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I was never caught caught

>i forgot to clean the pipe
>pissed in toilet, some residual semen went in there
>forgot to flush
>mom saw white stuff floating around in toilet water
>asked me what it was and took me to the doctor
your mom is a dumb sexist cunt.
doctuh be like
>your son has ligma

no seriously what doctor said or never happened
he asked if i had an active sex life and then my mom was like "oh"
women are fucking dumb, i swear to god. way to embarrass your own kid and self-report your own ignorance.
No. I have never actively sought out pron to 'goon' to, it's just not my thing. But as a teenager while watching anime online my mom would barge into the room randomly and apologize. I realized several years later she was trying to catch me watching porn to punish me. She tried to prevent me from having any friend she disliked, or a girlfriend, or jobs she didn't like while lambasting me that I should just "get a job with a degree like she did". Incidentally she will never have grandkids.
that's probably why it's not your thing.
you were repressed. this is why mothers need to stay the fuck away from developing boys. you needed a father.
mom wants to catch me masturbating so badly and hints about it sometimes too
i was caught red handed by my sister when i was about 14, she didnt catch me jorkin it be she saw the come all over my hands and the phone lol
women are fucking disgusting. that's almost pedophillic.
sweet anon dont be sexist, not all women are as disgusting as my mom lol
if they're not, then why can you find this behavior on a planetary scale?
i'll stop being sexist just as soon as they do. i said the same thing about niggers as a teenager.
>i wouldn't be willing to hear out racists, if you guys didn't statistically commit half the crime in america.
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>be 7 year old
>parents give me a laptop all to myself
>clueless me starts looking things up
>too clueless to know what browsing history is
>dad finds out and whips me
>locks me in my room
>refuses to elaborate further
Yeah as a man I will always curse my father for not putting down the cigs and then getting multiple kinds of cancer and a blood disease from medical malpractice and not leaving me anything in the will. It's actually crazy how boomers just straight up 'trusted' women to be good and all of them are fucking insane and evil. Oh well.
the old people are all, fucking stupid.
whoever let them have the 'girl power, wife is always right' bullshit, is the catalyst.
men are terrible too, theres good on both sides
and not all niggers are bad, theres good niggers out there
however, we can all agree that pajeets are useless stinky pieces of shit and they need to be nuked
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>and not all niggers are bad, theres good niggers out there
maybe. but they're drowned out by the overwhelming majority of them who have an IQ of 68.
what i'm doing isn't wrong, or over-generalizing. it's a reaction to pretty standard data.
furries and weebs didn't like the reputation they had, so they changed. they cleaned up their communities and now normies love anime.
weebs gave themselves an image change from pic rel, to normal people in ten years.
it took black people two centuries to get this far, and they mostly did it by victim carding. because, as statistics show,
they still have an average IQ of 68,
and they still commit a disproportionate amount of crime in every country they have a solid foothold in.

women can change.
>women can change.
not if guys keep making them feel like theyre a special sex and they can have it easy.
honestly its all the simps fault, let them hoes feel the struggle and theyll change
they are, feeling the struggle.
they started this whole movement in my country over the election where they're swearing off men.
in south korea, it's devolved into a full on gender turf war. they hate each other, because the men keep getting shafted.
Yes my parents had a terrible habit of not knocking before entering my room. My mom was wine drunk and burst in when I was fapping to porn. She acted shocked and surprised and then offered assistance. I took her up on her offer.
nah, if youre talking about 4b then that was always the case, its just official now. they do this because they think sex is a privilege and they can control men by not giving them sex, which again is the desperate horny mfs fault lol
i actually kinda support them in this movement because trump supporters are legit retarded
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>be 13
>read American psycho
>tell friend about a part
>he wants to see it
>send him pictures of that chapter
>parents see it
>they read the chapter where patrick shoves a starved rat up a girl’s pussy
One of the Top 5 worst beatings of my life
why do you comment on every fucking thread im on? kys already pajeet
seeing your stinky flag makes my blood boil
Obsessed tranny

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