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Look at this Ponch this Ponch is amazing edition

>Who is Betty?
She was a freeloader who appeared on season one of Sam Hyde's internet reality show "Fishtank". She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.

Poncho is her cat with a following all to his own

We are inching closer to /bbg/ #100…

>be nice
>it's free to be nice
Prev: >>21694724
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Betty finally got her tooth fixed and is healing
and Path of Exile 2 is downloading
things are great
Best duo to grace the internet
>Path of Exile 2 is downloading
Same & now that s3 is wrapping up i'll get back to gaming a little more
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>Recent news
Jr is going to get his GED through hard work and determination
Betty passed her driving test and killed a snowbank
It's cold outside
There's no kind of atmosphere
I'm thinking too much of fish, i need to overwrite myself again
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Feels bad that people like Mao Mao ruined our neighbors to the north. Also something ive noticed: Betty simps are mostly brown while seethers are mostly white. Hmmm
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How can you tell
>Betty simps are mostly brown while seethers are mostly white
They are slightly tan, there's a distinction to be made from that & the dark browns tbf
Always drive as if everyone is a shitty driver or people like me would crash into you
> T. can't park in my own driveway without almost hitting the fence or other cars
Also yeah people love to stare & i hate it, that's why i always go for dark tint, helps separate me from them thus calmer on the road
It's so over
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One thing I learned about this season is never cast normies and ethots. Only autistic retards at this point
They should add some egotistical lolcows the likes of Vegangains or Low Tier God though those types would probably quit right away
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It's quiet today, does anyone here like Lazy Masquerade
I'm watching this
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What is 2chan???

I’ve watched videos on how 4chan got together to track down Muslims and call air strikes on them or some shit. 4chan is so smart
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The Japanese version of 4chan. Moot the maker of 4chan (along with some others) imported the code & made this place
Fun fact Moot used to run the site through mac minis though i don't know if they still do these days
Obviously not lol
So it was a lie the whole time
can you start putting "ftl" somewhere in the OP so this thread comes up when i search this board
This isn't ftl tho
Some music for late night browsing
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America is about to have their ass handed to them in the middle east
The Mediterranean is going to become a warzone
Israel will be marched upon by Iran
This is prophecy

Get right with God
Peace is about to be taken from the earth

Feds or their dogs are starting to verbally attack me online for revealing the TR3B

Screencap this post
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Mr. Ayala do the drones appearing everywhere have anything to do with the MIC & Middle East, have you been reading up on those developments
War games are likely secretly being played on U.S. soil right now in preparation for WW3 going hot

They’re likely keeping it quiet as to not spook the sheep
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I demand one cute Betty selfie per day
In return, I will "like" and reply to all her X posts, as well as make positive posts about her here
I believe my terms are quite reasonable
do one of you have a picture of treeniggers
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Here ya go
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Got this one
2channel is the imageboard that hiroyuki gives more of a fuck about than 4chan.
>I’ve watched videos on how 4chan got together to track down Muslims and call air strikes on them or some shit.
bro watched too much internet historian (skull emoji)

4chan was based of Futallaby, an improved version of Futaba, the software 2chan uses.
>i don't know if they still do these days
It's all in the CloudFlare servers.
This thread's been quite. How did everyone feel about S3's ending?
I didn't like it at all. Shame, because I was really hyped at the beginning of the season. S3 overall was decent though.
I can't blame ya. Worst ending Fishtank has has had thus far.
>S3 overall was decent though
I feel the same. it was good quality up untill last 2 weeks.
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TF I told betty about that bad thing you did earlier that you think she wouldn't find out about it and she's not happy what do u have to say for yourself
What did you do this time TF...
Lots of activity at the airbase in town
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There is now a /ftl/ general in /bant/ with us, but I don't think that the /tv/ mods are consistently kicking the generals from /tv/ just yet
I think that the S3 crowd will be less hostile than S2
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Good afternoon, I hope you're all having a bettastic day
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How does /bbg/ feel about the Italian assassin Luigi Mangionettiniella? Pictured here with I assume is his sister?
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I'm kinda on team it not being him. Looks different than the photos we've seen. I'm a little specious.
That looks like it's AI generated. I totally expected the cat to lunge for her and rip her neck open or some shit.
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Betty this is a little spooky, don't make people worry!

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Betty's practicing catchphrases to use in her new career as a hitwoman
She's deadly
She's effective
She's zippy with the one-liner
It's all about branding
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Gotta love them Bitty eyes
"Death has a dignity of its own"
is a line used in the movie Johnny Got His Gun (1971) from a scene that Metallica sampled for their song's "One" music video. Actually the song itself is based on movie and the book my extention.

