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Dying threads edition
Is /cmmg/ ending? Do we have enough regular participants to keep this series of threads going?
I own some veil. (like 300 shares worth.) When is the next divvy?
Holy fuck we lost... The cartel won, we can't even keep the thread up for a day.
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SNWNGR reporting for duty
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the cartel can't keep the fraud going forever
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That fucking timer is delaying the posting of great content killling the threads. These threads will die on any board because there is not enough retard posting. Maybe flood the board with CMMG threads just for the fuck of it. Instead of posting in an existing thread, just start a new one for each new post
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>Dying threads
They usually come up as prumed or deleted on my end rather than 404'd. Is this a /bant/ thing?

>make /cmmg/ delete on sight by j*nnies
Great plan. Both /cmmg/ and /pmg/ have been through that on /biz/ already.
>Instead of posting in an existing thread, just start a new one for each new post
Japan bros??? When???
IsoEnergy's acquisition of Anfield is being contested by UEC on the basis of dodgy deals and undisclosed conflicts of interest. Potentially good for me because I own Iso for Hurricane (and maybe Cole's Hill if Virginia state law changes) so all that low grade crap Anfield brings doesn't add much. Their mill hasn't operated in 50 years and needs a huge amount of work.
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>that gold inverse h&s
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Dec 11
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That's incredible. I have been dubious about pandemic conspiracy theories about killing billions of people and having global population control as a motive, even while I know the pandemic involved a lot of nasty shenanigans.
But for prosecutors in Japan to go after Bill Gates this way indicates they must have some decent evidence.
>the only source is a video on bitchute
Perhaps a false alarm, then
far more credible than the legacy media
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Silver is so fucking over
that's a nonexistent bar
The cartel won. I am capitulating.
Oh noes oil bros not like this...
"Exxon Mobil Corporation XOM has signaled that U.S. oil and gas producers are unlikely to significantly ramp up production despite potential policy shifts under a future Trump administration. Speaking at the Energy Intelligence Forum in London, Liam Mallon, head of ExxonMobil's upstream division, emphasized that the industry remains focused on economic sustainability over aggressive drilling.

"We're not going to see anybody in 'drill, baby, drill' mode," Mallon stated. He highlighted that radical production increases are improbable as most companies prioritize financial discipline and operational profitability."

The article leaves out the large (not majors) and mid-size producers that will jump at the chance to drill baby drill, especially as fed cuts rates in December and if Fed cuts rates in 2025
There is no reason why certain resources should keep a constant value ratio with each other in perpetuity.
I'm back in the bayhorse trade. Sold last run and I bought back today. The original forecast by the cmmg autists wasn't wrong. It was just early.
>We're not going to see anybody in 'drill, baby, drill' mode," Mallon stated. He highlighted that radical production increases are improbable as most companies prioritize financial discipline and operational profitability."
Yea thats what we thought in the previous threads
>Hydro Pulls Plug on Green Hydrogen and Battery Projects
>Norwegian aluminium Norsk Hydro ASA will halt funding for its battery and green hydrogen businesses and phase them out over time due to challenging market conditions.
I think most of us knew this was always going to be the reality of hydrogen. Expect to see more of this.
gold's value goes up over time as it has no actual usefulness, no one has any incentive to want lower prices. it's just an investment product controlled by gentleman's agreement among participants who all want the same thing.

industry needs silver/platinum/copper etc. so you've got buyers working hard for great deals. they make their money by expanding margins on products, not in seeing the price of raw materials go up.
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my finger broke
>Yea thats what we thought in the previous threads
That is what you thought. Oil is energy, an underlying for derivitives, and a weapon. Lower prices is bad for Russia and Iran, good for China. The US can make deals with SA and other OPECs (or they can try) to lower the price of oil against Iran and Russia while giving them money off the books so they go along with it. Also, as I posted before there are a lot of mid and small producers that will jump at the chance to drill and pump. Its how they make money. The management does not care much long term they just make as much money as possible and when the company goes bust they walk with their money and the larger mids and majors walk in and buy up the assets for cheap. Its the same cycle over and over. Watch the rig count and who is contracting for the rigs and the type of rigs to see who is drilling and who is doing other work. The majors only look for the larger opportunities but the mids have more flexability.
As long as my stocks ho up i accept any reason
I also thought that so "we" is right.
Aren't you guys socialists up there?
Just tax the other nine fingers an extra ten percent.
Problem solved

