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Where is Risk Master anon at?
Where is King "the champion" Kong at?

Gentlemen, this is it. I think this is the best RISK ever played on pol. This is a Historical moment.
Come and join us!
Experienced players prefered. But everybody can join.
Have you got what it takes to dominate the geopolitical arena, anon?

Up to 8 players can join.
The game will start when 2 players appear.
The game will last until half past midnight Lisbon time.

Tell us your chosen name, colour and starting territory.
The game is interactive and easy to follow but it requires some attention.

May this be my Christmas present to all anons.
And even to jannies.
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olá gamemaster
King Kong
Isle du France
I didn't even look at the map kek
Gual et Germania please
M8. i'm not only horrifically drunk but i'm also retarded and don't knoew how to play. I will choose tranvaal and light blue if I'm still available to play.
Starting our as Yankee Land et Virginia
color dark blue.
>captcha : TKD0P
Tell us your chosen name, colour and starting territory.

Leon Shuster.
Light Blue
South Africa
Of course you're still available to play.
Try it, if you want you can leave any time.

You can't get that territory as you rolled 2 first.
Each territory yields a given number of SOULS which when they reach the HUNDRED MILLION gets you a bonus in wars and stuff.
You can only a chose - because of your gets - a territory that yields less than 50 Million.
Do you want to chose a territory or do you want me to tell you which territories you can chose?

(Hope you can bare with me and it's not to bothersome, but keep giving me tips about how you feel)
anon, i apologise for being drunk and homo. anyways. I would like to invade the rest of the world. what do? I roll for Namib/Angola/Rhodesia and Mozambique. Fuckit, i'll take Tanzania too but then i'm done - no more niggers to be managed after that.
You rolled 2. That's a low roll. Therefore you did not qualify to keep Yakee Land et Virginia.

Each territory yields a number of population which will be your basis for power. You need to chose a territory which yields less than 50 million souls. Do you want to chose another territory or do you want me to point you which territories you can chose?
rollin' on the river.
Give me the Trans-Urals if available otherwise choose for me.
Okay. You're in.

Pay attention.
The game will start when another player joins.
Just be ready to reply to the appropriate comment with the map and the roll order when the game begins.

If you have any question just ask.
>50 million souls
yeah but that includes 20 million kikes

Anyways, I'll chose Terra Nova instead.

btw, nice regions you drew.

Calm down. You'll have to wait to roll. You'll only be able to roll once another player joins and I post the map.

We're still on the waiting phase.

You're in as soon as you chose another colour. Blue is taken.

Okay, thanks anon. I'm rolling. I want to get more places. please feel free to place as you wish. I hear south America is comfy these days. r not. Let's fucken kill all the niggers up north. lel (it's me from the prev thread bw, im just bad on booze)
Please just chose a colour. Blue is taken. Then you're in and the game will start.
I dhoowse choose green blue, yellow and lilac but I think im already light blue. so let's fucken start the game you niggers. As emperor, we should kill all the gays.
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everyone loves Blue, it is the best color, Purple is a poor substitute.
gn lad, i g2g die unto this mistake. thank u 4 everytghign. sorry for the bad repoirtoire. x nohomo

I am sorry for the time. I'm just taking a bit longer.
I am really sorry.

Keep in mind it's my first time too and we're just experimenting...
Okay, you're in. THe game will start soon.
take your time OP, I'm in no rush.
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Each territory yiels a number of souls. Who ever has more Hundreds of Millions of Souls wins.
Souls = People, the more populous territories yield more people.
Each Hundred Million Souls offers you one bonus point in wars beyond your gets.


I will post the table with the Souls per Territories in the millions.

If you have any doubts just ask.
Rolling for Yankee Land
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south to Akmola Steppe
Okay, I am having problems with posting the table.

Yankeeland is too powerful for you. You cannot go there. You must chose another territory. You can only go North either to Greenland or to the Arctic Archipelago.
Where do you want to go?
West Greenland is good
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Anons, I cannot post the table with the territories and the yieling.
It would allow you to chose the territories near by that yield more. Adding a dimension of strategy.