Shame the movie hasn't aged all that well. You can check it out here if you have the time
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Great book, too. I still think about the Christmas part sometimes. It's heavy.
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Goodnight guys
Goodnight /bbg/. May tomorrow be a better day for everyone
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It's going to be a beautiful warm sunny day and I am going to eat tacos.

I actually own a 1st edition copy of that book but it' so old I have yet to open it out of fear of damaging the spine.
They already memory holed Netanyahu being a war criminal

Who did he pay off?
It lasted less than 24 hours

If you weren't paying attention you could have easily missed it
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I didn't recognize the quote
I'm so uncultured
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I am sitting next to a real life trans woman for the first time. My coworker in the tech department it’s just me and her. Does not pass desu and i literally always thought it was just a dude with long hair but I just heard another coworker call say she and then when she rung up a customer she talked in a soft voice.

I’ve always seen these people online just never irl. Idk what response to this I’m expecting but I’m just making convo since it’s been dead in here
If I was put here in electronics everyday I don’t think I’d hate my job. I’d be fine doing it for a long long time. It’s so chill and easy. But I think most of the people here work for some other company not actually the store that I work for.
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>Does not pass desu
Therein lies the rub. Very few pass, and those that do are desperate for any male attention. Incidentally, my local grocery store also has a couple trans women working there (2 is a couple). What is it with trannies and working retail...?
I was on the subway the other day and I was thinking to myself: "has Jr ever tried courting the homeless?". Jr I feel like there's an untapped market of attractive runaways/substance abusers out there just waiting for you to chat them up? Think about it Jr, they are desperate to get off the streets, and at most you'd be risking they MIGHT steal your parents TV or something.
I swear I’m one of the only straight men at my job.

She’ll probably want money for a blowjob not a relationship. What would the vagina taste like….
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Had to step out for a bit, but I’m glad you’re waking up to the transactional nature of romantic relationships. That said that doesn’t mean it can’t eventually become a loving relationship. Do you think love can bloom on a battlefield?
Would she even care about me?…would she trade me in a heartbeat for a gram of meth?

I just had a long conversation with the trans woman. Figured out she’s fucking 40. Thought she was in her 20’s or 30’s
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All powerful men have these same concerns. But yes, she would likely slit your throat for a schmeckle of meth. It’s all part of the dance! If you saw any of season 3 of fishtank you would have seen how young some people in their 30’s can look. I thought Smaack was like 25 but she’s 30 something. Betty herself doesn't look a day over 20. Maybe it’s all the preservatives in the food that keeps everyone looking so young?
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I always forget how wise and mature Betty must be. She looks like 19 or 20 so that’s just how I think of her
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There's a poetic irony to the tipster maybe not getting that reward for turning in Luigi
Claim denied
lol fuck that old boomer! He never took to heart the lessons of “Omerta”
If his back is as bad as they say it is he’s going to have a real hard time in prison. I saw a thing that said his back was so bad he couldn’t even fugg anymore? I can see where the murderous rage might stem from.
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I’m pretty sure I just interacted with another trans woman. This time a customer. I’m not completely sure cuz she had on sunglasses but the voice was pretty deep. This has never happened in the 3 months of me working here. What the fuck is going on today?
The universe is finally manifesting for you, be on the lookout for your potential gf might be right around the corner
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Cute bummy
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You astral projecting last night:

>send trans women to jr send trans women to jr send trans women to jr
That's a child.
We're getting more 1pbtids, does it have to do with ftl coming somewhat back to bant. Who knows man
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People just can't stop
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Many have tried, all have failed
Revenge porn
Speaking of Betty, I wonder how she is feeling?
We have reached Letty general levels of pph, it was bound to happen was it not. Only time & causality will tell if we pick up again. In related news i needs me a petplay girl
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Nothing wrong with peace and quiet. A general's problems usually stem from its inability to sit quietly with its own thoughts.
I think in general people are too content brained nowadays, and go stir-crazier the calmer things are. Not saying you particularly, just musing.
You're right, we need to take breaks & give our dopamine receptors a break here & there
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Since it’s been so slow I guess I’ll ask if any organized people have a clip of the Betty part from this space