Btw what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
paid by insurance no worries, still hurts tho

we don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here
afternoon all how's things?
Quick link for discussion, permitting delays in BC are demolishing projects feasibility, thanks BC NDP.
What? I thought everyone celebrated American holidays
>permitting delays in BC are demolishing projects
>celebrated American holidays
No Ivan, Thanksgiving. Ever heard about it? I know that you don't celebrate it in your native Russia.
nah in this case its David Eby, our worthless Provincial Premier. I wish the conservatives got in last election but were stuck with the NDP again.
You finally get your GreenX Metals shares?
It may surprise you but we also don't celebrate American Independence Day here either
thats the Greenland focused project right? Anything major happening there i havent gotten any news from that project in a while.
>he did not even bother to check
this is a Greenland-free general.
i remember we looked at them a while back but i wasnt really sure if it was worth watching as Greenland's had those issues in the past confiscating claims after discoveries were made. Looking at their latest announcement from the 26th they hit an interesting stibnite outcrop, one float sample and another from a Sulfide / quartz chalcopyrite outcrop. Its interesting, hopefully they have more results out soon. I would love to see some on the ground photos of this 15km long trending vein their describing. The prospecting must be fantastic without trees or top soil.
also i am looking around in their announcements for anymore info on this "black earth" bed that appears next to the finer quartz stockwork structures on the discovery zone at Arctic rift, it really sounds like a decomposed / altered remainder from a previous ore body, broken down by near surface weathering. I cant find anything yet on how thick it is or how wide it is.
it's also unshortable as there is no shares to borrow
>I thought everyone celebrated American holidays
They do. once the borders are open.
Did PMs bottom? What does Gary say?
Shitcos submitting dodgy applications being put on hold indefinitely, how fucking tragic. Miners are always begging for free money and no obligation to work properly.
>"black earth"
Carbon? You think this could have a biological origin? Though I don't know if Greenland has had a lot of life way back in the past
its a metallic associated soil by how their describing the material, but i cant find more real geologic descriptive material from their site right now to say more on the matter. Its heavily enriched with silver and copper, into double digit amounts so it had to be a vein or similar structure at some point.
while the shitco's part is true their not the ones really being effected. The majors trying to complete permitting for their mines are stuck waiting on the absolutely abysmal permitting system. It never used to be this bad, the gov just simply hates mining so their "taking their time" on permits.
Good news from the poo lagoon from a few weeks back if anyone missed
>Blue Lagoon Receives Draft Mine Permit for its Dome Mountain Gold Project
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Its over
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When I was travel for scuba diving I would always ask Brits what they did to celebrate fourth of July
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Is marajuana a commodity?

