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How degenerate is the Average Arab these days?
Arabs have always been degenerate.
Well, I got high and gooned twice and it's not even 11 A.M. here.
She looks Irish not arab
No those are breasts
No Arab akshully.
arabs look like THAT?
>these days
no. that is some OF whore.
Compared to us jews? Not enough at all. We dominate degeneracy, it's literally required by the talmud. What? Are you an antisemite or something? Mudslimes cannot compete!
We rape kids
⅓ of us are bisexual, meaning they're insecure about admitting that they're gay. Another half are gay. The other 16% are impotent
We rape anyone we want, as 90% of rapes go unprotected, and raping your female friends or wife is not considered rape. Only 6% consider it rape. We even rioted for our right to rape palishits when it looked like the govt might force us to stop.
We control the porn industry and intentionally push tranny porn to straight guys
This. jews have no sense of morality whatsoever.
thats a transwoman
hol' up

aren't Israelis semitic?
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True. Throw these dirty yids into the oven (not in minecraft).
damn some honest moshes here.
they are mutts, their women fucked men from all over the place.

Huge Muslim W, kafirs stay mad
I'm a quarter lebanese, I already smoked weed and drank three blue moons today, bm are shit I know but they were discounted in the market this morning
So do Jewish women

These creepy fucks are all muslim then they come to the West and act all fucking slutty.
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>loads of generational Cousin fucking accumulating low IQ and low impulse control
>women go apostate, lez/bi and very degenerate in response
>dudes are well known to be massive homos
>lots of women fuck around and stitch up their hymen
Muslims continuously try to shit on Christianity on this board but we're actually pretty based, particularly on the no cousin-fucking and nowhere near as degenerate.
Well so have the jews but then again you are both Semites
A huge part of this board is arabomuslim diaspoo-ra
is there any evidence that the whore in that pic is even Muslim?
Which arab country are you native to the UAE or portland?
or even Arab?
she looks Arabian.

Don't forget Diego you are like 3/5 Arab.
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>We even rioted for our right to rape palishits when it looked like the govt might force us to stop.

Yeah you did, Well holy shit
Could be a Jewess. They often do that. I know one who also wrote I am German and XYZ, then turned out she is Jewish.
>she looks Arabian
Or Italian.
You wops all look same.
Dude... I have hijab porn on my PC cant show it because pol
Just another case of Arabs getting blamed for non-Arab shit. Like Europeans blaming Syrians for some shit Somalians do.
Arab chicks that get bonged up with plastic surgery and make up usually end up looking like that.

Jimenez does have a point with Arabscalling out Euros on degeneracy while they are degens themselves, the only difference is that Arabs try to hide it.
Those are the atab looking Jews that larp as arabshits. Just like how we larped as Egyptian in the Lavon Affair, and when our mossad agents LARP as arab ISIS leaders, or when unit 8200 LARPs as shia vs sunni mudshits
She's an Iranian Jew, aka Mizrahi Jew
>Arabscalling out Euros on degeneracy while they are degens themselves
How do you quantify degeneracy here? Because the Western porn industry is way larger. Prostitution is less legal in the Middle East than in Europe. Half of OF accounts are from the U.S. Women dress skimpier.
>Uploaded home videos
>Porn star
Why even attempt to employ this sadcuck cope you smarmy faggot
The west has embraced degeneracy and celebrates it openly, Arabs are still on the fence, they are not quite there yet but are slowly moving there.
When I google Fag March, I don't see a bunch of bearded Muslim men or hijabis
I've dated Arab women lmao stop trying to cope
The only salvageable ones are Coptic and some Maronites.
Islam just induces brainrotting subhumanity.
>Coptic and some Maronites
biggest sluts out there kek
If they're not inbred hicks, they're degenerate oligarchs or crooked thieves with wasta.
Again, Coptics aren't even Arab. Eurofags blame non-Arab shit on Arabs. You probably dated a Mexican and mistook her as Arab.
there are far more arab shitskins in Spain than spics
not seen that flag on pol before
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>Arab Muslim nigger coping
>cannot accept Christians are simply better
Lmao ya gazma
Your religion literally centers around a degenerate man, you cousin-fuck non-stop and produce inbred mongrels that come out gay