This is fucked as is. Do you guys want to go play the classic Risk Map with Europe and the rules we've been playing with or do you want to continue with this game?
rolling for Quebec. if not quebec then nunavut
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South to Kazakhstan!

if I can't into Kazakhstan then into Altay et Baikalia.
Yeah, you must gather points in the North until you can go South, and British Columbia is the one more easy to conquer.
I'm happy to continue this version. It's all good,
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Eurosphere couldn't go to Nunavut because he had to go through Arctict Archipelago first.
northern lakes now.
Turkestan here I come!
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Map with the yieling territories:
Dark Red - more than 600 million
Red - more than 500 million
Brown - more than 400 million
Purple - more than 300 million
Dark Blue - more than 200 million
Dark Green - more than 100 million
Pink - more than 50 million
Orange - more than 10 million
Yellow - more than 1 million
Blank - not even one million

(sorry anons, I can't load the table) Now you get an idea of the dynamics.

I add that you can only conquer a territory if it doesn't yield more than doubble your power.
And if the territory is more powerful than you but not doubbles your power you must roll 5 or higher.
join me in based portugal risk anon.
I'm called tkd and I'm In yemen. make me orange.
very interesting
You cannot invade Turkestan yet. Please chose another territory.
Altay et Baikalia
You're in.
Please try to read my posts in this thread so you udnerstand how this game is played.

I feel like it was a failure to lunch.
k catpain
it could use some work, I've noticed a few noob traps that would kill a run if played poorly. I think you have some stuff that works. After we play a bit more I'll give a more refined analysis.
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I wanted you all to have the table and see for yourselves where you can go.
Northeast Caspian!
ok if I'm doing this right I roll for the souls of saudi arabia and Sinai if allowed.
My country right now is 92% European 8% Aboriginal. I will conquer Yukon
Just one territory per round.
the biggest issue is the possible disparity in early populations, having a sub 50million population is a bit of a handicap. Someone starting off with 10 or 20 million more than you is a gamebreaker. Though, I don't mind the challenge.

A fix would be to have a limited number of default starting areas.
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TKD is now in the lead.
Eurosphere didn't advance as he rolled zero.
King Kong gets to expand towards two new territories this round as he rolled high.
reminds me of that old joke.
How do you TKD?
One at a time
Kubania et Caucasus
Can I roll for Alberta? if not Yukon
Yes. You get the intent, the idea...
Therefore the initial rolls and me being so anal aabout each teritory you could get based on your initial roles.

I also made a new set of rules. I roll 40. Although I'm a bit retarded about writing rules and most are probably just to explain the game to beginners.
But then I couldn't transform the word file into a pdf (I thought I had the program).
But ti was just for anons to know there are rules and to see them if they really want to. You guys don't need to read the rules to know how to play.
roll for the rest of saudi the levant
also Mongolia, sorry didn't read completely lol
my man this map is mad.
No. You'll go for Yukon.
But next round you'll be able to take British Columbia which will do wonders for you.
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I wanna claim the Ohio region for Sharty
Chose a colour and you're in.

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TKD can advance towards two territories this round.
West Persia
Gemerald green
British columbia
rolling towards levant and egypt.
turks are next
Sorry Shart.
You rolled 2.
Therefore you can only chose a territory that is orange, yellow or blank in this map: >>21782587

Ohio is too powerful for you.
But once you chose a suitable territory, you can join.
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If you want to risk for a territory that is of higher yield than your power, you can, but you must roll 5 or higher.
And the power of that territory cannot be twice as much as yours.


Open the map and then this table in one of your tabs and think for your fucking selves!!!

pLEASE reply so I know you got it.
You're in Shart.
Please put your name up.
Sharty TWP hating Nigger lovers offical brimstone khanate
in the name-field of your posts
Aye aye Captain
I don't get it but I've never let ignorance stop me before.
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King Kong is on the lead.
TKD didn't advance as he did not roll enough to conquer such powerful territories.
Shart has joined us.
hundred million souls power
Rolling for Quebec. If I can't, Alberta
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Northwest China


Basically, each territory yields a number of Souls. Most populous territories yield more Souls. With more Souls you win.
Once you get One Hundred Million Souls expressed in the map as 1,000 HMS you get one bonus point in wars.