Do all canadians look like Randy? He seems quite popular up north
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What's the low down on Freeport McMoran? Since this is a mining and commodities thread where all the commodity talk be at? I might be looking to invest in some OJ or pork bellies.
the same as on everything
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Freeport's a good copper-gold pick. Nothing wrong with the company.
Copper bros... When japan?
Getting pretty chilly in Europe... Bullish for the EU gas marker what?
yes and also by extension NA natty
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Oh no US frac spread sisters, Biden has been a dissapointment last few months
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me spread u long time
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Attention data center tranny 'sisters' - the evil natural gas supply must increase to support ever increasing data center demand for AI and coomer porn
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Premian has declined...
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>While natural gas producers plan to increase production to meet rising demand, they aim to avoid overproduction.
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No Russian gas for European Nazis this winter
>Premian has declined...
re-fracing is a thing
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>they aim to avoid overproduction
who is they? All I ever saw myself was companies producing as much as possible to max profits. The majors think in longer terms, but mids and small caps race to extinction so they can bought out in consolidations in the bust cycles. You produce as much as you can while saying you are cutting back to keep prices high and max profits. Same game around the world.
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>Premian has declined...
where are you getting your info?
you know, I used the chudjak for a reason.
natgas is so stupidly abundant, easy to produce and economic above $3 that it will always be overproduced.
>The Permian has fallen
>Billions must frac
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a "decline" in production could mean slower drilling for a number of reasons, but the charts show drilling and production continues and estimates show increased production going forward. Undless the train goes off the rails I expect the "drill baby drill" concept to apply to business in general as Trump tries to grow the economy to improve the financial situation. And if Trump puts in loyal "yes men" into key government spots and encourages investment several key markets and forces Powell to lower rates again there could be notable economic increase requiring more oil/gas. If oil prices start to fall Trump can buy a shit ton of oil for the strategic petroleum reserve to soak up supply, or ship it.
>natgas is so stupidly abundant
getting it to market from new wells is the hard part. With oil you stabilize it, stock tank it, and you can have an army of illegals trucking it from the well sites to rail heads, or pipelines until you get the pipelines built. With gas you flare it (you can see the thousands of flares in the oilfields from space during the night) until you can build a costy pipeline to transport, or drill injection wells to pump it back (if it comes with the oil).

All the AI data centers need tricity to create 4chan memes, and even more tricity for cooling the H100 racks.
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Oh noes Permian basis bros, not the 'new americans'
flaring is quite tightly regulated these days. There is almost always a pipeline feeding to the grid, and almost always an immediate customer. Producers aren't even allowed to flare if the natgas price goes negative, which it does sometimes in hubs like Waha. And the fact that it's a byproduct of oil means it's almost always economic to produce. Supply contracts only when dry gas wells get shut in when low liquids wells become too loss making. Natgas prices tend to skyrocket only when there's a sudden surge in demand due to grid issues or the weather.
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>flaring is quite tightly regulated these days.
They needed to ask for exemptions to do that you know.
>needed to ask for exemptions
When I think of environmental protection, the first industry that comes to mind is oil and gas.
Since the oil bros like to gamble, anyone hold -
PermRock Royalty Trust
Sabine Royalty Trust
Permianville Royalty Trust
The thread is supposed to be "commodities" and "macro" (whatever that is) but 99% of the time there is only shit mining stocks and people losing money, aint nobody got time for that. Where is all the commodity talk, speculation?
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I would never buy one of those. too noisy, can't run over the homeless easily, I need ground clearance and some weight, like the old american land yachts.
Hell yeah, land yachts (called "boats" back in the day) are peak automobile Americana. Some people today say the modern gigantic pickup truck takes the crown, but nah, the boat cars of the 60s and 70s still rule the roost.
The 1975 Lincoln Continental Town Car weighed in at a whopping 5,500 pounds.
The steering was so smooth you could turn the wheel with your pinky finger and operate this giant beast.
my old man had a 70 chevy caprice. It was riding in a cloud. Smooth, quiet, comfy. I loved that thing and I hated to sell it, but it had an quirky electrical problem, which I found just as I sold it. The positive battery cable was too long (I needed a new one but the shop only had a longer one) and it would rub on the alternator fan when hitting a bump and it would short and cut out for just a second before running again. I plan to buy a restored land yacht some day. More like a restomod with custom bucket seats.
I like the lowered gangster version a bit more
stylish, but these road-hugging cars are unusable in the winter if you don't want to scrape the bottom across ice and snow.
>unusable in the winte
It depends where you winter. I like the sun
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FCX is big into mining copper, I see no discussions about it. Does it suck? I know they bought the oil company running the Inglewood oil field at the peak, pissed off all the neighbors who imposed strict operating conditions on them, and the price of oil fell and they sold low - they ate shit on that. But if copper is going to moon they could be a safe play, no?
US war in Ukraine failing, Russia unleashes new missile, Israel's wars failing, Israel agrees to cease fire, suddenly new action in Syria (Israel had been bombing Syria recently). This is about activating another front against Russia, retaliation for Ukraine. Russia has warm water naval port in Syria and wants to keep it. How will a global nuclear war affect the price of copper?
global nuclear war is bearish. Less mouths to feed = less demand.
What do you think about LandBridge and Texas Pacific Land Corporation?
I don't know anything about those 2
check out the vid
It looks like LandBridge is newer version of Texas Pacific Land
How we feeling about the next 6-12 months?
this is what you guys voted for, don't act surprised when it happens
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I think I am going to reduce my Halliburton position and invest some in LandBride and Texas Pacific Land. They seem to both have large land holdings in areas where they can generate revenue from multiple types of land leases and sell commodities associated with their land holdings for many years to come.
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>this is what you guys voted for
Actually this
Did you all think he was joking?
True, I haven't posted here and just post in the group chat instead.
>think he was joking?
Turmp's style is to say a lot of tough comments and retarded comments as distraction/confusion then try to make a deal. Remember when he talked tough to little rocket man Kim Jong Un and said he sent an aircraft carrier over but it was just lies, then Trump flies down there all smiles shaking hands with Kim?

