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pay up, scrubs
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Mark and Donald sitting in a tree,
K-I-C-K-I-N-G spree.
First comes money, then comes wrath,
Next comes Russia walking the death path.

Tanks roll in, the East turns red,
Russian forces, broken and fled.
Victory shines, the world set free,
Peace and hope for you and me.
Russia is losing
on what grounds are you making this claim
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>pay up, scrubs
based. I agree to this 100%. EU should increase their military spendings and I hope Trump will whip them to do it.
Trump will pull out of NATO and we'll conquer you ez pz
I really can't wait until the impact of Trump's election starts hitting MAGA in the wallet. You fuckers earned it.

I'll be fine because I'm rich. You, on the other hand? Haha!
>America takes it's Ashkenazi restraints away from the single most violent, vicious and deadly continent (to other continents) that's ever existed in Earth's biological, evolutionary history.
>"Yeah, we can take em, lol"
500 million eurocucks who want to kill each other (germany will go to war with Poland and France over alsace and danzig immediately)
vs 1.4 billion Chinese and 160 millions of Russians.

We will annex you.

America can watch, but not touch.
>1.4 billion Chinese
Of which less than 200,000 thousand will make the journey to Europe as their equipment and transport fails, burns, sinks or crashes and they starve to death on insufficient supply lines.
Don't make me laugh, they've managed to take a hundred square km of Ukraine after like ten years with only piecemeal assistance to Ukraine from Europe
It's called "fortress Europe" for a reason.
>piecemeal assistance to Ukraine from Europ
if america withdraws from NATO and NATO starts fighting each other for Alsace and Danzig, ukraine baltics finland and Moldavia won't have anything to back them up.
They will be ours and we will conscript them once they are annexed for a new war with eurocuckolds

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