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Libtards seething that antichrist was elected, they cant handle the heat
Are all americans mentally ill?
Me? I'm just glad we're getting more cool footage of the Middle East getting blown up.
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>farewell to my wife and her boyfriend
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who gives a shit about what goes on over at plebbit
go back to /pol/
>4 more years of what this fucker put us thru
Literally what the fuck did he even do?
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KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKKEK reddit never fails to disappoint KEEEEEEEEK
my dad on the left
So they are all ack'd or its just faggotry larp?
Me on the right
idk which would be worse
it's over...
Ur dad is a redditor?
yes, and a prolific wikipedia editor
he had a reddit account with extremely high karma, but my mom made him delete it during a fight
it's hell on earth living with these codependent fucks
he doesn't do cuck stuff, but he's the guy in the image, only with a steam deck instead of a nintendo swtich

/bant/ is for any thread.

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