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>all these mongoloid """""analysts""""" raising price targets as NVDA is shits itself
SMCI all over again.
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I wont be satisfied until i see SPY drop 10% in a day
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Damn NVDA is a total disaster. Not even above $150 after earnings call. It goes to prove that AI is just a bubble.
Also, why is Google down 6%? Like what the fuck, can I get something nice in my life for a change? I'm down 4k euro today because... reasons
Sold my GOOG at a small profit and hopefully will buy back later at cheaper prices.
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Comfy vaporwave to chill and watch the market shid and fard itself to
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Buy Scotts Miracle Gro to save /smg/
thanks for your sacrifice, I suppose Google will go up any moment now.
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clown market
Three Vs?!
In a few years from now people will look back on this market and say "wow what an obvious bubble, I would have shorted it!!"
I made money though unlike (you)
>icbms confirmed not fired
>market still shits itself
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i-it's just m-money bro eheheh
Oh and now we recover.. uhh I closed out down 270 the past two days when I was up pre market.
This gay market has become nothing but an optionsplayground for the rich fags
Long term I am still very bullish on GOOG. I just feel like the market is overvalued and would like more cash. You will probably be fine (hopefully)
Buy MSTX dip or stay away? Second reply decides the fate
yeah, I'm not touching it. I bet the moment I sell it will surge up 10%. I already lost all my gains on the year due to my retardness anyway, and I could be 40% up
>International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister
>market dumps
god damn jews at it again
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Someone just bought my 1dte UPRO calls
Thanks for the free money pal
thank god, no one will no who I was last thread
i think there was some news somewhere that they might have to get rid of chrome the web browser
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>Trans boy friend = gay
Welp, confirmed
If bitcoin has value because of scarcity and there are 21 million bitcoins in total, then shouldn't even more scarce objects have an even greater value in USD? If there were only 6 million holographic pikachu cards in existence, then shouldn't each card be worth considerably more than one bitcoin?
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Ye, but look at this mess. It's fuckin fucked, big time. Some are missing too. I needed a new pair of IEM. I'll likely buy some more after the initial order today (welcomebonus made it cheaper) with blackweek/cybershit
i'm pretty sure they will announce a big buy AH or PM
like you have to understand they have the 21/21 program so they'll have (at current bitcoin value, which will go up next year remember) 70 billion marketcap whenever it's done and at 450 it's like 90 billion
they have the 3 billion convertible bond sale, and i'd wager they sold a lot of shares at 4x mnav this morning, they have to have
this news was public yesterday and Google did not sink. Might be overraction as usual.
Now the real V begins
Yeah, DOJ's trying to break them up and they get assblasted by lawsuits or fines on a weekly basis these days
Yeah it should be interesting to see if it's a drug side effect or just a side effect of weight loss.