He is taking over when BRICS, and many other countries are tired of US's shit, the inflation, bullying, backstabbing and they are moving away from the US and the dollar. Trump is given better info on the status of US financial security and it could be he also sees desperate moves are required to prolong the inevitable collapse. So, wait and see. The more agressive he is the more desperate he is and the faster countries will move away from the dollar. The dollar does not have to collapse, just continue to decline at a faster pace, but a cheaper dollar will make importing shit from the US cheaper, but as the reserve currency the US needs to push out new dollars to the rest of the world that still uses the dollar, but that group is shrinking. The BRICS are taking action where it matters most to them and hurts the US the most. You will see Trump so all kinds of stuff, but he has a bad hand to play. The best he can do is juice the US economy in an attempt to strengthen the US position, but if its really you will see war on several fronts. Its heating up now, but this is nothing yet.
Cool, Russians shall use it to gas themselves.
>Russians nuking the West where alll cgildren of Russian oligarchs (including offsprings of Putin) live,
Yes, sure Boris and Ivan.

There isn't much to talk about.
Am I Boris or Ivan, I keep forgetting.
>There isn't much to talk about.
There is a lot to research and invest in with respect to commodities. There are new types of commodity businesses/mixture of businesses developing.
Depends on which employee of Russian Embassy you are
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so it's a o&g royalty and water rights company. Trading at above 30x EV/EBITDA for 2025e. Not super cheap right now for sure. That's more than twice the EV/EBITDA multiple of Topaz Energy which is basically the highest quality natgas focused royaltyco available. TPZ pays almost 5% div yield, Landbridge pays less than 1% div yield. LB has 272,000 acres in the Permian, TPZ has 5.6mil acres across the entirety of Canada, massive difference in scale. Landbridge has had impressive EBITDA growth since 2022 sure but when you can get top tier quality, scale, duration and yield for half the price in Topaz I just don't see why I would choose Landbridge, Topaz will also see big growth in EBITDA thanks to Tourmaline increasing production quite aggressively next year. I suppose if the water rights attract you and Canadian natty push you away then maybe you might want LB but otherwise TPZ is preferable DESU

>10:00 LB could be valued at $8B / Almost 10x from here
wut? The company's EV is $5.88B today, how would $8B be 10x? Also this stupid monkey nigger just casually assumes a 30% compound annual EBITDA growth as base case LMFAO, seems very sustainable kek
Now that's what I am talking about. I did not know bout Topaz, thanks for the info, will look it up, even though its canadian. For LandBridge I think they are more than just OG and water, as I understand it, and I could be more retarded than I thought, LB is also looking at other forms of land lease revenues similar to Texas Pacific Land, which is already ~$1,600/share.

