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Whatever whatever. I slam my thumb against the car door not even a month ago and now I cut my index finger on my other hand at work and it starts gushing out blood in a comical way! Oh all mighty Megatron take me away already! Anywho, that was ridiculous, life is ridiculous. Life is silly.
its good for your health ive heard
What is? Megatron?
the gushing blood thing ... obviously...
Awe poo… no yeah I heard. Well, I heard that supposedly if it’s a cut and it is bleeding alot then that’s like a sign that you’re in fact healthy
I've heard that if your wounds heal fast and the blood clots and stops gushing out fast you're healthy and genetically fit, of course even the shallowest of cuts take like a billion hours to clot and heal for me...
Damn really? I guess I am healthy then lmao. I know for me at least it takes maybe 2–3 days or so for cuts to stop bleeding/clot and a week at most to heal, but that also varies in the severity of the cut of course

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