And whoever has more HMS wins.

Please anons, look at the map and at the table and decide by yourselves, remember:

You cannot conquer territories which yield more than doubble the HMS that you currently have.
And for those territories with HMS above yours but less than twice the number of yours you must roll 5 of higher to conquer.

Territories with lower HMS than yours you can conquer all the time.

Watch the map and the table and devise your own strategies!
Hi Portoanon can I join
Add me in!
Genshit, in North China, colour Red
How fucking DARE you name Michigan "Trans Ohio". You absolute double nigger. Apologies at once!
rolling once more for egypt. secretes of anum will be mine.
OK add me in too my name is jainyd in darfur and kordofan color sky blue
Of course you can.

But you're fucked because you're relegated to blank territories here: >>21782587

Chose territory, name and colour and you're in.
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Holly fuck!
You're in.
You practically won the game.

He rolled 11, everybody!
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that's bullshit
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Cool fren I roll for a quick invasion of tebou land
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TKD failed to conquer Egypt once more.
And Genshit joined us.
He's a super power.
Massive kek

It's because it is beyond (trans) the Ohio river.
Rolling for South China!
Blue is already added.

Please, to join state clearly: Your name, colour, and starting territory.
game is pointless now but sure roll for sichuan
rolling for yankee land, if not that Ontario
Rolling for quick conquest of Tebou land and total nigger death
rolling for anatolia
OK pink then
ah i just notice the HMS more than double rule, so >>21782646 disregard this, rolling for manchuria instead!
Starting territory: darfur et kordofan
Name: jainyd
Rolling for tebou land
And killing all niggers in it
are you actually in some mudhut in sudan? kek
Also, music for this thread?
based Sudanese warlord
Are you retarded. North China is the most powerful territory. You can conquer everything. South China would have to be TWICE as powerful as you in order for you to not be able to advance there. But it is half of your power.
You're already in South China and with almost one billion Souls.

Okay, You're in.
bruh. stop telling him how to play.
I'm trying to win this.
My bad lol, i looked at the table and thought since North China is 605,4, and South China is 372,1, i would need 744,2 HMS to have chance of conquering it
Pawn to E4
Yeah and best part I get to kill nigger
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TKD failed to conquer Anatolia.
Brown guy in America gets to advance towards TWO territories this round.

And holly fuck the Steppes were King but now China is a thing!

typical /k/oonery
Rolling to take Sichuan! All of China must be Genshit!
Please keep giving me feedback.
Trans Ohio and California or IdaLand
rolling Egypt again
am I missing something or just rolling shits?
it's cool, I just feel a little cheated of my win. But it's all to make the game better, forgive my human pride.
Please put your name up.
Risky roll for Egypt
Burma et Thailand
god fookin damn
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better luck next roll
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give me ohio
You were rolling for territories you need to roll 5 for (higher than your overal HMS without doubbling it) but you were rolling below 5.
Fucking mods again, I'm still in!
I'm still in
I am here, anons!
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Chinese guy rolled zero in battle, King Kong.
You will not have another chance to anihilate him like you had. And he rolled before you. And instead you went for ladyboys...

King Kong gets to go for two territories this round!
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Bengal then Ceylon
Roll for Sichuan again! Get this Gorrila Nigger off the plane!
Fuck rolling for fezzan
rolling for yankee land
you gave me egypt?? :)
Roll for libya
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The pajeets have entered the game.
King Kong showing why's the great champion for the third time in a row with its billion and a half army!

TKD, yeah the Sudanese didn't have enough to go for Egypt. Otherwise you'd be fucked.
moving /risk/ thread to /bant/ should result in /shot/
It's one thread a week among a million shitposts.
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North India
But it's going to get rarer. I suppose only next year there will be a Risk thread.
Fuuucck Gorrilla Jeets, rolling for Sichuan again
Dixie is mine
rolling for algeria and kongs fukk off
want to make an alliance?
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I remember the good times anon.
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Nice, anon.
if it is against the Chinsect menace then yes.
Bruh, rolling for manchuria lmao
You would rather ally with gorrilla jeets than anime land?
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South China
Victory is sweaty
New Spain! I'll then go for East greenland to open up the motherland
Rolling for ethipoia
>You would rather ally with gorrilla jeets than anime land?
war is a bitch anon.
Roll for Morocco
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Sudanese anon, you cannot advance towards territories that yield more than twice the HMS than you have in your power.