>stupid monkey nigger just casually assumes a 30% compound annual EBITDA growth
I think he stated he does not know how to value the company because its different, same as Texas Pacific. I watch these vids to learn about new business segments and businesses. I will also gamble some on "similar companies" - Texas Pacific mooned and LB is similar and is new and may also have some good growth so I would buy some to catch the ride then sell and buy more dividend stocks.

If a large land holder as water, space, sunshine, natgas, reasonable proximity to powerline cooridors then they can try for data centers, as presented in both companies.
And actually my bad, I didn't factor in the recent 3mil acre acquisition, TPZ should today have 8.6mil acres of royalty land.
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On may to the office so I can deal with you later
oil and gas related land values and multiples are consistently much higher in the US compared to Canada which is why I tend to favor Canada. US shale hasn't peaked yet but it is in the process of finding a top in the next few years, it's plateauing. Reserve life in US plays is usually measured in years, in Canada it's measured in decades. Canada is just such an obvious opportunity that I would feel stupid chasing US.

Of course I might be too early (= wrong) and US companies will maintain their higher valuation while Canadian companies get the shaft but I'm a value guy so I can't in good conscience buy something that I view expensive when I can get good quality companies for much cheaper elsewhere.
Keep the info coming. I am always looking for some good investment opportunities and I need to keep expanding my field of view.
here's a Topaz presentation from July, I think it's the most recent one. Their most recent acreage acquisition which was a month or so ago isn't shown there though. Compare their presentation with other royalty company presentations to get an idea.
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>Topaz Energy which is basically the highest quality natgas focused royaltyco available
What you know about Enbridge Energy
very little, isn't that a midstream/pipeline company?
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>midstream/pipeline company?
Trump and Trudeau met and news reports they are in love with each other now.
here is some spam
"Operations: Liquids pipelines

Enbridge operates the world's longest and most complex oil and liquids transportation system, with approximately 18,085 miles (29,104 km) of active crude pipeline across North America—including 9,619 miles (15,480 km) of active pipe in the United States, and 8,466 miles (13,624 km) of active pipe in Canada
We deliver about 5.8 million barrels of oil and liquids every day on our cross-continent pipeline network (total includes joint ventures such as Gray Oak and Seaway)
We transport about 30% of the crude oil produced in North America
We transport about 65% of U.S.-bound Canadian production
We account for 40% of total U.S. crude oil imports

Operations: Natural gas transmission and storage

Enbridge's natural gas transmission and midstream network stretches for about 18,952 miles (30,500 kilometers) across North America and the Gulf of Mexico—or 72,552 miles (116,761 km) including the approximately 48,000 miles of gathering pipe and 5,600 miles of gas and NGL transmission pipe owned and operated by DCP Midstream (see below)
We transport about 20% of all natural gas consumed in the United States
We transport about 24.6 Bcf/d (billion cubic feet per day) of natural gas, based on 2023 figures
We have 273.8 Bcf (billion cubic feet) of net working storage through our gas transmission operations in the U.S. and Canada

Operations: Gas utilities and storage

Enbridge Gas is North America’s largest natural gas utility by volume, following our September 2023 announcement on the acquisition of three U.S. utilities—Dominion Energy Ohio; Dominion Energy North Carolina; and Questar Gas, serving customers in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho.
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the flat chested girl should have her nipples pinched seeing as there's nothing to squeeze
Gold broes, just how over is it?
Unequivocally over.
CEO.ca new rollout is the same fail as the previous two. SPOT is desperate to squeeze more ad revenue from its PnD partners. I want them to be brought up on charges along with the cadre of scammers like Goldfinger, DrJimJones, RocketRed, TicoTime2020, etc. It will never happen.
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Lads, this whole digital system you still worship is about to go poof in the next year or 2, The only thing left after that will be what you "Physically" hold in your possession, stocks, bonds, etf's gone, All the Mines around the World? Nationalised and investors told to fuck off. Commodities is the right place to be in, but you are in the wrong side of it by owning shares and digital certs when you should own the actual element itself.

