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Why can't Japan write stories that aren't based on one of these countries? The rest of the world has rich history and culture too.
No it doesn't
read more manga
The manga Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu mainly takes place in central and south America.
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No it doesn't. It does but you're a nigger so shut up.
In Hayate no Gotoku, Nagi finds her pet tiger Tama in the country of Africa. That's why.
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There are no anime that take place in Korea or involve Koreans. Why are you lying?
Which anime based on stalkerland?
Still waiting for a good Indian anime. Japan will shove Indian characters into a story but won't explore the actual country.
I dunno, anon, why are you posting here and not on Krautchan or Ylilauta?
People about what they know and it's not like I'm going to take a trip and spend 5 years in the depths of Xinjiang autonomous province to write my fictional story about a Chinese caliphate on Mars.
Well technically you have a couple of anime adaptations of Manhwa like God of Highschool that do but that's not Japanese writers I guess.
Doesn't dragonball z count?
Tower of God, Solo Leveling, etc.
Animated by Japanese studios
Empire of Corpses partly took place India during British colonial rule.
Where is the fucking Chernobyl any of that retard it's like Eiffel tower for the ukros
why don't they write their own stories if they're that interesting?
>The rest of the world has rich history and culture too.
yeah nah
don't believe me? go to /int/ and look at the absolute state of them
These are manhwa adaptions. Show me any Japanese work where Japanese characters go on vacation to Korea or a Zainichi appears in it. Even the map of Etheirys in ff14 does not have a Korea.
They can't write you racist asshole!
Is there really no manga or novel about the japanese invasion of korea?
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The rest of the world should then convince us that they have rich history and culture by producing quality stories that show off that rich history and culture that they supposedly have.
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Why is Japan obligated to tell stories about other cultures? Let those cultures tell their own stories. They're not entitled to attention from Japanese audiences.
No, because Korea would throw a shitfit over it. And they would find out because Korea voraciously consumes Japanese media. That's why any time a story is set during the late Meiji / Taisho / early Showa eras they are careful to never directly talk about the annexation of Korea. I've seen manga, light novels, and anime talk about the Japanese empire occupying mainland China and various SEA nations, but never Korea.
>Is there really no manga or novel about the japanese invasion of korea?
Does GATE count?

There's probably a landfall of yen waiting for romantic comedy that takes place during the Japanese liber...
Literally because they only know about countries that actually did something during WW2. Silly I know.
You mean like Orb airing right now?
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1. There are like no anime about Russia, what are you talking about?
2. Why did you cut out that thing from UK?
3. China? Name one show about it.
4. France+Germany+UK+Italy is where 99% of human history happened so... yeah.
Also Jojo SC p2 they go to Egypt. And besides, if we consider all animes - 99% of it happens in Japan anyway
I didn't imply I was Japanese, I only implied that I was in one of the red countries.
>No, because Korea would throw a shitfit over it.
I'll never understand why Koreans are this obsessed that they lost twice to wokou. Contrast that the Last Samurai is the 22nd highest grossing movie of all time in Japan (for example).

If you're that upset, just ignore Japanese media and consume your own.
They don't have the money to make anime and manga. All they have is good source material.
Does Sardinia really have a "rich history and culture " equivalent to Japan?
That's hardly a sensible comparison given the differences in size. If you include Sardinia as part of the broader Italian/Roman cultural group then they would by extension have a richer history and culture.
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Fun fact: Japan’s first "shounen manga/light novel", which inspired Dragon Ball, is actually set in India, referred to as Tenjiku (天竺).
Man, I want whatever Sun Wukong is on
1.Season 2 of Darker than Black was partially set in Russia and featured a half Russian main character as well a various Russian supporting characters.
There was also a Russian-Japanese coproduced anime movie called First Squad: Moment of Truth set during WW2 during the battle of Moscow.
There was Giovanni's Island which takes place on a formerly Japanese Island during the Soviet invasion and occupation that's still part of modern Russia but that might be considered controversial if that counts as taking place in Russia
3. Kingdom
You have to understand the mindset of a weak nation like Korea that has historically been under the thumb of its more powerful neighbors. Koreans have never had a great empire like China, nor do they have a storied warrior culture like the Japanese. Koreans have to grasp for significance, for things to be proud of, because for them it's not just a matter of pride, it's about justifying their independence and sovereignty from those neighbors who have repeatedly subjugated them.

