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Extra thicc women edition

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:



>Boomer Investing:


let's not let a little thing like there already being a thread stop us from saying
2 days ago the market was at around 201% of GDP
now it's back to above 204%
It's not even moving 1:1

Now, do I buy the KZ ZSN Pro 2, Moondrop Chu 2 or CCA CRA?
Market suddenly dumping

>Trump Ruminates Warsh Serving As Treasury Secretary And Later As Fed Chair – WSJ

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Ok now these niggers are getting ridiculous, selling single items like shoes for 1000 v-bucks which is 9€.
>playing vidya
>calling others NIGGERS
You can tell me your hobbies and I will tell you that nothing of it matters on top of the fact that I actually don't care about them.
I only have 2 hobbies
and saying NATGAS AND OIL
Ok, that actually is interesting. How do I into?
That's really all there is to it. You just have to say
If you have any trouble with it just watch what I do until you pick it up. I do it every day a breddy gud bit because like I said that's my hobbies. Maybe someone will say something that makes you think of NIGGERS AND JEWS so you just say NIGGERS AND JEWS or maybe you just think of NIGGERS AND JEWS without anyone making you think of NIGGERS AND JEWS because you just always think of NIGGERS AND JEWS. The same thing applies to NATGAS AND OIL. I just think about NATGAS AND OIL all the time so it's only natural that since I think of NATGAS AND OIL all the time then I'lll say NATGAS AND OIL. I watch NATGAS AND OIL prices around the clock so naturally I think about it and whenever I say something there's a breddy gud chance it will include NATGAS AND OIL or NIGGERS AND JEWS.
Anyone can do it I think.
Don't you worry. In 1 hour the market already completely forgot about it. Or like media likes to say "digested" it.
Good set, goodlooking girl, slava Ukraini. That's all.

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The east has fallen.
Boring few weeks. Anything happen since SPY 600? Still just loading in my weekly investment into VOO.
Has the market topped? It's looking like it's turning over.

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnEufo_wVzI
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I know you guys plot things...have great influence...
Are you all dumping on open again?
Never dump only accumulate.

Gonna post some classics.
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SuperMicro is getting away with treason against the United States. They've been installing Chinese spy backdoors onto their motherboards while also shipping GPUs back to Russia and China so they can build missile guidance systems.
I have 2 contracts for RKLB expiring January 2026. Does anyone think the company will increase in value enough to make keep holding them worth it after the recent spikes or is this the top end for now?
Based, shame they are about to be delisted
Watch for JPM to go higher as institutions buy JPM

You can expect a 5% increase over the next week
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Funny thing, I sold everything pre-market. Gonna buy some other things mid day.
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It's up another 6% in premarket. The market is pricing in SuperMicro getting away with treason.
I still wouldn't invest in it, because I'm a pussy
After yesterdays breakout, KRE could easily move to 71 with the bullish flow generated and positioning shows there’s upside to even 74 with strong calls
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Tiktok is bearish on bitcoin and Nvidia and mstr. Sell everything now.
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It will happen and /smg/ will say they wish they had bought the dip at 30 dollars and then it will crash to 1 dollar.
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leftists aren't people.
Friday belongs to giant women. I need to rectify my mistake from yesterday and make some money.
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Good morning and happy Fryday frens
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Man that anon that made half a mil with otm puts on super micro must be getting fucked right now. Poor guy
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I had a dream that I was in middle school with my friends again and the world wasn't terrible.
Revenge trading is bad.
I was bullied a lot in middle school. My parents ended up pulling me out of school and homeschooling me.
So do I just cut my losses on oil here or pray for an exit pump before Blumpf starts drilling next year and really tanks my oil? Currently down 7%.
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That's a shame because there is research to show bullying actually helps people and builds character. Your parents did you a great disservice by doing that and stunted your growth.
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It wasn't perfect, but I was lucky enough to have a very large nerd friend group at my school. Holy shit, in the dream I actually felt cared about for a few minutes...
what happened with the Euro last night?
Big dump at 3 am, pretty sure Euro is going to parity with the dollar before the end of the year.
No foreign currencies matter. All anyone cares is if you can pay/take dollar denominated loans.
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Lots of comments lately about sovereign debt crisis risks for EU getting sketchy again. Pointing of fingers at France, especially.
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FUCK I wasn't ready! I'm late and I'm so cooked!!!
The tax man will steal my gains anyways. I wish I were Swiss or Belgian.
I somehow got a high school diploma at age 14 through a state program that probably isn't even legal anymore. Honestly feel like I may have missed out on something having never gone to high school
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boomers were such hysterical retards during meme flu
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one time i was bullying a kid in high school and i was letting this cute girl in on the joke and she was all "that's so mean!" and it really shocked me for a second. like, obviously it was mean, but the thought that someone would object to cruelty and had the social capital to do it publicly was what was shocking. it was honestly one of the most bewildering and stunning moments of my life and i'll never forget it. the thought that there was a social alternative to negativity or that it wasn't obviously profitable to direct it towards someone else was just too much, i couldn't deal with it. i think i laughed and just said "ya..."
anyways i realized then that cute rich girls live in a totally different world than i did, that's for sure.
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She was probably turned on by it and if you weren't so autistic could have easily gotten laid. Hell you could have probably fucked her on top of that nerd you were dunking on.
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I got bullied as a kid and then turned into a bully as a result. I was kind of an asshole jock throughout high school but I never got fucked with at least.
In retrospect, my last few years of high school were the best years of my life. My parents told me to enjoy it while it lasts. I didn't listen to them of course.
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damn my lil kitty stock doing pretty good today
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Drone pussies report in

