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File: 1734145348073763.jpg (514 KB, 967x1305)
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playstation pimothy
what is pimothy playing on xbox
super mario galaxy
that is a good dreamcast game
thank you
he is a noob lol
retarded nigger kike faggot op
his job is video games
but he is a noob lol
be nice
he only cares about graphics
he deserved the criticism
did not
he did something criticize-worthy
what did he do specifically
he was a noob too many times
stop bullying him
maybe he doesnt mind
he should get better at video games lol
hes good enough at them
if he cant get at least 394618375917283473641982379836418923718346283748652378947238946238947128468723 points in tetris he is bad
tetris for what gaming system
the soulja boy video game system
i dont have that yet
great news
its opposite day
not for me
almost as good as the youtube video game system
you are right
it looks like he's taking out his cat dick oh no is he doing what I think he's doing he's strapping the controller to his dick so the vibration function makes him cum
whats wrong with you
that's obviously what he's doing with it who hasn't done that
it's literally a rite of passage
strap that controller to your cat dick and turn on the power

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