All it does is mess with your insulin cycle right? That doesn't seem like it should affect your heart but I have zero medical training because up until I turned ~25 I'd have panic attacks looking at anatomical diagrams.
Yeah either the market knows something we don't or this is a overreaction in my opinion,
What’s your current position
who the fuck is citron research?
>Don’t call me stupid! You’re stupid!
Who would have thought Chunk would ever be not cringe?
Just had someone ask me if I heard anything about a possible iRobot bankruptcy. That's all I know do with that what you will.
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Tired of this fake and gay shit market
Short selling firm. They are like Hindenburg research but shittier and with more insider trading
They really want everybody to buy in out of frustration
It's been happening since last year. It's so sad, the CEO seemed like he really just had a passion for household robotics. Passion and skill isn't everything I guess.
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I've been yelling about the jews all morning.
>"Andrew Edward Left (born July 9, 1970) is an activist short seller, author and editor of the online investment newsletter Citron Research, formerly StockLemon.com."
haha why does anyone take "news" from a company that benefits from posting such news seriously
Oh that's the dude that shorted gamestop twice, got blown the fuck out, and recently purchased shares. Not sure if he's LONG gamestop though.
just normal unleveraged shares bought presplit, haven't trimmed. maybe should have at 530 but not at this price (coping hard).
Chinese competition ate up their market share sadly.
Media literacy is considered outdated and racist in the US.
Because the market also takes news of companies seriously that want you to buy
Damn, down 77% YoY. I own a couple of iRobots, they're good for keeping your floors pretty clean in between actual thorough cleanings.
What’s the consensus on TALK??
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>he didn't obtain overnight generational wealth with LAZR
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The jews are letting my VZ run free
thank you rabbi
can you sex them too?
Yeah the vacuum has a nice big trash emptier flap thing right in the back
No position. Good company, solid outlook, but might be forming the right shoulder of an H&S. I'm waiting on a close above 3.35 or 3.40 to keep riding that train.
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hey check soxl out
what a scam
If they can make it to next year they might not be such a bad buy after the tariffs kick in.
Same except niggers.
hmm i wonder how much the kind of news i need would cost
Damn bro, should've bet on scamcoin and nuclear like me. NNE up 20% today btw.
Did you?
>he didn't believe giantess would save the day
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oh my fauci we're back
Might be true actually. Do they have publicly traded bonds so you can know what the market is pricing the risk of bankruptcy at?
nice, congrats. Yeah I could've done many things differently. Retard like me should probably simply stick to S&P
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Imagine being some hillbilly in Lousiana (or whereever they live (don't care)) and celebrating that your vote caused US banks to pump 10-15% on average. The banks that either don't give you a loan or gut you with interest. Good job.
VZ is running a special to recoup lost customers, the problem is those customers who were never loyal will never remain loyal.
what are some good private prison stocks to invest in
Holy shit did I misplace a zero buying these weekly NVDL calls?
Baggie, I am through giving a fuck about underlying companies and the fake and gay shit they do. I just want lines to go up.
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Thoughts on steel? My buddy just said steel is still early because Trump won, but that makes me think it could be priced in.
If there are they don't show up under "IRBT" on Etrade. That was a good idea though.
That's a good idea. American steel supposedly did well his last term.
It needs to go back to 35 so I can sluuuuuurp
>not yelling about both NIGGERS AND JEWS
Private prisons are shitty businesses. Highly impacted by inflation, reliant on state budgets, reliant on criminal legislation, high regulation, low margins, low operational leverage, high public scrutiny. Unless you are trading I would avoid.
Musk is going to decimate cell networks. Those were de facto residential ISPs for the rural US. Starlink is cheaper and better than they are for that.
Im just saying how fake and gay it is, like telecoms will always be there, but you'll see an equal red line. I dunno move the capital some place else or don't I don't give a fuck. I'm drinking vodka and grapefruit juice.
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But the jews case the nigger problem.
GEO if you'd bought before the election
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bullish for CLF
Niggers and jews are different zoomer. A fucking 7 year old girl could explain it to you via venn diagrams.
Got a warning on /tg/ for saying Aboriginals in australia are retarded for not developing a civilization lmao.
The line is going up baggie. There are gaps to fill. (you) are not cheating me out of my hard earned TA gains with your FA faggotry
Case or cause?
if american industry was so good, why do we need tariffs and protectionism to ensure that it doesn't go bankrupt?
literally rent-seeking commies asking for handouts if you ask me.
No (It's from a reverse split anyway)
Is this it? Is this the generational MSTR bottom?
How many dividends did you get? You gotta bump that into your equation.
Oh no, a typo. I better give all my money to AIPAC and volunteer for the IDF. Fuck you, you're the worst tripfag on this entire site.
Oh hey, BYRN and AXON are sending after all.

>captcha: NGGRSHKRS
we're so back saylorsisters
I can't even post on other boards now because I'm too accustomed to using slurs on /smg/. If I can't say nigger then I just won't post, simple as
Should I buy iRobot puts? If it gets delisted do the puts still have value?
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LMND is up 122% since I bought it. Holly shit.
What the fuck do these companies even do?
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>Chance for december 25 bps cut yesterday 55%
>now 59%
>Russell +1,4%
?? while LEI cratering further

Maybe this is really the bottom and they are just waiting til everything gets better
I didn't even make a slur kek I just called them retards (FACT).
They have AI manage insurance. It's legitimately a great idea IMO
Lemonade is a AI insurance agent. Snowflake is a data analytics platform (I think, not a CS nerd).
AI always assume AI
NIGGERS would have found a way to be a problem.
I got banned on biz for calling 401ks a jewish scam
Snowflake is a data warehousing and analytics SAAS company. We used them a bit at my last job, though they had a lot more capabilities than we needed so it was mostly a waste of money.
They'd all be in Liberia if it weren't for a kike named Booth.
> Lemonade
> Snowflake
They have never made a single cent of profit in their 9 years of existence and has burned over a billion dollars worth of shareholder cash. All while diluting the ever-loving fuck out of shareholders.
Australian Aboriginals are very obviously not the same species as us. Leftists don't understand that this isn't meant to be rude, it's just the reality of the situation. It's madness to hold them to a human standard the same way it is madness to expect a coyote to be a wolf. Civilization was NEVER an option for them
>Amazon Likely To Be Investigated Under EU's Digital Markets Act Next Year; EU Antitrust Regulators Building Case For Amazon Investigation; Incoming EU Antitrust Chief Ribera To Decide On Timing, Whether To Go Ahead With Probe
BENZINGA 11:26 AM ET 11/21/2024
- Reuters Citing Sources

