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so this.. is the future of america
i like it.
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Hopefully it's BWC seed in there
Welcome to Good Baby
Home of the Good Baby
looks african to me
When gay men have ass penetration sexo, the one getting fucked says;
>yeah, breed man, fuck yeah
>breed that hole man
>I need that toxic biohazard supercharged seed
>breed it and POZ it, man, hell yeah
??? So goofy
I'm afraid of Americans.
my beuatiful black kween... save me
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This is the result of a country founded on laziness. Should have picked your own cotton
I am the father, unnironically
That had to be the biggest chicken!
Imagine the doctors and engineers.
You should be. Stay on your island no one cares about.
a pregnant woman is the most attractive type of woman.
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She’s cute for a nigress.
Still wouldn’t.
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It's true!

IVF is a wonderful invention & God I going to bless so many families with (fraternal) twins!!

Best of all, as long as the retarded keep cutting off their genitalia, our average iq is gonna be bigly improved
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I went to some chink restaurant called Panda Express one time while traveling and the same thing happened to me. I was on the shitter for like an hour that night
Damn she must be housing WHITE triplets in there
This girl should lay off the happy meals
preggo bellies are so fucking hot
her happy meals are BWC creampies
Gross niggeress.

What're the odds she dies from having her lower abdomen ripped open by nigger babydemons coming out and the father ditches the "kids" making them orphans?
0 because she's bearing children of a BWC chad

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