another day waiting for the bottom to drop out of this fake and gay market
>I got bullied as a kid and then turned into a bully as a result. I was kind of an asshole jock throughout high school but I never got fucked with at least.
Good, you learned your lesson. There isn't anything noble or respectable about a pussy that runs from confrontation or gives into bullying. The whole treat others how you want to be treated is stupid on the pretense that if you respect someone they will respect you back. You teach people how to treat you and if you let people get away with shit they will just keep pushing the boundaries until you are walked all over.
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Hope you guys took my tip about BBAI.
I was bullied in school and turned into a major misanthrope and are doomed to a hiki/neet lifestyle now.
In retrospect I should have simply shot up my school. This was the popular way of action back in the 00's.
Nice SOUN pump this morning

Will be getting back in once it goes back to $7ish to crawl back to what I lost…. Took a stupid $3.5k hit earlier this week when I collapsed to fear but resolved that I would make a come back in the same amount of time….
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Forgot pic…
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im very confused but happy to see this happening with a cute stock. whats causing this crazy pump now? i see no news
no see that's what you WOULD think if you grew up in 20/21st century america and attended public school. my whole angle was to make her see how callous and powerful i was. it didn't even occur to me that people existed that would object to that, and that even if they were secretly tender-hearted like me they would be conditioned to express the opposite and approve of my behavior. but she was actually genuinely repulsed by my antisocial behavior. i bring this up because it was so unlike my normal experience.
why is the market rallying with the DXY up 1%. this is BULLSHIT
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Should I buy a shit ton of SAVA calls?! I want a lottery ticket, bros.
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Sorry I just read bull
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Partnering with PDYN to make AI drones. PDYN is also pumping today, which sucks because I bought them really cheap but sold before the real pump.
You are literally the guy from Fyodor Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground," the disgruntled pathetic little man who held his rage and spite in instead of using to confront the people who had crossed his boundaries and wronged him.
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T only difference
what does it MEAN
It was awarded a gvmt contract earlier this week
ooh i see. damn i just wish i bought some more
Apparently they got some military deal and a townhall meeting a few days back, from what I've read, people are also sort of wanting NATO (somehow) to use them as a supplier. I didn't buy it yesterday so too bad for me. Possible upside would be it being spammed on leddit.
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2 letter difference, 2 terms, 4 more years of BULL RUNS
>it was awarded a government contract this week
how is this not priced in by now
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>SPY and QQQ pumping
>NVDA dumping
>VIX dumping
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i feel so retarded buying only with 1k... but its still gains i guess
I had the literal opposite experience. I used to bully this Asian girls little brother in front of her and I figured she would hate me for it so I was blind sided that she found me attractive. She eventually wanted to hang out, we went on dates, banged by some tennis courts in my jeep with an air mattress in it, and went to prom together. She was a pretty good girlfriend to me actually but we broke up at the end of highschool because we didn't want to be in a long distance relationship entering college. Her little brother was definitely very sour in the beginning about it but I began treating him better because I was banging his sister. It was definitely all an opening experience to me about female nature.
Is MSTU better than MSTX? It's up more, but they're the same leverage.
>mstr is going to zero, retard
Yeah I know but that's about 6 months away.
God I love making money..
Leverage. It is all about leverage
smci doing pretty good too
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Yes. Money is good. Never seems to be enough of it, though.
>Flash US PMI® survey data signaled a marked upturn in growth
of business activity in November to a 31-month high, with
output buoyed by the sharpest rise in demand for two-and-ahalf years and improved business confidence. Firms'
expectations of output in the coming year rose to the highest
since May 2022, attributed to the prospect of lower interest
rates, improved economic growth, and more supportive
business policies from the new administration in 2025.

