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What is the first board you go to when you open 4chan? Is it the same as the board use frequent the most?
I only use /bant/.
all other boards have become trashy and this one is slowly following suit with all the nigger porn and troon spam.
awesome. I'm the same but with /bant/
sad! do you use filters?
i'm a grown adult, i don't need to use filters. instead i'll just tell you to fuck off and that you're flooding the board instead of hiding from the issue.
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>instead i'll just tell you to fuck off and that you're flooding the board instead of hiding from the issue.
seems like a waste of time. I wouldn't bother with those people who have no lives & want to drag you down to their level. it's all bait
bait is just an excuse people use when they either lose an argument or make an objectively shit thread and get BTFO'd.
>it's just bait
>i was just baiting
we both know that wouldn't be the OP's sentiment had they not, been BTFO'd.
I applaud you for making an effort but I don't think those people will stop making those posts unless jannies intervene which they rarely do here
if the jannies won't intervene, and nobody ever criticizes these people, then a change is guaranteed to never happen.
i was the guy in goku's threads almost every time peeling apart every lame argument that dumb faggot had, and when he left he cited me as one of the reasons.
i also, unintentionally, made thai furry leave just by pointing out his hypocrisy to my own regret. he cited me as the only, reason he left.
criticism has power.
/r9k/ has been my homeboard for like a decade now. It's horrible. But the only people I can connect with are there. /b/ /bant/ /s4s/ and other brainrotted memetic faggots are impossible to connect with. You are barely human. I only come here out of extreme boredom.
/tv/ fromg
>you're barely human
>i can only connect with 'people' on r9k
You're making me believe a bit more
The board would be great without the spammers that come by every few weeks. The newest spam is chastity cages
How's /tv/? I don't go there often
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/pol/. I spend probably like 20-30 hours a week on there.
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how much would you say has your brain rotted?
>captcha: g8rgoy
/biz/ and no i'm not refugee, i just enjoy /bant/ as well so don't zap me
>and no i'm not refugee
It's okay
There's an anon that makes glegle threads there.
I'm not sure how frequent they are cause I rarely go there
It varies depends on what mood I'm in. Could be /tv/, /his/, /b/, you get the point.
FTL niggers are exhibit A of why I use filters and why I filter robustly. They aren't ever going to leave and sperging out in their threads would be like pissing in the ocean. Also when /biz/ first implemented the email or wait 15 minutes thing all the Indians with their memecoin generals set up shop here like it was a designated refugee camp.
Also /b/ is magnitudes better when most of the porn and socials garbage is out of sight automatically.
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The rot is pretty thorough. You take for granted the perspectives /pol/ exposes you to until you go back to interacting with the normies and remember being in their position. Even crazier is how thoroughly normies are conditioned to recoil away from considering said perspectives. It’s kind of like I’m watching everyone drink poison but instead of telling them I have to just join them in drinking it instead. Still I prefer to have this perspective rather than having continued to live naive of it tbdesu.
i use /bant/ 90% of the time, sometimes i hop on /g/ and instantly regret it

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