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just had a second kid

waiting for the part where i magically become fulfilled & happy like republicucks keep insisting
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my stupid faggot 4yo
>Mommy, why don't you ever smile at me?
1) You're lying, source: my arse.
2) You're just different, not a human, but three racoons in a trenchcoat and a nigger mask.
3) It's all the jewish brainwashing on the packages of your cereal. Stop eating cereal and it will all go away in two more weeks.
4) Start mewing, jelqing and seme retention.
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>1) You're lying, source: my arse.
>2) You're just different, not a human, but three racoons in a trenchcoat and a nigger mask.
>3) It's all the jewish brainwashing on the packages of your cereal. Stop eating cereal and it will all go away in two more weeks.
>4) Start mewing, jelqing and seme retention.
That's literally me!
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>noooo you can't block my mother and father and brother and threaten divorce if I ever let them near our doorstep they're heckin family
- loser husband
changed a shitty diaper award
i could have had a career but i got psyop'd into marrying someone who still needs his mother at 25 years old
oh i know u ^-^!!!
what in the DT
i think it's a fed
i dunno
but do you look like that
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>Wuuuugh whew, just got back from my 9-5 office job where I sat in a comfortable chair all day. Phew, I am BEAT. My dogs are BARKING! What's for dinner, babe?
you know you can actually live however you want
you can resolve problems
you can make your own judgments about what is and isn't worthwhile
not you specifically but anyone reading
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1. >>21619339
> seme retention
can't even get 10 min into a league match before this fucking baby is screaming again
That's how marriage works anon. If daddy gets money then mommy makes dinner. This post wreaks of sour grapes.
controlled opposition
i could have had a career
reading this thread, you should realize the whole point is to get you to wanna kys (more or less)
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Nah that's how it works anon. I'm sorry you're a limp wrist degenerate liberal but some of us believe in traditional gender roles. Even though my wife works she still cooks and cleans. In return I make more money than her, take care of our finances and manage life events like doctors appointments or investing our wealth into things like CD's and index funds.
That's give and take homie. Neither party should be sitting around, doing nothing with their life and spending money they don't contribute to. My wife works 40 hours a week so I can't complain at her if she wants to cook dinner then spend the next 6 hours on her computer playing video games.
I do the very same thing. I go to work, sit in a comfy air conditioned or heated office in my comfy leather chair and sometimes tap away on my keyboard between the 6-8 breaks I take in a day, come home, pay bills, check my investments and then spend the remaining 6-8 hours playing video games.
You sound like a foid who wants to be paid and given everything just because you're a girl.
i'm just telling people to make their own judgments
your response to them was to say "this post reeks of sour grapes" instead of telling them it doesn't have to be that way
it sounds like your arrangement works well
people reading this thread who have no idea how to live are gonna see two choices, and both are made to sound like death
i swear to fucking god
why not just post the alternative like you just did? why do you have to be PROVOKED into doing that in between shitting on someone?
what am i supposed to think but controlled opposition?
the post earlier only serves to make people think both options are shit
my posts are stupid disorganized rants, but you don't seem to realize that the way you naturally format yours is part of why people lesser than you are so confused
this guy >>21619339 makes out traditional gender roles to be awful, not by making any criticisms but by rubbing the reader's face in how awful a scenario he made up is
and your response was "you should be more grateful"
like what the fuck?
what do you think people are going to think about the world?
i'm gonna get my teeth mashed up in prison anyway, i dunno why i try to communicate anything with anyone
i guess i'm a liberal
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lmao 5 incoherent posts in a row
divorce him and take everything he owns
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I could have had a career
They talked me out of a good job
They talked me out of moving out of the Midwest to a better state
I just gotta wait for that fulfilling feeling of a wholesome family

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