i bought before open this morning because i liked the chart
sorry bobo but the bear market is over
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Intredasting, thanks anons
My final straw with /biz/, other than the email verification bullshit, was getting banned for posting pic related
My 2 biggest positions this year have been Google and Amazon. Can regulators go fuck themselves?
You know what's funny is there was no janny activity for me on blue boards from and the time Trump won until the last 2 days. It's like the cucks were on vacation or something.
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Real V Shaped Recovery has never been tried
They were taking a break from the internet for their mental health most likely
yeah, I'm tired of all this megacorp fuckery. At this point I suppose the only way to make it is to buy some shitco with AI in company profile.
Yeah but now they'll make money.
Bitshit is bouncing off the 25 day moving average but needs to get over the 7 day moving average on the hourly chart, otherwise it will probably get rejected back to 92k and MSTR will go down like 100 bucks or something kekwew.
Oh, didnt check it out myself. Would have been insane though
>the hated him because he spoke the truth
Jews got me today.
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they use ai blockchain cloud agile devops to print infinite money.
They lost 6 million more last quarter than they did last year. Congrats on the gains but this is not a company you want to own for the long term.
I hate that you have to switch jobs in order to be able to actually choose which funds you invest in but beyond that they're nice.
buddy check out the smci computer
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Hmm, looks like a good setup for a quick 25% jump.
>one of many things you should have done before the election and have FOMO about
are there anything I can do right now that hasn't blown up yet
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nothing makes fuckin sense anymore
Get ready to short oil I guess?
All in on Super micro???
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A solar ETF going into a Trump presidency?
Quick list of some alerts I've had go off this morning:

Near breakouts/chop: BKSY, ELTK, UMAC
I thought republicans wanted to drill more oil.
Sold. Just took my biggest single day loss. So nice of them to inform us after -2.5% as well. I'm so fucking livid.
1) That's your top-of-mind thinking, so almost certainly how the market is pricing it
2) Elon has made some bizarrely strong pro-solar statements recently. Even if Trump's energy secretary is an oil man, ol' Musky might push for panel manufacturing in the US or something.
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I have a fireplace
Maybe gamble on Ukraine peace deal with euro industry stocks and oil / gas. TSLA is probably a decent long term bet as has been repeated thousand times, but that's not blowing upwards (again) any time soon. You could try getting in on the MSTR money printer.
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What usually happens when supply is increased but demand stays flat?
Jews pump the price?
as far as i know it does a lot of things like appetite control and insulin control. with the weight loss it would make sense that it also causes muscle loss but I believe they recommend that you weight lift/ work out when using ozempic.
Be careful. Drops are bad for meme stocks, but sideways chop is fatal.
Right, bigger supply
Didn't know the stuff about Elon, but it just seems too obvious to me (and I wonder how much influence he could have over that anyhow, as the head of his meme department). He already seems to be annoying Trump by publicly questioning his cabinet picks.
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Gonna dump more. I remember this faggot from 2020 when PLTR was running to 36 bucks (coincidentally at the same time in november).

I wonder, why aren't these fake tandem dumps legislated against? These guys are clearly coordinating to dump the stock to make money shorting it, it's weird this isn't illegal.

He's a jew btw.
MSTR is a memestock but the reason it's running up is because of bitcoin, which will peak around 185k next april.
In the limit the market is slave to earnings.
Yikes so that might actually be legit.
Haven't read the study, but my guess is that they likely compared a group using (or being used on, as it was mice) Ozempic vs a group not using Ozempic but this group is also losing weight. Otherwise those findings would be meaningless if in both cases the muscles deteriorate to a similar degree.

>believe they recommend that you weight lift/ work out when using ozempic.
Yeah, maybe because they knew it would have an effect on the heart.

You can't really expect to inject something into the body that affects your cycles and not have an effect outside of the regular
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Is GGLL in play yet?
>He bought the meme
it makes sense that the muscle loss on the heart would happen but the way that headline is written it makes it seem like your heart will shrivel up and die.
Yes, but even Bitcoin doubling still leaves MSTR with a NAV premium. The rubber band can only be stretched so far.

Yes, but what are solar earnings going to look like in a year or two or five? Are you sure those estimates account for nuke plant uranium shortages, nat gas driven up by LNG exports, increasing demand from AI data centers, onshoring tariffs to butt heads with China?