Korea very nearly ceased to exist at the start of the 20th century. Japan did not merely occupy the peninsula, they annexed it. They fully intended to make Korea a part of Japan, not merely to occupy it and force its local leadership to cooperate with the "Greater Co-Prosperity Sphere" as was the case with most of the territory the Japanese Empire occupied. So for Korea, any sort of glamorization or glorification of the Japanese Empire is seen as an existential threat. Even if the Japanese aren't serious about it (and basically none of them are serious about it, these days, besides nationalist cranks online) the Koreans can't afford to be lax about it. They almost ceased to exist barely 100 years ago.
Akatsuki no Yona is a Japanese work set in fantasy ancient Korea
>Akatsuki no Yona
Thanks! I learned of one.
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Even if there's few shows set in Russia I feel like Russkies show up fairly often in anime, enough that an "anime Slav" has become a stereotypical look.
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>rich history

oh no no no
read more manga
Yeah, that surprised me. They didn't even have a civilization before 500 CE. Sure, it's better than Muttland, but that doesn't mean much.
Russia is a next door neighbor for Japan. It's not uncommon for Japanese people to visit since it's like a two hour flight from Tokyo to Vladivostok. Russians are probably the westerners they see the most of.
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>3. China? Name one show about it.
Aren't there a few series about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?
I also remember a show called Saiunkoku Monogatari that was set in fantasy China so I dunno if it counts
>America has only been around for 200 years
>Completely and utter dominates thirdie shitholes with thousands of years of history and headstart
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>anime is set in China
I'm feeling nostalgia for a place I never grew up in...
Tezuka wrote a whole manga about the life of the Buddha. It's had a few anime adaptations too iirc.

I'm familiar with what you wrote but I still can't understand because thousands of countries got annexed during the past 200 years (see the formation of Germany, India or Napoleon destroying the Republic of Venice).You don't see Venetians this insecure. Plenty of regional ethnicities in France lost their identity and language and became French as well.

Baekje doesn't exist today either--but their descendants lived on as part of the ancestors of Japan and (largely) were absorbed by what became modern Korea.

That still doesn't explain the hyper obsession with consuming Japanese media for any negative mention of Korea though.
Ireland is no longer a part of the UK
>France+Germany+UK+Italy is where 99% of human history happened
Spain, Portugal, and some of the other European countries also had massive empires at one point but Japan only knows about the last few centuries. There's also Greece which was the birthplace of philosophy and Turkey which was the Eastern Roman Empire. Europe is more than 4 countries.
>Russians are probably the westerners
I don't believe this is a correct statement. Russia was influence by the west/Europe but they are their own thing.
It's because those small European enclaves were totally annexed that they're not insecure. Korea wasn't. Korea was restored to independence entirely by the nascent UN's charity, only to almost immediately fall to a communist revolution backed by their neighbors. South Korea today only exists because the United States wills it to exist. If the US decided to withdraw all military support for South Korea, it would cease to exist within a month.
Yeah I felt weird about calling them "westerners" because they're usually not included in that grouping, but relative to Japan, they are "westerners".
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>girls in track suits
would /a/ be okay with it?
There's this
isn't michiko to hatchin set in brazil?
It's ambiguous.
>South Korea today only exists because the United States wills it to exist. If the US decided to withdraw all military support for South Korea, it would cease to exist within a month.
Ah I think I get it now. America is MC-kun and Japan is the tsundere heroine we're obsessed with and Korea is the designated blue-haired makeine that shows up 2/3rds of the way into the story.
If their history and culture was actually interesting they wouldn't be obsessed with validation from Japan-senpai noticing them (and the same with Hollywood)
It's mostly fantasy Brazil but also has a bunch of stuff from other Latin American countries mixed in
It's more like Korea is the jobber who gets BTFO by the villain and only lives because the MC shows up and spares him, but instead of being grateful he is seething at his humiliation and weakness and insists he could have won, due to his pride. South Korea clings to pride because without it they'd just be a vassal to the United States, as they were a vassal to China or Japan or the Mongols etc throughout history. Pride is literally the only justification they have for not applying to be formally adopted as a US Territory.
Like how Samurai Champloo is a pastiche of Edo period Japan, not set in any particular year, Michiko and Hacchin is vague about where exactly it's set in South America. Watanabe likes those kind of vague settings.
There zainichi in In This Corner of the World. At the very end of the movie when Japan surrenders you see Korean flags flying. Weird though that's all I can think of considering it's the nearest nation to Japan.
>There zainichi in In This Corner of the World
Thank you. I am now up to two anime.
But /a/ told me that China didn't look nice? What's so wrong with this?
There's a show based on Poland going on this season. There are a few based in Finland.
There are tons of Latin American faux-manga and webcomics. But most are shitty.
>There are a few based in Finland.
Someone posted a top 100 Finish anime characters list the other day and I was amazed but there are, in fact, over a 100 Finish or half Finish anime characters.
There are a few anime/manga set in Mexico and other that use mexican culture.
>Why can't Japan write stories that aren't based on one of these countries?
From one franchise alone:
Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) is basically World War 2 in space, while simultaneously taking place all over the world with Brazil being a significant point in the journey.
Mobile Suit V Gundam is primarily set around Central and Eastern Europe, with the majority of its non-Spacenoid cast being Czech or some form of Germanic.
Gundam 00 is about American interventionalism in Afghanistan.
Gundam ZZ has an entire stretch of the narrative set in Africa.
Gundam 0083 starts in Australia.
>Latin American
It's either Mexico or Brazil. No one cares about the others.
There is no way there is not at least 1 k-pop themed LN or something
>China? Name one show about it.
Dragon Ball
The main cast in Dragon Ball is Chinese
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Like 99% of the countries in the world are terrible settings for anime that feel soulless and uncanny

