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looks good i would eat, but it looks too complicated to make
my shitcoin portfolio is crashing
everything but the retarded baking rice seems pretty straightforward to me
does it matter? aren't you hodling long-term?
seen this, i don't really care for chocolate cheesecake.
i mean there are too many steps for me to actually want to try it
well i was planning to exit next year and move everything into cash, silver and bonds before the bear market.. i don't particularly need this money so I'll just keep hoping that it goes back up and won't touch it
we should make hundreds of this kind of videos for millions of views
weren't you all about making fancy cakes a while back, those don't seem simple either
isn't that a portfolio for pensioners? unless you're expecting total global collapse and ww3 i guess
i'm finishing an investing course this month and i'll invest in a few other etfs after that, especially if there's a crash soon.
i can't 3d but you go ahead
looks good but i could live in the original hovel no problem either lol

yeah i want to make fancy cakes
no but the 18 year cycle is arriving at the recession phase no?
yeah i knew this, why do people need an explanation about cutting up a pepper

why 2 videos and why are they both shit?
Need to be a bit productive today.
Lol. One was supposed to be for bulgaria.
same, i got called it at work
watching the grinch before i go real quick
never heard of that and google says it's about the property market. but it's whatever, if the stonks crash next year it's fine by me because i can buy more stonks, i'm not looking to cash out any time soon.
yeah idk especially for bell peppers which are essentialy rectangular
wow what a douchebag, and it seems from the comments he's stealing his recipes from his black cook!

seen this guy before, i believe him
Mo money.
You don't think he's trying to hard to convince himself?
I think this guy is just jealous that jesus pulled of his own look better than him.
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good to have at christmas
Maybe you guys are the right guys to ask my question.
I meant
>... the right guys to whom I should ask my question
True. Investing in junk for the nieces and nephew.
That's good.
Probably not.
kids dont need clutter
home alone soon?
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Well, Imma ask it anyway: what beauty type/phenotype is this, Korean or Chinese? The dancing AI ad lady's given me a hardon for this type of Asian gril. I'm trying to find some porn of this type to get myself off this phase of liking chinks.
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Here's another example btw
I think the lady's prettier like this. But it's clearly fake. Feel quite conflicted. Thought you cunts might know what to do.
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Vacations finally
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what now
What's the appeal of Kpop when it's so overtly fake? No Korean girl comes out of the womb and 18-20 years later looks like this. Or is it the sexy fits and being able to just aaaaalmost see their panties that you horny faggots are obsessed with?
But they enjoy unwrapping it.
What do you mean?

I sleep.
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Sleep tight
see a lot of these types of retards commenting in my brokerage account, they seem to love tesla and nvidia stonks, every day there's some retard going
>omg i put 100 eur in tesla on wednsday and now it's dipped, should i sell bros???
i see pajeets all the time asking about their portfolios and what to invest in next and they all have like 7 dollars 22 cents
I'd try but i never seen this kind of pepper anywhere, not even in asian cooking videos
me neither bu t i think i saw something like that in a bio organic meme store, not sure but i might check it out
hul i bet they give great financial advice
good, do check it out
hm that's interesting
coff and shard
unfortunately it turns out i just saw it on the ingredient list of some mulled wine mix. woman in the store said it's about 35 eur per kilo but nobody here knows about it so she doesn't order it
yeah i see these tree tumors all the time, i didn't know they were good for anything
based ai objectively reviewing the pros and cons of cramming coffee up ur ass. do you think cramming coffee up your ass improves mental clarity?
ever seen a cabbage flower?

that's the only fun part?
the movie
pepper in mulled wine? sounds weird
i think I'll just keep drinking it
yeah me mum keeps one in a pot
maybe it's different enough to regular black pepper that it makes sense
via your mouth or?
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had to run errands
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relaxing ie doing nothing
good right
doing stuff for christmas?
Not yet
based linda and extremely alpha daughter
i wouldn't put it on a sandwich but horse radish and cado might be good
you wouldn't put mashed avocad on bread?
idk mite b gud or mite b disgostan and it's a lot of work...
no i don't eat bread
it's obviously easier to cut a cucumber than a chilli, this guy is retarded
just make carnivore bread, ezpz
well yes
chicken breast, japan
only a few days away
it sucks unfortunately
very good chicken breast, japan right?
very smug
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