Any one of those sorts of positive catalysts gets you an upwards inflection in a beaten down sector or stock.
That's one of the predatory short selling outfits. They release smear articles about companies they are shorting to cause a sell off. This toes very close to the line of illegal. They still get sued a lot. Funny thing is they often like to characterize themselves as virtuous investigative journalists.
I went on reddit to make my self angry, I could only last 7 minutes
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News are competing for the final decision of whether we should be at +0.5% or -1% compared to yesterday's close. High volatility crabbing.
What happened?
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I should probably go for a walk today at night. I haven't left my flat for more than 1h in the past 3 months.
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>$MSFT | Microsoft’s Brad Smith Sees Trump Boost To Data Centers, AI -

Wait, I thought rightwingers hate MSFT and especially Bill Gates.. Why did they do this?
Then don't look at RDDT
>I went on reddit to make my self angry

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if you have a park somewhere close you should, i started doing walks first and then moved to running and feel pretty good
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I just returned from my late morning incel walk.
yeah, I definitely felt better when I moved more in past. Past few months were awful due to the amount of work and stress.
They were shitting on someones truck because it said "We the People" on the back
Demand for solar isn't going anywhere. It's too flexible. You get power at whatever place you are just by setting something out on the lawn/shed/whatever. Nuclear can't do that and it will take years to build new plants. I think you'll see TAN move next year at the latest.
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KO is a piece of shit.
This only creates room to trade. MSTR will come back down, then in a month BTC will be above 100k, MSTR will go up again. Volatility is a friend, and more desirable than parabolic movements.
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>Can't stoke his anger on 4channel.org
Git gud.
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If they sold it for the same price as AriZona Iced Tea, I'd switch back to drinking KO
RBLX bros.....
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oh right
>Bureaucrats who'll be shitcanned in 2 months
>With a holiday season in between

Sounds like a buyable dip to me.
>Chances for cut back down to 55% from 59% some hours ago
>yields higher
>market higher
>nvda lower
>energy (costs) rising
Elon bought solar panels company from his cousins long time ago. I think he purchases it through Tesla. I wouldn't be surprised if he revisited this topic at some point, boosting the rest of the solar energy market in the process.
oh the euro broke 1.05, damn I knew I should have shorted it when Trump won
I think now is the time to buy IRBT calls for 6-12 months from now, strike around 15. Trump will fix it.
the problem with solar companies in general is that the Chinese are dumping solar panels below cost, like I can get a full sized 300 watt panel for less than $100, how does anyone compete with that
>slo ID
You resell that at profit like the rest of the chinese crab.
Goolsbee feels the need to pump the market higher with comments about ratecuts next year
Lobbying for SolarCity subsidies has a very high political cost with low ROI given the current situation and messaging. See also: his choosing austerity over TSLA-benefiting EV tax credits.
Small caps, gold and oil I guess.
Oh wow, it's within a bee's dick of last October's low. Talk about good risk/reward for a range trade.
Bitcoin looks like it'll go back to 92k over the weekend, bulls aren't letting it fall. MSTR will sell off back down to 440 or so tomorrow and monday. Probably make another run to 510 on tuesday-wednesday. The friday post-thanksgiving dump on bitcoin and the wider market will cause it to give up some gains. The big bitcoin movement to 100k and higher during the santa rally will take it from the 400s to the 800s, then back down.
You don't seem to understand the burden solar places on the grid. Peak electrical demand and peak solar do not align at all. Unless large scale storage becomes cheap(it won't), you need an equivalent replacement for the solar for the other 18 hours of the day, and the days with cloud cover. In the US that replacement is Natty Gas and braps are the only reason our grid can handle solar. Nuclear is good for baseload because coal is banned, but the uranium bulls completely underestimate the NRC's ability to delay their projects for 20 years.
Internet has been so shitty for the past few days. I swear if Biden won't stop cutting EU Internet cables I'll personally lock his access to fresh diapers.
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>oh the euro broke 1.05
My salary is evaporating...
Should've bought CLS months ago.
VICR might be worth a stab here
>he doesn't have most of his wealth in United States Dollar
Anon, please. Canadian tier mistake.
>he doesn't have most of his wealth in United States Dollar
I do but, my cash is in Euros because the dollar exchange rate here is insane.
Thanks for the analysis
I think it was when Trudeau first seized power. Syrup-Bux lost 40% or so compared to Burger-Bux.
It would be cool if it went down more though, since shorts would pile on and the combined bitcoin-shitcoin-memepump would be greater.
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>/fmg/ Forex Market General
>Chinese are dumping solar panels below cos
Write, Trump will end that.
>GOOGL down
>AMZN down
>META down
>NVDA down
What worthless companies are they pumping? Protip: Micron
Fuck the grid and fuck grid connected solar. Those have always been retarded ideas.
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>another 1% of uppies left on the Qs
hope you went long bros
hit -5% at 9:30, am now up 1%, feels good man
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EUR/USD trend over the years is kinda bearish I think. It's not surprising either. Our growth is stagnating because of eco nuts. Luxury brands that EU was known for are commiting seppuku with woke virtue signaling, which doesn't fly abroad. Not to mention Asia created its own brands in the meantime.
At this point the only foreigners who need EUR are companies paying settlements and fines in EU courts.
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Once SOXL hits 45, my real life can begin
its amazing how the eu always manages to fuck up
man fuck this fucking 900s timeout, my IP changes and I can't post reliably even after waiting
We're pumping because I sold CCs earlier. You're welcome
Bought and sold 10 shares immediately for $2.50. That's just enough for 2 Hersheys Chocolate Bars at my local grocery store.
just give the FBI, sorry I mean 4chan, your email address silly
Euro is going below parity again. Pound will come down to 1.10 by end of next year.
Buy a 4chan pass goy
Where do we think RCAT settles EOW?
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yeah I look at Euro are stocks a while ago and didn't find anything that looked like it would have much in the way of growth, maybe some stuff in the East like Poland, but there's better stuff in the US
eurozone participation is like playing a game of hot potato but only the eastern and southern countries get fucked and greece got caught out first
we need some fucking gay sex to pump SIGA back up
Scoops, hire some fucking trannies and raw them
UAL's really gonna crack those 2019 highs, isn't it?
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As long as the bullrun is on, MSTR will follow, but MSTR has several gaps further down that need to be filled. Bitcoin also has gaps. Probable rejection at/around 100k next 2 weeks. Looking at 2023, 2022, 2020 and early bitcoin bull charts, will likely respond positively to a santa rally. If Trump's impact on the markets and bitcoin is to push them up, MSTR will go up during january as well.