>Trump, save us!
I bought another 3k of calls this morning
640.32M market cap and insider buying gives me confidence for growth
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Pump into thanksgiving and then dump after feels like a very normal and logical move.

Andrew Jewish or whatever his name is didn't do anything at all. No one sells a stock because someone says "I HAVE A SHORT, AND IF YOU SELL I WILL MAKE MONEY". It was the same shit as palantir in 2020, tandem dumping by insiders and coordinated hits on MSTR. I just think it's funny our market is so unregulated they can basically do whatever the fuck they want.
But they have the same leverage.
>New generation consumers

Perpetually bullish
good luck. would be sweet if this one somehow climbs to 100+ too
Why not just buy and hold MSTU during this dip, which will make you more money in the long-run rather than pennies MSTX will get for you? Or a Bitcoin ETF, which is much safer?
>millennials selling themselves for near to nothing
Generation Praktikum, as it is known here.
Meant to say MSTZ.
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6k with the gay consumer report
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What the fuck kind of distribution is this??? Does Gen Z really think like this? Everyone knows boomers are out of touch but holy shit!
Delusional gen Z women
social media has completely fucked them
we're going to have women demanding you make a million dollars
finally got out of KO. im free now.
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Fuck it getting a zoomet in the Phillipines, the west is cooked.
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Next week on /smg/
wtf it's worse than expected
>5 year inflation expec: 3,2%
Give up Fed, you fuckin suck
>US Univ. Of Michigan Sentiment Nov F: 71.8 (est 73.9; prev 73.0)
- Current Conditions: 63.9 (est 64.4; prev 64.4)
- Expectations: 76.9 (est 79.0; prev 78.5)
- 1 Year Inflation: 2.6% (est 2.7%; prev 2.6%)
- 5-10 Year Inflation: 3.2% (est 3.1%; prev 3.1%)
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Thank you /smg/ PEEPEE
I am recovering some losses. It feels good bros
Zoomer queens deserve to not have to date broke men (sub 300k salary).
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But you're missing out on that sweet, sweet 0.48 dividend! BUY MORE BOOMER STOCK
The fuckin market has pumped several times this year on this report, on slight beats. Now it misses and it doesn't dump. Fuckin bullshit.
gen z looks like they just picked the highest number they can count to lmao
Nature is healing.
did jack ma commit another holocaust or something what the fuck
I do business with 1 (one) of those companies
I think gen z is estimating employment volatility to be much higher than the other generations are. They probably expect to make less than that number would imply over the course of their life because they'd spend most of it unemployed.

Gen Z thinks in terms of Influencer. Every kid wants to be an influencer or cryptofag
Doesn't Abercrombie also sell to fat people nowadays? So they have no edge over other super-cheap fast fashion companies.
niggers and jews
What the fuck do you expect, seriously.
It's actually more depressing.

Millennials entered the job market during a massive Deflationary crisis where the Job market was flooded with Gen X and Boomers who could negotiate better pay because they had experience.

Zoomers entered the job market during a massive Inflation Crisis and worker shortage caused by Covid and Boomer finally retiring.

The average pay remained nearly constant from the 00s-10s and did not see a significant rise until after Covid.
I am not too sure about Abercrombie anymore. With GAP I at least know a lot of nyc immigrants wear it and Banana Republic has good work casual clothes that I wear.
They have more competition now

I just buy $16 polyester shirts off Amazon now. I actually get complements from women when I wear them too because I can afford a $35 sweater vest to go over them and I'm still under what I was paying at Old Navy.
Looks like a good day for GOOG. Down only 1%
Oh wow they might be more psychologically fucked then we were.
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the sad thing is they all went into software engineering jobs and now those are the ones being hardest hit
>polyester shirts
>Polyester clothes have PFAS. They are chemicals that have been linked to several health issues, including cancers, fetal abnormalities, reproductive disorders, obesity, and reduced immune system function.
I rather pay a little extra and try to wear cotton clothes only.
The only available jobs are mcdonnalds, taking car of dying boomers or dying for Israel in the military.
>invoosting in well known coompanies instead of random memes no one has ever heard of and has no idea who and what they actually are
I am so sick of this nigger market constantly fucking whipping back and forth
Oh my FUCKING GOD not PTFE! Not the chemical they made disposable water bottles out of for the past hundred years!!!!! It burns your skin when it touches you! It will kill you!