just look at Class of 09 if you want to see what that's like
>Muh Poland, Finland, Brazil, shithole etc

The only places that are ok settings for anime are East Asian countries (China, Korea, SEA) or historic settings.
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There's a somewhat mutual weird fascination with one another. My local mall actually has signs in Japanese.
Why k-pop when idols exist?
I don't really care for either but I assume there is minutiae that k-popfags really like over idolfag shit
Here's your India, bro. Fairly accurate to the mythology, history and architecture, too. Even down to the clothing, artefacts and jewellery.
>Pic features Arjuna Gāṇḍīvadhārī (one of his many titles) from the Kuru Mahājanapada (Kingdom) of Ancient India.
>In the design featured in the pic which seems to be inspired by the Javanese interpretation of the Mahābhārata, Arjuna wears his distinguished attire which consists of a dress made of the Limarsawo Cloth, the Candrakānta (Moonstone) Necklace and the Minangkara Armlets. It should be noted that most of the names of these ornaments are in Javanese, not Sanskrit.
>In his left arm, he wields the Divine Bow Gāṇḍīva, a celestial weapon originally crafted by Brahmā, the Creator God of the Hindu Trinity, and later bestowed upon him by Agni, the god of fire, and Varuṇa, the god of water. This legendary bow, renowned for its immense power and indestructibility, is said to be capable of killing even the gods.
>He stands in what appears to be the legendary Maya Sabha, the enigmatic palace crafted by the Asura architect Maya for the Pandavas in Indraprastha, the capital of Pandava-ruled Kuru. Legends say that its floors appeared like ponds, and ponds appeared like floors, creating illusions that bewildered visitors. Gods and men alike envied the grandeur of the Pandavas’ residence.
>The architecture of the Maya Sabha appears to incorporate Torana-style arched gateways and Gandhāran-style Indo-Greek sculptures, evident in the intricate folds of the clothing and the serene expressions of the deities, which exude a sense of divinity and timelessness.
I’m genuinely impressed by the level of detail the Japanese captured in the Fate/Grand Order Memorial Movie 2023.
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And here's another pic for a closer look at Arjuna's Candrakānta (Moonstone) Necklace.
>American is triggered
I'm not here for meaningless ragebait, any of you fags recommend some good reads that explicitly take place in the USA?
Fate/Strange Fake is fucking kino in terms of production value. I don't know about the story, though.
Since when is Korea ever used? It's always just China if it's non-Japan East Asian setting.
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The World Masterpiece Theater shows based on american series
cultures outside of the red regions are irrelevant
Nips of today has just completely lost an apathy to the rest of the world, well aside from Korea, but that all stems to their K-pop, drama and beauty products.
atleast for Europe:they have in the past. they no longer produce modern pop media to the great extent of japs or americans but there is a lot there if you seek it out. a lot of it is probably not translated to english however
It depends if you want a series that exclusively take place there or are part of a road trip of sorts
Korean idols have been popular in Japan since the 2000s.
shouldn't all of Ireland be included due to folklore, a jap video game? fate and other series use Irish stories and mythology as well

