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it happened years ago but I suddenly recalled. he gave me a ride when I was hurrying to the train station. he just stopped by, offered me a ride on his motorcycle, took me to the station and then just parted ways. maybe he thought I was a girl since I looked a bit twinky back then, but he didn't do anything weird. maybe he wanted to steal but my things were completely unaffected after I checked several times. he could have abducted me and extract my organs, but he genuinely helped me. His actions are of utter pure altruism and benevolence. thanks to him I caught the train and arrived at part time job in time.
I will never be mean to any brown people ever again. I will forever remember his good deed and do the same to others. thank you, brown stranger. I remorse all of my racist actions online, and I will never be racist to anyone ever again.
Pics. Lets see that twinky korean tummy
I'm skinny fat now lol and no pics remain from that phase
It’s stupid to let the actions of 1 person determine your view on a large number of people
If that was me, I would have definitely have at least touched your twinky ass
No brown person ever helped me, except that one time when a turk made me a kebab that... I paid for. Based on this evidence brown people are evil and don't help nobody for free.
i have nothing against niggers they can have cute nigger children and 3 nigger cars and a loving nigger wife and a nigger dog but STAY IN FUCKING AFRICA
>what is proof by contradiction
you're arguing that racism is generalization and therefore untrue, but that, this isn't generalization at all and therefore IS true, regardless of the actual veracity of this anon's lame, homo story.

black crime statistics, effectively proving most blacks in america commit violent crime? hogwash.
one brown person helps some random chink? red alert.
i never said racism is bad i said that being brown doesnt make you automatically subhuman you have like 30iq
Why’re you always trying to pick a fight with me?
You remind me of my cousin’s chihuahua
nobody here ever said being brown makes you a subhuman. just that they don't like brown people.
>Based on this evidence brown people are evil and don't help nobody for free.
not one word about them being inhuman, just that they do wrong things on a frequent basis.

if that's dehumanizing to you, it's obvious to everyone you're just insecure.
i didnt even reply to you
OP clearly thought that all browns are subhuman
yeah, and you clearly think that racism is bad.
see how that works?
you're so fucking stupid, you haven't even realized i tricked you into doing the same thing you accused me of doing.
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You are 100% underaged, aren’t you?
You three just shut the fuck up this is supposed to be a peaceful, rejoicing thread. And you there pajeet, you shut the fuck up first, don't like the way you talk. Amerimutt, shut the fuck up. You are pajeet-tier too. Go fucking kill yourselves.
the only people arguing for anti-racism are either fucking retarded, or trolling. there is not a single honest to god argument that you shouldn't be racist.
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baited everyone award
no but i've been posting these since before i became overaged
>Amerimutt, shut the fuck up
No. i'm not going to shut up about this. everyone always tries to stop me from saying these things, you think you can? you can't even stop bickering with your neighbor long enough to hear yourselves think. just how much money did you spend on that militarized zone? you guys have more armor on that border than there is in any American military installation i've entered.
>No. i'm not going to shut up about this. everyone always tries to stop me from saying these things, you think you can? you can't even stop bickering with your neighbor long enough to hear yourselves think. just how much money did you spend on that militarized zone? you guys have more armor on that border than there is in any American military installation i've entered.
guys calm down dont get the gook mad again
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>You three just shut the fuck up this is supposed to be a peaceful, rejoicing thread. And you there pajeet, you shut the fuck up first, don't like the way you talk. Amerimutt, shut the fuck up. You are pajeet-tier too. Go fucking kill yourselves.
crippling porn addiction revealed again award
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it's too late for that.
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don't know anything about foreign cultures award
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you are literally, mathematically and physically too (see >>21785129) destined to never breed
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why exactly should he care about foreign cultures?
he has absolutely no obligation to learn about your crap.
pretended to not have just posted racially motivated anime hentai sph award
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>guys calm down dont get the gook mad again
you are genuinely clueless about korea
baited everyone again award
Totally not funded by half of the west
yeah and the other half is funded by mainline xina since no one else makes chips that good lmao
It's quite obvious that you don't understand the significance of market capitalization and that it doesn't reflect the actual value, especially with the state of modern foreign investment and particularly china's market dynamics
you're arguing with him like you're pissed off, you're not baiting. you're just losing and you don't like that.
whole thread, pushed you into a verbal corner.
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i understand market capitalization and economy 10x better than you do faggot you have 0 clue about geopolitics, last time TSMC had a hiccup dozens of industries shut down for 2 years and nobody can match neither the quality nor volume of TSMC not even close
so trve
holy kino
no check this shit out
modern apartment buildings do be looking good if they don't paint them some ugly ass unnatural colours like pink or lime green
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not as good as KGB agent Bolek what a beast
good for you OP. hate and prejudice is what keeps us from being at peace with our fellow man. hopefully you pass on that good deed to someone else so they can have the same realization that you did
peak male physique right here
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