Jesus fucking christ.
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>this nigger market constantly fucking whipping back and forth
Sorry, PET not teflon. Although I'd be ok wearing a Teflon shirt too. That sounds like a good idea if you're doing something intense with chemicals.
That will be gen alpha when cheeseburgers hit $50 and banditry becomes the top occupation
>Get a green bar on the 5 minute chart
>go long
>immediately starts dumping again
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Cam on oil
Had a $1k day yesterday in my topstep account. I'm now down $1440 and about to lose it on my second day. Why does this market only ever reverse me the instant I enter a trade? Why are trends never allowed to hold?
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Yea but when you are working out and want to make gains and the clothes you wear( Polyester) reduce gains, why would you not change lol
i think they are just retards that look at conmen on social media too much and develop unrealistic expectations. day trading using this one simple trick bought me a ferrari is not the norm, or even true.
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Thought today would be red so I spend the morning bottle and can collecting. Come back and portfolio is green. I think I may be on to something. You’re welcome /smg/.
Nice. Making money both offline and online.
Washing it turns it into microplastic in the water supply
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nonsense just go back to college and get a new career in DEI or something. take loans if you have to.
I drink well water.
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it's over (for btc)
What does RCAT realistically end at today
>Mechanical Engineer and CO-OP physic degree
>Cant find job
I feel this hard
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thats it
time for my walk/roon
happy fry day anons
trade safe today
I *highly* doubt polyester reduces your gains by a noticeable amount. Fuck you're not even eating off it. You're wearing it.
Yea but if you sweat a lot because you exercise a lot, it does effect you. Mostly in your private parts.
The S&P will never have an up move when I am long ever again.
Based walker
Heh I am actually picky about my boxers and wear cotton because they're much more comfortable.
Please go short so the rest of us can make money
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how am i supposed to buy more when it just keeps sliding up
If I go short the market chops
Good. As you should.
hello why is red cat going up 3 days after the contract was announced how is it not priced in yet????
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It's just doing the same shit like yesterday, slightly different
Just like large funds don't dump an entire position after one bad earnings day, they can't build one on something this illiquid in a single ballsy market buy.

To say nothing of the fact that RCAT growing this fast makes it pop up on more scanners and meet the criteria for *more* buyers who have minimal market caps.
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Done now for the day. I made money.. META and green chip are still getting heemed otherwise I would’ve made a lot more.
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it's the turkey trot rally getting started.
I hate this more than missing events. It's just a slow burn and really gets to you.
TGT had a nice day I’m glad I jumped in. I’d like to hold it long term.
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So everyone realized that the mstr report was kinda retarded?
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it's headed to $20
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I really wish I'd bought OXY last week. I stayed away because it's been dead weight in my portfolio before.
Surprised that it's back in the green this quickly. I thought it would bleed a few more days.
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More like CONSUME on black friday sales.
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Yeah that seemed like a yuge overreaction to me.
Where can I get those shoes
That said, it feels a bit tapped out and I'm calling it good here.
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>another buy spy calls and logout day
I wish I had bought more.
OXY is another one I’m planning on holding forever. They can make money at like 30-40 a barrel. Just had good earnings, too.
Yeah, it's a reliable stock, and I shouldn't have let my PTSD get in the way. I'll buy the next time it dips.
I think my uncle who's a firm LIDL customer has them, kek
This guy looks like he is going to off himself for losing 90k. Despite having two beautiful children, his expensive home and the ability to save that much money on top of his lifestyle in Tampa, a very expensive area.

People are just little bitches. I lost 125k and I don't get no CNBC article. Grow some balls, man.
CHECKED but /smg/ is a HETEROSEXUAL NIGGERS AND JEWS AND NATGAS AND OIL general so we do not post TROON pics here.
He lost it in a savings account. You lost it in soxl calls.
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Slowing down for the day?
Also 25yr old cat lady losses $7000 and has a mental break.