There really hasn't been anything based on Canada or even remotely anything connecting to it by now?


This advert is the only thing that exists it seems?
ironically enough americans and anglophones are by far the most xenophobic group of people
They have always been a sanctimonious people who coat their intent with pretty language
>ironically enough americans and anglophones are by far the most xenophobic group of people
This is just objectively wrong. There's no better country to prosper as a foreigner and be welcomed than an Anglo country.
Why do africans and mexicans not want to make stories about their own history, mythology and culture? Even the indians have their own entertainment industry.
there are stories that happen in Romania because of Transylvania and vampires
Mixing it up now, I see. Did you get warned for posting “why are most anime set in Japan???” for the 200th time? Fucking retard.
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And there's a new Anne anime in the works
>didn't erase the black line
pathetic, you can't even shitpost right
i've seen a handful in the Middle east, Magi of the Labyrinth being the most obvious one.
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>anime is set in Russia
What animes have this setting?
A rich history of being poor and brown
There's the Ramayana anime.
just admit you want more stories about brown people, ya cuck
what caused this?
I love based American rival characters

One of the best Tezuka manga
some post-apocalyptic ones may have it
But it is usually way cleaner there
Maybe something like Trigun?
There is one scene in Mahokua when onii-sama nuked Korea.
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Add Spain to that
(And every country that JoJo Part 3 showed)
Anyway, Japan doesn't even need to write anything set out of Japan, why would they write about some shithole just for the sake of it? Some Manga attempt just that and don't end up as popular because most people don't know about most countries on Earth nor find them any more interesting than any of the red countries. Just ask Americans, most probably don't even know many of the red ones.
t. gray country knower
Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu, set in fictional USSR
Season 3 of Golden Kamuy
Why is Russia such a shithole compared to East Asia, even China is leagues more developed looking.
what's the second most xenophobic group of people?
anglos are incapable of not lying
anglos, but of a different variety
Goddamnit do I have to listen to that again?
Better propaganda. They don't even need even need to show off for retarded westerners to glorify them.
>There really hasn't been anything based on Canada or even remotely anything connecting to it by now?
What the FUCK would they make it about? Buying property?
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This is not true. Anglos are subhumans, yes, but they are generally less xenophobic compared to many other countries.
They're very good at stealing cultures and artefacts. Look how the Bongs made Chicken Tikka Masala their national dish, for example.
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If you are really interested it is because of entirely different value system.
They take pride in being poor and miserable
Also too busy waging wars instead of improving their own lives
>Also too busy waging wars instead of improving their own lives
Considering how many casualties Russia suffers in war, it's no surprise they don't bother improving their lives at home, they won't be around to enjoy it long.
You mean their autocratic leaders.
Souvless vs. Souvl
They wage wars to worsen others' lives.
Yes, that's why they have the most diverse countries

Because they're the biggest xenophobes
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One of my favorite manga is set in Iceland. It's too bad these kinds of stories require a lot of research so most mangaka just lazily copy the aesthetic of a well-known country.
Slice of life camping in national parks. There's also lots of Arctic to explore.
There is a recent manga called Raja worth checking out.
Moscow and St. Petersburg are nice, Russians just don't value the nation as a whole like East Asians.
>butthurt thirdie seething his visa was rejected
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Here is your indian representation in manga.
East Asians are naturally autocratic too, even under liberal democracy. However the Mandate of Heaven forces them to care about uplifting the nation while Russians view immiseration and suffering as strength.
>There is one scene in Mahokua when onii-sama nuked Korea.
Wait really? Between the canon incest and nuking Korea I really fucked up by writing this off as boring as fuck...
That's nice but actions speak better than shitposting. IRL people keep coming here, being happy, and prospering. So I'll stick with reality which is pretty chill
Well according to your Prime Minister, Canada has no culture hence why it needs to be diversified. Same reason there's no anime there.
Again, an anglo cannot help but tell lies. Sad. Many such cases.
>What the FUCK would they make it about? Buying property?
Maple syrup.
>Yes, that's why they have the most diverse countries
>Because they're the biggest xenophobes

