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/smg/ = Sister Mating General edition

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:



>Boomer Investing:

>Misc smg:
Previous: >>21775152
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Do you guys eat the shells on sunflower seeds?
No I buy the ones without shells when I'm in the mood. I know the shell ones taste better like pistachios.
santa's dead
he's locked in my basement
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Canada doesn't celebrate Christmas do they?
There are literally a thousand hallmark movies showing Canadians celebrating Christmas.
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I don't believe it, indians are soulless people.
Google says 307 hallmark Christmas movies. And no I don't want that nasty trans (man).
Watch your mouth that's scoopsies!!!!!
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Jerome Powell is objectively the worst Fed chair that we've had in living memory and I'm tired of pretending he's not.
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ugh, tonight I was having anal secks with my boyfriend & he pulled out too fast so I pooped everywhere & we were having sloppy joes for dinner so it was really wet and mushy and nasty so now im washing the sheets and showering

how is your weekend going, reddit?

don’t forget to buy SOXL or FNGU
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>indians are soulless people
I trained a jeet at work last week. His priorities? When is lunchbreak and will we stop at a place that has a microwave. He was very concerned about the microwave. He told me the last man who trained him did not stop for lunch at a place with an available microwave and that he (jeet) had to eat his food cold. I was almost annoyed by this enough to make sure he had zero access to any microwaves all day. The audacity of this trainee visa dole scrounging real estate inflator to prioritize the one part of the work day where he isn't working I swear to god they all have to go back (to hell).
He is the best person to ever have the job. He made the market hit amazing record highs. Not his fault this increases inflation and hurts the poor causing a dual economy. It is just human nature that as soon as people make money they buy cars and houses.
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hows coms dey don b doin da no good nb wen dey b onna da truck n sheettt??
I need cash now
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hows coms it b like dat?
aint dey got no jobs or no nothin??
You forgot to take off your trip code, scoops
ai dashcams got rekt lol, still overall profitable but the shareholders looking at this are just brutal, unprofitable pennyscams somehow go up regardless

time hibernate for the winter, that was tragic for me so im going to have to catch up on vidya gaems to stop looking at my broker app
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>posting lewds of my wife
I'm not talking to you the rest of the night.
I miss Osaka...
You should try final fantasy 5
I wish I looked that good.
I decided to shitpost it over here from:
because I was lazy and apparently we’re in full shitposting spirit tonight

currently trying to find the lewd nigger dick one
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This song represents how I feel about baggot, scoopsies, and all of (you).

What would you do with it? I would move to Florida. Tired of freezing cold Pennsylvania weather.
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My friend Bob Sacamano told me to short the Nasdaq (/NQ)
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you know what, ill can try FF9 later with the mog upscale mod something for 4K
i want something that looks nice on my 4K OLED monitor until ai dashcams recovers and i can upgrade my pc again
though id prob sooner play suikoden2 when the pc port comes out soon rather than ff9 actually

fresh start, new steam account to play my gaems in secret, my irl friends will never know im racking up dozens of hours in autistic vidya to forget my disappointment
new rule i only buy gaems if im going to install and play it immediatelly after, so prob manor lords and maybe finish monhun world for a completed save for monhun wild soon
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Do you have a structured settlement?
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damn j g wentworth looks like that?!
Fuck I missed the last movie night before Christmas. Merry Christmas movie night anons
t. MoeGreeneAnon
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Merry kurisimasu ^_^_^_^
It was a good one I must say
I’m making Ramen noodle soup and there’s nothing you niggers can do to stop me
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i have a 300 word essay due in 45 minutes and i haven't even started...
I made an omelet with potatoes, cheese, and sausage for dinner/breakfast.
I ate Peak freeze dried beef stroganoff and followed it with double chocolate klondikes. I win.
Just ask chadGPT to write it for you. Your professor will probably use ai to grade it anyhow.
Tell me about the ai dash cams, why did they get wrecked?
Earnings was good, major increase in profit and customer growth and their customers are on recurring subscriptions. I started buying here
Niggers taking Alan parsons project... https://youtu.be/OkC_oi0ksuw?si=iJwyQW3WHI7ASikb

Then mashing pink Floyd

fuck yourself
If you can't appreciate the actual challenges of the content of the game and need visual stimulation to keep your attention... you're probably a terrible chess player and will never be an adult in the room.
300 words on what, I shit 300 words every thread
This was 10% of your requirements and all I did was tell the leaf hes never going to be intelligent , you spent more energy finding a fucking ai anime girl
Oh fuck i ate bait.