I thought it was one of those unrealistic interest rates cause they did some ponzi. Regardless they had to know if the local bank was paying under 1% and this was paying much more something was up.
How did he lose it in a savings account? Did he not limit the account in each account to the FDIC insured maximum?
>Bank index going higher
DAAAAAAYM, dem elites are gonna feel the pain
Deep state in shambles
Do any of you pay for finviz? I kind of want the ETF NAV data and the historic financial statements. I use the free version a ton, like I probably look up at least 10 or so things a day.

I feel like their futures section could be more complete and I don't think they have an API. I feel like I should get an API if I'm paying.
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>Yotta - Play Games. Win Prizes
>Yotta Savings, incorporated as Yotta Technologies, is an American financial technology (fintech) company that offers a prize-linked savings account.
Yup, I would definitely trust this company with my money
Tesla is up 4.5% today fuck me, I was going to buy back in at 300
>prize-linked savings account
I want to buy things with my 4chan NIGGER card

Gen Z isn't wrong at all with that number.
Factor in the real inflation and their salary expectations are perfectly in line with everyone else's.
1 million at the moment is the equivalent of 250k from 20 years ago and it's about time people start realizing the speed of which our currencies are getting fucked.
>prize-linked savings account
lmao what
Another day of losing money while the market is green. I am the worst investor to ever live.
Bro Just go bull these next few years. Except Nike. That shit is going down hard
>Liberals (who have money) won't buy TSLA
>Rightwingers don't buy TSLA cause of design or price (poor)

It's just political donations
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CROX has been dumping forever, but it's finally reversed because some retarded analyst told people to buy it. So fucking stupid.
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of muh STOOKS being up
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I just took a big dump so now the market doesn't have to
I am actually looking into a tesla right now, they make for great commuter cars and with FSD I can browse my phone on the way to work every day, I have another SUV that I will use for anything the Tesla can't do
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nigger cattle are simple minded creatures
-retail investors, it is FOMO,
-hedge funds, they know with musk is friends with trump. His companies will be getting benefits
-Politics because Imagine going up to musk and saying I am going to short your company if you do not do x
Everyone is doing it because these next 4 years musk will have an influence on Trump.
If it was Mark instead, the same thing would have happened for meta
If I were to buy a new car it would probably be one of theirs. The model S is actually a decent SUV. One of my friends from the college robotics club bought one and he says he can fit a whole twin sized matrice in it if he folds the back seats down.
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I believed in my own propaganda and bought SOUN ay $7.615. There is no way it will dump now.
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It’s okayaon CSCO
This everything is up
Going up baby.
now the only question is why today
go AFRM go
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my stockies have not done a goddamn thing for the past two weeks
flat as an /a/non's favorite anime grill
i'd like to file a formal complaint to the CEO of Stocks
Nothing can stop this turkey trot rally.
-Q3 for a lot of companies.
-More money in the market because people pulled out of MSTR/MSTR from yesterday.
-Black friday happening for retail
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WHAT THE FUCK. I'd thought about buying the dip a while ago, but I never did because it just kept going down.
>what could it ever be besides NIGGERS AND JEWS
Nigger market
Closing red today. I might reslurp. I like UBER, too.
Yee, that's what I meant. The stock is now a tool to bribe. +40% only because he's in the government is retarded. There won't be +40% car sales.

If it was Mark there would be a higher chance of actual profit
Literally every trade I take gets reversed immediately. I'm now $157 away from losing a topstep account I literally just activated yesterday.
But now Tesla has more money to make more products for now
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RIP GOOGL. Bing sends its regards.
checked and bing deez nuts
wow the kitty stock is insane. i even bought more and its already back to almost 10% green
MSTX is an LETF like MSTU with the same 2x leverage, MSTZ is the short letf and its counterpart.