People really have no idea. Whatever. It's their loss. Americans (and Anglos) of all origins keep winning.
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>There is a recent manga called Raja worth checking out.
Dude. This is fucking KINO.
>Moscow and St. Petersburg are nice, Russians just don't value the nation as a whole like East Asians.
Most countries are shitholes outside the capital and a couple major cities.
it is kind of a pity that you actually believe this
He's right. Human civilization has always been extremely centralized and developed cities are few, or do you want to actually compare New York with some randomly chosen countryside town in the US?
Nah, not really
Just because US is shithole outside of major cities does not mean other countries, especially the ones in Western Europe are too. It does not take much time to verify that
Even then US is still levels above russia, at least it does not look like it lived through nuclear warfare
Guys, I know it's a little off topic, but I plan to move to Japan after college. I am tired of America and I don't fit in here. I am Asian and know Mandarin fluently. I have an aunt who lives in Nagoya too. I want to fuck off to a comfy place in Japan and start over. Is it possible?
SEA is the biggest weeb nations and most immigrants come from there, but we get close to 0 representation
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I fucking hate how the author portrays the caste system and the so-called "implementation" of the Manusmriti, though.
Firstly, the Manusmriti (composed in the 2nd century CE) did not even exist during Kautilya’s time (400 BCE). Secondly, even after its composition, there is ZERO evidence to suggest that the practices prescribed in the Manusmriti were ever implemented in real life.
Also, Chanakya/Kautilya was a Brahmin, so he had NO CHANCE of becoming a king, so I don't know where this garbage about him wanting to "become a king" is coming from because he never wanted to.
Historically the cities were always the biggest shitholes. When you gather so many people together in a small space it's filled with poverty, human waste, and disease. The rural areas are the most beautiful.
This is entirely you being ignorant of "most of the world", no shit Western Europe and the US don't look as much like shitholes compared to literally everywhere else, look at any other country and you'll see nothing but dirt roads and grass. I would know, I was born in a dirt road and munched on grass until I was 13.
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It seems you have not attained yolteotl, OP
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>but we get close to 0 representation
Because you guys act like this and it's uncanny. It's like if a Chinese one day accidentally impregnated a rhesus macaque.
>Just because US is shithole outside of major cities
It's actually the opposite. A 3rd tier city in the UK or France does not have close to nearly the amount of luxuries and infrastructure as a 3rd tier city in the US. And most of what 3rd tier cities in France does have is really old.

Yeah Moscow is better than NYC or LA. But our Greenville SC is way better than Russia's equivalent.
Historically, that was true but modern medicine turned them from population sinks into the best places to live.
>plagiarized Evangelion but made it even worse
>US is shithole outside of major cities
The major cities are the real shit hole
I live within spitting distance of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=tuSswE-3QOw
People who act like this shit isn't the norm are dishonest
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>made it even worse
By making best girl win?
>plagiarized Evangelion but made it even better

Ftfy. Rahxephon is unironically better than Eva. Yeah, I said it. Eva may be more iconic, but its use of Christian imagery is superficial. Rahxephon's actually makes use of Mayan mythology and symbolism .
I unironically do want more anime set in modern China. Even just movies/games in general. It has a whole different vibe compared to Japan, more metropolitan, futuristic. It feels less personal in a way but there's an appeal. It would be a great setting for neo-noir or romance stories with a focus of modern technology's affect on society.
>stealth /pol/ thread
>stealth /rec/ thread
fuck off ranjesh
You're just going to have another three kingdoms adaptation and you know it. If its not saiyuki, its the goddam san guo adaptation. Theres a san guo version of anything you want.
Maybe all the liveleak has poisoned me but I just think it is a country filled with smog that is literally falling apart
Being racially Asian might mean you'll fit in better at first glance than a white person (so police are less likely to stop you out of nowhere) but on the same coin you might not be given the benefit of the doubt as much for blunders.
When I was on student exchange in 2014 I (a white guy) didn't face any noticeable discrimination but another exchange student was denied service in several establishments because she was Korean.
But it is perfectly possible to integrate yourself, the most common inter-ethnicity marriages in Japan are ChineseXJapanese (although the overwhelming majority of those is Chinese woman and Japanese man).
Wrong fucking language. You'll be ostracized in JAPAN of all places. If you really want a safe haven with a Mandy speaking populace, I recommend Singapore. Its not Japan, but it is first world. And English is the main language there.
Korea furiously hating Japan while also obsessing over Japanese media will never not be hilarious.
It would be a kino setting.

