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File: roleplay.png (534 KB, 640x773)
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roleplay rodney
>no percentile D10
>2x D20
>not 5x D20 for 5 - 100 rolls
I bet he rolled a Ranger
What a fag
people are going to be very mad
most retarded nigger on the planet op
some people just want to watch the world turn
i personally dont notice it turning
well pay attention if you want to or don't it's up to you not me
no thank you
you are welcome not necessary to thank me
you too
knock knock
who is there
did you ding dong ditch lol
joseph mother who
joseph josephson
what do you want
some coffee and maybe a donut
how much coffee would you drink if someone gave you unlimited coffee
some of it but not all of it
Rodney is probably new and got intimidated by 2e and 3e.
he said dnd is aids
paw id
I love that dear kitty.
But it looks sad.
he rolled a 1 and is very grumpy
its not funny dont laugh
thats great news
its funny to some people
what is so dang funny

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