But interestingly I was going to post next- would it be fucking retarded to buy 1000 bucks of MSTZ the next time bitcoin pumps, the day before thanksgiving, since it tends to dump after holidays? I think not. But also
>buy and hold an LETF
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Looks interesting. Bought in
It's over for me.
>10 million to date me
Damn how many cats is she gonna have?
You are going to have to ask CHWY anon
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the irony is that yotta didnt screw anyone over, it was their middleman
I still don't understand why would DOJ try to dismantle a behemoth that carries their GDP. They are tripleteaming Google together with EU and Russia at this point.
What should I buy RIGHT now that will see a 5% rise before EOD
Buddy don’t look at the USD/EUR computer. Parity by December.
Lost a topstep account on just my 2nd day. This is one of the worst Friday sessions I have ever seen. Nothing works, no trade ever holds, and no trend ever follows through. Everything is just whipsawing and I am going to fucking kill myself
I know all that. I'm just saying that, of the two short-term plays, MSTZ will earn you more money since it's likely that the imminent dump on MSTR will be much greater than any pump. Thus, you're better off buying MSTZ (and possibly some other stock with the money you saved not buying the overvalued MSTU) and waiting a couple days.
Because, according to retards in both parties, BIG COMPANY = BAD
Every fucking time I touch Nvidia I regret it. Fucking piece of shit.
I made 7% today going all in on some calls. Now only 500 away from breaking even.
We all know it is going to $200. Not overnight, but it will get there. Stop trading with the short view. Cause you are just shorting yourself.
Probably because they did not bend the knee to the politicians
every company worth over a trillion is literally satanic and destructive to free markets
I bought the dip today and was in the green for a while. I guess I should have just day-traded it.
No, there's nothing that logical behind it. It really is just BIG COMPANY = BAD. Look at how they blocked that one merger to prevent "luxury handbags" from becoming unaffordable for consumers. They also killed Spirit by blocking the JetBlue merger.
hmm, so what' you're saying is I should invest in microcaps if I want to go to heaven
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EL might be worth a quick punt here with this rounded bottom
Actually I think Trump really hates Google personally, I remember him seething about hiding search results of something.
Damn. 6 months later and still not much progress either, it seems.
>founder of Synapse is a pajeet
Lmao, it makes much more sense now
It is just too big to control, that is the real fear
yes, free markets ideals are supposed to reward innovation and the best product, when you have satanic jew companies like microsoft they can run the xbox division losing billions and billions funneling money into it from other profitable wings of the company so they can outcompete everyone who doesn't have infinite pockets. that's called capitalism, rule of capital, which is against free market ideals, because it rewards those who already have capital, not those with the best product.

somehow msft still managed to run xbox down kek.
>Tech red
>SPX green
Actual worthless companies pumping
Proof: Russell 2000
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>he's trying to trade without consulting the stars
not recommended!
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That's true, but the Democrats have no reason to feel the same. Their algorithms drive people toward left-wing content, and Gemini had to be gutted because their DEI policies fucked with its image generation (e.g., creating white Zulu warriors and black Vikings).
Earlier this year, Youtube kept recommending the same fucking Big Joel video to me despite me repeatedly telling it to stop recommending the channel.
Valid point.
You need to start a free market church mate. That's a very inspiring sermon. I'm on my way now to sell more GOOG and buy more SOUN instead.
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I need SPY to stay right where it is for the rest of the day
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>free market church
Who will lead the sisterhood of heavenly gains?
YouTube explicitly said ~15 years ago that they're going to start modifying recommendation results to influence young men politically. It was originally to prevent kids in the UK from being radicalized by ISIS.

I remember telling people then to stop using YouTube (either uploading to it or watching it) because I knew they'd start going after American conservatives eventually.
Stocks don't go up anymore, the dollar does
DDOG up +5 poo sent
damn it just keeps jumping up
nigger nigger nigger nigger
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It's because of the housing prices. When a detached singlr family home runs 500k almost everywhere there is employment, you shoot pretty high on the financial success number
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>$3b company
>uses 2000's website template
I love this timeline
based. modern web sucks
The problem is financially illiterate people trust people who appear financially literate. They are incredibly easy to scam. They always trust people with money because "He is rich he has no reason to scam or decieve me."

Honestly surprised no one here has entrapped a bunch of old ladies into buying their SOXL fund.
They could run things through a BBS for all I care, so long as people pile on for the "countering Ozempic muscle loss" meme.
All that excess money from MSTR and BIT IS going to other places. Basically more money getting redistributed.
its a little concerning. i hope it will be sustainable but so far its looking crazy good
>Nasdaq almost flat due to TSLA
What a gay market
sold like $10k stocks and bought $40k stocks so far today lol
i keep buying value traps
Probably because
>With New York judge Juan Merchan indefinitely postponing Donald Trump’s criminal hush money case, attorneys on both sides are debating over its future.
The Bull run will continue until Trump gets into office.
>he's trying to trade without using sex magic
>he doesn't pump his cock to pump his stock
>he doesn't beat the market by beating meat
This is the secret that whack off Warren and Peter Pounder Lynch don't want you to know
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Guess UMAC really wants that ATH. Or it's all the RCAT sympathy bid.
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bears are so gay and retarded kek.
There are STOOKS that look like VALUES in 2024?