I ate bait everyone, I'm drunk I'm sorry guys.
This is how i feel about all of you.

The truest thing baggie has ever said right there
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He's setting us up for a great depression.
based alan parsons enjoying baggie
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Yes and you know it is happening in 5 years. So prepare for it.
Absolute garbage takes.
The boom and bust cycle is hardly a new thing. We are just clouded by the great recession and ignore the rest of history. You don't find it strange that the 1919 flu pandemic came before a record market run? That sounds very familiar, right.
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>He made the market hit amazing record highs
Yeah but that's because he prints so much fucking money everybody was so afraid of inflation they blindly chucked everything into NVDA and SPY. Fucking clown market. Inflation is literally his fault, he caused it by printing like a maniac.
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>inlfation's low = low intrest rates = time to lever up on spy and nvidia
>inflation's high = need higher returns = time to lever up on spy and nvidia
i don't get it.
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i found out my mom doesn't know the difference between hong kong and taiwan. i told her to look at a map but she turned on netflix instead. i asked her if she wanted to hear my take on us monetary policy vs etherium tokenomics and she politely declined.
You should have took advantage and asked her what she wants to see on kike fix and which minority actor is her favorite
Im literally in Walmart looking for candels for my menorah, like where the fuck go looking from bottoms up and get cheapest price first, any way this unruly child is singing this in his seat, i wanted to find him and say hello, but who doesn't want to rule the world, he's one of those Wiseman https://youtu.be/aGCdLKXNF3w?si=ys95BDYyavbBzPBD
a new line of swords is due for delivery to US distributors next year.
The bastard sword is cute but I've been waiting for the kriegsmesser refresh.
This also look pretty nice for a katana style dao.
Nigga we already living in a great depression, you just ain't feeling it cuz you probably own a house and have other assets.
Only fags are asleep right now
Luckily I am awake. AI has blessed me with an extremely cute generation today.
>Great Depression
No this is the Gilded Age.
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>Gilded Age
I'm up. Think I only woke up because I'm freezing cold and had to pee.
Go look up the Gilded Age it was worse then the Great Depression.
>It was a time of rapid economic growth, especially in the Northern and Western United States. As American wages grew much higher than those in Europe, especially for skilled workers, and industrialization demanded an increasingly skilled labor force, the period saw an influx of millions of European immigrants. The rapid expansion of industrialization led to real wage growth of 40% from 1860 to 1890 and spread across the increasing labor force.
>the good goy version of events

In the United States, historians refer to the Depression of 1873–1879, kicked off by the Panic of 1873, and followed by the Panic of 1893, book-ending an era of prosperity. The U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research dates the contraction following the panic as lasting from October 1873 to March 1879. At 65 months, it is the longest-lasting contraction identified by the NBER, eclipsing the Great Depression's 43 months of contraction.

>US Treasury nearly ran out of gold going bankrupt
>led to the Union of JP Morgan and the Rothchilde Family
>brought about calls for a Federal Reserve
>The Panic of 1873 has been described as "the first truly international crisis". The optimism that had been driving booming stock prices in central Europe had reached a fever pitch, and fears of a bubble culminated in a panic in Vienna beginning in April 1873. The collapse of the Vienna Stock Exchange began on May 8, 1873, and continued until May 10, when the exchange was closed; when it was reopened three days later, the panic seemed to have faded, and appeared confined to Austria-Hungary. Financial panic arrived in the Americas only months later on Black Thursday, September 18, 1873, after the failure of the banking house of Jay Cooke and Company over the Northern Pacific Railway. The Northern Pacific railway had been given 40 million acres (160,000 km2) of public land in the Western United States and Cooke sought $100,000,000 in capital for the company; the bank failed when the bond issue proved unsalable, and was shortly followed by several other major banks. The New York Stock Exchange closed for ten days on September 20.

American inflation, rampant speculative investments (overwhelmingly in railroads), the demonetization of silver in Germany and the United States, ripples from economic dislocation in Europe helped to place massive strain on bank reserves, which, in New York City, plummeted from $50 million to $17 million between September and October 1873.

