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All women are whores and I can't cope with this fact. What do /bant/ ?
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>women are whores because... because I'm scared to talk to them

Even the ones that bang them says they're whores lmao
make money to pay for them. or don't. your call.
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>all women are whores but none of them are whores for me
>all women are whores
Even the asexual frigid ones? Or the nuns? Or those that got married early and never got to even talk to another man?
you idiots
they're not "whores" per se, they just "want to be happy" and have a subversive nature
society twists them against themselves to be whores, because it's easier to control the men that way, more efficient to start with the women than the men.
just protect them from their nature.
the ones who are whores never end up happy in the end, and they don't bring happiness to others either.

No women ever made a man happy, lmao
yeah, yet men want to be around them
it's worth the effort, and it will always take effort
men have a list of shit to do, while women have a list of shit NOT to do
this is where a lot of misunderstandings come from
neither position is necessarily easier or harder to be in
You speak for all men that ever existed, based on...what, exactly?

Been with both women and men

No, women aren't fucking worth it, stop the coping
woman hating FAGGOT award

History, misogyny existed ever since we invented language, yet we only started to simp for them about 200 years ago
>misogyny existed ever since we invented language
Any source for, say, a sumerian misogynist? Also any source for all men being misogynists? And misogyny being based on no women ever making any man happy, as opposed to other causes, or even the same cause, but in a less extreme form?
technology advanced enough to turn a language into a prison
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Get outside lmao, reality will struck you hard
Frieren my beloved
tobakky my beloved
Does my flag look like the flag of Sumeria?
I don't want to it's scary out there
god please make ukie anon have an excruciating sleep paralysis attack tonight resulting in a brutal death caused by pain that has never before been matched in all of human history. amen.
It's flattering to know that I have a personal hater, despite never avatarfagging or having some funny gimmick that would attract attention. And it's not like I even know why you're so mad at me, which makes it even more interesting.
oh and also make him do an ACK sound as hes dying and make the recording of his death readily available on all gore streaming sites worldwide for years to come. amen
So what are you going to do, exactly? Please explain in simple english. I presume that you plan to murder me, correct?
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You've already said to me in one of the threads that you premediate murder against me using illegal firearms. Is that correct?
>premediate murder against me
Premediate to murder me. That's the more correct form to say it.
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I was quoting your words that you've said it me in one of the threads. And here I was asking you if those indeed were your words.
>if all women are whores, why are you not getting any then ?
>implying this proves they're not whores
100% of women have sex while only 5000 men have sex.
paying for them is masturbation with extra steps, this is not what it’s about

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