We'll be waiting for you over in /pmg/ on biz when you come to this realisation, we are currently under attack by globo homo inc's trolls (Always happens when you're over the target) so we could do with our bro's from cmmg to join us.
Already have physical, go back to your cuck board kthx
Preppers and doomsday fantasists have been beating this drum for 50 years. The fuck you going to do with your little baggie of gold coins in a world where the financial system has collapsed?
don't you have a cave in the wilderness where you should be right now grug-kun?
Topaz trading volume is very low, if I wanted to cash out some gains to buy a sweet 1970s Caddy is there enough volume? I usually try to stick with stocks I can dump for one reason or another.
You said the same thing two years ago
TSX volume is very good, shame if US investors only have access to OTC though
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I forgot about "the math is the math" clown. He and Don Durrett almost baited me into Emerita but fortunately by then my due diligence had improved a lot and I'd become much more cynical
I made good money trading Emerita, I am very thankful for his shilling.
You must have sold before the crash, good timing. Durrett was trying to bait people in after it pumped and even chased it himself at something like $1.25US
isn't Durrett that guy who called Great Panther a 10-bagger just months before it filed for bankruptcy?
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SANU bros... I missed the bottom.
Kek, yes. Durrett's retarded pump attempt begins at 29:05

>CSE listed
nothing annoys me more. I cannot buy CSE listed shares.
There are gazillions of crypto discord servers
There are zero results when you try using search function to find mining stocks dedicated servers let alone PM mining.
Are we back, or will the US tax loss harvesters going to kill us again today?
Is NPV not the most abused metric for mining company analysis? I'm always suspicious when it's used to promote a company.
It's the best method we have. Need to use a proper discount rate and metal price assumption, and need to make sure the cost assumptions are realistic. In that sense you should be skeptical of that yes, especially if it's from a PEA or if the study isn't fresh.
I can understand using PEAs, but what I'm seeing is "experts" running with NPV comparisons for companies with only a resource. This is what I mean when I call NPV "the most abused metric."
Drivel like this ...
well you have to base your speculation on some kinds of assumptions. It's not easy but it's better than nothing.
>some kinds of assumptions
Like every ounce in the ground is the same?
As long as you make sure the NPV calculations are using the same assumptions what's the problem? I'd say "lbs in the ground" is a more abused metric, or pushing individual drill hole data to brag about grades..
This >>21689308.
The biggest assumption is that the companies' resource properties will become producing mines. This is wholly unrealistic.
>Is NPV not the most abused metric for mining company analysis?
Yeah, probably right on that one.
lbs/oz in the ground is pretty useless on its own. The most purposefully deceptive metric I've seen used in a presentation is oz per share, from a company with artificially low shares outstanding. They literally had a slide where they showed their oz/share in comparison to other companies and tried to pass it off as a sign that the stock is cheap.
Oh shit....they're learning
Kek. Was that just after a 1-for-10 rollback?
I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised at all if so.
I wonder how long left until verdict in Mexico VS First Majestic arbitration.
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New midstream positions in Cross Timbers Royalty Trust, and Enbridge Inc., and LandBridge for OG and water production, and various types of land leasing.

I think the OP pasta should be updated to reflect more diverse commodities and "macro" for more balance and with good discussions about growth vs dividend stocks we should have more interest in the thread. I do not care if the thread is popular, I am more interested in learning and getting good info on stocks to invest in, no not bayhorse.
I would welcome that change since the pasta is full of stuff that doesn't really matter. Last time I tried to do that I was shouted down but that was back in /biz/ amid a very popular sentiment phase so all the loudest retards were in full force.