Post zabiba
Mostly Moroccans
Well, they did win already, so congratz, I guess.
Read many of the Euro travelers to the ME, they hated their Christian "brothers" and preferred the company of the Muslims.
"there not whores....its just the ehr um ah...FUCK YOU YOUR A KEK!
Sure thing buddy look some of them are whores clearly
Allahu Ackbar
the entire world will Goon its self to DEATH!
we got bigger dicks than you wh*te trash
that's a man
That's the point lol
Copts and MENA Christians reject the Arab label, hence when I say they're the salvageable ones, I'm saying Arabs as a group are degenerate inbreds
JLO naked in front of the kabaa was embarrassing bedouin fren
you're one to talk lol
I never understood that shit. That Bong-inspired shit where they take 3 hours of processing to look like that, instead of just being good-looking to begin with
Christian Arabs marry their cousins as much as the Muslims.
>forget your experiences
Yeah nope.

Christian brotherhood is alive and well, subversive Mohammedan that lies with every breath like your brophet.
>⅓ of us are bisexual
>Another half are gay
>The other 16% are impotent
30000 IQ jewish mastermind genius-tier intellect. subhuman cattle goyim are vastly inferior by comparison
so many degenerate inbreds have a higher GDP than your country kek
I knew many girls that take it in the ass to "remain virgins" until marriage
So like all women they are all degenerates
Again lies lol

In basically every ME country with a significant Christian population, they inbreed at much lower rates.

Can you mudslimes ever not lie?
A certain percentage of women in all cultures will always be whores.
>inbred tier logic
Sure anon.
I live with Christians in my own fucking village you fucking nacho faggot. They marry their cousins just like the rest of us, if not even more.
you don't even know if you're going after Arabs or Muslims, retard >>21614603 >>21614594
you probably dated a 240lb tranny named Lafawnda and mistook it as Arab
wait THAT's oman's flag? damn nice
>they inbreed at much lower rates.
>t. come from an arab christian famaly
for good reason, euros (like you) backstabbed us for centuries and continue to do so.
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I'm pretty sure the Spain anon got cucked by a Moroccan recently
Probably because they are against interfaith marriage while having a small population not a good mix
Do they have smaller families than muslims?
Judging by the muslim vs christian people I interact with daily, I can say that there are no difference in the degrees of inbreeding between the two. Christian Arabs can be very intelligent and charming while others are more jewish than the biggest kike.
Feel free to browse, almost every study on the matter finds Christians inbreed at lower rates, sometimes half the muzzie rates, sometimes far lower (Copts have virtually abandoned it)

Now christians have fewer kids, but historically they mostly lived like the Muslims. Read many Europeans that came to these lands in the 19th century, they really hated the Christian Arabs.
That's an Arab Muslim with an Israeli flag
Naw kikes are the worst
No, I just personally hate Muslims with every fiber of my soul.

I spend quite a bit of time making murtads
They hated them because they lived like muslims?
Which isn't hard, most smart people are already mostly there given all the issues islam has, though shias are definitely more difficult
We are more like 1/3 byt I get your point
Off to enjoy some pork :)
No because they can be very annoying and arrogant. When the Euros came they invested in the education of the Christian arabs to the disadvantage of the Muslims. Christian Arabs thought they were better than the Muslims while imo Muslim Arabs are much more intelligent. The Euros found the Muslims more hospitable and friendly too, which again is true.
Probably a recent development. Still cousin marriage among the Christians still happens.
All muslims are gay
All these sand coon women eat ass and fuck like animals without any barriers.
Al women are apriori presumed to be whores until contrary evidence.
Womens whoredom does not operate on innocent until proven guilty but with probation diabolica.

Yeah technically the only thing that is imho not degenerate in principle, as rape is not a crime against a person but misuse of property and since women's are no-ones property no crime. The relatives might deal with it personally and it all self corrects.

The not dealing with it is the issue, as well as the familial relative and child fucking. One is certainly degen and the latter is bullet award worth.
Yeah I heard of issues with simply entering the country of one has a Muslim sounding name that suddenly disappear if the guy proves he is not Muslim, or from the Balkans. Since almost all of them kind of historically fought with us and not against us when it came to the independence issue.
Inshallah Allah will guide you to Islam. You are all ready on your way Alhamdillah!
All semites are. Arabian nights is half stories about scheming Jews and being cucked by black slaves
They look like gypsies to me
Yes, read the many sex manuals arabs have.

