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bru aka
pvp soon
the day of rope soon
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Utaha is working great this pvp season
Kill yourself obsessed brimnigger
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>ins goz is easily 1teamable now
probably not the fastest to 1t and definitely not an optimized clear but its nice to see
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I'm back.
Wonder if Canada missed me.
Oh right, the British flag is gone now.
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unfortunately she hanged herself
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thjis might be off-topic, but the thread reminded me of it
Hello my fellow white people.
hello there
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do want you want but your id is filtered being obnoxious
>27.61xM mock
>27.5xxM ticket
I hate raids.
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just do torment
although for me... do torment or install gentoo on new laptop
I chose le gentoo
>coin keeps appearing on the opposite fucking side
>4-team clear vs 2-team mock
oh well, at least I didn't lose the ticket
fucked around with gentoo (and sway) and now its probably too late to do the raid today
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>spend 30min wondering why USE flag isn't working
>I forgot to add a hyphen
Hello my fellow white people, another day another comfy gold, I bought one of the selector tickets like a good goy to get himari since i was lacking a second good supp.
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wow you can just kill goz no fucks given this time around
>wow you can just kill goz no fucks given this time around
he said before goz rng made him waste 30min
literally 100% right ball
big dangly slender loli feet
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Momoi and Midori 2021-15
fuck you hat RNG, still cleared with 2 teams
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what's with all the wojak spam?

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pvp NOT DONE but I don't have time yet
is the utaha defense really that attractive?
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finally a run that didn't have shit rng
I could probably improve my score if my wakamo was ue50 and borrowed a ny kayoko but with decent goz rng this clear is pretty comfy
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honestly after the card changes goz is one of my favourite raids

torment tier list (in terms of enjoyment)
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Actually ignore that list. I did gregorius torment yellow
I could probably do kurokage torment when it runs again as all I'll need to do is borrow an onsen shigure or something.
That'll be all torments cleared...? I don't think they have added any raids since s*t
for total assaults only I think it'd be binah, shirokuro, greg, and kurokage that I'd have to do.
I think I could do all of them by the time they come to global. Greg & Binah are the ones I'm most unsure about.
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I just did.
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>HOD on A
>Binah on S
>Greg on D
Skill issue tierlist.
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Greg is entirely scripted. He's not fun to do. Binah actually has you moving around and reacting to the attacks. You can fight him without following a strict script.
Hod is just good fun with a moderately healthy amount of rng as long as you have enough CC to keep him in check.
Binah is literally
>bring Mine/Marina
>have them bait all the beam attacks
>place shield when ATG is full
That's it. Greg may be scripted but on Torment he requires timing and aiming and SKILL.
>skill is looking at the clock and doing mine skill at exactly 1:32:400
yeah... skill... You could easily write an ahk script or other macro to beat greg
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That would be cheating thus BAN
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hurt my shin
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daily torment DONME
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she's close
Bru aka + gfl2
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fuck it, I'm not going to keep malding
Comfy gold for me (extreme lel)
I doubt I can get a much better score and I don't want to spend an hour hitting retry.
oh I misread it
fuck is gfl2 out now? need to do my pvp and exercise
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31gb? shit nigger
also why isn't the steam ver out? preload?
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also not gonna bother with reroll even tho I should probably do so (no shun trauma)
pvp sucks
constantly attacked every single day every single bracket
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finally. now whats next in terms of events?
I have some of the shop I can clear out if I want, or should I hold onto the ap..
I'll keep the remaining ap to double dip the double missions and aoi event
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you are so based for doing that
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no, really
the holocaust is a JOKE
>pvp sucks
I'm a shunlet and sshirokolet so it's extra painful.
200 pull and i'm no more a Sshitrokolet, fuck arona she always makes me pull alot when i don't need the second Student, i'm just gonna use the spark to +4 her.
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>fully voiced
nexon when will you do this to blue archive
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>censored mother
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high quality textures
>need to invest in both hibike and chibike
fuck this shit
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So what happens to Blue Archive now that martial law was declared (hint: nothing ever happens)
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holy shit new cafe upgrade
>nexon when will you do this to blue archive
this won't happen for the same ontological reasons why republics will never be better than monarchies.
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0.6%, 6 dupe, weapon banner with dupe (lel) + tips + safe horny.
Enjoy your chinese slop.
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blue archive is 0.7%
im having fun with this game too
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>The base pull rate for Elite (orange) Dolls and weapons is 0.6%
blue archive is 3%, don't have weapon and don't need dupe to upgrape your ex or stuff.
Since you are already buying the packejy on blue archive i guess this game is for people like you.
on banner is 0.7% with 200 pulls spark which is all that matters, especially when you have most students and another dupe for a ue50 student is mostly a waste
plus I plan to play this game casually and I'll still tryhard in BA raids as I've always done
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>Once you pull a SSR Character, you have 50% chance of it being the Rate-up one.
Yeah 0.3% and 0.6% ssr if way better than 0.7% from 3%.
This mean you will always reach the pity when you are pulling, and worst sometime you need more than one copy and/or the weapon, and the weapon.
Seriously how can you defend the hoyoshit gacha system?
gfl2 has a 80pull hard pity
Plus, I don't know much about the dupe economy in this game yet but I'm sure strategizing the maps can get you pretty far, like BA.
>If you lose the 50/50 then the second SSR Character you pull will 100% be the Rate-up one (so 160 pulls is hard pity),
oh yeah thats much worse but I doubt someone would be that unlucky
160*0.006= 0.96%
The hard pity is better than the rate, 200% than the rate if you take into account the coinflip.
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this jfd is boring
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Less boring than the PVP.

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