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Why do Americans wear shoes inside?
Can bad hygienic habits be responsible for their poor political choices?
I dunno - parasites in the brain or something like that...
we don't.
American here, the shoes go in the mudroom.
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only about half of american do, but its mostly older people, the younger generations have shoe free homes. Its really just an arms race, if other people are going to wear their shoes inside, you want to as well so you dont get the shit from outside on your socks
>Why do Americans wear shoes inside?
I don't, and I don't know anyone who willingly would let someone walk around their house with shoes on, with the exception of some old people who are too lazy/frail to take them off at the door.
It must be a regional thing but idk wtf region does this.
Thats more of a Mexican and Spain thing lmao.
Theres your answer, a lot beaners.

Most people dont were shoes inside.
>if other people are going to wear their shoes inside
Why do you allow such niggers into your abode?
you dont, in america, you are told the house rules the first time you enter and you follow them. So youll be told "this is a shoe free house" so you take them off. You might be told "help yourself to coffee" or "help yourself to anything in the fridge" to give you an idea of what you have free access to and whats off limits
because our outside is cleaner than your outside.
by a wide wide WIDE margin.
Not in the South.
If you do, be prepared to be chased by an angry elderly woman with a broom.
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i put ceramic tile in my whole house so i can even walk around with muddy shoes on. just a little mopping and bam, back to new
Europeans don’t have mudrooms.
>b-but the scary germs though
i betcha got vax'd and booster'd didn't ya lil bro?
I dont do this. Im assuming a lot of people don’t because every handyman or technician I’ve hired to do work around the house has taken their shoes off without being asked, all white or black or Hispanic
We don't wear shoes inside retard.
Im european and I wear shoes inside, # latina boomers come to clean 5 days a week
this is a jewish stereotype they show in movies. also, you hear the toilet flush and the door open. how is the toilet still flushing? didn't you wash your hands? maybe jews do these things idk.
>Why do Americans put a bathroom in every apartment. Isn't one per floor enough?
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holy shit
i think ive been in your house
me on the left
b4bwc aaaand b4bwc

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