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Why the fuck are japs like this?
I'm pretty desensitized to a lot of what I see on the internet but NTR makes me really want to kill. It does something to me on a primal that really, really make me want to commit ultra violence.
>spiting on your fans for something your publisher did
What the fuck is wrong with him?
why ntr? I would fucking torture the characters and kill them
Talking out of my ass since I'm not familiar with the manga industry, but it probably kills any further compilations or royalties the publisher might get.
Might check this manga out
This, because if the author fucks up the story or is known to have created something that advertisers wouldn't want to be associated with the publisher loses deals and revenue. In this case it's both, the fans won't follow a Manga which the creator made a ntr chapter and no one would want to advertise or publish the Manga bc of the creator.

Tldr the creator pulled a dead man's switch on everyone.
But you don't kill a publication you think might make money. so it's a bit of a moot point.
Who ntred the mc?
If its a faceless dude or nog then cringe and gay
If its the authors own self inself cucking the mc then its kinda based.
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Slants have worms
That "crazy for anime trivia" logo looks like a top-down view of a futa.
What? Explain it someone who doesn't speak gook.
reminds me of gal cleaner manga where the author went off the fucking rails
>make a light comedy / slice of life about a nerd and a gyaru interacting with each other
>has cleaning tips in it as well
>one day a character in the series randomly gets raped???
I checked it out, she falls asleep on a beach and some dudes snap a pic of her naked with his dick out
I don't know if anyone needs to hear this, but an author making doujins of their own work doesn't mean it is canon
the artist for Atelier Tanaka has also made a doujin of it, granted this is a situation where the author and artist are different people
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Why do asian otaku like NTR so much, but western otaku think it's reprehensible?
I like NTR thi
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Indian or Chinese?
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cucked society I guess
maybe it's the prevalence of tiny dicks
fukushima turned them all gay
>netorare chapter
>they just undress her and take pictures with her
>she was asleep the whole time and didn't even know about it
>there was no sex
Does it even count as netorare?
imagine being so buck broken that the superiors at your job cancelled your shitty manga that you write a whole chapter of self own
the absolute state of japanese "writers"
so far i havent seen a single japanese "writer" that knows how to write a good ending, try to find it yourself you cant
asian otaku never experienced ntr because they dont ever get girlfriends
whereas western otaku experienced it and realizes that its not good
It's a what-if spinoff chapter released in fanbox. Not really something to rage over except if you want to rant about the entire cuckoldry genre (which isn't exclusive to Japan) instead.

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