Arabs look nothing like the gyps.
Also, holy shit did not look at the pic..but holy shit that broad needs a bag over her face.

Horrible makeup and the neck and face betray the fact that she will become some harpoon worthy hamwhale.

I suspect the rest of the pic got heavily edited...
>diana had a Muslim baby
>harry is an illegitimate child

Not as degenerate as the most upright anglo
>diana had a Muslim baby
She succumbed to the allure of brown penis like many of her fellow bong women.
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Let's balance that out with some Arab booty
That is model Ash (a_ash747) she is a Saudi whore



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sucking baby dicks isn't degeneracy?
Holly shit the fat rolls in them skintight suits...
Anon, you are not beating the obesity charges about your continent...
Shame these women have beautiful slim tummies by nature.
Aristophanes Assemblywomen is a warning from more than two millennia ago to keep women as property or they will as a collective become shrill argumentative nagging fat slut sows.
Damn that face is atrocious
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Don't care. I still love fat Arab booty
Just saying people are coping when they say muslim women are all ugly. I have seen plenty of great looking paki, Lebanese and Moroccan women. What they all have in common is that they're thin. They are still Caucasian so they can arguably be very beautiful

Saudi whore inside jeddah city

Quads of Qtruth, jews are hypocrites, are you really shocked
She sells content on her twitter account before she deactivated her X account for a few days to stay low because she lives in Saudi Arabia — where prostitution is punished harshly.
She’s 20 years old from jeddah Saudi Arabia
Oh, not disputing that. What I am observing is that it seems that those of them that move to the west, anglosphere especially , as they are the most ''sexually liberated" start as an aggregate pulling the pin on the fat grenade, compared to those that don't, as an aggregate.

For them going to germany might as well be an arab country with the amount of muslim enclave you have thanks to the turkish gastarbeiter. Same with french regions and the nafris.>>21614642
Arabs and everyone in the middle eastern region are naturally incredibly degenerate. All the men are some form of homosexual and pedo, the women are complete whores, incest is common, rape is common. The people in this region literally need Islam to control themselves, without it the entire place would be a massive orgy of degeneracy, which it basically was before Islam.
Says an inbred from Norway
what a cute butthole
More of them get it on with white guys these days here. A few years ago pre COVID it was exclusively Muslim man with non Muslim woman. That has changed suddenly, don't know why
>20 years old
Looks like a retired boxer already.
Shitskins are shitskins
that being said i used to think that the Arabs would take another 20 years to Degenerise the Arabs but at this rate perhaps there population may be below replacement in 5 to 10 years
Face doxx
sure thing buddy
Very nice
I would suspect it was the realignment of male values. Before COVID assertiveness was a trait highly desirable by women, and post COVID resources and financial stability. Of course not all such pairs will have it and quite a few would follow the meme of it, especially since they are women, but that is my shitter posting theory on the phenomenon you describe
She also went by @itsboduorr and other variations of her name
I see them with chads and betas alike. It used to be super are but now it's pretty even numbers
Bedu minge
yeah as i said that episode forced a reset in the hierarchy of male trait desirability. i suspect german men are stereotypically seen as more financially stable, compared to auslander men.

if the female brain got affected by the covid measures then it would bring somewhat well off beta german into equivalency with chad auslander for long term cohabitation. she will probably cheat with chad but that is a reversion to traditional behavior instead of full on chadsexuality.
She looks Russian or British
this booty is chunky
Aw hell yeah nigga fat bum bitch
>MKed whore
too bad
digits of truth, you fags really are from india
How does someone get such a degenerate body shape like this? Literally all the fat is in her ass and legs, thats like the opposite of natives, what the fuck how does she function?
She is Saudi
Her main account is https://x.com/thedevilandi666

