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Do I pass ?
show bobs vagene
No, trim your eyebrows and get a rhinoplasty.
as a pedophile
I would breed you. What's your discord?
Pass as what? As a local? Not in my country.
what's wrong with your eyes
not really
I would let you suck my 9 inch BBC
What’s up with your eye?
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Tbqh wish i had taken hrt in elementary school and been anally fucked
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you have homophobia?
the fuck
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Tbqh i wish i would have been forced to transition as a child and been forced to take hrt and been forced to get castrated
I take that back >>21760798
I can do that for you, but we will need to whiten thise teeth
oh heeeeeeeeeeeell no get the fuck out of her hahahaha who invited this kid this nigga really think he bruce lee with them yellow teeth!
no, not really
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I wish i wish
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Ommmmm im girl
your eyes are all fucked up by the way
Definition of a dude with long hair, even the other finn tranny passes more than you
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Ommm gorl
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Do you think artegal would have married me and taken me to canada with him
I feel bad for your parents
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Girly day
I wish that was me
is that the US shooter?
Please be me
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Take me daddy
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Where everyone go?
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When officials ask for my i have to respond with "katerina"

My official id name is "katerina" and theres a big "F" on the is
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Passport photo 2 weeks before turning 13
no sorry, you probably need some ffs
You look kike Cara Delevingne if she was a tranny
Grim what Swedish rule does to Finnish youth
Post your gock
that was still saveable

im really fucking sorry this shit had to happen to you
Finnish gem.
Are you cute
I was lucky enough to have private doctors and actually got early HRT intervention as a child without being ruined by the public system.

What was done to Kat is atrocious
Can we have sex
No bud
she's a fennorussian
I need a fennotrans girl to impregnate
yeah ok this is the worst thread i've seen all week
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Kiss shahar again
Too ugly to be even part russian
Probably finnofinn
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At this point you should've had your head forcefully shaved and your body whipped, then forced to do HIIT, weightlifting, train Krav Maga daily and then read the Quran; "On the Way of Resurrection" by Michel Aflaq until it became a natural routine for you to train mind and body.
Weren't you supposed to go to canada at the beginning of december?
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No, I had gender dysphoria back then but of course in 2011 it was simply not something i knew

I had no idea

I didnt know
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I didnt know what hrt was until middle school and there was no way i could get it
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Had you done what I explained, then you would've been leading the revolution to reform Finland into a Ba'athist nation and then take the revolution overseas to Canada
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Were you ever sexually abused?
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i see these trannies irl and they are always super insecure or angry.

i feel bad for them for gettin psyopped.
by these do you mean literally me in kuhmo kainuu fnland
no havent seen you but same psyopped victims of the kike brainwashing.
Why are Finns like this?
Lack of sun
nigga what the fuck is that heterochromia
a tranny can always clock a tranny but for the average person i do think you pass
The Aids test? No.
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she's so attractive
Yeah you sort of look like a woman, good for you I guess, anon
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Good morning saar
You pass for a nasty tranny
No doubt
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I would need to be born in Russia for it
Always wishing to be anally fucked
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Axl Rose after drugs be like:

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