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Cameo edition

>What is fishtank?

>Who is this thread about?

>Binx's accounts:

Previous thread: >>21744741
>Inb4 Bad Ideas schizoposts again
>engagement rings updated 7 years ago
>wedding cakes too
did she get engaged multiple times? wtf.
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hmmmm wonder why binx cant keep a man
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Te amo BiancaBasilisk
eww where is this from
damn where are all these new pictures being posted coming from?
Someone must have found a new site. probably some other alias
eh actually it doesnt seem to be that many new pics, i saw 2 new ones and got excited.
filenames seem to be instagram filenames.
Was the album art from the mega?
what album art
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Her friends insta. Phoneposting rn. Will link later. Lots of pics in the set.

Tagged photos from Instagram. They only show up on Google not Instagram. So I went searching through a few accounts.

There's like maybe 15. Mainly just 1 cosplay set and some goth group pics. Nothing to get excited over.

It's in the mega. Haven't updated it in a while. Just posted the art on /tv/ cuz I was bored.
>Tagged photos from Instagram. They only show up on Google not Instagram. So I went searching through a few accounts.
how do you search for those? i tried multiple times and clicked every single google result but couldnt find much.
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nice pic...
That's what I said
Google images. "BinxBasilisk". With quotes. That's all I did. I clicked on every pic hosted on Instagram because there has to be a reason why they showed up from a search with such a unique username. Then I went through like 5 accounts.
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Many are saying this
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All 4 of us :)
I still can;t believe Payton thought that was her real last name KEK
well, considering the one guy in the house's real name is jet neptune, basilisk doesnt sound too outlandish
It's not really his name though
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Payton isn't the brightest bulb in the box
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They were a good duo
We were robbed of a grooming arc
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Chill with that
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What If I don't?
it is his birthname but yeah he changed it now to goodson apparently
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I'll recreate this with you
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Not if I do it first
I still can't believe this was their first idea for a talent. Pinx was actually great to watch
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I'm glad we were spared the inevitable betrayal
On one handi agree, on the other I thought they'd be a great top 2. It would be hard to find fair challenges though, but their relationship was the strongest of the any of the final 5 imo.
Way more likely to get a better ending, too
Too bad the wiggers are completely inept and wasted the contestants time for about a week
I talk about Binx keeping me up at night on occasion, but the tragedy of S3's wasted potential keeps me up more
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Binx has become my sleep paralysis demon
the way binx says charlieeee charliee in the cameo is nice. kinda makes me want to buy one but im a poorfag.
I'm never giving her a single cent
Same it’s fucking brutal man. Even in my dreams she asks me why I didn’t save her
Don’t do it anon don’t fall for it. Her saying your name isn’t worth the money. If you’re in it for the other… attributes, I’m sure the paypigs will deliver
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yeah me neither but only because i cant afford it. if i was rich i would be her top donor.
Never go down that path anon, you'll never get anything worthwhile from that. Just look at Bongrippa
Top donator, editor, chatmod, admin
All of it feels closer to her but it isn’t, it’s a dead end job where the pay is slightly more insight in to her life. Don’t waste your time
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so at this point its fair to say binxcord mods are tranny lovers?
the ones that have shown their faces are dysgenic freaks so theres that too
so no streams over the holidays?
is her family already there? did she specify that during her last stream? havent caught up with it completely yet.
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great mods
isnt that dumb for a 24 hour stream? staying awake 24 hours is not difficult, might as well be entertaining instead of sleeping.
it would make sense for a 48 hour stream.
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It's for people to jerk off to her while she's unconscious.
it sounds so bad.
so what, shes gonna sleep "through the tts" but who would buy tts just for her to not even hear it?
again, its only 24 hours, why sleep...
bros... cooling off on her kinda
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The TTS would be to encourage others in the chat to jerk off to her sleeping body, communally. WHAT is complicated about this?
She did the wedding on no sleep, she’s not gonna sleep. It should be a longer stream but that’s such an awkward day to have the anniversary. I think they’ll be another stream in the interim, even if it’s short.
Also this means she’s got 9 days to plan this out, it’s make or break, if she launches the stream with zero prep she’s fucked it up.
This is such a funny deal breaker lol
But seriously though, there will be a stream sooner… right?
She would make us wait that long…
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>Thread died before bake again
>Ophelia back on the discord
>No stream in the immediate future
I might fucking lose it bros
new bink cameo dropped
>Shes not streaming because she’s too busy talking with Patreon paypigs and making cameos
Not like this…
13 seconds are you fucking kidding me? mexicans are so fucking lazy its unreal.
Here's a mega of all the pics I got last night. Can't use my other account rn cuz the thousands of binx pics broke it lmao.