Repost of her
I thought that White guys fucking Muzzie chicks was quite common on the continent.
It fairly common here, all be its not always in the form of an actual relationship, also brown women here are fairly notorious mudsharks
This is a white nationalist board.
There's the door.
kind of intersting to see how far in the rot has gotten with arabs since she is clearly of there upper caste
Arabs are so gay instead of fucking women, they invented a way to fuck your dickhole.
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Ironically, she comes a well known tribe connected to the house of Saud. He family is upper middle class in KSA. It explains why she hasn’t been jailed for selling her pussy online which is illegal is that sharia run country. If another girl did the same, she would be in jail simply for her class status.
Your just seething about Maronites because unlike you they are actually indigenous levantines.
In North America such a couple is relatively not problematic but in Europe this could really damage European identity. Is there any concern about this issue in Germany?
>pot calling kettle black
something for other young girls to aspire too.
It goes without saying that making exceptions for your upper classes is a bad idea, its the thin edge of the wedge and the beginning of the end. Quite honestly this bitch is symptom of severe rot.
satanic whore, she would serve me well
Mods really sleeping on this thread. I wonder why.
Modern Saudi women

the joooz?
Isn’t Saudi Arabia supposedly a conservative country? MBS Vision 2030 is changing the social fabric of the kingdom
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>2 decades ago at this point
>be me in high school
>Turkish muslim girl is biggest slag in 20km radius
>even fucked a teacher
that shaped my world view far quicker than any “cultural enrichment”. that and the muslim dudes smoking weed and drinking alco-pop (cos their family wouldnt cop its alcoholic since it looks like softdrink)
Its things like this that make me think that getting there birth-rates sub replacement in 10 years max is very doable
Nice boobs, but she looks like a retarded turtle
>How degenerate is the Average Arab these days?
The last arab I fucked was a Syrian teen virgin in Germany. She told me she used to be a porn addict. She talked about her dad reading her diary and finding out she had written fantasies about having sex with him. She wore a hijab and shaved her pussy bald. She had threesomes with her female friends and me. She ate my ass, took it in her ass, and liked atm. She wrote long perverted sex stories that she published online. She bitched me out because I said I liked Bashar Assad, and she took pics with my cars because she's a shallow sandnigger.
I recommend arabian pussy to all White guys, but you have to fuck them up good so the emotional scars prevent them from every getting married or reproducing.
>fuck them up good so the emotional scars prevent them from every getting married or reproducing.

I disagree Anon. You want them to reproduce after that so there culture is fatally poisoned
Are you a nigger
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This is horrifying I feel my stomach revolting
That anus is a veteran
of course.
It's seen more action than Helmand province
Kike please you only don't want her because she's post pubescent
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10/10 in bongland
Does she has videos
Did you forget how to talk to your superior masters, filthy goy?
Bitch please my surname is older than your country.
You’re an absolute faggot if you wouldn’t
my arab qt girlfriend is not a generate. Was virgin when I found her
Whites are seen as pussies and faggots by arabs so Arab bitches only fuck niggers when they date out because Muh nigger man is masculine. Only Asians and Latinas like white guys.
Are you White? If so then stop receiving mixing fucker!
disgusting amount of fat
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thats just not the case
Dude we all have our copes and this is yours
that is for sure a dude
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You just described kikes perfectly. Kikes/west are extremely envious that arabs aren’t as degenerate as they are so they will pull shit out of their ass with no evidence and project to make their disgusting degenerate freaks feel better about themselves. Kikes are such envious niggers.
It’s an inbred brown kike in Norway.
Who cares. If you're not a Jew from Eton and Oxbridge, you're nobody.
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muslimas need to be choked by white men
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Jewess, bigger whores than white women
You mean kikes often times getting caught fucking their sons?
Moshe, you rape every little jewish boy by sucking their infant cock
>pedo, homosexuality
Arabs are the least faggots, according to stats while tel aviv is the gayest city in the world. And you rape kids but we established that already
Dude, Arab bitches go after niggers rather than white men. Look at France, all the arabs only date niggers when they do date out. White men are for femcels.
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Nigger, that’s a chink Indonesian, not Arab. Lmao
Call it in kike
I am white. Tried dating white women for years and years. It's not possible. Maybe other fellow white men can do better than me but I sure can't. Arab was the best non-white choice imo. All I can do is promise not to have too many kids.
>chinky weird eyes
>no eyelashes

Thats not a sand nigger

Retard nafris are biggest incels in france, unironically. Their whores fuck white men kek.
And you say this as a spergy Muslim on Pol who's parents ran away to the nation that raped the middle East for 20 years.
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Jewish woman fuck dogs
Let me give you my experience with arab women. Outside of arabs in sweden.

