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Work on your dreams and make them come true.
Thanks, I will try it!
Keep trying!
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nuking the world is my dream
The goal in life is to do as little as possible for as much money as possible.
I have never seen someone who works a lot succeed.
You won't succeed sorry
You haven't seen a lot. Talent takes a lot of effort to make
hey u stole my believe in your dreams talk from me i did that originally not u wtf fuck u fake ritsu
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i have given up
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Don't. Give. Up.
too late i gived up already
Fuck you. Don't give up on your dreams.
i don't have any dreams
so u ignore me u fucking nigger
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You are lying
My dream is to learn verb conjugation
Ritsmy dream is 2 fuck boymoder and take him away from ur cold dead heart
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Talent is natural.
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Most people mistake hard work for "talent". It's why I say talent is made.
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Nah people with talent don't need to do any hard work.
Give examples
i never tell lies
Only npcs don't have dreams
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Life is a mix of luck and talent, you don’t become rich, you are generally born rich., hard workers are usually exploited.
If you want an example, just look at everyday life: business owners often inherit their position from their father, and the people who make the most money usually work the least.
Being rich isn't talent.
you didn't respond to anything anon said
I fucking responded correctly. I was talking about talent and that faggot gave me being rich as an example for talent. It's not valid, I told him. He left
i luv boymoder<3
boyymooodeer <3
and I want 2 fuck that gimp chigger ritsu
just kidding tee hee I would never fuck that faggot ritsu
total chigger death

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