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First Edition Edition

No links because I'm onto you jews and your self promotion bull shit.

No previous thread because this is the first edition.
Based edition
I just saved your image.
It's not my image. I saved it from some other thread.
This is honestly a better bake than the usual degenerate fetish shit that's killing these generals.
based and true pilled
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e x t r e m e l y R A R E
This time next year SPY will be $800 and we'll all look back at this and laugh
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my -25% calls expire in feb
Any of you degenerates have tips on getting a strippers digits for otc meeting?
Yeah ask for her phone number you fucking retard
if you have to ask, you're probably hopeless
wtf is this market even doing?
eh it's probably because I've been a /d/egenerate browser for over a decade, but I don't mind them
far better than shills, jeets, and shitposters

after all, what other websites can you talk about macroeconomics and futa in the same thread?
>Buy at 49
>It suddenly drops to 47 due to F.E.D black magic
what do bros? Will line go up ?
Gotta do it on the sneak. Club is strict about it. No fun cock blocking Jannies
Holy shit there is a "thing" in the crowd
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I miss when bakes were smg relevant.
>dump to negative infinity 10m til close
i jew it
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Really nice sell off into close.
ding ding ding bake

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Nice selloff before the spoopy inflation data tomorrow, very cool
I love going into the weekend before Christmas $11,000 poorer than a few days ago
sweet I just keep losing money
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I mistimed my ding post so whatever
-.08% today
Only 1 /smg/ the entire day? Wtf happened to /smg/?
holidays, and we all got heemed so we stopped being cocky
-0.71% today if anyone gives a shit, stop thread splitting you faggots
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>it's long term bonds explicitly going up
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>trump market started before Trump was even sworn in

can someone please explain to my why spy dropped 3% so quickly? i bought in after the dip, but i'm curious why it happened.

the fed confirmed that rates are still going down into 2025, why isn't spy skyrocketing?
2 rape cuts vs 3 or 4 expected rape cuts. That's literally it, hugely retarded overreaction.
MCD is complete garbage these days, even by fast food slop standards. And that's on top of the prices being totally out of control. Fuck 'em
>implying Trump is responsible for the declines in the market.
Retarded Kneepad Girl we know you're a fucking retarded lefty, but the markets went down because Gavin Newsome scared everybody with is State of Emergency announcement regarding the next scamdemic.
Portions are small, prices are crazy and the actual food quality sucks. Just not worth it at all anymore. Hell I bet the McRib is tiny this year too, and probably costs like $7 or some shit just for the sandwich.
Yes, anon. Why do you post this stuff every day for months? It was kind of funny the first day. What is wrong with you?
Because it makes his dick hard obviously. Doesn't take a detective to figure that out.
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>This time next year SPY will be $800 and we'll all look back at this and laugh
Anyone know why so many stocks are going down?
Santa rally
Santa dresses in all red
Sell now and buy back in after SPY goes +20% for st paddy's day
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If you are feeling a lot of pain, its time to start buying
Uhhh is the santa rally canceled?
Guys what will jump today it is not even close to funny how nearly homeless I am

I am 30 years old and went to the army recruiter yesterday to join the infantry...

I need the best quick options play you have...
>Guys what will jump today
I bought some VR glasses. I'm typing on them now.
almost bought yesterday
Market will still dump cause a lot of it ís AI meme. Valuations too high
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Uhhmmm NVO sisters? Are you okay?
And of course LLY is pumping. Fucking lol why would you ever bet against AMERICA by buying the scuffed euro rip-off?

