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Would you rather date a woman who makes $20 per hour or $60 per hour? Explain your reasoning.
$20 because I don't like inflated people
$60/hr. Because more money = less problems.
I'm dating an escort who makes $500 per hour
I'd rather her make $0 per hour she can just live in my two story house if she wants to.
I can work.
I don't give a fuck about her income, just don't be a fat slob.

If she's making $60, there is a 99.9% chance she is just like most of the women out there. Indoctrinated by feminist bullshit and a talking piece for the left's faggotry.

So in other words, the lower her income the better?
whichever is hot and has big tits and a fat ass and wide hips and a slim waist and hasn't had sex and
Working wife = she WILL cheat
The $60 an hour woman probably went to college and is therefore older and less likely to sacrifice her career for children. So, I will choose the $20 an hour woman.
Don't really care, I make enough money to not worry about grocery bills that's all that you really need.
I don't care how much she makes so as she is either willing to pay her own way.
It won't always be the case, but in my opinion the lower her income the greater the chance she won't be as retarded as the rest of her sex.

I used to date someone who made half my income with two degrees, she was still an insufferable cunt who was toeing the line between mentally unstable and 'normal'. I started to notice the influence of social media and feminism as I saw her in her natural environment. At this point, I'd rather deal with a woman who has no income but isn't brainwashed.
>$60 per hour
Only 2,2% of the working population earns that much here.
So it would be near impossible to find.
Furthermore, I don't give a shit about how much money a woman make, she could be a cashier and earn minimum wage, that is completely irrelevant to me.
Youth, looks and purity are the only criterias I have for women.
>I don't give a fuck about her income
Did you miss that part?
Neither. I’d rather, and this is literally what I did, marry an uneducated rural farm girl from South America to stay home and raise our kids.
this. seriously, don't date women who pay taxes.
money isn't everything, is she a good tradwife? is she honest? is she faithful?

idk, do whatever
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Nah I’d pick the $20 bro
One with big fake tits like in your cartoon there.
$20 hour girl has $20 hour tastes. Also probably unambitious, which is also a good trait in a woman.
Neither, I will wait for robot waifus. They will be cheaper (and better) in the long run.

>but you won't breed, chud!

I do not require a women to have an income. I will take care of the financial burden, she will be required to keep the home front. Anyone who answers differently is cucked by fembot society.
feminine hands typed this post
dating women is gay
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I would date a woman who makes $0 an hour if she's charming, feminine, humile and fertile.
Men don't care how much money a woman makes. She should be a homemaker instead.

They aren’t that big anon
Based reply.
What is her age?
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>marrying a woman that works
faggot and a cuck. lamao. Imagine sharing your vagina, it's like you're the whore but you do it for free.
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Modern women?
She better make 60 an hour because she’s have to pay me 30 an hour to put up with her.
And that only includes one sleepover a week and the right to decorate the bathroom with her bullshit muave and lavender towels and frog themed soap dispenser and trashcan.
and if you even think you are putting fifteen different throw pillows on the fuggin bed I’ll put sugar in your gas tank love buckets
$60 an hour so she'll have some savings for all the babies I'm about to put in her. She'll probably want to quit too since it's likely a stressful job. She needs to take care of our kids, I'm not sending them to a Mexican babysitter to be abused like I was.
How am I going to control her if she has her own money?
Doesn't matter, I wont see the money. At best she'll by me a $1 candy bar every other week.
I don't care what she makes
How many hours does each one work?
>$60/hr. Because more money = less problems.
if she makes more than you then there will be a problem in the power dynamic
Women only want men to make more than them. As long as you make at least 20% more, she will be the submissive whore for your cock that she desires to be.

Only "people" in my country that get paid hourly are whores and I honestly don't want to date them, just empty my balls and go.

And regarding monthly wages I honestly don't give a fuck. I date with the intention to marry or just a quick dump of they aren't worth it.
If I end up marrying the girl she doesn't need a wage since a woman's role in life is to make kids.
If I just dump my load in her she can make whatever the fuck.
I prefer 0$ per hour, women should be full time moms.
$60/hr woman is going to be full on feminist that don't need no man, and will 100% claim rape or divorce rape you. $20/hr woman can be reasoned with, trained.
Well she wouldn't be dating me in the first place.
doesnt matter

If she makes good money tho she’ll probably feel like she’s wasting her education if she quits
>Only "people" in my country that get paid hourly are whores a
Its Anglo thing everyone is paid hourly wage. They don't think otherwise.
my ex made $30/hour while I was a NEET and would buy me shit even when I told her not to. Very comfy existence
I just left my church cause the church has been gang stalking me and suddenly started pushing a girl on me when I started blabbing about buying a house soon.
Did she dump you because you were too poor?
congratulations on the digits my man
$60. the more she makes the less she takes.
congratuations on this magnificent get.
Checked and based
I wonder what timeline or universe you live in
>make 3x ex-gf amount and the bitch wasn't submissive at all and fought me tooth and nail

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