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how are you gonna achieve it
Kpopmaxxing or some shit idk
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Gay ass chink thread

Just import a white girl or a black one, ya know mail order bride
>mail order bride
Is that even a real thing?
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Many poor Slavic and Vietnamese girls waiting for (You) to get them out of they’re miserable life
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nigga you have brothels you can go in with a mask on and get your dick wet with out saying a word
fuck you talmbout
Empty your balls in my ass
polish whores will fuck anything korean not even kidding
Their endgoal is greencard and a paypig... I'm not going down that path, I will just find hookers
>green card
Kimmy literally nobody wants to live in gookrea they just want a gook looking bug boyfriend like in their kpops
I will allow you to have sex with me, telepathically. My astral legs are open. Please enter when ready.
I need sex havers to stirb
sex is extremely gross and real life casual sex has nothing in common with the exaggerated scripted sex that you see in live action porn or god forbid tranime animations
are you the guy who got dumped after showing off his gf
Lol what? Please tell me this story, and I will drink in your honor..
some russian dude was boasting about his girlfriend and even posted her legs once and she dumped him for a chad not long after
Fucking kek, what a fucking moron, admitting shit like that.
Yeah kek! Not like it’s an anonymous site where nobody knows him kek!
i'm not this retarded and desperate for attention on this decrepit ass board, never posted anything real life related besides expressing my personal experience

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