Fuck rolling of tebou land then let's go
Roll for Morocco
East Greenland and then Britain!
South China! Take out the gorrila jeet!
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North China
lmao rip
saw it coming as soon as i didn't get the dubs damn slow board
I conquered the jeets and use them as my swords, but I began in the steppes of the Urals. My journey to conquest has been Magnificent, I am grateful to you for playing the role of my last conquest.

>and King Kong wept for there were no more bitches to pipe.
gg my good sir, hope to play again.
gg hah, i was king zigger last risk game, remember you and jewkiller
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Genshit died.
King "the Champion" Kong wins with his 3 billion Mongoloid-Chink-Jeet army from hell.

Now anons, please tell me about this game.
I think the idea is good but the execution is not great and I was very slow today,...
can we all agree that jannies are keks
I like the HMS stuff adds a new dynamic, but might want to even it out a little more as you can snowball hard if you get the high amount zones
also jannies fucked as again with a slow board, but as game master you doing good anon, thank you yet again
Rolling for for Chad et Cameron
Thanks for your imput.

The idea was for different territories to bring different value.
And for anons to devise strategies but also to fuck other anons by negative stategies - for instance, don't allow anons to go to China and India...

The territories are supposed to be roughly one million square kilometers each.
If you guys have a table, you can devise your own strategies.

But I also need to tweek my excell board for players.
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You were great fren
first off I enjoyed it and I would play it again.

now constructive criticism, it's a tad convoluted, it would be difficult for beginners to fully grasp.
there are chokepoints in balance, anyone who gets asia wins. in traditional risk if territory is relatively the same in value making any starting location essentially fair.
The biggest criticism is a lucky first role can completely upset the balance of the game as shown with Genshit starting with North China and nearly insta-winning the game. If not for a few lucky roles I would have lost. Some strategy played into it but without that 0 roll I would have lost.

if you want to ask any questions about my experience feel free.
my anon. I'm drinking el capitan and smoking fuck knows what.
and listing to this.
bless you risk anon. Merry christmas and remember.
Thank you, anon.
Maybe we will meet again soon some other day (next year surely).
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Yes. I agree with you. I am glad you enjoyed it.
I really wanted to add this new dynamic of territories yielding "pop soul armies" whatever...

As I said, each territory is supposed to be roughly one million squared Kms and the population one territoriy yields is basically the real one.
So, it's supposed to be imbalanced.
I suppose anons are supposed to (3 times suppose, fuck!) not allow one anon to dominate Asia (can you imagine a Chink-Pajeet state? It would be hell!).

I just fear it's too complicated for most players who enjoy "classical" Risk Europe to enjoy this.

Thank you for your imput.
Would you change anything else?
Do you think I was too slow?
I drank a Beirão de Honra that was given to me last Christmas. It was alright.

Merry Christmas to all anons!
Gotta admit anon, it is much more complicated than the old version.
Nice work in trying to improve the game but maybe a smaller map next time where the number of souls were on the provinces.
>I really wanted to add this new dynamic of territories yielding "pop soul armies" whatever...
just a throw away thought, but consider making a fantasy map that can be pop balanced and starting location balanced, Earth isn't a bad location for a TWRPG but there are other options.
> it's supposed to be imbalanced.
if that's the intention then it works.

>I just fear it's too complicated for most players who enjoy "classical" Risk Europe to enjoy this.
that is a possibility, I for one enjoy the banter and roleplaying on the rare occasions it happens well. The diplomacy aspect of the game is the best part.

>Would you change anything else?
I can't think of anything else I haven't mentioned.

>Do you think I was too slow?
no, but I'm a patient person.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
>where the number of souls were on the provinces.

Impossible to do!
>just a throw away thought, but consider making a fantasy map that can be pop balanced and starting location balanced, Earth isn't a bad location for a TWRPG but there are other options.

I barely understood this.

>The diplomacy aspect of the game is the best part.

Thank you anons, Merry Christmas!

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