Check out TC Energy if you like midstreamers, I think they have a NYSE listing.
>OP pasta should be updated
Agree. Either take out references to Austrian economics or anything TA related. These are mutually exclusive and make this general more schizo than it already is.
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Found the commie
>Austrian economics
Pick one, genius.
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No argument. That's what I figured.
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If you don't know who thos e two guys are that I posted, IDK how you found this place
china just banned the export of some rare earth metals to the US, and trump and the Republicans have been talking about using domestic resources for almost a decade now. Plus, Chevron Deference is dead, which means the judiciary will be more skeptical of regulations. I'd look at domestic projects that are close to the end of the NEPA process as good investments.
>Chevron Deference is dead - look at domestic projects that are close to the end of the NEPA process as good investments
Commodity bros our time has come.

And, it depends. Lots of states have strict environmental review processes and are still run by democrats. Oil/gas drilling and mining on federal lands may have an easier path, but there are lots of Obama/Biden types hiding in the federal government who will try to kill projects.
Why is this reading like taen out of Works Of Lenin? Is he a neomarxist?
Ah, OK. He was a student of Habermas. Explains why he sounds like a narrator from commie propaganda we heard back in the '80s in our TV.
>Hoppe and Rothbard
Unfortunately they lack the rigour of the master, who would include both in the "bunch of socialists" group.
How are you still seething about this? It's been literally years
When was the last time gold was moving in such a narrow channel for so long?
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Snowline growing the Valley deposit, next MRE in '25 should be at least 9Moz

>How are you still seething about this?
Because TA and Austrian economics are mutually exclusive and advocacy of both confirms that this general is schizo.
>Doesn't refute anything
I accept your concession
Praxeology does not refer to history. TA refers only to history. If you can't understand this basic concept then there's no hope for you.
>/cmmg/ is hivemind
>thread pasta matters at all
Autism results: postive
>Autism results: postive
Tell me something I didn't know.
>thread pasta matters at all
threas pasta is for new readers who might be interested, and can provide reminders there are other opportunities besides shitty junior miners. Does not need to be long, short succinct, informative is more than enough.
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>Tell me something I didn't know.
You can use your autistic super powers to find and inform about 10x to 100x opportunities with a little discussion about your analysis.
I've been sharing my trades here ever since KOLD and have done very well in 2024, highlighted by my long-term BRW harvest, but I suppose few on here have margin accounts from which to join me in shorting.
Pic is my current position. The rent boys Jason and Brandon will fuck this up. I've caught Kosec in lies before and know he's full of shit. Look for the latest Florida Canyon numbers to come out.
I do, I'm just not a short side kind of guy. Not my cuppa.
Congrats bro, as you were
Looks like the Next domino to fall Is Lion One. They took on too much debt with very high interest rates, probably won't matter that the asset is high grade when they pay CAD$2M in interest per quarter..
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Funny how gold companies rack up debt while having no income, it's so incredibly fucking stupid. Like I get it the management wants to dump their stock at a higher price and pay their salaries with the debt, but God is that scheme bad for shareholders. Another example besides Lion One is Gold Royalty Corp.
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Benton Resources(BEX) bro here. I had my entire portfolio in that shit and I lost 50%.

I sold everything a month ago(about $35k CAD) and bought tech stocks with some calls.
I made about 75% of the money I lost back.

I'm done with the mining sector for now. At least until I see some substantial evidence a bull market is actually starting, then I may get back in.
I've been in this sector since 2021, waiting "TWO MORE WEEKS" for the bull market that never came. Meanwhile crypto and tech stocks were massively bullish and I missed out on all of those gains. Trump's re-election was a massive shock to me. They are going to keep this bubble pumping for a long fucking time. Until the dollar dies, but that could take a decade or more, seeing how they've kept it going this long after 2008.
Peter Schiff is right....but not yet...

