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Alight offering spiritual reasons why guys are douchebags

I know this isnt div or adv but this board needs some reason its just a sausage fest in here

any girls wanna know why he's not texting back or they don't want us to have rights anything like that just ask I'll read my cards

and if you want insight into some political shit ask that too I'll see what the cards say
but I'm not getting a lot of really engaging discussion so kind of disappointed with the board I thought nazism with feminism would be a hit
Alright let me explain my story. When I was 16 I asked this girl to marry me. She said no, she’s the most beautiful girl in the world. I’m now 20. Over the last year I lost 100 pounds and got super fit and started my awesome career. However since I just finished, I barely have 5000$ in my bank account with a paid off car. I live with my parents for free. I’m facing many dilemmas. I feel bad that she said no and I feel like she would say yes but haven’t spoken to her since we were 18. She’s an actual real woman not yet influenced by the Jews. But I don’t want my wife to work, I don’t want to borrow money to buy another car or house, that’s why I feel insecure to talk to another girl because I have no money, I need at least 2 million dollars to not depend on Jews
keeping with the theme of this thread:

i dont think random number generators are random enough. not in war-time anyway. it would be nice if someone would point me in the direction of a good quality but affordable random number generator. preferably before 2027.
Ok cards, should I do it or no?
>claims femininity
>no tits
Op...come the fuck on now, show us some cleavage and a timestamp.
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OK, I'll bite.
>What's next for me, Seer-Anon?
holy taboo
simply sex but the spiritual kind your feelings are right

wind of the void
the time apart has changed things and in your heart you miss her you lack her

daughter of shadow rx
can be read two ways you don't have her now but you will or you're not going to listen to the reading

why she said no the first time
she wasn't ready to be married at 16 but she did like you and was complimented

how to approach her now
light of wisdom inverted
you're gonna be a fucking coward about it arent' you god damn it. you I'm not able to scry enough sorry I'll have to back it up with a mirror spread

said she's fated for you because you did the work but don't ask her to marry right away just talk to her ok its all gonna come to gether

and may I add your desire to provide for your future wife is commendable! good to know real men still exist!

may I have a goal of yours so I can focus on that?
Perfect because I wasn’t going to anyway.
no cause bf will get mad at me sorry! I'm here to impress him most of all but also fix men and women relations
Is this actually real? I haven’t seen her or talked to her in 2 years? How will this be accomplished? How will I gain money without being a Jewish slave? I’m a pilot fyi.
no offence but the fate is way to strong you end up together

let go or be dragged
And what’s mirror spread? And oh yeah I keep dreaming about her and for some reason I feel like it’s fated
oh whata great job. sorry thought the other anon was you you I'll show you my div archive thread if you want to see me do better reading I was on fire yesterday
but yeah the fate is strong as FUCK all good cards sex card love card fate card you couldn't have gotten a better spread which is good for you but bad for me because like I can't prove much without insight into the dynamic that you don't tell me and you gave away the goose.

think like this too if you don't shoot your shot again you could lose your chance don't rush things but don't wait too long you deserve this anon!

how it will accomplish I scryed said find her on facebook ok look I'll read your mirror spread out loud to you
one sec

sorry forgot I did a double reply and didn't check ID!
would you like a reading?

you: Mercy
you see a womans perspective of needing to be appreactied cared for listened to and provided for why? because you're able to project what it would be like if you had been born like that with XX chromosomes you are able to access your feminie side in a balanced and fair way

her position:corruption
this is a love heart card and implys seduction. she loves you already.