The 'parabolic top' and 'new paradigm' hasn't been reached yet, but when it is reached people who do not sell the top will get fucked (obviously). MSTR's dilution of shareholders makes it so you should DCA the bottom of the Bitcoin bear market in late 2026 if you get trapped and want your money back (obviously).
Also unmentioned, but worth noting, DJT/"the trump stock" wants to acquire crypto. Should it do this quicker rather than slower it can probably also capture the shitcoin magick.
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NO! DTM mega gapped up and now I have to wait to buy again. Why does this keep happening to all my favorite stooks??
Bull run? When bitcoin hits 100k it's gonna dump. Where is the uplifting it's the total dump number.
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Is nice ass.
Under Project 2025, all mpox patients will be deported to Rwanda.
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>BREAKING: SEC Chair Gary Gensler will leave the SEC on Jan. 20.
Poland is just a slave labour camp that votes for their prison gruards every few years. There is very little innovation here. Anyone who has an idea for a business quickly looks for investors abroad.
There are some successful companies here and there, but I would never put my money in them due to everpresent corruption and incompetence on management level.
Not to mention the moment German economy slows down, we're dead. So yeah, I think US is the way to go.
I'm taking chips off the table and keeping a close eye on it at 8.50-9. That's a little under fair value for them with this contract IIRC.
Oh I didn't buy at 60-70k when baggie said unironically accumulate, and now at 100k they're going to buy when everyone who bought 4 years ago wants out?
Man as soon as I expell the most insulting flatulence is when my stocks start ripping. I need to eat more garlic
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I want to go out and buy a lil treat before power hour starts... but I can't tell what shops near me are open or closed due to the power outages...
I may post this jpg a lot, but I'm not actually an electrical lineman
>He wasn't already all-in on every escalatorfolio pick
Doesn't your local utility have an outage map? They generally track and report that stuff.
why would they suddenly be in that big demand
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It will dump but this is not surprising for bitcoin. A retracement back to 77k to fill the gap and then another run to 100k that breaks further upwards is normal. Based on diminishing returns we would assume the peak of bitcoin is around 180k, which is a bit less than a 3x on the previous ath. This leaves the movement open for it to run to 300k-400k in 2028, 600k in 2032, 800k in 2036 and finally reaching 1 million around 2044. A slow and steady gain,
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1. Worship giant women.
2. ???
3. Profit.

That's literally all you need to do.
Retail holders from 4 years ago are irrelevant to where market makers want to go. The market makers will pursue it higher, the retail holders will dump, they will then buy back in higher.
Yes, but it's really fucked up here. Some blocks have power and some don't. The map isn't granular enough.
Look at shit like BOIL and LNG. The entire nat gas sector is going nuts due to a short term polar vortex and long term Trump energy strategy.
Fuck Poland, why does anyone care about this place other than it's a fucking bridge for war.
I am banking on the idea they will go for another 100%
Saylor *is* the market. BTC will go where he wants it.
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What are the most obvious plays for EOY?
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Your next attorney general.
wtf is that tattoo
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you won Baggie, Poland will never recover from this
Early 2000s skank tribal
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Stop posting that postage stamp sized image. You need resolution you can SMELL.
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This market is a fucking abomination. Kill it with fire.
>Fed’s Goolsbee: Neutral Rate Is A ‘Long Way Below’ Where We Are Now
- Feels Like We’re Heading Towards 2% Inflation