and for that reason, I'm out.
Good luck to you guys.
Good miners don't resort to gold mining, they can make fortunes in proper industrial metals instead.It's a sector for scammers and idiots who think no further than "gold = money therefore mining gold = great business"
They are literally running scams. It takes 10 seconds to look through the balance sheet and income statement. They rack up debt to pay their salaries while dumping stock and spending 70% of cash on G&A, running the company straight to bankruptcy.
Bob tried to tell us that four years ago
I remember a bro that took profits on BIG after it pumped then bought BEX, that you? If yes, did Hercules go down around 50% too from when you sold it?
I got banned at least a dozen times for saying it too.
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Ya that was me.
I sold Hercules near the top and made around $10k
Then I lost that $10k and then some over the past year bagholding BEX.
Oh well
credit can be a powerful tool if used right but it needs to be used right.
Best of luck anon. I kept telling you BEX was shit.
>irrational hate over gold miners
Based sentiment indicator, bottom is in.
Gold miners are ok. Decent companies

but the anon is right about gold mining attracting by far the most scams. It's easy to scam people with a gold mine. Other mines not so much.

though I have seen a silver mine or two I would consider scams.

It's no wonder gold miners are the biggest scam.
Who have been the main investors for years? Boomers.
Who are the ones now pushing newsletters and bringing in new naive money? Boomers.
There are a bunch of shotgun investing old fucks who made it really big during the last bubble by accident and they've sworn by the sector ever since.
Unfortunately they haven't made a cent after the last climb years back, so they've resorted to selling newsletters for young investors who are looking for similar gains from a new potential PM bubble.
This makes the ground more than fertile for scammers, because on one hand you have old retards who swear by this sector regardless of losses and on the other you have young guys with no experience in the scammy markets.
Throw in this retarded ultra bubble that just keeps going in the tech world and you're set for a really bad time in commodities for years.
I've seen scams in lithium, copper, nickel, uranium, and a host of other metals. Lately I'm seeing antimony scams.
If it comes out of Vancouver, there's a good probability that it's a scam, gold or not.
Yeah I'm guessing the price you have to pay if you want to get in before production is weeding out a lot of scams.
is it really a scam if you can tell it's a valueless venture at first glance as long as you're not a retard?
Most junior gamblers don't even bother to look at financials. They just follow known pumpers who were hired by larger shareholders. The game is still a scam though: dump financing paper at the highest possible price to retards as soon as it becomes free trading.
I'd say that's relative.

I've never tried this exercise, but if we took a list of junior miners from say, 4 years back,
none of them producing at that time,

and compared the same miners now,

how many would be bankrupt?
how many would be producing?

my guess is almost the entire sector is a scam, no matter how they look on paper.
>how many would be bankrupt?
not enough of them. These companies are like cockroaches. As long as there is no debt involved they'll get financing from somewhere and just keep the dilution+share consolidation gravy train going over the years. In bear markets if they can't chase the next hot commodity they'll just mothball and wait for the next injection of dumb money.
>how many would be producing?
very few. You can usually count the amount of juniors going from no production to opening a mine every year with one hand. The ones that have good assets and management are rare and usually get taken over before that happens.
>my guess is almost the entire sector is a scam, no matter how they look on paper.
This is true. 90% are worthless, 9% are very speculative but maybe valuable, 1% actually have value.
in which case we have to bet that the 1% will win so big it offsets the losses on the other 99.

which is possible, but I feel like just trading on sentiment would probably pay better.
That's one of the more abused fables perpetrated by the industry. I don't know how many times I've read "near-term production" and similar inane claims.
I'm currently watching a Kabuki theater performance involving a shitco and an indigenous Peruvian community. The company pretends that local permission to mine is imminent, while the natives pretend to entertain the idea and sign some meaningless non-binding accords and accept cheap benefits from the shitco. Both parties know they won't mine anything, but the play will continue as long as morans are willing to believe them. In this particular case, "near-term production" was claimed three years ago.
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Redpill me on uranium (URNM)
glowing stuff makes water boil
choo choo steam electricity
for cheap
>I'm done with the mining sector for now
There are other sectors worthy of investing. Shitty mining companies are the bottom of the list.
Great way to boil water, or poison the community.

Kazatoprom bros where you at?

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