why you like her: art
yes she's pretty but she's not just pretty she's pretty as a result of who she is how she moves in her body how she flows her energy she will not be corrupted by the jews because and scrying this part how do I put it; she doesn't let herself be used, she's generous sure but never ever ever to the fault of losing a part of who she is. she's just too smart for it naturally

why she likes you: threads of fate and will
because as far as choice goes your underlying attractions offer her none she will want you and choose you because you make her feel beautiful and heared

your side of the issue: the savage angels retribution/restriaint
landed on retribution means its time now to act for sure

her side of the conflict; man this is goon amake me cry anon she's been waiting since she was 16 to marry you she go t HARVEST fuck I can feel how much she misses you she doesn't even know it in herself she just thinks you'd never ask that again you were just a foolish kid at the time but like she hasnt forgot anon she hasnt

End result: elements of earth
complete sustainable happiness! and a bit of sexy time but the sex is like real sex not just masturbating with anothers body its about making each other feel good in a primal way she wants to sub to you but like tell her how with your hands may not respond to dirty talk as very pure girl who doesnt have a degredation disfunction like most girls she's confident in herself probably cause you respected her so well at such a young age and its carried through

good luck anon
can you just tell me what Soros is please and if you have time antifa I need an anon opinion to impress bf and he never talks about politics with me yet cause he's like under fed control + eyes and shit
Nope, the mistake was fated too, lol. Still not gonna.
ok I wanna say uni if you have no other goals are you looking for love adv too? youre picture is throwing me off the darkness is seeping into the scy but its like your pic only half your gonna come out of it stronger
wicked yeah I was like sure I was wrong but I had to send it anyway it was weird I didn't know why I did it but I followed the instinct
Teaching agriculture and self sufficency
But I was fat and ugly at 16 and she got angry and sad when I asked her to marry me. And everyone made fun of me for it. I’m not the most emotional person either, (she is) I just want to have a lot of money to buy a house for her away from the city (Jews) and work for a big family.
Best random number generator is a bunch of sticks and the I Ching
Aii do my whats my future love and career in upcoming 5 years
I wouldnt call myself antifa, fascists are just one variation of socialism
ok that is going to work out for you the scy says a girl too is coming

because her logic said not to but her heart said yes had to repress her feelings because you were too scared to lose her to wait for the right time but she, she likes you
So how will she find or text me if I don’t have her contact? How is it going to play out?
>I thought nazism with feminism would be a hit
Both are retarded and nearly indistinguishable from each other.

solomn mirth
youre so well planed this that your above it its not numbness its zen in the future

past; savage angels retribution
you struck at the right time and got your ducks in a row good work!

present; Living Water
you have a truely healthy plan not just for the land but for people who want to live on it great cards anon maybe teach me something about self sufficency now if you don't mind I'd like a farm myself someday
I mean like so the futures not set in stone I can't tell you exactly how it plays out I'm just reading the present now to figure out what will be in the future but things which are fated have ways of happening no matter what because the fates manipulate the feelings of people involved still they can't completely steam roll free will only suggest things in most case.

How would you like it to play out I can probably have you cross paths with her one time I did something like that
I can see you scared to bring her home to ma white lady blond hair and might be christain cause she's wearing those colours so symbolically yeah

I'm guessing vet for career or something else to do with animals.

If youre a girl with blonde hair read the thing reverse you energy is active and playful so reading for if your male looking for a female
yeah but pol is full of retards that's why I thought it would be a hit
Point taken. Well played, femanon.
This is what I want but I’ve dreamt about this and I have a very strong feeling about this for some odd reason, I will get a very good pilot job soon at a very young age and somehow I will be a hero and that’s when I’ll see her. And she’ll be so impressed to realize what I achieved and how much I changed
thing is she liked you from the start you just shot too soon for her to say yes without asking mom and dad. no apathetic girl gets angry at a proposal they are kind and distant come on she was angry because she wanted to say yes
Are you sure? She was crying and didn’t want me to ever talk to her

On politics
Please explain how you as feminazi would arrange the world?

On divination
What qualities do I need to cultivate to better serve a potential partner?

2nd divination inquiry(if possible)
What are my major blind spots when it comes to dealing with the feminine?

3rd divination inquiry(if possible)
What will be the sign the girl is the one?


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