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I'm somewhat mentally confused right now. I've thought for a very long time that I'm just straight, although the only few times I've felt any level of romantic attraction to women in my life they ended up being lesbians. (this genuinely happened 3 times) Over the course of this last year I've begun to realize that some guys kinda do something for me and I'm not really sure how to take it. There's no real social pressure against it in my area and my parents and friends are probably cool with that stuff but I still feel somewhat ashamed or even disgusted with myself regardless. What are you fags thoughts on this?
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fair enough
give kot ID NOW
reddit cat
it's over
Maybe you're just into gay people. Doesn't matter what their sex is, you crave TDC (Tight Dyke Cunt) and the BFC (Big Fag Cock)

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