This is just another proof that ALL euroshit stocks will crumble and DIE!
Everyone who lost money on NVO deserves it, you anti-american commiefags! I hope you've learned your lesson?
oh valuations are relevant again? lmao
Maybe, who knows. Would be the chance to correct. Don't expect it to go below 150% of GDP
Bought the literal bottom of MSTX. $55 never again.
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Anybody else still have Christmas shopping to do?
Get ready to load up!
i had a dream where i went to mcdonalds and it was $20 for a sausage biscuit meal.
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How much was the Big Mac?
We are healing bros..
Nah. Round 2 is starting.
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>McDonald's Sausage Biscuit with Egg Meal includes a flaky biscuit sandwich with McDonald's folded egg and a pork sausage patty.
Please...the beheemening...
I had a recent dream where I got a big mac and they forgot the sauce
I woke up angry
Silly bears. This was just a liquidity grab. It doesn't even qualify as a correction. Still a bull market.
people that are panicked now see an exit
we'll see if they take it
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Last thread still had some life.
How do I tell 25 year old new pussy that I'm still in love with my Gookfu and she needs to fuck off? It's not you it's me?
Just keep asking her for money
She'll leave because she thinks your broke
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Good morning frens and happy Fryday
You ain't got MCD in Polackland, or what
0dte ideas for today?
Then take the rifle and put it down.
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SPY calls at open
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5 mins
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Show her gookfus tits
if she gets mogged, she will fuck off
and write her a poem
>tfw I miss my ex still from 4 years ago
This Bing?
We have real food to eat in Poland, not culinary chimera that sound like they were generated by ChatGPT but were actually invented in a boardroom meeting.
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International yields are falling but US ones are increasing. it's like the market thought inflation was over and now realizes its not. This is especially true for long term yields

tmf fags are down 22% the last 6 months lol
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That looks like a literal shit log
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>market thought inflation was over
it was under control until trump won. all that "inflation under control" data these past couple of months must need revisions.
You go ahead and eat your megacorp egg sausage biscuit and I'll eat my beef roulade lmao.
I want them to fire me from this trash workplace so I can go back to full time trading. I've never experienced such a toxic workplace in my NEET life.
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make cars green again.
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Go kitty cat!
>FED black magic makes your magic line go down

Remind me why we aren't burning down that shithole again?
>more white cars
Climate change confirmed
Hope you listened
>V recovery

Are we back ?
holy shit that was a fast V
V shape?
GKPRF bro wat happened
NQ consolidating
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>it was under control until trump won
Yeah, funny how that works
fed giveth, fed taketh
almost like they don't have a crystal ball either and just fuck things up more
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my $djt gains are quickly evaporating
Oh no! An upside-down V!!!!
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>3 /smg/ threads
>only one with bang anon
this is the real thread
aahhhh it was an N
damn its over for the markets
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Captcha MWSY4
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> tsla -4.20%

What you get for posting on non-giantess thread
These Bratty Giant women need correction and to learn their place. Despite their monstrous size they are brats and shall be treated as such!
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It's over for Germany.
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The Mumu Ummah is weak...
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Oh, I just saw Musk replied ot Naomi Seibt, the fetal alcohol or russian-russian spy
As an American I have no idea what the AfD even is. Don't care either. But gladly explain why it is over?
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I have a theory that you fetish posters don't even trade stocks. In fact, I don't think you have any money invested in the market at all. I think your non-stop fetish posting is a psyop to drive us off of /bant/, which I don't quite understand since there are still 10,000 threads about cats and food and reality shows or whatever it is you people talk about outside of the /smg/ threads, so I don't know why a couple of /smg/ threads bother you all that much. You can just filter them and keep on moving.
fuck off nigger

also this
Her face looks like it has been effected by climate change! That said still would.
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What's with all these fish people? Like seriously when did we start growing eyeballs out the sides of our heads?
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our response bobros?
nah, nothing ever happens. I don't think Musk helping AfD helps the AfD really. AfD is somewhat antiamerican, so I don't know what that is about. At least far less cooperative with the US than the old parties. At least that is what AfD WAS selling, who knows, maybe they'll flipflop)
This argument is invalid, I've only seen the trait expressed on females.
So is congress going to kick the can down the road or is this supposed stop gap going to get fucked and send us further into the abyss? I bought calls because it should spring if we kick the can into next year, but a government shutdown is going to fuck me, hard.
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3 days till xmas food
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I just sold PLTR for a gain of $1. What flavor of gum do you guys want?
MSTR outperforming everything rn. $300 was the generational bottom.
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Total VIX freefall
They always come crawling back.
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>BREAKING: Big Lots will begin “going out of business” sales at all of its 963 locations, after failing to find a buyer after Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
You want this one
Prices always stay the same at these. I remember Blockbuster trying to hawk used dvd/ blu rays in the shitty store box around $10 each at their liquidation sale
Nice mask
I miss playing WoW so much it's unreal
need meme shit to look at, i want to GAMBURU
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he did it again but I'm too lazy to listen to his streams
as much as I hate mexicans, this shit is actually really fucking good
Play ascension wow, its a free private server with no classes, you can build your own class and pick skills and shit.

