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These are the faces of /int/.
Which country is actually white?
That's the whitest American I've ever seen.
turkey and russia is the cutest :3
How the fuck 4chan ended attracting and being the home of fag twinks?
Tomoko central
why are there so many faggots on this site?
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I am the epitome of your average amerimutt.
Never thought I'd utter these words, but that American is cute
would the russian
Bruh why would you sweep your hair back with that hairline. You could cover your temples/forehead with it instead.
Fags arnt welcome in the white ethnostste.
no way, too mutty
however, I'd dig up the insides of that spaniard so ancient he'd know what he had for breakfast when he was 5
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I've tried many things, my fellow anon.
That makes you look way younger
He says he's pure Italian-American from NJ. He posts on /int/.
God I need a Russian twink bf
You're a pedo
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I'm simply a fun loving go-getter, but thank you.
From top left:
turkish one looks like a middle aged tranny with aids
You should definitely wear your hair like that. The other pic makes you look like 10 years older.
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I suppose it's all varied. I work in news so it gets *fun*. Having a widow's peak sucks.
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maybe Italians aren't white after all
I look like this
What a bunch of miserable little fuckboy posers
Show bussy.
Agreed. Little brown slut.
I have one too and now that I cut my hair short I can't hide it at all though. My hair was getting like tarzan long though and I had to start over. No one could trim it and give it that natural growth many layers wavy look it had.
>Brown faggots
Luke pottery
I am approaching you with sexual intent and I'm not stopping ever, you have approximately two weeks to prepare
That's /int/ exclusive doeverbeit
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Plunge yourself, gaylord
Why are men so effeminate now? At least for America it makes sense because all the food has endocrine destroying sludge in it but why other countries?
Pedos are on the rise
twinks cant be intelligent? rude
Russia, obviously.
Doesn't seem like you "intellectual " thinks are putting your "intellect" to good use. All I see is fag shit being pushed in video games and tv by fags. I don't see "twink" doing anything of value. You just want to get fucked and wither away. Doesn't sound smart to me
I need to leave this board. I don't want to get homoboy HIV/AIDS
I'll plunge you myself if you don't behave
The great unclogging of our society is close at hand. Millions will be flushed.
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no wonder women are getting pickier. men are devolving because jews are domesticating us like goycattle
Bruh, /d/ and /y/ were among the first boards made. Faggotry has always been part of this site.
i dont know what to tell you chief. stop consuming jewish media maybe? dunno what we have to do with that.
Containment threads. Anonymity brings out the dregs of society and there was no sign up bullshit.
Containment boards*
God damn whatever they are putting in the food these days is tragic. That guy on the right looks like a gigachad whereas the dude on the left looks like he sucks golfballs through a garden hose.
Why is it so easy for slavshits to imagine men sucking anything? I can't imagine him sucking dicks or golfballs but for you....just a common thought? Walking down the street imaging which guys suck your dick and which guys who's dick you want to suck? Why are you even speaking English? You wouldn't be welcome here and your brain is full of fuck. Stop translating that for us
Because fags are a plague and can't stop themselves from spreading everywhere like some kind of super AIDS. Do note that /int/ was supposed to be for international discussions before they turned it into a hive of faggotry, and they're constantly creeping up in every boards like the disgusting filth they are.
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touch grass, juan
Get you skull caved in, faggot.
Italian, actually.
twinks of /int/
>Russian churka is whiter than half of gayropeans
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The British one actually look pretty good and not like fag

Look pretty man from what i see
Rape marry kill marry
Kill rape kill kill
Kill kill kill kill
That is not an American in your stupid fucking picrel. Why don't you show one of your Brazilian migrants as the face of Portugal?
go be a faggot somewhere else
Where's the Finnish tiwnk aka WouldIBeAllowedInAWhiteEthnoState?
I love his hair. No homo
he's a newfag. these images in OP pic are all years old
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The french one is literally a chinck hapoid mutt
that turkroach is a decendant of a european that was kidnapped during a roach raid of european coast.
Not white
>Irrelevant flag (probably Serbia)
Not white
Not white, but honestly would plow him because he looks like a femboy
One of the whitest, second only to Russia
Seems white to me, but other Spaniards are usually brown.
Brownest on the list. I hate my fucking country sometimes.
This one looks more like leafyishere, also, not white. Maybe a hapa.
Not white, doesn't get the crouton's treatment either
Not white, probably mixed, can't see the eyes to know if he's Asian or not
Has to be half Mohammedan, potentially half African. Either way, not white.


Appears white, but isn't really white. Perhaps, with native admixture. The only way I consider someone brown is if they have dark skin and black/brown eyes, but I can't tell if this one has grey or brown eyes. He's whiter than the other one and most of the faces of int, so he gets a pass.
>/int/ is a faggot board
we know OP.
But someone should inform them about /lgbt/
/pol/ in 2024 is exclusively gay and brown now
The Mehmed looks like he's barely alive
>all normalfags
4chan is a normgroid social media platform where actual outcasts get mocked.
I don't even have hair at all in my early 20s. You are all like children to me.
I got a DNA test and the Jews told me I was mostly Scottish English and Welsh along with some Norwegian and swedish but for some reason I look like a Hispanic person.
Btw Russia is gonna get conquered if they keep producing Moscow femboys.
Would the portuguese one, but he's doesn't walk the walk
>no german sissy femboy
Very good.
They are all faggots
Like 3/4 of them look underageb&
Should have ate meat when you were a kid.
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Spain is the best looking.
Incredible, they all look gay as fuck, Jesus Christ
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I have picture of some Russian poster of /int/.
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France and Croatia were dating each other.
Russia has the cutest, softest boys everyone knows this.
I would fuck every single of these fagslutas in the ass except for Brit. Belgium and Poland
I would like to rape that Spanish one the most and for the longest
holy shit, that spiniard is really doing something for me
Have a nice day everyone)
vgh pvre aryans
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Yeah, very cute.
Literally just Britain. Take into account what Britfags do and how they are raised, the answer becomes no one. No one in your pic at least.

Why the fuck are they all twinks? What do they do on /int/ anyway?
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>Why the fuck are they all twinks? What do they do on /int/ anyway?

You don't want to know.
Right’s cuter
I thought it was language exchange. I need to practice French and German.
You can do that, just be aware some of the people you chat with will be twinks.
Bumping this before I go to sleep
gngn <3
What went wrong?
I need to start browsing int
more boys please
I've had sex with every guy in this pic
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>No hot twink sex
This is the darkest of black pills. You can fuck woman anytime you want, but fucking a twink is only hot when you're young.

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