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I want scars on my face to make myself look more manly and unapproachable. I scratched my finger with a metal hook before and it wasn't so painful. Seeing how it heals, the scar seems to last about two week and a half. Do you ever do this in your country?
don't fake them idiot
get in a fight
1 good punch near the eye will split ur brow and that's an easy 1
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Are you actually retarded?
Also this
Scars that didn't originate from fights is fake? I'm not trying to look like I'm a good fighter. I just like them aesthetically. Getting myself in fights just to get scars sounds more idiotic to me
>Scars that didn't originate from fights is fake
yea that's right
they gotta at least come from a sport accident or something
How about one coming from handling military equipments?
When even this austrian calls you retarded, then you REALLY are retarded
Even even if you do this retard shit (you won’t, you’ll 100% pussy out) and others think ‘wow! Le cool scar!, deep down you’ll always know that it’s basically just makeup

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