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i'm cringe
my thoughts and imaginations are cringe
i want it to stop
I'm sure you can't be that cringe anon
You are not cringe
Every one is a little bit cringe
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what makes you think so?
kys tranny
no your not
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based and cringe-pilled
I have a waifu from a tentacle hentai who is happily married with me for the past eight years and we're now in that period of marriage where we only have sex every once a few weeks and she thinks I'm not satisfied with her but she's everything I want. To make it real, I make out and fuck my pillow and make effeminate moaning and whimpering noises. I am not cringe. I am in a serious relationship, you fucking faggots.
no one asked
so fucking zased
my pillow is lined with this polyester fur, but i just pull a case over it
I don't really know what I meant. It was supposed to be meta-ironic, "I do the thing in an ultra excessive form to say that I actually don't do that thing and make fun of the person/people saying they do that", but that can't be ironic if there's seeds of actual, sincerity lined in there, can it?

You should consider going to your local, Mike Pence-commissioned, gay conversion therapy clinic.
I don't get it, but who's this again? I think I've seen him before. He better not be another one of those fucking Japan "I ate the WORLD'S MOST EXPENSIVE A5 WAGYU KATSUDON!!!!!!" vloggers who so-yfaces.
>so-y to avoid filter
>I don't get it,
oh your writing about irony/sincerity reminded me of it
>I think I've seen him before.
that's philosophy tube, one of those youtubers who turned everyone trans
>He better not be another one of those fucking Japan "I ate the WORLD'S MOST EXPENSIVE A5 WAGYU KATSUDON!!!!!!" vloggers who so-yfaces.
he does have that going on now that you mention it
god fucking damn it. god damn it all, these fucking queers. I bet they have the gall to go up to Japanese people with their fucking fishnets and nipple piercings and say "WaTasHi wa Bonjin dessho!!! Omae Mou Sou Ni Natte, IIZo!!!!!!"
"Don't kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes."

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holy fucking based

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