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It's over for ricecels
Kikes Insideā„¢
wrong board, faggot
how does Intel's advanced tech effect asian dating prospects?

make it make sense
the price to specs ratio is good. it should be compatible with ai since it's running cuda. and the compatibility issues are much improved from first gen. if i was building a pc today i would choose this card. new cards coming from amd and nvidia 2st quarter though we'll see how they stack up.
>blows up
Jews want inside your computer
Intel saw how AMD has both a CPU and GPU division and they wanted their own.

I've never remembered Intel's integrated graphics as any better than something to cover basic office and productivity tasks. Even this shitty N200 laptop doesn't have spectacular graphics offload performance.
1st quarter i mean
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But does it have 32 gigs of vram and use up to 600 watts of electricity?
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I'll just buy nVidia second hand off ebay for half the price and double the performance and with CUDA instead.
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I was checking out the specs and noticed this on userbenchmark lol
userbenchmark has a bias against AMD
Predditors destroyed
They will probably produce them in small quantities at a loss just to sell the name of the new division and then drive up the price.
Intel is a perfectly kiked company, never expect good will from them.
For good reason. I don't trust their GPUs to work with the latest games.
paid about that much for this 6800xt that came with starfield (garbage i uninstalled almost instantly)
ill never buy intel anything, ever.
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"just" dropped? that's 3 year old tech, dawg.
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They've improved on their CPU line. These cards can now survive 10 heat cycles without degrading instead of their previous 5.

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