Even propaganda docs make it seem like an interesting place.
I want to go to a cozy place, not Singapore.
Pewdiepie is a autist who knows no Japanese but still lives there. At least I'm Asian and I have family there.
>this was the first anime I ever watched
It's good shit. Much better than the Disney movie.
Singapore is pretty cozy. No idea what you might think otherwise.
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Wealth is focused in large cities, and diminishes with distance, yes. Usually it doesn't completely stop at the city limit.

Also they ripped off more from Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure.
If you want cozy then go to Dongbei in your homeland
Not as much of a rat race as China proper, similar cool weather to Japan (colder in winters), cheap cost of living. Get a remote US job and live like a king off USD exchange rates.
It'd be a funnier situation if Korean's existed entirely inside Japan, like the U.S. has.
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>ripped off more from Dual!
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ACKSHUALLY it was a modern adaptaion of Brave Raideen. The showrunners even intended it to be so. It was Raideen but with a modern sheen and Eva influence.
That's because everyone live in the suburbs which are (usually) really nice. If you live in an American suburb of a medium to small city, you live better than easily 95% of the planet.
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>Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure.
Man I should rewatch that

I caught a bunch of it at my uncle's lake house one year like two decades ago. What else was a teenager with insomnia to do?
There's two Pokemon movies set in Poke-Canada, does that count?
>but its use of Christian imagery is superficial
Honestly this. NGE has the depth of a puddle, the entire cast are insufferable bitches and cunts, the plot's about as involved as your average magical girl series, and the ending is borderline unfinished. People literally only like it for the designs and the wacky bullshit. It's Hot Topic tier anime.

>ACKSHUALLY it was a modern adaptaion of Brave Raideen
I didn't know that, but I almost said it ripped off Reideen in that post, lmao. If it had come out after the 2006 series, I definitely would have said so, but that's the only Reideen I've seen so I couldn't be sure. I literally checked when each came out before replying, lol.
Singapore is a fucking shithole which strips and canes its men.
I don't want to pay taxes to a fucking shithole which treats its men like that.
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Most don't live there. Either you are a kid who had the privilege of that or you lived in an area that was like that and even has suburbs. No one I ever knew as a kid or now lives in suburbs.
Whenever people talk about how "Futuristic" China is they invariably do so over footage of a Chinese skyline absolutely crammed with LEDs

As someone who had to live across the street from a parking garage for a couple years, that looks like absolute hell. Learn to love blackout curtains, bitch
I was thinking Gifu or Hokkaido. Is it easy for an Asian to emmigrate there?
Everyone being awful in NGE was sort of the point

I'm not defending that. I can't stand that shit either. I don't think it's an objective mark against it, though. People like Breaking Bad even though everyone in that show deserves to be buried in a hole in the desert at the bottom of the sea
Retard, they only cane people who commit crimes. Just don't act like a nigger or a retard and you'll get by fine.