>Yes please daddy fuck the DOM and make the scrolling jitter while the GC and GPU fight for bus bandwidth
Fuck the post-y2k web.
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1. Market sell anything below the 21 day, move cash into not value traps
2. Set alarm for a level that you'd say "yes, the market is now realizing its value, it's breaking out"
3a. Buy back in when alarm's triggered
3b. Or never hear of the stock again
We've all been there.
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the new floor for $rcat is probably around $12 after it crashes after $20
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Why is my NVDA down today this is unfair
Even TMF computer is green today (barely)
Everyone on smg is constantly beating they meat. That's why we're always posting sexy pictures
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time for shower hour
lol good one anon
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not me. it would distract too much from the important things
yeah, All this modern slog is soulless
>let's add 10 different KPI tracking integrations so that we can review the numbers later
>oh and add mouse tracking so that we can profile users' masturbation patterns
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>$3b company
>uses 2000's website template
>I love this timeline
You should see what a 1 trillion dollars website looks like.
Nooo. The market tricked me and I could’ve made more.
Love it. The richer you are, the less you care, but the more efficient you are lol
I can imagine all the "pro" javascript coders seething at the use of tables kek. It's beautiful.
gotta love when the dns resolve takes longer than rendering the actual page :D
I think SNAP is undervalued ATM and I believe it has a 25% upside over the next 3 months
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Dick or pic-related?
Bitcoin will never be $100k
now that's what i call a fuckin website
bitcoin will be $1 million dollars in my lifetime.
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Imagine how many more Apple shares Buffet bought with money saved on server hosting
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Very comfy in a weird way. Takes me back to my Geocities days.
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It so close baby
It’s a fox girl.
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Keep an eye on VSCO. A breakout here could bust to 74.
damn even lunr is having a great day. idk why i put so little there but now it too is over 10% green
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Got it. I am now comfortable with saving it to my computer.
Nailed both these calls premarket
She has a good anime too. Senko-San.
Nice. I will never understand the yield curve jewry of banks.
Did they really lose it or is it a situation where they can’t access it?
EA down lol.
Can you niggers fucking dump so I can actually buy back in? Worthless fucks
They deserve to burn in hell for what they did to Sierra and Maxis.
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poured WAY too much COCOA powder into MUH OATS so had to add more honey and butter.
Money's trapped in legal system hell because the pajeet payment processor went bankrupt
I remember an old school commodities trader mentioning that "going back to trading oats" was slang for someone blowing up, since that was the cheapest thing with the lowest margin requirements.
Wait what happened?
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market is way overheated everything i'm looking at is up 7% this past week
Basically as I understand it the payment processor declared bankruptcy and stopped processing transactions for Yotta; the company that was supposed to start processing transactions instead was like "nope we didn't agree to that" and so $112 million in assets have been frozen for 6 months.
Yeah I've started buying so the end is definitely near
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This. I got some leverage myself. I would not be surprised if a lot of people leveraged BIT and will pull out after 100k
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So, MGNI, you gonna make your move or form a handle on this shit?
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Feels like a dream, feels like magic.
Looks like that's it, it's gonna be final.
Deporting all haitians, and it's fantastic.
AI starting to get uninteresting?
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imagine putting your capital into any of these MUH FINTECH cos started up by RANDO KIDS who think they know better than BOOMERS so they are geniuses who give ted talks about INOOVATION instead of putting it in SCHWAB.
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>bitcoin actually lower than an hour ago
>not even 100k
>mstr keeps going up
Cramer fucking did this, that nigger got up and said he preferred to buy bitcoin directly instead of mstr. The cunt.