Area 52 for the win
>Return to Normal Volatility
Slurping NOVO like you wouldnt believe
SPY calls up 40% in less than 1 hour, easy game, easy life.
Is it worth it to get a stock brokers license?
I don't think my UPRO weeklies are going to make it.
Whatcha making? My wife is Swedish so it's Swedish stuff around my house every year.
Can you go to MCD and get me two .50 double cheeseburgers?
Haha it was a W shapes recovery
I almost didn't buy MSTX this morning because of all the people insisting MSTR was going to fill the gap at $276. Unless something crazy happens today I highly doubt that's happening now. This was the bears' second attempt to do it. Usually they don't get a third. Also bounced right off the 50SMA on the daily.
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I haven't seen a single pack of either of these in my Walmart.
It's going to have to be one because I can't afford the tax.
We're closing at like $595 today. These kikes went short, then the morons who followed them late are all caught and starting to cover en mass. This is your Santa Cruz rally.
Wonderful mememarket
i have a level 42 troll mage in the new anniversary classic servers. going to play till like 4am tonight
apparel seems like such a blow up
why buy LULU?
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that's what i tried to order but it was still breakfast only.
Thought buffet was a coka man?
i knew i shoulda slurped at open but i didnt. was going to wait to slurp at close, but i guess i wont have the chance now.
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>correct them
you can't. that's the beauty of it. she can crush you mercilessly or pluck you out of the crowd and nestle you in her underpants. you're at her mercy, she makes the rules. in that way a giantess is much like the stock market. you can't influence it, you can only show up and hope for the best, but at the end of the day she is going to run her own agenda.
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damn what a rally. from -2% in overnight to +0.3% now.
SPY is still going to run up another $7 from here. There's nothing but short covering and trapped pigs getting slaughtered left and right for everybody's X-mas ham.
>Trump was poised to inherit a strong economy. Then things got rocky and he added to the uncertainty.
Yeah, weird how that happened. Really gets the ol' noggin joggin'.
>look up the best traders on this website for trading
>Its all shorts, all the top guys only short

I cant even play this game until I hit my psychology with a sledgehammer fuckin hell nobody on top bets for good things to happen
should i buy VST
I know them from when i was back in primary school, one of the older girls bought them for me regularly. I don't even like chewing gum but those are really fucking good
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once niggers on tv started talking about possible rate hikes in Q1 2025 i started buying. no fucking way they hike that soon barring some global catastrophe
Jokes on you.

I can scale one of there legs and directly attack their clitoris with my full body.
i bought SPY at these levels on weds afternoon. was waiting to buy more below $580 but i guess that was me being a greedy piggy
There will probably be a rebound next month and everything will be recovered.
She probably wanted you to fuck her, did you ever fuck her?
bears BTFO again! lmao
She was 5 years older than me, i only got a kiss by asking for one.
No, I'm 80% spy and 20% cash and been flabbergasted since last october that this rally isnt ending. especially after yen carry trade.

Even today 0.1% less PCE = back to pre-FOMC level? insane sport betting wojak shits need to lose their shirt next year
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Sold my SPY 0dtes its getting a lil sketchy
it's a beautiful day, gentlemen
You fucked up, you could have asked for a blow job. It's okay you didn't know any better.
Entirely fraudulent and homosexual market today
>Missed the RIVN dip
this shit is why i like the jannies. cumbrains are annoying
What happened?
any F1 fans here
should I buy ferrari before ham debut in feb
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short WBD this shit's DOA
>likes getting me b& when I toss out free advise worth millions of dollars.
You're probably just mad because you're doing bad.
Then go to biz nigger
Damn I fucking suck

Can't find ANY options today
Can't find a fucking JOB
UFC is weeks away

My soul is starved
Well. One was in the Snyderverse which fucking sucked and didn'tunderstand Superman. And the other looks like he is in a movie that respects the character and doesn't try to reinvent the Wheel.
Former Ferrari fan here. Fuck that nigger, I'm on Team Redbull now.
Market decided ackshually, everything is fine now that retail retards all panic sold
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post YFW bought the dip
Slurp the dip motherfucker
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies
Man of Steel was the greatest superhero movie ever made.
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I bought the dip but it kept on dipping
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>Buy the dip
>it keeps dipping
>market goes up a lot
>people surprised it goes back down
>market takes a huge dump
>people surprised it goes back up
I swear you people never learn.
Because bitches can't control themselves. They're only happy when they're either spending money or being attention whores. LULU intersects both!
Looks like the market will actually go back to 6k, I mean why not, let's frontrun the fed the 1000th time this ýear.