He's just such a piece of shit
Why, I'm green?
So now we’re ‘rotating’ into everything else and leaving tech behind..
My uncle was a missionary and has a polish wife named Ania. I still stand by my statement
Reality doesn't matter chud. Just say inflation is going down and ignore any data that doesn't support it.
When the escalator turns into an elevator problems quickly ensue.
We need a cleansing if you catch my drift
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Say something nice about him.
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Just bought a put option on intel
He trolls the cryptofags real good and it's funny. Anyway, he goes in the oven, too.
That was dirty. I'm sorry. I'm a piece of shit, Poland is a piece of shit. Can you forgive me?
GOOG dipbuyers how are we feeling
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Reasonable take.
Just white ho things
I sold at the bottom didn't I? Shit...
Dude needs corrective lenses and has the balls to call someone else a freak. That's rich.
My SMCI sell order has been placed at 35$. Here’s hoping it can hit by EOW
no real nigga uses glasses
do people just lose everything if it gets delisted?
No. You still own the shares. As long as the company still exists you still are entitled to future dividends and such. SMCI was already delisted once if I remember correctly.
Also what happens if you're short and it gets delisted? Do your positions get automatically closed at $0?
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MILEI: "My advice to Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy for DOGE is to cut to the chase. Simple as that. My advice is for them to go all the way. Push it to the limit. Do not give up. Do not let down your guard. The people complaining will be the people losing privileges."
oh then its not that scary. would be pretty crazy if millions were wiped away like that
>would be pretty crazy if millions were wiped away like that
cool it with the antisemitism, pal
2% recovery is basically nothing. I would feel better if GOOG would recover its losses, but it's whatever. It's going to $300 in 4 years anyway probably.

Poland is USA biggest ally, right after Israel of course. I think your hate is misplaced.
did you fall for the chrome fud? GOOG is the main AI play and the jews are trying to keep it a secret from us
If Chrome is actually forced to be sold then that would be really bad. I'm not sure it's likely but I would like to buy back in at a cheaper price.
None of the people responsible for the modern AI revolution work there anymore and their AI models are pretty mediocre.
Afaik you can exercise your options but not sell them after a stock is delisted
BREAKING: Putin open to discussing Ukraine ceasefire with Trump, per Reuters

Oh doomer WW3 bears.....when will you learn, nothing ever happens
Yeah what about a *short* though?
$TSM to the moon
$PLTR to hell
Bulls needs to stop
the bear cope is so crazy
>their AI models are pretty mediocre.
Our sales department is using Gemini over ChatGPT because of Gemini's huge context, which allows them to connect more information.
No, Warsaw pact, and the bullshit. What is poland actually known for? Cyrillic language you're actually Russian clay.
Nato wants to kick America out because of Trump. America doesn't need Nato, Russia is afraid of Nato. I could give a fuck less if you all kill each other. It will lead to women fleeing and men fighting. Sucks the most responsible people have the attitude of leave me the fuck alone.
You keep your shares. Might have trouble closing your position though.
we're known for being white niggers of europe, and USA loves niggers. I truly see no reason why you would hate us this much.
What happens when you put your two ai models into each other.
It sucks too because sometimes there are people acting so genuinely retarded there's no proper response than calling them a dumb nigger faggot.

Retarded jannies won't do their job and will let the board go to shit, likely because their own friends are the shitposters, but will go hyper aggressive on "mean language"
I find it really weird there hasn't been a push to just make the Roth ira both tax free returns and pre tax like an HSA and just combine them together.
>Cyrillic language you're actually Russian clay.
You're not niggers. Niggers have an entire life style built on entitlements and failed expectations. Poland is not a nation of gypsies, you have Christian values and more family values, which is huge.
Sudetenland is russian clay Germany fuck off.
It's not even Poland. Stop it, Baggie, enough trolling.
man I wish Mel was my friend, he seems cool to hang out with
we are nearing my targets, (600 SPY, 100K BTC), about time to start reducing my risk, will probably be mostly cash by thanksgivings
Stop what speaking the truth?
why does baggie get so much pleasure trolling smiggers?
Denmark will stop farming. So they can plant trees. Fuck you.
Now what should I buy?
Germany has 1 thing, location. Everyone who wants to trade in Europe demands German soil for the safe transport of goods.
europe is a shithole like you described keeping abay french and german industry, but its the dutch that actually handle that hassle
While your neighbors colonized the world, Germany was stuck, but grew as a transportation hub for the trade of all of these nations working against each other.
SCMI dip. RCAT headed to $10. SOUN headed to $9 (EOM estimates) MSTR is going to crater when BTC falls from 100k
The Dutch were Germans
Idk, I'm busy sifting through my existing holdings. But the shit in >>21618665 as well as AOSL, ATUS, CVRX, SEZL, and URNJ have pinged on my radar.
In old times, like 300 years ago it came down to coastline. That and Christianity is why Portugal is even still a country.
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i was watching this european gamer streamer and he started randomly seething about musk for some reason. bullish for ongoing musk derangement syndrome.
new thread?
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Damn I went to the grocery store to get a lil snack and the place was picked clean... I'm assuming by people without power. There weren't even any donuts left, I had to get a box of cinnamon rolls instead
Still have 60 images left and it's a slow board.
TSLA's in a good spot and DXYZ hasn't collapsed as much as I'd expect after that test flight.
>U.S. Justice Department Seeks To Unwind Google's Anthropic Deal
Damn, the DOJ just won't get off GOOG's nuts
What the fuck did Google do? Did Sundar scam Merrick Garland's mother?
I picked up ass smell (ticker: ASML)
What is their fucking problem?
hey I'm making money, who wudda thunk it
Yes, but how much? And how could you earn more?
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I LOVE growing women
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>Matt Gaetz resigned already

