Drop the TQ+.
>>21615366there's a huge difference between having a sexuality and having a gender identity.they have absolutely no right to call themselves 'one of us' or claim any part in the civil rights movement. most of their ideologies did not exist in that time period.
>>21615366Drop the T, Let the Q in.
>>21616319What even is the Q?
>>21616320i think it just means queer.which is a literal slur for gay guys who already existed.
>>21616328That’s fucking retarded.
>>21616320QueerIt's gays that use make up
>>21616354which is totally a sexuality and absolutely deserves its own entire classification. fucktarded.
>>21616357Gays don't use make up, They like masculine not feminine, Queers look like the Duke Laurence Tartier
>>21616378yeah that doesn't make it a sexuality.that makes it a fetish.
>>21616381>>21616378He’s right. Huge, huge fucking dif between a sexuality and a fetish. Sexuality is about gender, not how masculine you are.
>>21616381>>21616390>Sexuality is about genderYeah I identify as lesbian gender
>HEY GUYS! I AM GAY GENDER!>Do you identify as Man or Women?>I IDENTIFY AS BISEXUAL!
>>21616449you're literally too dumb to understand bling bling goy's point.that's just sad.
>>21616469There are only two genders, Men and Women.This is gender.Sexuality is about if you like banana or peaches, Or if you like to crossdress or put make up on.
>>21616510>Sexuality is about if you like banana or peachesthat was the first half of his point>Or if you like to crossdress or put make up on.this being retarded was the second. that's a fetish, dude.
>>21616510Yeah this is a crossdressing fetish. We already had a term for crossdressing fetish.
>>21616469see >>21616505Here is a good example of a gay man, He is not a queer he likes masculine hairy lumberjack bears
You are both retard AIDS monkeys
>>21616517actually I'm a good example of a gay manbecause I'm attracted to masculine men and I'm telling you you're wrong. anyone who has a cross dressing fetish has a cross dressing fetish.
>>21615366anytime i think about trannies i think about prolapsed anuses and feel disgust
>>21616540because,i like masculine men. not troons, not women in mens clothes, and vice versa.because if i did, i would be a gooner with faggy kinks.
>>21616581>homelanderreddit goyslop
>>21616626you are just full of reddit cancer, huh?