It was the night before they had a back and forth on Twitter. I wasn’t there for it and I wanna hear what Betty had to say but watching a whole Shadi space to find that part is too painful
Don't think she said anything desu
Who the biggest simp besides some retard called Binxsknight?
Depends on what your exact definition of simp is
Someone that spends over $5k on an ethot and get nothing in return. Also the ones that rub one off/ lusts to said ethot
Then probably Binxsknight atp, there was one guy for Josie back then but i always forget his name
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Shadi is sneaky, she will invite people and immediately give them speaking permissions, so when they join their status is "speaking", and all of their followers get a notification to join the space.
I'm not sure if Betty said anything during this space, but I might check later.
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God I love cranberries.
I profess my love for those tart globules.
From the mountains I yodel my adoration.
The beauty.
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Good morning
the man
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Who do you guys reckon is the biggest Betty supporter, the one who has spent the most? I don't think we have a Binxsknight in the community.
Has anyone professed their undying love in a discord DM?
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Kinda ironic considering Caleb is a big betty simp and tried to get her into the porn industry
What are you on about TF were you unblocked & reblocked again?
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There are no survivors
In this game called love
seether activity is way down since i crafted the amulet js
Did you conjure any specific properties to the amulet, do you mind uploading it i want to see
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Guys! The Shaq-a-roni is back! Pic related.

You bring up an interesting point TF, but I will refrain from giving my OP on it.

It's me, I'm the guy. Hitler top guy right here.

It's too powerful! Activity is down across the board!
I see Betty is having fun

I think that has to go to me since I and her did some undercover work together. That was fun

>>21732338 >>21732375
Nice work TF. Can you make more powerful?
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Everytime another race is nice to me I become less racist towards that race. My half Hispanic coworker is just chill and he just told me “sorry for being kind of a hard ass back there but you did good” and he was barley even being a hard ass I think he might’ve said one thing but still nicer than most people. He’s like fully americanized though he has no accent but still I feel like that counts
I too miss Bitty poom pooms </3 need some lewds desu
Captcha: pxs0x
What a sign
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>My half Hispanic coworker is just chill
Hispanics rock
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She posted a driving clip earlier today that's since been deleted. We have similar reactions to people driving in our blind spots but I always default to calling the other person a bitch regardless of gender. I might have an anger problem.

He might have an accent. I had an AI "analyze" my voice and it said I had a Spanish accent. I then tried it again throwing on a real thick Chinese accent and it said my accent was English.
That clip made me want to drive in the rain been a while since i took a drive to destress
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Also, Jr always reminds me of picrel
Night drives are fantastic for chill maxing, but I'd hesitate to drive in the rain, especially out here. It just ends up stressing me out honestly.
He looks close to my age and has three numbers in a sort of “Hispanic font” tattooed on his neck. I forgot which numbers but I probably wouldn’t say them anyway because it might have something to do with a location which could further dox me
It's different over here, it snows & rains often enough so almost all drivers know how to adjust for it
Does he look like a Sureno, Norteno or a Latin King?
lol I was reading some post on pol about Taiwan being invaded and was like "well guess Jr is gonna end up fighting the Chinaman after all."

probably an area code. does it start with an 8 or a 2? if so I know where he's likely from.
I wouldn’t know. He sort of has the same skin tone as the short kid from the show “on my block” but he might be even lighter than that.

I think it had a 2 in it but idk if it started with a 2. If it’s an area code then it’s not the one we are in rn probably a different one
It's always an area code with those types of tattoos, gotta rep your hood ykno
Or those are gangs not races sorry I’m dumb. I literally knew that too
He’s pretty small he’s like the same height as me and a little bigger probably so he’s probably not an actual gangster probably just proud of where he’s from or something
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Could you handle a chola, can one fix you?
I always kinda wondered what’s the evolutionary reason that they are shorter a lot of the time. Like I’m 5’7 but if I lived in Mexico I wouldn’t be short I’d be the average height
I rarely see Hispanic girls with white guys. That would be an even harder challenge
On the contrary i think you would have an easier time with a fine Mexican woman
If not a full on chola perhaps a Japanese chola?

Maybe it's a sign you need to find a Latina gf, move to Mexico, father like 9 kids. Latinas demand big families btw. Jr do you enjoy tacos?

Most of my extended family lady cousins hooked up with white guys. White white too. Dudes named Darren.
A Japanese one would make for a good middle of the ground type, balanced for Jr
>Jr do you enjoy tacos?
Remember Jr, actual Mexican tacos not the American ones
If I did that idk if my grandpa would ever fully accept me. If he found out he’d be like “YOUR’E DATING A FUCKING ILLEGAL ALIEN??!!”

