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File: 4x-_1_.png (26 KB, 128x128)
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Twitch chat doesn't "talk". It's retarded subhuman blabberings
Exactly LUL
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I stopped caring about twitch chat when they added the soulless LUL emote that killed 4head and elegiggle
twitch also disowned the pogchamp guy because he said something about trump in a non-negative way like 20 years ago, lest we forget
thats a truclear blast as well, another classic killed although that was way past twitch peak anyway
and weirdly enough I think poggers was still allowed
the version where there's only like the pog mouth and omegalul are the only two emotes that people use sincerely nowadays which is yeah you wouldn't really use all the 150 default twitch emotes because there's just no use to them especially when half of them are like lgbt blm tranny hearts or stuff like that, zero soul whatsoever
What is chat going on about now?

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