keep him around. With how linked otk is to starforge and mythic. Keeping him and risking his past shit coming out is wild.
So is tectone finally getting canceled that all I care about...
They should honestly. This year the org feels so fake now. Used to seem like they actually had fun together and liked each other the first few years
she is also fucked she has been in therapy since she was a kid
it would be on the other side of that wall. its probably just like a utility closet that's always been there. for a minute i thought it was new for the "construction" they are doing.
Probably not
Well literally nobody is talking about Tectone in her comments and that's what she's fishing for, look at her last tweets, she's been in talks with OTK but they probably told her to not attach Tectone's name to the accusations or she'd get sued
Yeah I remember her saying she was obese just before the pandemic and was suicidal her whole life
the only women tectone can get with are ones he can manipulate. he only goes after vulnerable women.
They should've rush signed cinna and another girl back when they signed will neff
Sadly at this point they all benefit the most off of solo shit since the group hype came from Miz at his peak bridging so many communities and pulling eyes from every corner to build whoever came on his stream. That leverage being gone disincentivizes the whole concept of collabs between members, like the sporadic drunk christmas cooking challenge they all did early on. That shit hasn't happened in too long, and they don't seem too into bringing any of that back
on the other wall is a bathroom and next to that a storage room
https://x.com/batpixkie/status/1858942286329000071 you guys seen this
wish I didn't now who gives a fuck why give this attention
which stream?
Ss or proof?
I think he got baited by b/
Maybe just setting up addons for tomorrow.
oh, he deleted, I'll check now, I'm making a new character for the new classic server tomorrow anyway, not hardcore, fuck that.
it's bait

in game playing as Horde, /who overwatchtwo

"0 player total"
oh shit i miss asking wow anons if miz or emi are playing lol, although they may not play at the same time offstream for a while
I mean she could have logged in quickly to mess with some things. Doesn't seem too crazy
it's bait

people checked overwatch and nothing came up
Did you even read what you replied to? They said she could have logged in for a minute to check the plugins. By the time wow anon checked she’d already be gone. None of this is worth talking about until there’s any screenshots though.

Also apparently Lac said miz is borrowing his pc for the setup
I meant for like 2 minutes or something then signed back out, before people even had time verify. But yeah, probably bait. Doesn't matter either way
To know if she's on they'd either have her on their friends list or done a /who in chat. Either way would leave a chat message saying she's on that could have been screenshotted. There was no screenshot provided.
>Lac said miz is borrowing his pc for the setup
Its a spare one im pretty sure, i think Miz asked him about it yesterday
Your message added absolutely nothing. in fact you just repeated the same exact thing I said. I was just correcting the other guy saying that someone checked (minutes after it was claimed) which somehow in his mind makes the timeline accurate.
I said it doesn’t matter unless there’s a screenshot (there isn’t)
That was so good. Even the first onlyfans they played offline together a lot
Yeah, she's not online, whatever, I had to update my shit anyway.
It was so funny to see all the retards making up shit about Emi going to Tectone parties or whatever was the bait of the day when I could literally see them spamming dungeons all night while I was leveling in Cata.
It's the SoD bullshit all over again
No, I did not repeat what you said you sperlord. I added that there definitely would have been information that could be screenshotted, meaning the person either made it up (most likely) or actively chose not to screenshot it even after people on /b/ were demaning a screenshot. Therefor entertaining the idea that iT cOuLd HaVe HaPpEnEd leans heavily towards retarded.
it's id changing guy
Not true. /b/ occasionally has loggers from private servers who drop info but don’t provide ss’s because they don’t wanna get kicked.
lmao sure, how convenient "first time" id poster guy
He didn’t even say it was conclusive just that it happens occasionally. He is saying that it doesn’t matter either way. He is saying don’t trust anything without a screenshot or confirmation by other means. Why are you so pressed. He pretty much agrees with you.
bro swapped IDs to glaze himself
Miz putting a diaper on beepo right now
And he has his shoes on :3
it's the id changing guy just filter him
So where has emiru been these past two nights?
In Texas
Would it seem crazy that I am starting to fall back on them not being in a relationship anymore but are trying to remain cordial?
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What exactly makes you think that ?
It's id guy brother
Damn i got got by id guy ...
I just dont feel like anything they have done since she got back from japan is necessarily what couples would do. While people may be more informed than me, I do not buy into the theory that she slept over his house the other day. Their stream dynamic has also changed and they are now separate, she still does not acknowledge when her chat brings him up and she only says something about him when her mod aly brings him up so I won’t count that. I also notice that they are spending considerably less time with each other if in fact they did get back together.
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thats crazy bro
I am sorry, I am genuinely asking a question and dont mean to cause disruption.
id guy not even trying anymore lmao
Would it seem crazy that I am starting to fall back on them not being in a relationship anymore but are trying to remain cordial?
bot broke huh
Would it seem crazy that I am starting to fall back on them being in a relationship but are trying to remain private?
¿Parecería una locura que esté empezando a recurrir a que ellos ya no tengan una relación pero estén tratando de permanecer cordiales?

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