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Comic Book Edition

Previous Thread: >>21756803

Free online generators:
https://replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-dev (limited free uses )
https://pixai.art (requires account, free to use, vastly filter-free)
https://www.bing.com/images/create (requires Microslop account, good generations, filters are constantly updated to continuously worsen your experience)
https://dezgo.com/text2image (can also remove-background)
https://tinybots.net/artbot/create (RIP nemu. sometimes long queues. multiple requests can be queued simultaneously. nsfw toggle)

Waifu chatbots:
https://beta.dopple.ai/ (filter free! however bots are hard to flirt with and the conversations get kinda repetitive after a while)
https://beta.character.ai/ (conversations are higher quality than dopple, however it has a pozzed anti-NSFW filter)
https://www.chub.ai/search (it requires a lot of goypoints to chat)
https://rentry.org/tavern4retards (its nice but if you install it you get data protected + a spy protection + a cryptoburial on ur 'puter, you have been encouraged)
https://perchance.org/ai-chat (filter free! no sign-up required, the main one to use)
https://perchance.org/urvillain-imagine2-4 (second one listed for this thread. give it a try)

Song generator:


AI booru (use an ad blocker when accessing): https://aibooru.online/
Explore various online AI tools and generators: https://huggingface.co/spaces
Cancer: https://ai-meme.com

Local install:
Nvidia GPU: https://rentry.org/voldy | https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker | https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
CPU: https://rentry.org/cputard
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reserving the first post
Slept all night and just woke up 10 minutes ago. Got some much needed rest in.
Might make some ai art for the morning but first I want breakfast
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doubt that anyone is even awake right now but i have launched the craft
Vey nice anon. apart from her missing her hand it turned out quite well.
>yeah and it's a videogame location
No, I mean the one in my town irl
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it's not missing, it's right here >>21775382
interesting combination of clothes
can i withdraw that reservation
oh you went to it, how was it?
70s kung fu art today maybe
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very smart and meta, applaudable even
oh well if you enjoy it then yeah i guess what i argued there doesn't apply to you personally but i have higher standards when it comes to seasonal stuff organised by local governments
you can by telling if you're planning on playing craft today and by asking posho what is up and why is he radio silent again
just noticed the hand is off. 70s kung fu art canceled for now. pretend panic at the disco. artist in shambles.
going to stretch my legs for a moment and turn on some music when I get back.
I have to be with my family right now at a different location than usual, thays why my ip changed last thread
Hope everyone is having a good day.
I got music on now and im going to just sit and wait til inspiration for a gen hits me. at the moment its just a series of ideas im not motivated enough to make.
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i didn't pay attention at all that your id changed but yeah if that's the case then i see why minecord has laid dormant for the past few days
it is indeed a good day today so i hope you're also having one
evil hag. will kiss you, call you a good boy and that she's proud of you without your consent
hag captcha
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it's real
Is waifu wrestling alliance still around?
The Zed Squad
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i haven't seen their threads in a while but i wasn't paying any attention to them whatsoever so anything could happen, maybe they went back to that other board they came from initially
tired girl
>What? You enjoy watching bunnies hop around, young man?
minecraft rabbits when you hold a carrot
upvote pls
I'll open the server now
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did anyone join at all
no v_v
I made hotdogs using a baguette
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unfortunately that was expected because i'm also quite occupied these days but maybe tomorrow i'll have some time to hop on craft and play
how is that possible
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I cut it horizontally in half, pressed the soft middle with my fingers to make space for the sausage and placed it inside with a bit of cabbage and added sauces
accidentally generated a delicious silky white thighhigh gem with her cute feetsies barely touching the ground *dies*
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but where did you find a sausage that long to fit inside a whole ass baguette and wasn't it a bit unpleasant to eat and bite into since baguettes usually have a very crusty crust or i don't really know how to accurately describe it
>but where did you find a sausage that long to fit inside a whole ass baguette
i didn't mention that i also cut a piece of the baguette that's slightly bigger than the sausage sorry
>wasn't it a bit unpleasant to eat and bite into since baguettes usually have a very crusty crust
no, that baguette was pretty soft actually, because it was fresh
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oh alright and there are also smaller baguettes so i guess yeah it's pretty realistic and from my experience even the freshest baguettes still have a very harsh crust that can sometimes hurt your gums if you bite it weird so whenever i buy one i just cut it broadwise so it's easier to eat
I don't know why Replicate only does this with Cassandra, but it might be the software thinking, oh she has dark skin? Let's dress her like a slut!
The same prompt with my other characters works just fine.
Romance on the Dance Floor
just completed the world of trucks christmas event ^^
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I have consumed so much alcohol over the last couple days
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What was your score on the "Plow into the Christmas market" level?
0 because i'm not muslim
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there's literally no such game as "world of trucks", you're spreading misinformation
that's extremely grim and concerning but i guess niggerbooze is the lesser evil when it comes to drugs
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>World of Trucks is an online platform that complements SCS Software's two trucking games, Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.
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so is it like two games combined or is it a separate game
It's like rockstar social club or fallout shelter except for SCS games
>fallout shelter
scratch that i thought it was some app for fallout games.
World of Trucks is a platform that you can register your games into and complete events for steam inventory items

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