NVDA and MSTR are both overpriced and going to zero. Tsla too.
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he's jewish right? in for a couple thousand shares why not.
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Dont talk shit about my boy cramberry
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The VIX is dead.
Long live the VIX.
WMT lmao
Bro sounds like a Giga Chad
>Dr. Alan Baratz became the CEO of D-Wave in 2020. Previously, as Executive Vice President of R&D and Chief Product Officer, he drove the development, delivery, and support of all of D-Wave’s products, technologies, and applications.
>He has over 25 years of experience in product development and bringing new products to market at leading technology companies and software startups. As the first president of JavaSoft at Sun Microsystems, Alan oversaw the growth and adoption of the Java platform from its infancy to a robust platform supporting mission-critical applications in nearly 80 percent of Fortune 1000 companies.
>He has also held executive positions at Symphony, Avaya, Cisco, and IBM. He served as CEO and president of Versata, Zaplet, and NeoPath Networks, and as a managing director at Warburg Pincus LLC.
>Alan holds a doctorate in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
I might just get 100 stocks from his company on monday
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Ditto IDCC
There's my signal to buy UVXY
Are there any drawbacks to purchasing ETF's offered in other countries? Ishares has a really nice global corp bond fund
currency risk
> If you have any comments about our WEB page, you can write us at the address shown above.
Jeet monkeys will seethe
WMT being up 70% YTD really tells you all you need to know about the current state of our economy
its so fucking annoying the market has a hard on for "investment grade only goyim"
At least ishares offers IUSB which is the "literally all bonds including junk" but its US only

anytime you go international its aggregate only or the high yield does retarded shit like being US/UK/Canada only
That it's FAKE AND GAY?
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numbers gotta go up. its a new paradigm. rich get richer poor get poorer its how the game is played.
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>WMT being up 70% YTD really tells you all you need to know about the current state of our economy
Walmart pivoted into being Amazon, but with warehouses that are open to poor fat retards to waddle in and impulse buy hundreds of dollars worth of shit in. Rich people can just have their shit delivered to them with Walmart+ (which is free with amex platinum)
It was a smart move and theyre flourishing because of it. Look at Target if you want to see what happens when a company doesn't adapt.
Damn that's crazy. So it's like a "non bank" checking account with built in texas holdem and a 0.2% (LMAO) interest rate?
WTF? That seems extremely illegal.
>oil up
>dxy up
>s&p up

ah yes the classic positive corelation
Pick up too. I do my Great Value (imagine paying more) orders in the app and they bring it out to the parking lot and put it in the truck.
im cooked
We finally won after all these years LUNR CHADS
>held baba from 73 to 127 to 82

nigga if this stock was from literally any country other than china it would be 250 all sinophobes should be shot i want my money back!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I will die poor and alone.
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Canis meus valet pluris euros quam ego.
I will die rich and alone and my dumbass siblings will get all of my money
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Reminder, buy more CHWY
Your fault not investing in a ponzi
BUT being a legit fucking LEGEND for all of those TRAIN GETS should balance it out.
Rocker doesn't even make update videos anymore
same, which is why i opened trusts for their kids. instead of giving them christmas gifts i just print out their balance/performance. they think they're rich and think i'm the coolest. there's only ~$8-10k in each account.
He would for you doing one though.
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Tells you the opposite of DG, DLTR, and FCFS YTD.

We're running out of poor people!
Yeah plus they have free delivery over a certain amount even if you're not a + member (so does Target, but only if you're a redcard holder I think). Recently the only place I could find the correct coolant for my old truck without waiting a month for it was WMT of all places. Got it in 2 days, free delivery plus they had the best price on it.
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Fuck it, done for the week. I’ll take it. You can always claw your way back from a heem
Middle class are the new poors (me)
stop coping you missed out on it lil bro
Hmm, time for VAL/W?
all those places are TOO DAMN HIGH and forcing the poor to go to WMT.
Good idea
But my siblings don't have kids. All three of us are socially fucked in the head because we were raised by weird-ass parents. I doubt any of us will ever have kids, get married, or even end up in a normal stable relationship. So I guess my estate will end up going to one of my cousins or someone. Idk and idc
Yeah, probably, I guess
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We can't declare total victory until we hit last year's high.

136.00 and not a penny less.
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How realistic is it to quit my day job for options trading?
Man, they will just act around that line and in the last 10 min of the trading day break above it
If you have to ask because you aren't already consistently buying 100 piece MCD nuggs and large fries with reckless abandon
then you are too retarded.
Do you have a sister?
She was dating a cult leader for a while. She's a nice girl, but she's kind of dumb
I actually ignore McDicks stock, I havent eaten there in years
I made 50% on my first vertical call spread. WAGMI
Why are people selling rddt?
It was pumping like crazy now nothing?
I feel like I should double down and buy calls
BOILbros getting BRAPPED on today

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