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French guy wants to retreat, it's poetry.
Having sex with 17 year olds is against the contemporary secular religion.
He paid for underage whores using Venmo and transported them across state lines. He's fucked.
honestly it was the smart thing to do, it would have been a large distracting fight for Trump to push him into office
I bought popcorn. It's in microwave as we speak.
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Who do I send my resume to so I can be attorney jenral?
Matt Gaetz was appointed to attorney General and resigns.

His confirmation hearing will be placed ahead of Rubio for secretary of state.

He doesn't get confirmed, and Rubio does.

Ron DeSantis rubber stamps Gaetz to the Senate seat Rubio vacates. ggwp
Just walk into Mar a Lago, demand to speak to Trump, and give him a firm handshake.
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thanks for the tip!
I didn't know Trump was into legos though
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>Gary Gensler leaves SEC in January

Sounds bullish
That seat sits for 4 years, Rubio won the seat 2 years ago for a 6 year term. It's very important to realize, Trump wants him to be the attorney General, but the fall back plan is he gets Rubio's seat in the senate.
>He paid for underage whores using Venmo and transported them across state lines
Congress really is just a big daycare center for horny fucks
Yeah and it's like, if you want to go bang hookers fine, just don't be a complete dumbass about it
>The world is a daycare for horney fucks.
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WBD looking good
yeah and doj dropped all charges. learned that from that one bitch on the view who was running her mouth but later had to read a correction on her words handed down from legal. apparently the prostitute was 17 but said she was 18, if the dude can't provide solid proof she said 18, he would be guilty. That's why you should take a barely legal prostitute to the bar or club before funtimes, that can be used as solid proof, if ya don't do that ya might be screwed over because then it turns into a he said she said and they'll take the poor lying bitches side.
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>Indiana AG Opens "Human Labor Trafficking" Probe At Tyson Meat Factory

Chicken tendies bros....
ZAMN look at those titties
And so begins the secular decline of TSN, MAR, and HLT.
we just kissed 99k...
Bitches just get mad they don't get knocked up.
Good, until we get rid of all the illegals there will continue to be new cases of listeria, e coli etc. on the reg
sexhavers deserve to suffer
Nah, you should build a relationship with the broad, and be really sure it's worth it before fucking on the first date.
Fucking finally. Tyson needs to get heemed by Trump.
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check out bitcoin computer stock. it's almost there.
WTF is their inventory made of? Are they still selling VHS tapes?
I guess they figured out where the missing 300k children went. I'm surprised nobody found anything weird about the tendies' taste
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Good reminder to buy PLCE.
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trance bros get in here, it's a vinyl special
stream ends at same time as closing bell
power trance 2 hours let's fucking go
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BBAI has retard strength
Yet another reason not to eat at Raising Cane's.
Hey I count my blessings, got half a mil in my folio, bout 200k in bonuses to be received, and a nice uncut cock that will outpenis anyone itt. I'm blessed.
Oh snap. It breaks 2.35 and that fucker will go.
>next V
I love armin van buuren. I have seen him live a few times.
Thank you for this post. I love you.
I saw him do a new years eve usher in new year mid set once, live in Texas.
>baggie has seen Armin live
Dammit now I have something in common with baggie
ASOT milestone shows, anything with double 0s, i listened
Nice! thanks for posting!
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>Finally went to 'reputable' steakhouse at casino
>Ordered mixed plate of prawns, lamb chops, and filet mignon

Waited 30 minutes
>Crab cake appetizer nice but VERY small
>Filet mignon was well done, I ordered medium rare, sent it back for another one...2nd one was good but waited 20 fucking minutes
>Barely any meat on lamb chop, more bone than flesh...
>Prawns were good but only got 3 and they were TINY...
>'Seasonal vegetables' were zucchini and squash, yet they were fucking bland despite having a lot of seasoning on them
>Mashed potatoes were fine but also tiny proportion, the fucking lamb chop was bigger
>Lobster risotto was best part unironically besides filet

Well that's what I get for trying something else besides goyslop McDonald's and supermarket deli, and that shit was $80 with tip...super bearish
Me in Amnesia on Ibiza
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MSTR bros...
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Oh, and I almost forgot;
>Got dessert, it was peanut butter chocolate cake, super small slim slice that while tasted good, it was fucking $10 for a single cut.....

