I can't dump this girl no matter how hard I try. I tried showing her my most racist posts on X and she was like "I can't get angry with you, I realized it after arguing, anon." She keeps telling me I look cute like Ryan Gosling and stalks me day and night on X. I think she's fucking insane like totally cooked, she's making arrangements to meet me and flirts with me after watching anime. How do I bring her sanity back?
>no matter how hard I tryshowing her your twitter posts isn't tryingtelling her that you're dumping her is trying
>>21615204Give her the BIC
>>21615204you could just enjoy your free GF anon
>>21615204you haven't tried to dump her at all you dumb pussyyou only tried to get her to dump you
>>21615204Should have shown her the pic of your pp hehe