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Good morning edition

>Who is Betty?
She was a freeloader who appeared on season one of Sam Hyde's internet reality show "Fishtank". She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.

Poncho is her cat with a following all to his own

We are inching closer to /bbg/ #100…

>be nice
>it's free to be nice
Prev: >>21761599
Betty suck my cock
Good morning simps. Hopefully all of you already did your Christmas shopping and giving a present to each of your immediate family members and friends, right?

Captcha: HRNYS
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Some people I had no idea what to buy them, so I just got some Amazon gift cards :/
Throwback to thread number 2.

That’s perfectly okay
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Good afternoon TF, how's your day been so far
>(still banned from the regular one)
Would they ever let you back?
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this guy is better than betty
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Boring day desu
i changed it some

things have been going really well it was a good day.
oh and no i dont think they are ever gonna unban me you know how jannies are
i hope betty likes the video i know its weird and cringe to make something like that probly gay too
i just wanted her to feel better about the stupid lolcow video when it dropped thats why i made it so she would see there is plenty of beauty in the world and she is part of that not everything has to be dark and ugly
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Had no idea Bitty had updated her Twitter bio. I don't check it often you see.
lol I literally set mine up to joke request $1 from Bliccy. None of my info matches at all. Still went through. I set my first name as Entree for gods sake. Jr. do you just have the worst bank?
i dont have a twitter personally
>Wells Fargo
They're not the greatest but I can't really talk as my main bank is BofA. They're a shit show as well but I never have issues buying/sending dollarinos.
I know we talked about it before but was your bank account made under your parents account with limits? It's worth making an appointment to a brick & mortar & tell them you've been having issues with online purchases. If all else fails you can send her precious metals if she goes through with a PO box
Well I sent my sisters bf 2000 on cashapp for the car and that worked. It’s so dumb
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I'm not a big social media guy TF but if you want to keep up with all the fish there's no better option honestly.
Dein Kampf
Jr you better not send her no pyrite! Real gold only!
I do have another card from Idaho central credit union but i haven’t used it in so long so that would probably be even harder to make work
A few hours from now Jr's gonna be struggling to get them to accept photographs of $20 bills. Reading off serial numbers to customer support.
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Well I did talk to them and this is what they said. This isn’t just a Betty thing this always used to happen to me with Amazon too it’s so annoying
i made betty presents all year and she didnt want any of them. i understand she has to be careful of people sending anthrax with cum on it and stuff but im proven myself trustworthy by now. it just wouldnt be right to send money im too poor also she didnt get me anything just saying.
Oh it said if the same payment is made again it’ll be auto cancelled. Maybe my retry should’ve been 19 or 21 lmao. Oh well I’ll get it figured out eventually
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I just remembered to request money from Bliccy but I got this message. The fun's over!
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>she didnt get me anything
That's where you're wrong dear TF, she's given us the gift of her presence and brought us together as a community. That's a gift worth more than money.
She gifts us with her prescence, is that not a gift in of itself
I like how we're always on the same wavelength, my friend
we are simpatico Letty anon

Great minds!
no its christmas so thats not enough im sorry
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My brother is literally about to arrive In like 40 seconds. I get to see him for Christmas
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And on Christmas Day I’m coming into bbg and telling everyone merry Christmas and that I love them and nothing can stop me
That's nice, is this brother a cool one
In most people’s eyes he’d been seen as “cooler” than I am. He’s jr jr but dosent really look like me or like the same things I like
I look more like my sister and my sister and I and my dad all have this same mark on our ear. So I made up a joke that my brother was adopted. Also another more cruel joke that he was the son of my stepmom. I said that joke to my mom one time and she got pissed
ive made like over 30 glass sculptures for betty since march i doubt she would even spend money if i sent it to her she might even dox me for trying. you guys just dont understand how it is for me you never will..
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Maybe but isn't every day a fresh start
Then don’t send her money nobody is forcing you to man
severe mental illness. Have you died doing stuff for yourself instead of some lolcow that will never like you/interact with you?
Me and that girl are starting to text less. This always happens. The first day is great and then the conversations start to get dry. There’s nothing to talk about. What should I do?
yeah how do you think i learned to do it in the first place duh
im not sending her money that wouldnt be thoughtful and takes the spirit and love away from it anyways. then its just some weird transactional thing where im trying to buy attention because i was rejected for doing nice thoughtful things. it would just be really weird i dont think my soul could sit right with it.
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Yeah that’s why I’m saying don’t. It doesn’t feel that way for me so I did, or I tried to. We can all coexist peacefully and have different opinions. Or something like that idk
Imagine spending money on people you'll never ever gonna meet, couldn't be me
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its different for you and will be for most people im arguing with myself more than anything
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>arguing with myself more than anything

I see that as good progress that you’re aware of that. I argue with myself sometimes too. Not online but in my head. It feels frustrating. Are you still seeing a therapist I forgot?
when you making art for someone they didnt ask for this is a risk you take especially if you dont really know them
no i dont want to see one
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Doesn't she know cashapp is available only in US and UK?
Has she forgotten an older factoid that all her fans are from India?
Marvel wants to hire Ari