>Maybe it's a sign you need to find a Latina gf, move to Mexico, father like 9 kids

You’d be fine with that? I never wanna steal another races women but I think I remember you said you dated a white woman so I guess it would even out
Never let others get in the way of love
I still struggle to find attraction towards them. Not that they’re not pretty but I think a lot of them look similar. But that could be racial blindness like how a lot of white people think Asians look the same.

When I was little and I watched “middle school the worst years of my life” I had a crush on that girl with the glasses but idk what type of Hispanic she is maybe Filipino.
>You’d be fine with that?
Lol I don't own all Latina women Jr, despite what you might have heard from me or others. Date as many Latina women as you want.

>I remember you said you dated a white woman
I've only ever dated white women. Always some mixture of Italian too. Polish/Italian, German/Italian, etc. I have a thing for the Italians I guess.
>I had a crush on that girl with the glasses
I had to look her up. You're talking about Isabella Merced. She's Latina. You and /tv/ seem to have a crush on her.
Kinda related but there was a YouTube channel I used to follow by the name of "Tangerine Travels". It was vlog type channel of this white couple from Nevada/Utah/Arizona? I can't remember. They spent a year or so traveling around Mexico when the guy (pic related) found himself a Mexican gf mid journey and kicked the white lady to the curb. Many such cases. I stopped watching when the white lady got rid of her implants and stopped appearing on screen in a bikini.
See now that’s fucked. If I had a white ‘etty type gf I could never do that. But that white woman is not that hot either so I also understand idk
have there been ANY new nudes since like the pink bush one?
'etty type gf's are few and far between.

There was a butt post just now but it's since been deleted.
If I wouldn’t have gone to the bathroom at work when I did I would’ve missed that shit
where did she go
wasn't the whole point of this general about he porn and requests
Bitty bummy is always appreciated
It's about the many friends we make in this journey
The bot missed it too (it was a reply, and I don't have it scrape those).

Maybe the true purpose of the general is the frens we made along the way?
I don't care about anything other than betty's pussy but I guess that's just me you guys care about cock and balls in here
tbf the cock & balls thing was a 1 time thing & most of those posters probably aren't here anymore
>and balls
I’m one of the only people who included a second pic with my balls cuz I wanted to get a full well rounded rating
The chubby guy that included the full body pic of his horrible body is the only one that got my respect that day. Also as an avid dick pic sender, for whatever reason women respond better to "implied" dick than actual dick pics. Women are weird like that.
I'm not here for the other posts
It's gone now. Lost media. Bitty posts lewds/nudes but she leaves them up for a couple of minutes at most. You either catch it or you don't. Thems the breaks.
>couple of minutes at most

Yeah unfortunately because people will judge her. I’m sure you’re a fan of the one she posted a little bit ago though cuz her legs look pretty nice and I know you like legs (I’m not horny I’m saying all this in a dialed back manner)
Okay buddy. God bless. I got a case of Modelo and a Shaq-a-Roni to enjoy + the last few episodes of "From". It's a terrible show don't watch it.

She's like 70% legs and she has a real nice butt. I heard once that an athletes power comes from their ass. No idea if that's true or not.
I'm going to take this into my OWN HANDS
I'm going to DM HER MYSELF since you guys won't hand over anything
>70% legs

I think that’s part of why I like it, long legs can be really nice to look at
I also like something about Betty wearing hoodies idk why
Girls+hoodies= cunty= cute
That's how it starts. Next thing you know you're sexting ladies throughout the day asking for pictures of their legs in exchange for a nude. The going exchange rate is 3 to 1 in my favor. Sometimes it's legs for legs. A crazy rabbit hole!
Man I love women. Everything about them.
File deleted.
Belize anon isn't lying here's a screencap of it
They're a fun distraction for sure. I could do without some of the weird baggage that comes with em, but otherwise very fun. Yes.
Officer Betty is WANTING
Don't arrest me miss, oh nooo
Do you disassociate a lot? that's when things start to get loopy
whats that suppose to mean
things have been going really well for me ive been on new medication thats helping a good bit and got my old job back making more than ive ever made and the new boss really likes me.
also ive gained 10lbs in the last monthi estimate i will become a chad in around 6 months
It's not a diss, TF. It's something i've wondered for a bit, just curious
>new medication
Which ones, have you experienced any side effects
>also ive gained 10lbs in the last monthi estimate i will become a chad in around 6 months
That's good, make sure you do some calisthenics at the very least & build some muscle
That's great news TF. Keep at it and the good will just keep coming

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