>t. a white expat in Singapore
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I'm still not sure why that's so fucking hard for people to accept


Imagine moving to a place where you should act like a guest and feeling entitled to do whatever the fuck you want instead.
I fucking hate globalization so much.
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You can have a cast full of cunts without having the cast be unlikeable. The keyword was insufferable. Honestly it's no god damn wonder NGE gets away with ending with everyone basically dying cause nobody would give a shit if they did.
Its okay for 13 episodes. I have a bit of nostalgia for it because I saw it on the telly. But it really is subpar compared to Rahxephon and especially Eva. Though, and if youre a diehard Tenchi muyo fan that there is another reason to watch it.
Kill yourself.
I don't want them to forcefully strip or cane ANY man or boy, PERIOD. And FUCK YOU for paying taxes to a shithole like that.
Initially it was alright but as the series wore on, yeah, by the time it ends you're cheering when everyone dies
While I get what you mean, Singapore is one of those places that resulted from globalization. Pretty much 100% of its populace is immigrants (yes even the """"""native""""""" malays), and the island owe its success to being a vital port.
This, no one cares about those irrelevant cultures
At their best writing, japan is a time capsule/snapshot of american/western culture mixed with their own nipponisms
I like to spit and eat while walking. Sue me.

But I won't do so in your country out of respect (for the cane).
Well they are more european than any of the other categorizations that you could fit them in, but yeah they are a bit of a mix.
If I ever visit Singapore and accidently commit a crime may God imbue me with strength of character to yell "one more for good luck" after getting the stick.
The British really built their best cities abroad.
Speaking as somebody who spits in public, they dont cane people for spitting in Singapore. Its a propaganda that was pushed after Michael Fay acted like a nigger.
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It's easier to build something new than it is to fix something old
Part of Brazil looks like a puzzle part of Africa lol.
If you're born in America, yeah you're privileged. Now go do something with it. Cuz if you don't a new American will.
Hey yeah I wonder if anyone ever noticed that before
You dumbasses don't get the fucking point.
They forcefully strip, humiliate and cane MEN AND BOYS EXCLUSIVELY, you dumbfuck retards.
It's a misandric shithole which deserves to get fucking nuked.
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>Only punishes the people who are actually expected to know better
You sure about that, chief?
I have little sympathy for entitled expats who don't try to be polite and follow the rules when abroad . Yeah maybe you shouldn't wear camo and bring bullets if you go on a cruise in the Caribbean (or wear a swimsuit outside the beacH0. I do like to spit though.
Blame the British. Caning for women was stopped on the 1940s. Caning was one of the laws Singapore got from the British, which is why it retained it.
Yes and no.
America (and the West really) have a pseudo caste system of which white men are at the bottom where you are expected to work but get zero benefits from doing so
Serms like the opposite here. White men seem to be kings in Singapore
If only moving the thread retroactively applied the correct flags, it'd be very interesting to see who was posting what.
In any high trust society that doesn't specifically punish you for being a white male specifically then I would imagine so, yeah.
The west is just super ethnomasocistic at the moment even though that is the least sustainable way to run a country.
>America (and the West really) have a pseudo caste system [...] which white men are at the bottom
This is hilarious. Nah America is great for anyone--if you put in the work. If you don't, yeah you'll be at the bottom. Most white men put in the work BTW.
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White men objectively get less job offers and less social movement without connections.
I mean the tiny hatted powers that be literally brag about this shit and how they go out of their way to be more diverse (discriminate against white males)
i guess we don't have the technology
Funny how even with a penalty (that applies worse to Asian-Americans btw) most of us keep winning.
>muh white discrimination
That graph shows boomer that retired. Boomer are white and america is getting browner.
Basically yeah. White men are getting older. Some are struggling--and I have empathy for them provided they don't lash out at those who are putting in the work and winning.
For what its worth - I recommended Rahpxephon here. >>21783477 Rahxephon was unique to me due to its Mayan imagery and symbolism. I understand that a few other anime has similar Middle and South American influence like Nazca.
I should give the 2006 Reideen a try. It would be funny if the newer Reideen took inspiration from Rahxephon lmao.
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Asian Americans are higher on the caste system and get more benefits than whites. Blacks share the top spot with Jews and troons/fags but each organization has a different top spot on the chart. White men are all at the bottom no matter the chart though. Complete bullshit considering the US and West in general was built by and for white men and every other demographic instead gets a piece of the pie despite having zero loyalty to the idea and purpose of the nation and just wanting material benefits. I mean, look in the mirror. There you are, an Asian presumably, living in a white country acting like it is hard when we literally give you preferential treatment and just saying "though shit" no matter what statistics and proof I provide. Zero loyalty to the point I would call it foreign undermining without a shred of irony.
Not at all.
White men are dropping out of society because there is no point and they are shit on at every opportunity by ungrateful faggots who want more work for less and also that they should eternally feel ashamed. When you look at the statistics the same in happening in colleges so it isn't just old whites.
they're not DROPPING OUT, they're assimilating with china to get better jobs
selling their souls, their home, their children
>There you are, an Asian presumably, living in a white country
I'm German-Anglo American with my roots pre-1776. Last time someone told me I was Asian was because I mentioned bitter melon.