The failure of Jay Cooke's bank and soon afterward of Henry Clews' set off a chain reaction of bank failures and temporarily closed the New York Stock Exchange. Factories began to lay off workers as the country slipped into depression. The effects of the panic were quickly felt in New York (where 25% of workers became unemployed) and more slowly in Chicago, Virginia City, Nevada (where silver mining was active), and San Francisco. In New Hampshire, state coffers were so depleted by lost tax revenue the state government turned to private interests including tea and gunpowder manufacturer D. Ralph Lolbert for financial support.

The New York Stock Exchange closed for ten days starting on 20 September. By November 1873, some 55 of the nation's railroads had failed, and another 60 had gone bankrupt by the first anniversary of the crisis. Construction of new rail lines, formerly one of the backbones of the economy, plummeted from 7,500 miles (12,100 km) of track in 1872 to just 1,600 miles (2,600 km) in 1875, and 18,000 businesses failed between 1873 and 1875. Unemployment peaked in 1878 at 8.25%. Building construction was halted, wages were cut, real estate values fell, and corporate profits vanished.

In 1874, Congress passed "the Ferry Bill" to allow for the printing of currency, increasing inflation and reducing the value of debts. The bill was vetoed by President Grant. The following year, Congress passed the Specie Resumption Act of 1875, which would back United States currency with gold. Backing American currency with gold helped curb inflation and stabilize the dollar.
Don't worry bro, inflation was only transitory
>Unemployment peaked in 1878 at 8.25%.
It wasn't so bad.
Yeah but it lead to this cute event.
At the depths of the Panic of 1893, around 1895, the U.S. Treasury nearly depleted its gold reserves. Morgan put forward a plan for the federal government to buy gold from his and European banks, but it was declined in favor of a plan to sell government bonds directly to the general public. Morgan demanded a meeting with President Grover Cleveland, where he claimed the United States government could default that day if action was not taken.[citation needed]

Morgan came up with a plan to use an old civil war statute[which?] that allowed Morgan and the Rothschilds to sell 3.5 million ounces[42] of gold directly to the U.S. Treasury in exchange for a 30-year bond issue.[43] The episode saved the Treasury
There was this old political cartoon from that time showing uncle Sam begging JP Morgan. Could never find it. Saw it on a historical documentary of the time on the history channel. I think Morgan looked like a king and similar to the Lincoln memorial.
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new paradigm
Soon you'll be able to have sex with electrical beings.

But first we will see the absolute collapse of the shipping industry as we teleport goods bringing down the cost of shipping.

Although shipping will fucking die we will see bigger savings and will come out stronger.
i think we were the half life combine all along
it's not that bad, is it?
What do you mean?
meh, nevermind
I can’t poop
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I had pizza and cheesebread last night. Don't worry, I can poop for both of us.
Transporters would wreck the entire economy. Even if they could only do cargo, not organics (food/people).
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How do I buy stocks?
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He should call JG.
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Can your (female) broker. Yes, zoomer... I mean you need to actually dial and talk into a phone!

I can’t stop pooping. Nearly sharted myself yesterday.
How nice, futures gonna pump on open, as per usual
Imagine having to call some lady and tell her your selling a stock after it's dropped 50% in a week. How humiliating.
It's called "character building"
>How humiliating.
uuh yeah, sounds awful...
many longtime shareholders are out of patience and expect more by now, some were expecting (lmao) like 0.05 eps instead

the management seemed to think it was good results given they released it before open, and relatively early (last time they released Q4 *after* christmas)
i thought it was ok too, i mean anytime a pennyscam is not diluting just to survive AND growing, it's good but the limited market of shareholders that trade this have higher expectations