Going out to eat lately feels like such a ripoff and that was supposed to be one of the BEST steakhouses in my city too....
Oh man it's only up like 7% over the past couple days. What a disaster!
I was in Miami during ultra 2017 i think, we tried to crowd surf a wheel chair. Dude fell on his face on the floor. I ran to the medical tent but people were over dosing but they gave me bandaids, then I saw no line at bottled water stand, so I bought like as many as I could hold. This kid was dying dehydrated and I gave him one he must have thought I was God, by the time I've thrown probably 2 on the crowd of the set and get back to wheel chair dude. It's good, I gave him a bottle of water.
I never went to Ibiza, but it's probably the same shit.
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My bags keep growing bros
I had no idea ASOT is still going, what the fuck
Casino's are for boomers and their nigger pets everything about them is just gold plated shit.
Ferry Corsten is actually my number 1 favorite DJ ahead of Eric Prydz and then aarmin
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ONTO could be a decent play if you're willing to bet on it continuing to recover.
I fucking love it! Thank you so much!
agreed, but the homies need to know in case they want to buy a few hoes. I know a lot of all y'alls are gonna do that in the next few months.
Thank you based small and medium caps for pumping my bags
DNUT holding it together..
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It's every Thursday.
I always listen to it going into the closing bell (except when daylight savings time changes fuck it up).
Do you want me to post reminders every week? Most of the time, it's new music though, not classics like this episode
nah pedos should just be shot on sight. thats why all americans have guns
The whole fucking point of a prostitute is that you don't need/want a relationship. If I wanted to "build a relationship" with a girl I would date one from my friend group.
I have so many ferry corsten albums, that blueprint one is a true masterpiece
oh shit it's the zyzz song, get hype
mega pump coming soon
That's what I get for falling for the "le casino food is the best goy TRY IT!" meme. Oh well lesson learned.
Having sex with a 17 year old isn't being a pedo. That's not even illegal in a lot of states.
I'm not encouraging prostitution
RKLB going orbital. Again.
DNUT anon is some other japanese flag
Didn't you fuck a prostitute at some party in Israel back in August?
RCAT bros report
>If I wanted to "build a relationship" with a girl I would date one from my friend group.
Can confirm: this is how you end up with no friend group, lol
Which one?
>Do you want me to post reminders every week?
Yes please.
Nothing worse than going to a nice steakhouse and they overcook your meat. Happened to me twice at two different places
>order ribeye, filet mignon for my wife
>they fuck up and bring her a ribeye too
>send it back
>takes half an hour to bring her the filet
>it arrives overcooked as fuck
On top of that the waitress had the nerve to tell me it hadn't actually been 30 minutes when I told her we'd been waiting 30 minutes on the filet. Bitch I been checking my watch every 2 minutes, I know exactly how long it's been. I left a $0 tip and got her steak taken off the bill.
She was a friend's friend <3
ok, will do
Nah I've gotten away with it multiple times. If you don't have drama in your life you're not socializing enough.
I get enough drama from these fucking threads
It needs to chill the fuck out.

Ah ty
maybe so but the people here that slip off topic into sex shit are evil. just everything they say makes it clear that they are bad people
AI solved the economy.
Everything else is not needed anymore.
dude you missed my point, a slut who says she's 18 but is 17 is a liar, and the buyer is just horny, but if you can't prove that she lied the buyer would be harassed unfairly by people like you.

being horny and doing the bare minimum for checking age is playing with fire, all you got to do is take her to an 18+ concert if she's under 21, then you can provide proof she lied about her age if she's gonna be a lying hoe.
It’s based
Yeah we should stay focused.

power hour bread
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>early leaf bake again
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still a lil life left in this one though
letsgo just broke past even on my all time!!!!

who knew 4 months of hitting the books could undo all my previous dumbassery.

if any of you bros are struggling, escpecially now when everyone with a brain is making gains, just hit the books for a few months, your portfolio will bless you for a lifetime afterwards.
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I feel that, well done steaks of any kind taste like burnt shit. Its even worse when for some reason the chefs can't seem to get medium rare right. I got a blue rare steak and it was AWFUL.
well the guy still went for the youngest he could find so thats on him. and not all horny people think with their dick so even more on him. i hate sex havers and it always makes me smile when i hear about them suffering
Im glad MSTR is blood red today. If it were green again fomo would be unbearable
It's like the one thing they ought to be able to get right at a restaurant where they're charging you $70+ for a fucking steak.
Oceanlab.... my jam!!!!
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>up 20% today
>The rubber band can only be stretched so far.
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>/biz/ told me for 2 years LUNR was a meme stock
>now I'm rich
lamo suck it
wtf is that nig vid candle today?? kek

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