Sorry you suck. Spend less time complaining about others and more time grinding.
kys chud
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No, they are dropping out and only working when they absolutely have to, because they are condemned to poverty basically no matter what they do
I mean how fucking demoralizing is it as a white men to be told that not only do you have to live in poverty on line of destitution, but you have to give MORE free shit to other people who hate you and who complain you have it easy? Then you have the few unbeaten dogs who personally lucked out and pretend the system isn't completely broken like >>21783609 and defend it. It's actually insane how a nation has done nothing but to make an enemy of it's most productive and important group of people. Not only is it completely insane - it's unsustainable. And you can see the effects of this as society continues to break down in numerous ways.
yeah you right.
i guess i was talking about a subset of the more well-off ones, the ones who have more independence and freedom to choose.
I demand better of my people.

Most white men are doing fantastic in the US (in spite of w/e diversity penalty may or may not exist). Of those that aren't--including some of my extended family--it's not difficult to figure out why.

Take responsibility for your life and live like you're actually a white man. This applies to anyone but you're greatest enemy is always the face looking back at you in the mirror.
>Take responsibility for your life and live like you're actually a white man. This applies to anyone but you're greatest enemy is always the face looking back at you in the mirror.
Okay, what happens when there are no jobs and I can't get hired because I don't fill the quota? It's not fair to deny people the chance to fucking work just because they are the MAJORITY and PRIMARY TARGET that the country is supposed to be sustained by and for and to give preferential treatment to outsiders who by all rights are lucky they are in the country to begin with and should never get preferential treatment, much less have the standard cater to them.
What, you want me to start doing free internships?
Go fuck yourself, again, you just want people to work more and harder for much, much less reward. Flooding the job market with low skill labor doesn't help either regardless of whether you give their race preferential treatment or not since it lowers ALL wages. I don't ask for free shit, just the opportunity to get compensated for work which I am denied because I don't fit X quota.
It's called merit. Sorry you didn't make the cut. Try to figure out why you didn't and improve yourself. It's not healthy to seethe and cope because others out performed you.

Sometimes you may also need to move.
>Sometimes you may also need to move.
I'm not a rootless faggot with zero connection to my family
The rest of your post is just bait so I think I am done even replying to you because your arguments are retarded. There is no merit in 99% of these racial hirings, they are just there to tick a box.
If I didn't have a tight knit family myself I would be fucked but unlike other unlucky bastards I have that at least. But idiots like you just want to shit on your own countrymen no matter how hard they try because you hate your own people and/or you care more about petty material shit than keeping your country, family, and community alive.
My countrymen are anyone who follow the law and love this country; many of them are first gen immigrants deeply love this country and represent among the best we have to offer. America is the best in the world because we are a nation founded on a creed that We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Sorry you don't want to join us.
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Nice quotation by people who didn't think women should vote and only "free white persons of good character" should be citizens like any reasonable person would.
Closing the thread now, no more (You)s for subverters
> why do 97 percent of mexican novelas take place in mexico.
For an ethnostate, nips are actually relatively good at diversifying their setting.
Its one of the reasons why I see anime as far superior to US animation. I can't say "western animation" since French comics & animation is pretty kino, but most cable and TV animation in the US is just lacklustre. Thankfully, streaming has diversified US animation in the past decade and a half, but they still cannot hold a candle to the diversity that anime and manga can offer.
Yeah, tbf they have their slop trends too.
>that time I died and reincarnated as a planet in another universe
Yeah thats true. Isekai has been a blight on anime/manga, and I say that as a fantasy fan. Though, its also because its an effective escapism outlet. Its a lot easier to sell fantasy slop when the average salaryman is not in the mood for difficult stories.
Imagine anime about Somalian pirates
Black Lagoon 2?
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literally name one tranime series that takes place in russia or is about russia

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