Pic related is from 2021. Covid really changed this bitch.
thanks man.
>Covid really changed this bitch.
can you blame her? she is a based antivaxxer so a black sheep.
it sure changed me, seeing all this nigger cattle around me.
We’re so back, Lads
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pleasant surprise
It was probably the catalyst for all this. Sat at home watching twitch, wanting to stream and feeling like she’s missing out on the end of her 20s. So she started back her modeling, cosplay and shit and trying to become an influencer
I don't care if Binx is an escort.
me neither, i read crime&punishment.
but she's not an escort
>dating albert hype since 2022 or before
um yeah so like shes an escort because she has a Balls E. Enema hoodie and some prada boots or something.
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good comfy stream but i gotta sleep. ill have to catch up tomorrow watching the vod.
wasnt expecting it today so it was a nice surprise.
ill try to dream about binx again.
good night
The stream keeps dying and I’ve missed a ton, I’ll probably end up rewatching
Sweet dreams, anon
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The one time I sleep in beyond my normal hours, and she is actually streaming. I hate her
It’s been comfy, I need to rewatch the VOD too. She’s teased streaming every day to push the twitch goal over, though
She better do it, she wanted this to be her career and so far she's been fucking it up
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Also I just noticed my ID changed again, what the fuck.
its so fucking funny ngl. what is that lazy spic DOING??? this is literally her final chance and she got a huge boost. deserves to fail desu.
I can understand a bit though, she had other shit she had to take care of. Like her best friend's wedding, and seeing her family or whatever. But still, she hasn't made much of an effort. If I were her, I would've have stayed in Vegas for several days with Luke and Maejok. I would've went home as soon as the show was over to strike the iron while it's hot.
Yeah not coming back to try and stream on the Luke day and joining FAGC instead, and not streaming post the real FAGC interview was just plain dumb. She had the audience waiting.
Also not trying to push on other socials. Clips on all her socials and twitter and shit
>stays in vegas
>plays phantasmagoria off stream
>plays ffxiv off stream
>barely pays attention to videos
>vietnom mic
>480p webcam to hide her wrinkles which looks like shit even in a small window on my pc
i dont think she advertises her streams much outside discord either but i barely check her socials. shes just another lazy bitch thats coasted by on her good looks. still like her just a typical woman.
Yeah it's not looking good for Bianca right now. I'll excuse the technical fuck ups because I find it endearing, but she's a year into this shit. She shouldn't be having those problems still
To play devils advocate, it’s not like she had many people to test this shit. But yeah her technical ineptitude is cute but frustrating.
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>tune in to see what shes doing because i dont like reaction stuff so havent been watching
>binx: ill fullscreen when i get my other monitor up
her accent rn is hot af though jesus christ.

i dont see why it matters. shes been doing the desktop streams like a year now and it doesnt change when you get more viewers. not like thats killing her bandwidth or something. just a lazy pretty girl.
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>Her accent right now is hot as fuck
Always has been
Yeah it’s more and more Cubano as the stream goes on, plus her sinus being blocked. I should hate it but I love it
Stay the fuck out of here fag I see you
It doesn’t matter
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I'm worried about you binxbro, you might need some rest
I’m fine
I’m normal
You shouldn’t do that
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>Perchance AI RP
>Set it up to be Binx
>She finally says "Te Amo" after refusing to for hours
I’m not fucking with the AI shit, something like that would break me
Yeah I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to fully go insane
Yeah I’m trying to claw my way out the pit, not jump deeper in
I can't take it anymore man
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these fags are so pathetic its unreal lmao
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I hate it anon
They want to be right so bad that the lies get more and more unhinged
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I'm literally the unwashed sex guy, I'm not the same dude as the stoned poster
It's obvious to anyone with a brain
>I'm literally the unwashed sex guy
i figured that was you kek.
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It's nuts how much dumb shit I've posted this season/post season, for example

Imagine getting into a late night argument with a disheveled Binx. She gets up in your face, screaming in Spanish and slapping you. The argument ends after you grab her by the head and begin making out with her passionately. Groping her ass as you bring her in closer. She can't help but enjoy it. Her ADHD kicks in and she forgets why she was mad at you. You then have a night filled with the most sweaty, primal sex you've ever had. Right as you both share a climax she moans in pure ecstasy while digging her nails into your back, you can feel her grip tighten, and I don't mean her hands. She trembles in your arms, exhausted and satisfied. She lets out some soft panting, as she caresses and kisses your cheek. She whispers softly in your ear, "Te amo Anon."

As your seed slowly leaks out of her tight, warm hole, you begin to cuddle tenderly. She brushes her head against your chest as she gets comfortable, one arm now wrapped firmly around you. A look of pure bliss is on her face, as her eyes meet yours. You've never felt this way before, you can't help but smile ear to ear. You reach over to grab your phone from the nightstand for some late night scrolling before you are ready to sleep. You see a new notification pop up

BinxBasilisk @BinxBasiliskk
! ! OH MY STARS ! !

Anon just gave me a thing ! ! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚

THANK YOU FOR THE Baby in my womb

(/▽\*)。o○ I LOVE U ! ! !