Just yesterday Deutsche Bank said
>0 cuts in 2025
Next week they'll release a new report and say 4 cuts
>xe can perfectly time the tops and bottoms
Yeah it's obvious in hindsight.
>basedboi perez is gone
>soulless husk mroe machine than man is the posterboy
>another boring year where they dominate coming up
i mean congrats to RB i guess. who cares though? its not even exciting to watch them. best car, best driver.

ferrari seems to be doing well, luxury brand with a huge moat because any fashion clown with connections can build ugly handbags and sweaters but you need insane skill and technology to build super/hypercars and participate in F1. was wondering if the hamilton marketing boost would actually help ferrari's bottom line or its just a nothingburger. I already bought some RACE, just wanted to know if i should buy more
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Like 75% of the time you can time bottoms, yes. Tops you need to guess or react quickly.
It was a horrible edge lord take on Superman. It made Superman a 30yo virgin so maybe that is why you lived it.

It wasn't even a good Jesus allegory because it left out the VERY IMPORTANT human aspect.
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Only NVDA, unfortunately. I've learned that NVDA is always a buy when its in the 120s.
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I don't know how to feel
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>retail bobos trapped again
I'm married with 3 kids you manchild faggot. Kvetch all you want, Man of Steel is a masterpiece. Don't worry, you'll get to consoom pedo kike Gunn's slop soon.
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I didn't care for Man of Steel but I also think the new Superman movie looks like trash that was filmed on an iPhone 12.
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Relax tough guy don't need to cry just because I made fun of your stupid movie.
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>Spaghetti Compagno up >26%
fucking call options up 300%, like I probably only need to trade like 1 or two times a quarter and I could beat the ever living shit out of this market.
Mama mia!
I couldn’t even watch it was so bad
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I figured it'd shoot up again so i hodled my $qtum.
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I thought it was riparonni after yesterday desu desu
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I'm so angry rn I'm gonna snap your neck just like my favorite Superman. What did you think of Constantine?
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We’re dumping hard into close by the way just like yesterday
We still got another $4 dollars of uplifting on this SPY shit before any kind of reversaling.
so what do you do when implied volatility is crap and bullshit for every single stock? Just wait until tomorrow?
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$voo is outperforming $vug today. interesting...
I shorted the volatility but it kept being volatile
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slurpbros won again
i've got the most vinegary sharts imaginable rn
Weren’t you calling me a retard earlier? What happened faggot did volatility not trend downward always?
>Can't find a fucking JOB
some music for you soul anon
or a cover, if you prefer
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kek retard found you
SVIX is up 10% today suck it
We're eating good tonight!
I don't think the market will ever reach 5k ever again
Next threads start having santa pics please, yes even it has to be a giantess santa.
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Yea ok bro
We get it you shorted SPY long.
Some of the posters ITT might find images of Santa to be offensive. We need to have an inclusive thread, #SMGis4Everybody
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use this
not cooking just eating. prolly very similar stuff. the ham im waiting for the most.
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Just got off the phone with Jerome. He says, that if this isn't done, everything will plummet except for COAL.
During this season of giving, let’s take a moment to pray for the mumus not with today.
>shorted SPY long
I got fucked on Arch Coal so hard when I was younger.
Stocks are officially never going down again. New paradigm is confirmed at this point.
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Here's an OP image for next week in case we all get coal in our stockings instead of a Santa Rally
>he doesn't long his shorts
but what does it mean
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>Trump has threatened market makers with tariffs if they don’t delete the sell button, per Reuters
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That was back when 4chan had the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT and toy stocks rightly soared.
i know two HAS employees and they both have trans kids so that should tell ya something
>US Agencies Alerted To Prepare For An Imminent Government Shutdown – RTRS Sources
5:29 PM · Dec 20, 2024

