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ugh fucking yawn i fucking hate all of you twp cuckold subhuman pedos

but feel free to talk about me more since it feeds my narcissism or something

i hate all of you btw
fucking die

also btw I have a new headcanon. Infact I've went through gajillions of ideas. i am
a heckin novelist, an intelligent writefigger

also btw i fucking hate melonade melon69 whatever. ugly morbidly obese bitch

i have a new mommy

also btw don't check whats in my other thread (my actual blog). I'm exploring a new darker direction in my imaginationkino.
I mean it's REALLY dark, grimdark, REALLY grimdarkerino.
uhh yeah okay sure whatever
your other thread isnt realistic and will never happen to you cause nobody would care to support your mentally ill retarded ass and youll end up killing yourself anyway within the end of this decade
nice porn artist op picture faggot
man shut the fr*ck up
shut the fuck up
ugh okay le fine i'll tell you about my new mommy wife gferino

she's a big titty goth demon mommy imaginary halucinationerino that possesses women and provokes me into fucking her (i.e. raping the woman)

shes a masochist and loves pain, and I mean really loves pain, and unlike le whatever headcanons before, my BIG FAT BLACK HORSEDICK literally impales women, you know how like if a horse ACTUALLY were to fuck a woman irl and so basically this is the whole
point, my mommy gf goth demoness mommyrino imaginary hallucination gf is a masochist and revels in my dark aggressive emotions of rage, hatred, and le bloodlusterino as well as actual lust.

retconning whatever else I said after that because, literally what woman is gonna le recover from my literal HORSECOCK LITERALLY destroying her cervix and ACTUALLY going in her guts. i mean like realistically she'd bleed out basically
an imaginary female can recover from anything mouthbreathing tard normal rules dont apply
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fathom the messiest gushiest pain induced orgasm on my BIG FAT HORSECOCK from my big titty goth demon mommy wife imaginary hallucination waifurino

literally massive
she possesses random women though
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its a really simple concept

she possesses random women, seduces me into fucking her, some poor woman has her vagina absolutely destroyed my massive horsecock (i have ginormous balls btw; i am a BLACK BVLL)

my waifukino feels the immense excruciating pain from the woman she is possessing and then squirts a big fat messy orgasm all over my big fat horsecock

and we tongue kisserino after *romantically* then we leave. woman returns to herself and screams as her pussy hurts like hell and is le bleeding profusely (massive horsedick remember)
she tells me slap and hit her tooerino btw fyi
oh i see
so does your spirit gf not have a physical appearance of her own
does she only live through her victims
whats her name
she has a physical appearance

the woman she possesses assumes her form. What do you think I meant by hallucination, I can see anyone or any surrounding as literally anything.

kill your fucking self tiny white pecker footcuck pedo

i'm not an idiot. I am a genius
did u name her after your highschool crush or something making my question trigger you or is that her actual name
does she look like this concept
stupid greasy turkish rapebaby
im blonde with blue eyes
i watched too many class of 09 clips and now my inner monologue sounds like nicole now
i'm blogging here btw
i used to get eric cartman when i rewatched all of s1-17
okay its time to begin thinking up my le stuff and whatever

i want you to profusely apologize for being mean to me in the beginning of my thread now.

and maybe i'll tell you more
Erm just a heads up opbro, Greeks can’t have blonde hair or blue eyes
u were mean to me too doe
okay *sigh* im sorry darkthinker can you please tell me more i love ur ideas
not sorry enough

say you're VERY sorry
Black people kill themselves because they're mentally underdeveloped and once the "I'm the main character in life." syndrome wears off and they realize they're unfulfilled and going in the exact opposite direction they thought they were, they see no way out and kill themselves. That's what you have over us, DT. You're just a loser, bottom-feeder. You don't even have anything to lose.
i was only being mean bc you ignored me in the other thread anyway which was uncalled for...
but tbfdesuyo u were in different persona mode
i havent made a thread HERE in ages. i actually have a life outside of posting, I don't spend all day posting under different personalities like you assume i do

now, I want a proper apology
i would also say you guys seriously irl but in greek when i had the eric cartman monologue
im really sorry idk i would think of us as like best buddies kinda so that was kind of like best buddy banter but on the meaner side or whatever for me but now i see i was a bit too mean so im really sorry sigh can u just share ur ideas w me
i wish steroids didnt exist
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so basically my new headkino is schizo adventure that ends in a bonfire that grants my ascension to demonerinohood (similar to warhammer fashion)

from there on its a schizo adventure of phasing between earth and the chaos dimensionerino (heck) for literal RANDOM intervals of time

of which btw from the past until present me and my waifukino make rest stops along the way to kindle our flames of intense passion

old headcanon was a mess. merger of the two dimensions (earth and the le warp). and the imaginaryverse in my head with a split personality acting as my proxy. but eventually i thought that idea was stupid and now I'm at my current imaginary oc world and oc character which is much better
okay whatever, but no one will know my wife's appearance or name except me
oh i dont like videogames
i've been drinking cayenne pepper coffees for a while and it feels like i'm drinking a soda like how it burns the back of my throat