Studied in italy, two saudi girls studied there. They basicslly just studied there to take dick en masse before marriage.

Everytime and everywhere i match with a tunisian or maroccan, i know i will fuck her end of day. It never misses.
Is she at least one of the whiter looking ones?
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Speak English brown kike
The white can't meme
Were the White women you dated just cunts or needlessly picky?
Arabs are Caucasian at very least so there are worse forms of race mixing.
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Wrong, biggest incels are kikes that are crying in France that nafris are fucking Jewish women
You do speak English lol! What happened to your daddy's language? Did he not pass it on!
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It’s not a meme, it’s reality kikejeet
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yeah when she isn't in the sun for too long. Her mother and brothers are almost completely pale like any other northen european
Interesting I might give it a go. I wouldn't want to marry one of them. But have a ride on one sounds fun.
Keep her locked in the dungeon sven.
You are taking this so personally lol.
yes that's why I picked arab. White girls say the dungeon is like sexist or something
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Why are they like this?
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They clearly need more beatings. As well as more time in the dungeon. Josef fritzl had the right idea.
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Notice there’s never any evidence
>trust me goys this is really what happened! It’s not like I’m not obsessed with arabs and make shit up out of jealousy

Feels good knowing kikes are obsessed with me
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massive cope your just an arab lite kike boi.
Muzztards still getting beaten by these guys
You're living in my country, niggerboy. You're obsessed with us. You have to go back.
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Here’s the thing, Arab girls would NEVER fuck a jew. It’s a no no to them, they’re disgusting by smelly rat incel troons.

Just look at this, not even kike women want to fuck them.
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What can I say? It gets tiring when mutts and kikes obsess over you everything you do.
>you're obsessed with us
>my country

You came there after 1960, kikes don't have country, you are annudah shoah eternally just wait until next pogrom happens. It always happens.
This is not your country ratkike
Don’t you get it? Kikes believe every nation belongs to them.
Niggers can have as many kikes as they like this kind of race mixing is a clear improvement
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Are you a black jew? That’s horrifying
America is a White country, you're not welcome here. Go home and live in the sand dunes with the other niggers.
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America is a spic/mutt country, it was a white country til you dirty rats turned it into Brazil 2.0z
she is going to hurt herself, dumb bitch
Arab here,

Arabs are not human anyone with 80 iq points is not human
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>I'm a mutt so America is for mutts
Why are your women like this? We don't even want to fuck them.
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That’s a sea monkey, not an Arab. And trust me, no Arab would fuck a jew, even Hamas couldn’t bring themselves to rape you stinky rotten rats.
>t. smelly spic jew
No I'm just happy to see a young Jewish woman embracing a man of colour.
Tikun olam
what the FUCK is going on in that woman's belly button??
Cotton balls.
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>o-only kikes hate ugly brown low IQ arabianiggers
That whore literally has arab written on her gross brown body btw.
You know all White people hate you, Mohamad, and it's because you and kikes are two sides of the same coin.
Oh anon don't be like that with a good deal of genetic modification we can purge the yard right out your gene pool
So this is a spic goblin. Lmao taco monkey went quiet
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You’re a taco monkey, why are you even speaking? You’re literally a fucking nigger.
Aren’t half of pornstars Jews and spics?
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Your ugly women are easy to tell considering every jewess looks like white tranny
Your pic-related has more semitic blood in her than anyone calling themselves a Jew.
PHAW fine Jewess
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I guess the taco nigger jew left once I called him out
You want arabs to be gay so you can fuck them troon
Chaturbate whores are covered in occult and esoteric tattoos as well as Hebrew letters.
>Isn’t Saudi Arabia supposedly a conservative country?
No, every arabic country knows that it's a whore house that's covered in the vale of it's mediocre religion
Kek this is classic
She's not what I'd call passable to be honest
My sister is dating a suedi and my family won't honor kill her - it's over
That truly is. But take comfort from the fact that they are like wide collosal degenerates.

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