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Haven't you see their streams together? She loves his wits.
e-celebs are cancer, go away jew
lana lokteff is the only exception, she cool
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they think it's funny.
She did it for exposure right? I mean destiny is a solid 2 out of 10
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Poor Dr. Murdoch this may put him into relapse
>Why did the proud cuck who wanted his wife to fuck other men, who is a turbo sperg and pretty much always wrong about everything politically speaking and spent most of the day REEEEEE'ing about drumpf and playing vidya, leave him for another man that he had her fuck?
CIA Mashups. Watch the streams, it'll be fun.

Because Destiny is a sexy slut that's why.
Because she is a whore, didn't she have some brown guys child?
>Self proclaimed Trad wife
>Fucks a CIA nigger, gets pregnant
>Keeps child
>Fucks retarded E-celeb
Big world out there and they are rich enough to experience it. Somehow, they just can't fall in love with anyone but their colleagues.
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there is just something about Steven that the girls cant resist...
You're all just as bad as the Democrats that hear something and start shouting it like it's the truth. There's no proof of this at all yet you people truly believe it.
She want that 200 IQ Barnell cum on her stupid face
Omg my e-celeb picked by freemasons are fucking each other
>why would a woman have sex with a man who can advance her career?
This is literally all of modern history.
She didn't. An e-celeb talking to a fellow e-celeb online or in person does not mean that they're having sexual intercourse.
>She didn't. An e-celeb talking to a fellow e-celeb online or in person does not mean that they're having sexual intercourse.
a lot of people on both the right and the left seem convinced that she did. honestly with lauren southern it kind of checks out, she was always a really nasty astroturfed skank. lauren spent a lifetime being shilled on here by literal agents, working for people like ezra levant, making cringey statements (remember when she told everyone "omg guys totally jerk off to me all the time! cuz i like dress up as anime characters and shieet"). I've thought for like a decade now that she's basically an actress who's job is to make rightwingers look bad and embarrass anyone "on her side". why do you think the only people who want to interact with her at all are various progressives or lady-maga loving "the left left me!" cringe as fuck new "conservatives"? she was the poster-slut for the quote unquote "Alt-Lite" back in the day. liberals like to pretend she was ever far-right/alt-right/dissident so they can point to her and say "see!?! right-wing incel losers! even the women who agree with you are disgusted by you!!". i genuinely believe that is her actual job. like whoever pays her does so to play that role on the fake and gay stage that is e-politics.
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holy shit for a second i thought it was all e-celeb drama but it's real

FUCKING KEK LMAO. Literal "women" moment. It's safe to say all "based" women are just regular whores then. kek
Common Steve W. Hopefully Dan got in on that too.
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They fucked because she's a dirty slut, but she rejected Tiny's attempts at a relationship. He had to go back to Melina after trying to dump her for his Nazi Kween.
LMAO bruh that literally reads like something i'd write when i was 15 lmao.

post more this is fucking kek
The fuck
Is that that venti chick? How do these people know eachother? Or is all this e celebs spam just people spamming e celebs from the same circles?
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Yes she did and she is also a coal burner.
She is an absolute coward. Abandoned all her ideals and her literal best friends after the Canadian feds fucked with her a few times. Fuck her.
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are regular celebs better? why make the distinction?
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lmao lauren is such a whore, the fact she thinks she has a voice in conversative circles is so fucking funny
classic whore ,kek lmao
>chick finally fucks an uggo for his brain
>all the uggo losers itt arent happy
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that manlet sure is going places. he must have an enormous dick
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>Because she is a whore
women from surrey are all whores
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soo who leaked these?
Idc too much about eceleb shit, but is there any proof that Lauren is doinking the debate lord?
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Methinks it was probably mel but idk
here me out bros. lauren fucked this guy and it was prob the best sex this dweeb ever had. so she buck broke him and he wasn't the same after. so he had to settle for another uber whore who wanted an "open marriage" and constantly cheated on him to his face.

lmao. honestly guys i'm starting to feel a bit bad for destiny here. kek
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This is some sadboy hopeless romantic shit I would hit foids with in fucking middle school
Destiny is mentally 15 years old confirmed holy shit fucking KEK
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fucking mod moving this to bant, LAME!
>I'd move heaven and earth for yhou
>my eyes are set on way more
>>Edit oof this sounds more blamey than I intended
>apologizes infinity times
Holy fucking shit I didn't think Destiny could be more cringe than this, and the fucking yenta falls for it HARD
Women are literally children
How is this not related to /pol/? Mods are complete faggots. They have the same shit general containment threads up but we get actual details to confirm LS is a whore and we shouldn't be listening to grifters and lo it is moved here to hide it from /pol/
needed to make room for BBC threads, chud
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This is so fucking gay. Imagine being attracted to a wamen this retarded. This would be such a turn off for me
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Destiny can't answer a simple yes or no question.
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she's hot and he had clout and money. and honestly i'm not saying it's hard to fool right-wing retards, but she isn't as dumb as she sounds. she fooled a lot of ppl with the trad conservative shit. all these read like 15 year olds in "love" it's not that deep m8.
Lmao hello Destiny
Mudshark whore so its not surprising she goes for the soiii after becoming a single mom with a nigglet KEK
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Destiny was with Mel since 2019, years before these discord messages happened.
yeah i guess, i'm not up on all the e-celeb drama. i thought lauren was big around 2016-2018. but they fucked in 2022-2023? wasn't she kinda washed by that point?

honestly that's the least surprising thing about destiny. pretty sure there are some loli/pedo/shota vibes there as well
If I ever woke up to find I'd had a conversation like this I think I'd actually kill myself.
>needed to make room for BBC threads
many such cases
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