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When I was a lad I wanted yaoi twinks and brunette girls. Now I want big hairy muscular chubby male butts and big busty plump colored women. All the other 4chan fuckers are posers “femboy” this “femboy” that; you just want a counterfeit girl not a man. I like men. And I like women but not Barbie doll trite. I want to nut condom free in a big busty black ladies butt.
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Personally, I love women who are a specific race, that I have observed. I don't mean like skin color wise, it's something that has no definition or term as it hasn't really been discovered outright, I secretly wonder how many people know it exists. But I think it is a real racial difference.

I think the Nazis and their specific countries or in general sans Nazis even or not were close to knowing about this difference, so I tried prodding a little and I don't think it's something (Scandinavia, germany,Italy, japan) I don't think it's something they're super conscious of, or something they purposefully favor or have a preference for, though it can seem like it and I was confused about it for a long time.

It's hard to explain but it has caused me to sorta develop a racial based theorem of sort.
Like I don't know it's weird, I don't even find women attractive who I think don't possess these types of physical traits and characteristics that probably could be defined as race, there's a huge variety of women i just don't find attractive despite others finding them appealing or fetching.

I find it so very strange, though I am glad that I discovered it.
Sorry I guess that doesn't have much to do with yao boys, I dont know what that is. I don't like men. I don't know what basis you define men exactly, it doesn't have to be this solid static thing.

I don't really like black women.
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Like I just think she is so perfect omg average they will say average
*crashes 747 into thread, killing everyone who posted in it*
i dont give a fuck about any of that riley is so fucking cute her braces will reek of old cum every day if we're together
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goofy looking girl
>I want to nut condom free in a big busty black ladies butt.
i had that dream a couple times as a teenager
i can't remember the last time i had a dream of any kind
Why don’t you dream any more? Do you miss such dreams?
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>goofy looking girl
One of the many reasons I adore her

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