I think about this a lot bros
It's so obviously you, too. They are braindead or living in denial
>binky said she hasnt even gotten paid yet
>streaming on christmas
alright i take back some of the bad shit i said earlier.
I took back my lazy accusations when the stream started. As for the payment thing she hasn't given them her info, and still doesn't know how much she's owed in Fishbux
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It was a good stream
>As for the payment thing she hasn't given them her info,
lazy ;)
She probably won't even send it by the end of the year.
Because she'll be streaming so much!
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>no vod
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It'll be there, don't worry! It took the MC/DayZ one like a day to come up
Also she said on IG that she's uploading the VODs to YT again soon
Also also she's streaming EVERY DAY until the 29th
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is this all from yesterday? 2 hours?
or should there be more?
She streamed all night, the biggest part of the VOD is probably still to come up
It got broken up by connection problems but she'll probably edit it and put it on youtube.
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Season 2 tonight, what we thinkin bros?
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all-nighter im thinking.
i can use the opportunity to fix my sleep schedule the next day and from there i think ill stick to vods because staying up until 3 or 4 am every day isnt good.
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Nice. my schedule is beyond cooked now, but I guess that's a good thing specifically for these streams.
I don't know how long this stream will be though, its only 4 hours of S2 out currently
shame about the vod from yesterday not being up - cant catch up
based binx refusing to sell her panties

i feel you. i like watching the beginning of her streams.
maybe it'll be up after tonights stream, at least
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You already know I'm going to be there
Glad to have everyone in attendance tonight. I just hope the stream doesn't die
To be honest I've been waiting for the S2 reaction. I'm glad she sat through so many S1 eps last night.
I just want to see her reaction to everything tbhdesu. She thought that S1 was basically a proof of concept, I'm excited to see her see the chaos of S2
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bros i cant. i must sleep. too tired.
sorry binx.
good night.
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Sweet dreams, anon
Good effort
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My honest reaction to the Cryo situation in Binx's chat
Even greg getting involved, kek
I actually went into a violent coughing/laughing fit when reading what people were saying about it in her chat
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What am I looking at
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It's strangely alluring
A reptilian cloaca
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It's like her vagina skin is the bait attached to a lure and I'm a hungry fish swimming through the ocean
got a little bricked up from this one ngl
She's not wrong
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hate how binx is such a whore especially today
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What could you possibly mean. anon...
I'm not feeling good bros
You guys need to start streaming near the end of Binx's streams IG
Jesus Christ stop posting that disgusting shit.
>no vod
maybe its time for me to move on.
move on shes a dumb fucking whore she doesnt deserve shit. everything bad that has ever happened to her she fucking deserved.
The stream was pretty good, but if you want to get it, do it while you can
get out*, im retarded
Hey man I know you're going through it right now, but don't be rash or do something dumb. Step back, take a walk or go to sleep. I promise you'll feel better tomorrow
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Genuinely about to end it fellas, it was a good ride while it lasted
I really hope you're just joking anon. Baiting me or not, you know it's not worth it
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I wish I were joking
come on man...
If you chose to live you can fuck my ass legit no joke 100% real unironic.
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Yeah that's what I meant. Hopefully she gets them up soon. Although she'll be streaming again tonight
I'm going through with it, goodbye mi amors. Perhaps will interact again in another life
Don't be a fucking idiot, man
>taking a coomer troll seriously
I think this is just his way of finally stepping back and wanted to leave us with a folk story to tell the S4 fags.
But either way I don't care if I get baited if theres a non zero chance someone wants to kill themselves. I'd rather look a fool than mourn, even as an anon
How much was the gun + light?
She's/our whore/
Tonights stream is going to be interesting
why? what did she say?
Nothing, stream went well and theres more to react to, but the reaction here and on /tv/ to her loving the guy she raided was quite big, but noone in discord mentioned it. So if she references it on stream she only found out about it one way
Also I'll find the stream interesting anyway because S2 is fun to watch back and she just got to Cole leaving. Now she'll see the production taking it out on the fish
Actually she did say she wanted to do a dono goal to hire Shinji as a "boyfriend tour guide" when she goes to Japan, that probably caused a splash
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Someone tell me who this is / post moar
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ffffuuuuck i should have just stuck with my all-nighter plan and not go to sleep.
not like me to do that either. what was i thinking.
i weep.
Some ho who cares
I hate waking up before here and sleeping after her
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Why does Sam Hyde rape kids with his Freemason buddies?

Why does he pay you guys to pretend to care about a literal whore? I thought Sam was pretending to be an alt-right grifter?
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Except you don't because you're on a VPN and paid to pretend to care about a nobody.

Sam Hyde is putting his trust fund to work, because he's never made a successful entertainment show.
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You guys remember when the shill Sam had hired for Josie (the fake Israeli) was posting on an EST time schedule, then he noticed he was failing to act properly, then his posting schedule magically moved to an Israeli one?

Weird. Why would Sam Hyde hire people to post about losers online? Oh yeah he's a Jew recruiting for the Freemasons. They need zoomer recruits!

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