found this cool tiktok account recently but haven't the lore yet
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but those bring depth, especially if you gave thought to them. without them your idea is incomplete for us, we cant really get the full picture while missing crucial information like that. I dont mean to talk you into revealing them if theyre that important for you but its true
didnt you say caffeine is poison
it keeps me awake for a long time and i don't drink a crazy amount like last time

i couldnt think or stay awake long for a long time and it sucked so i'm drinking coffee with cayenne pepper
that will stop when you get adapted to it but its still a stimulant and unhealthy for you like your brain will get to the point it cant function without properly without caffeine. normies condition themselves to drink 4 cups of coffee a day from age 18 and they cannot get anything done if they dont get their fix
i used to drink baking soda and huge doses of caffeine(preworkout) with juice and sugar before my track meets and eat jelly beans along the way and it gave me crazy energy but i couldnt sleep at night after coming home
whats your stance on drugs and stimulants caffeine is basically drug lite
>also btw i fucking hate melonade melon69 whatever. ugly morbidly obese bitch
you finally got this through your head that she's BWC only and now lash out on her LOL
now im really interested in knowing
i hate drugs

coffee is the only good drug, even if it gives psychosis which i consider a bonus to my creativity
>tiny white pecker spambot
didnt read
do you have lots of organized notebooks and write tons of things down
ugh no audiostreams
but yay longer than 8 second webms
i need to go do something
first plane:

second plane:

what do i call it...

le heckerino or something. fictional place... i've researched realm of chaos (whfb), planes of oblivion

meh, i'll describe it as a endless plane where time and distance have no meaning and full of fantasical biomes
oh btw my nails are growing like crazy fast

i just think its weird how fast they grow ugh
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ts is literally fucking insane :skull:
watching 'toks while watching caseoh

recently purchased both hotline miamis
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Thank you DT, I love you too.
Also welcome back

In your case wouldn’t that be Big Polish Cock?
come sit on my face doom sissy
i don't read spice novels but I can surmise by the little info i know that they basically fantasize about being an outlet for a man's pent up rage or something (i.e. they wanna be slapped/bit/abused and have their vaginas torn from rough sex)

i'm never gonna choke her because thats fucking stupid for one, and its not fucking painful. she could accidentally le fucking die for nothing
maybe i'd stay longer if you didn't ping your simpcuck 'cord to m*ss r*p*rt me
what if my wiferino did more than just be flirtatious and provoking

what if she caused me nightmarish hallucinations for her enjoyment

thus making the rough sex i'll give her in return more logical.
yeah playful teasing...

a woman is more interesting like that
biting her sounds fun
just imagine doing it to figure out how much youd like it and envision many scenarios
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scratching her also sounds fun too
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new lorekino drop:

eating gore and flesherino randomly on my schizo adventure and developing sharp teeth and demon claw nails

about to start writing backstory (the part 1)
so much kino to basically be like a roaming animal
oh i could possibly like... write a detective side story

no actually, mention being mentioned in newspapers and the news actually
ugh imagine eating a mouse alive

and feeling its gore fill your mouth when you squish it between your teeth
trying to get an aesthetical fyp
ugh i'm so le happy i'm not le tired

may do some gaming
looking at ragebait 'toks
blech i once listened to slipknot and I said ew because it wasn't slamming brutal death metal

mrhands died because of a bacterial infection in his anus from rolling around in hay, not because (as i previously thought) a horse's erect penis impaled him like a spear

what the frick, all this time thats what people made it out to be, like he impaled himself trying to shove a broomstick all the way up his ass
well then I guess my ginormous horsedickerino wont impale women to death then

it'll just turn their holes into hallways
well i'm relieved my headcanon is suddenly a lot less darkerino now
women can't take the entirety of one of those humungous dildos they shove up their anuses up their vaginas

excruciating pain is still on the menuerino! yippee!
but the painal though

my wife'll loose her flipping mind
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you know it'd be so kino from a narrative perspective that they all surviverino, waking up with IMMENSE AGONY and to top it off they're pregnant also

ugh ugh ugh so kino

we (me and my wiferino) can both laugh about it when we hear it on the news or read it in the 'aper

my waifurino will perpetually have the perfect body meanwhile all those women who got possessed by my wiferino will have their bodies ruined by pregnancy

well probably not all.. lets imaginary a scenario where abortion is banned all over america for more salt in the wounderino
ugh yawn time to take more naps
yawn wokeup
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If you’ve seen my other posts you know I despise shitcord, and I’d be the last person to condone harassment of anyone for any reason.
Also I’m a firm believer in “snitches get stitches” so no reporting from me sis.

Are you into horsecock because you live in a barn? Not judging just curious.
no i'm more interested in causing tremendous pain and my wiferino squirting a big fat messy orgasm all over me

i'm not interested in gross permanent damage, I don't plan to go further than hitting, slapping, biting, and scratching.

i am also want to revel in the immense vaginal and anal agony the woman my wiferino possessed will wake up with hours later and the possible pregnancy that will ruin her body
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still trying to figure outerino where I want my story to le go

i think it more kino to just blow into random large cities across le america, rather than staying in one place or *blech* go to south america (hellhole + spanish)
my narrative direction ideakino is basically to schizo around american (big city to big city since there is nothing in between) and like hallucinate and stuff like that

this opens up the possibility to write about whatever events that'd take place between x and y

aimless wandering or perhaps there is some greater scheme at play

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