Is this some kind of apocalypse pump?
She has to take delivery of physical Nvidia.
Soon. The big pump before the Super Dump
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I'm up 4.20% so far today. Leverage is a double-edged sword thoughever
My VIX shorts and my SPX shorts in perfect balance
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govt shutdown is bullish though.
We got the dumping out of the way yesterday. Now we can pump when they stop it at the last second at the last second with an opulent spending bill
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Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!
fake and gay pump
They just shut down the non-essential parts of the government. Which always leads to the question, why the fuck do we even have non-essential parts of the government?
>were not using faggot bigger bake
Smg is healing
But it’s December 20
It's actually real and straight according to my sources.
I would be fine with an image of a ber mug.
"Haakon had a law passed establishing that Yule celebrations were to take place at the same time as the Christians celebrated Christmas, and at that time every household was to make beer for the celebration with a measure of grain, or else pay fines, and had to keep the holiday while the beer lasted" (King Haakon I of Norway ruled from the year 934 to 961)
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Unsurprisingly, this turned out to be a terrible decision. I am a true retard.
Who would have thought that state failure is this good for the economy (just kidding, the stock market is not the economy)
Government shutdowns are the epitome of Fake and Gay.
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every time i check the charts its up even more.
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Maybe it was already account for by the market lmao
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I sure hope this pump lasts and we don't gigadoomp into close
Is it confirmed that the drones are aliens? I thought they are Iranian, which deserves a response but is no threat of annihilation.
Brutal for the AI dashcam guy
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>back from wageslaving
>check chart
> V shape on steroids

Why are we green /smg/?
NVDA doesnt have her support anymore.
Stocks only go up.
we will know soon enough if Donald keeps his promise to declassify
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Yields aren't even really down because of the PCE and these niggers recover it all
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buying QCOM is like buying AMD instead of NVDA during AI hype
didn't kathy woods sell her $hood and some others yesterday? that should've been the bottom signal in hindsight.
maybe watch bonds?
this was a reaction to the rate cut, so the bond market will help paint what’s going on

I’m suspecting a bull/bear trap
looking at dumps earlier this year, it lines up
He promised to the first time though. I just hope he gives us a miltary parade for more kino
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nah going back below 5K is very possible, that's only like a 20% dip
but even as a risk-averse bear myself, ~3K is frankly about as low as a I could see it going in this era, too much institutional pressure for a great depression style -85% total collapse

macro indicators do not paint a green picture though
pic rel would predict a -6% annual return or ~50% drop at the end of 12 years
another method based on overall investor allocation was expecting -0.7% annual, or ~9% drop by 2034
both could include deeper temporary dips ofc

that said, the invention of QE makes all prior macroeconomic history worthless obviously, so feel free to ignore me
Damn I sold way too early. Oh well profot is profit
>drop on good earnings
Slurping with extreme predujice
Fucking calls up 600% hahaha, I'ma be able to give my cousin's kids like $2.50 in quarters so we can play dreidel together. Happy Hanukkah everybody.
Exactly any green is better than any Red
We can't even dump 3-4% without reversing 1-2% in 2 days despite, so yeah I feel free to do so
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>Cathie sold TSLA at the ultimate bottom
>Cathie bought ROKU and got heemed
>Cathie AMD and got heemed
>Cathie sold again the local bottom

Kek baggie
Why would it go down? There wasn't a deflationary event. Inflation is still driving prices higher and there hasn't been any stagnation or loss caused by it.
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>kill capitalist
>get terrorism charges
oy vey
>Checks the fake and gay market
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She also sold NVDA way too early and missed out on nearly 1 billy in gains
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Cry more chapo
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yeah certainly it was that and not because there was a manifesto and labeled bullets
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I still think it was a different assassin who killed the CEO.

>white knighting for Jews
I shggy
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>Early bake
>No Santa
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killing ceo's "Feels So Good"

1 ceo is worth like 1 million poor peoples lives so makes sense he'd get the book.
>these physiques
Do Americans really?
such is american justice. if it happened here the shooter would be the victim
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Those are exactly the disgusting leftists fat fucks that I would expect to want free healthcare.

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