how can they even raise money for decent value if stock price keeps being shit on, just need one institutional investor to finally jump in so they can raise money at a good price not dilute at this levels (well they're not diluting since they dont need to raise money to survive, but they dont even have that option if they want to expand faster)
Better than getting a call from your female broker(sister) and she says she's pregnant. Losses in the market are temporary, inbreeding is forever.
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i have a new investment strategy for the upcoming year:
80% between $VUG/$VOO/$SSO. buy $sso if market is going down otherwise non-leveraged. leave the 20% for chasing rallys and swing trades and slurping dips. this investment strategy is basically zero stress and guaranteed to succeed with time in the market. I've already largely been doing this for the past 9 years just being more self-aware of the strategy and fine tuning it now.
What’s the future outlook for GSI now?
Lol that is a horrible strategy. Buying leveraged when its going down is a very quick way to go broke. Don't fight the trend. Maybe buying VOO on dips and SSO when its going up could work, but this is a horrible strategy. You must have gotten burned badly in 2022 right?
hey that's pretty good
think of all the venison and gas tax you'll be missing
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Is he still our man?
train requiring dashcams in america just started oct 2024 and all old trains to be retrofit by 2027, thats the timeframe for me to trim
and as for most venture stocks, prob get bought out by a bigger company longer term, though this is usually only a +30% to +50% premium so if this happens too early it feels lame, the ai pipelines company OSS.V just got bought out by prematurely just as it was getting good.. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/markets/stocks/OSS-X/pressreleases/27973215/onesoft-solutions-inc-enters-into-arrangement-agreement-to-be-acquired-by-irth-solutions-llc/

venture stocks rarely grow to be giants, if they are successful, they just get bought out
imo, 100m+ revenues is the goal for now
hey i just spent cad$900 on this monitor im going to make good use of it before it burns out in 3 years
I use my 55" LG C4 as my monitor. Cost was around the same.
GOOG will be the NVDA of 2025.
They are losing their primary business to chatgpt.
I haven’t finished my Christmas shopping yet
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At least you know the advice is genuine. Can't trust female brokers unless it's your sister
What about your Hannukah shopping?
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Either have I, and I don't feel like doing it either.
GOOG will create new types of business while Chat GPT gets worse and worse due to training data poisoning
Alibaba will outdo both.
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maybe, although as someone who works with chinese companies somtimes I wouldn't have such a high hopes for it.
He just shook out the rats of course he is.
So the US just shot down one of their own fighter jets in the Gulf?
Qwen is already pretty amazing.
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>You bought a company called Bicycle Therapeutics?
They're trying to pull a gulf of tonkin, and provoke more war by attacking ourselves.

Born too late to fight in the middle east, born too early to fight in the middle east, born just in time to fight in the middle east.(For Israel)
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>What do you mean you bought Viking Therapeutics? You are Californian
The racist community is incredibly tolerant. They do not care at all what race you are as long as you're being racist.
Delirante, Pablo.
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i wish there was an appropriate way to approach two of these young ladies and inform them that an american investor has a unique scholarship opportunity dedicated to fostering their growth...
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You there, GIVE BACK THE CANAL. Trump demands it.
why is it still called the developing world? haven't they had long enough?
stick a fork in it!
Take it back. The country would be better with gringos running around anyway.
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they need more money for dem programs.
we need to send them cargo planes full of padlocks so we can get paid $3,000,000 by the US government for sending lots of supplies by weight
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My fair lady
~uuohhh lotion
>starts stroking and smelling her hair
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Does /smg/ trade in a Roth IRA?
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kosher investment advice
There is more fluid coming out of my butt than my pee pee today
Found the leaf giantess poster. He can't even tie his shoes!
wonderful SPX will only pump 20 points the least on open
>women talk to him
I’m sorry, that’s not our guy.
He's attempting to talk with the chick but the chick is really manipulating him for max entertainment.
i only play farming simulator from 5 years ago that cost $12 for the used cd on a 2009 hp w7 tower i bought on ebay for $69. a chick will spend more to get her hair done on a wednesday for no reason
i used to let girls do that
occasionally they would play with my hair or cuddle with me
I know that I suck as a trader, so no. But if I could consistently make gains from month to month, I would do it.
If my wife looked like that, and kept my balls empty, yeah. But IRL I scarificed a lot for my wife and step kids. And I don't have shit to show for it.
Yeah, that's going around.
Cough medicine makes it hard to concentrate.
I don't want a wife.
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New pants and shirts can in the mail. Today is autism tag removal day to prepare the new clothing to be worn. I am not pleased about Amazon Essentials brand. They have sewn on TWO separate labels right at the back of the collar. Robustly sewn, mind you, stitching all the way around each label.

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