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Why INCELS refuse to haves sex and marry older women and single mothers, why are they insisting on young good looking virgin women when they themselves are very flawed?
Is this gore?
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proper english roses the lot of them
Because its cheaper and more sanitary to get your daughter as a mail order bride.
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Not sure if your a sand nigger or a roastie either way fuck your low iq thread.
When I am horny I could fuck a grandma as well. When she runs away I get forced to hunt her. But when I am rational or purely emotional I would NEVER EVER consider kissing her old ass or something.
fuck man, i am even trying to bang a woman with kids right now and getting nowhere, i just have poor social skills what do you want me to do?
imagine getting older and start looking like this
i'd like to kms
Ok where the FUCK do I get them than huh? Where the fuck are they? I want to kick their cunts and slap them, where are they
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I'd fuck the second and fifth from the left
as if the standards of those women are not comically high for what they are lol
>50 yr old female buttcheek
im impressed their butts look so decent at 50. they actually look pretty fuckable in this view and position.
I'm 46. I've been dating over the last 18 to 24 months. I've dated as young as 19-24. As old as my age. And what never ceases to amaze me is how demanding women my age are. It's absolutely fucking insane how entitled and deluded they are. It is literally easier to date women who are my basically the same age as my kids than it is to date women who are my age. Young women are just down to have a good time, go places, do things. Women within 10 years of my age start every interaction with a list of do's, don'ts, and expectations. At first I thought I just got a bad one or two. But, nope. They're all pretty much like this. No, ma'am. You're severely post wall, usually deep in debt, and tired all of the time. You don't then also get to inform me of what you expect out of me in any interaction we have. A 20 year old will just say, "I can't wait to suck your dick after dinner!"

It's exactly the opposite of what I expected it to be like.
thats been my experiences with the 40 crowd compared to the 20 crowd. the 40 crowd has a list of expectations you have to meet for her and the 20 year old is content with some weed and a large pizza and drinks and a shitty horror movie. I dont date often as im fairly bitter and jaded in my 40yrs but yeah my experiences with older females have been far more demanding of me than a 22yr old looking to get high and watch a cheesey 80s horror movie in her underwear

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