Calling it now
Black Cat, Dazzler or Emma Frost
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Dazzler is a safe bet

I was driving a lady friend home once and the song "Me and My Bitch" came on on the playlist. She got real silent, and I did not skip the track. She sent me a passive aggressive Facebook post after dropping her off. I'm on the 1's and 2's when i'm driving!

lol What was the post? What does 1,s and 2,s mean?
Sam Hyde rapes kids.
It's the second definition. Basically I drive, I DJ. Oh this was years ago but it was some shit about denigrating women in popular media. She used to spell women as "womyn".
Oh probably because it uses the word bitch. But with rappers it’s just another word for woman. My cousin will say bitch in the nicest way ever he’ll post
Or say something like “I love my bitch so much it’s me and you till the grave” “spent 300 dollars for Christmas on my bitch cuz she worth it” (300 dollar thing is true, he pulled out his first paycheck early)
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Betty sure looks beat these days
Wtf even is that? Parasite? Really thin poo?
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It is for catching fish Incase you run out of bait just take clothes off and spread your legs in the water
Jesus fucking christ it's attached to the vulva... why doesn't she surgically remove it?
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Me personally I think she is beautiful and I would nibble her vagina skin tag or whatever it is in a heart beat
A femoid has horrible tentacle on her vagina, moids worship it
A man has any other than nigger-tier monster bull cock, femoids don't even give a glance
Why is the world so unfair bros
Girls aren't actually all that picky about cocks. Mine is pretty average and they still like it.
I rape kids. Also, Stop being simps you disgusting subhuman niggers.
bbg wants me to go to therapy for what is mostly theatrical comedy i do for entertainment.
none of them know the real reason i need therapy and wouldnt care whether i got it or not. to them its just a means of getting rid of me any way they can. i dont need therapy because i cant give betty money for christmas but they will imply this to be spiteful.
i had considered giving her my entire christmas bonus and argued with myself about it most of the night. it would be wrong. its basically findom atp.
often i am reminded of peoples true colors this is a game to everyone and they dont actually care about other people.
She better not post here again
I'm watching you Betty
You considered giving your bonus to this vagina tentacle monster? Snap out of it
no i considered giving it to betty because she acts mad at me all the time but i had to talk myself out of it.
if you have to buy someone to care about you somethings really wrong and they probably dont see you as a person.
then i have people who care even less telling me to go to therapy to be manipulative because they think its funny to watch peoples lives go down the drain. to them all that matters is i shut up so they can keep all the attention about them and the flow of donations they are sending. its just really dark all around. merry xmas
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If I see Betty post one more time on here or /tv/ I will spam her friends and families with her lewds and nudes schizo ex bf Jeremy style. Go ahead. Start flapping those lips again. See what happens.
Dunno what the fuck is going on for you and your situation but make logical choices(which is obviously to stop simping and taking care of yourself)
maybe its just a bad reaction to new meds.
only an unbiased 3rd party could really make that call maybe? if you ask people here they will tell you im a bad guy that deserves it for trying to DM betty and i need to pay a therapist to fix me so i dont post anymore and stop caring about her.
in the real world though i might need therapy for anger management which is pretty unrelated to all this. no one actually cares though its a loaded insult and nothing more.
How about you just end engaging with whatever drama this is and start focusing on your life? You don't need to interact with this betty foid or others who condemn you
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I had REAL hot chocolate next to a REAL fire because it's REAL cold and it was TERRIFYING
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You’re one of my favorite people here. Every time I see I post like this in the morning it’s a good way to start my day.
also if betty lets you reply guy her twitter and spam her twitch chat why then do you still come to the only place for those of us who cant do these things and try to drown out others posts with stuff about yourself
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Betty will be streaming around 8-9pm today after church!
im just in a bad mood and having bad reactions probably.
just ignore it
Good morning, freaks

What's up, Uncle Barry? Looking forward to the Holiday cheers?
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I offloaded the cashapp app last night and redownloaded it which people said can work. It should work now if Betty accepts it but if this keeps happening with other stuff I’m having a SERIOUS CHAT with my bank because this is some bullshit.

I wonder if the stream will have a Christmas theme
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TF you should give yourself a gift today. Get some ice cream or really good food.
Aww I'm glad to hear that. I hope it's going well for you.
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We must save Betty from her doordash

She is too delicate for such undignified work...

That’s what I’m saying. My things still pending. She’ll probably check it eventually though
Or I’m not saying she’s too delicate. like she’s strong enough to handle anything but she shouldn’t have to work a job where she’s getting robbed
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Capitalism will be destroyed & TPTB will pay for creating a system where we have to work
I've done it
It's not that bad
Just don't carry cash around like a retard
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Why does Sam Hyde pay you to pretend to care about Betty?
loneliness and mental illness personally
ps i did the unthinkable
>ps i did the unthinkable
How much, Mr. TF
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Samefag. Same Hyde is a Freemason.
too much shes spoiled desu
>she’s spoiled

She’s not but even if she is good. Just don’t go overboard with it. I personally think skull should put his disability check to good use and pay reparations for how much of an asshole he was. Did yours go through btw? Mines still pending

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