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>Didyou know Japan copied China?
Their music is a minor version of Chinese music.
Their paintings come from China, a Tang version of Chinese paintings.
Their tea ceremony comes from China, a completely Chinese tea ceremony but with kneel.
Their writing comes from China, hm is the simp understand it.
Their food comes from China, the Japanese ate pine cones on trees before Chinese food was introduced.
Their Bushido is also Chinese, the core concept comes from China during the Warring States Period, Wu Zi's Art of War,
>有死而荣,无生之辱+仁义礼智信(Once on the battlefield, one must be prepared to sacrifice one’s life with honor, rather than to save one’s life in disgrace)
when the Japanese were still studying how to make fire by drilling wood.
Their architectural style comes from China, this is the same as Chinese characters, no explanation is needed.
Their religion is from China, literally a fusion of Taoism and the Chinese emperor system, by the way, they also stole our yaoguai concept, most of the ancient Japanese monsters you see, the prototypes are all from China. We created the concept of fox girl 2000 years ago
Their flower-viewing custom came from China. When China began to appreciate the beauty of flowers and conceived about flower poems and songs, Japanese were eating roasted flower petals.
yes,Japanese cartoons also come from China. China produced the first cartoon film in Asia.
and this is what Osamu Tezuka, the God of Japanese cartoons, said.
>he would state that the most important influence on his desire to be an animator was not Disney but the experience of watching the Chinese animation Princess Iron Fan as a child.[10]
Japan is the most anti faggot trad country in asia.
Taiwan is most libtarded antichristian cuck globohomo faggot country that should be nuked
What about Japanese martial arts? judo, karate, aikido?
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Japan improved upon China in every aspect to the point that now China copies Japan by making anime ripoffs
Japan invented Kanji
this is a fact
Japan can't come back from this
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>greeks copied hitties, egyptians , babylonians etc.. etc...
>.... *Crickets*
>Japanese copied Chinese
Beginning in the 1300s, early Chinese martial artists brought their techniques to Okinawa. Despite the Ryukyu Kingdom being turned into a puppet state by Japanese samurai in 1609, after the Invasion of Ryukyu, its cultural ties to China remained strong.[4] Since Okinawans were banned from carrying swords under samurai rule, groups of young aristocrats created unarmed combat methods as a form of resistance, combining Chinese and local styles of martial arts.[4] Training emphasized self-discipline.[4] This blend of martial arts became known as kara-te 唐手, which translates to "Chinese hand." Initially, there were no uniforms, colored belts, ranking systems, or standardized styles.[4] Many elements essential to modern karate were actually incorporated a century ago.[4]
Copying the West
is China in such a desparate condition?
we overhear about many protests about employment and housing there.
quite bored of these oriental spats
In detail?
Why are you still an incel at 37yo? and peeping at women's panties on the subway?
judo was created in 1882
good thread
50 yuan deposited to your wechat wallet
China was for the East was the Roman Empire was for the West.
Too bad it's a complete dystopia now. Truly a pity.
Enough already, stupid 佐藤犬
>Judo is a meme because it was created in 1882
>China was created in 1949

According to your theory. Russia and Germany were created in 1990.Go to the subway and look at some women's underwear. Stupid stuff
According to your theory, the People's Republic of China is a meme
>conceptual substitution
>changing the subject
Typical Japanese.
he's 在日朝鮮人 though
>I cannot see that ‘China’ in the sentence ‘China was created in 1949’ refers to the People's Republic of China

Stupid ESL,Learn to speak correct English first before talking to me.
Interesting about tezuka osamu data.
What do you think about Xi jing ping ?
How can you enter 4chan ? Do you use china browser?
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Don't insult each other. Japan and China should be alliance. Westerners want to divide and conquer us
asian pussy power rankings
1. hmong
2. korean
3. japanese
4. philipino
5. malaysian
6. manchu chinese
7. li chinese
8. han chinese
9. laotian
10. vietnamese

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