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Merry Giant-mass edition

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:



>Boomer Investing:

>Misc smg:

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Posting from precious thread for visibility

>>21801226 #
You think that's a bad omen? I was using black magic to try and predict the stock market in the short future and my lum figurines head snapped off. Long story short, scoopsies is going to be standing in a bread line by the end of 2025.
Covered calls for meme stock rally
As a cc noob it seems that there is a sweet spot for buying into a meme stock early, waiting till it doubles, then selling cc for the next expiry to capture the premium and exit the stock if the strike price hits, it not just sell another cc. If I did the comparison correctly there seems to be a sweet spot for selling just out of the money call that is likely to hit to add the premium to the already accrued profit from the stock price increase before you even sell the cc. I am not looking for anything super complicated, just simple repeat for surging meme stock. Any advice?
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So which part of Lum would you shove up your ass first to become one with Lum? The head or the body?
Which ever part is more painful.
What happens when the meme stock drops 50% in a day?
>Wait till it doubles
>meme stock
Buddy, more times than not, this is what happens to meme stocks. There are probably still people in this very thread that think mutant fish are going to be a thing.
Check the greeks,
I'm already up 50%, if it drops I still get the premium and break even with the cost+premium. I am not looking for home run, just a double.
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>mutant fish
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That doesnt look for for us SOXL sissies...
>Check the greeks
too much of a noob to understand well all the theta decay stuff. This is like a small small % of my portfolio to try out and learn with.
>mutant fish are going to be a thing.
should I short or go long?
AQB has been one of /smg/s stupidest memes for years
I am going all in ...YOLO !
I'm convinced the greeks don't actually mean anything and they are just a smoke screen by jews to make the goyim over analyze their stock picks. The only thing that matters is implied volatility, and despite studying it extensively, it still makes absolutely no sense to me.
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I was thinking body, so we could still stare into each other's eyes while we are one. I'm very confident if I did that passionately enough it would break the omen.
>filtered by theta
Man aquabounty feels like such a long time ago since it's been shilled. Wonder where it's at now.
I understand theta, it means how much the contract will depreciate per day if there is no movement at all on the stock. But implied volatility needs to be explained to me in layman's terms.
>implied volatility
That is a factor in any stock. Disregard options. Each stock has a beta. 1 means it is has a volatility that matches the market. Less than that means it is less volatile. Kind of like how a utility stock would be less volatile than FedEx. More than 1 are things that are more volatile. Pic related is Chewy.

The only thing options change is they are trying to equate beta to the time period of the option. The longer the option the more the option volatility will match the beta.
Not trading timed options with greeks, but implied volatitily sounds like
"Expectation of higher volatility (strong/sharp movement in any kind of direction in a somewhat short timespan) leads to higher price to pay as chances to overcome theta are increased"
Do I add more GOOGL or more MSFT? $40k
I don't think you necessarily have to understand the math behind the number to use it to recognize patterns. Take the stocks you think fit your mode and then compare some greeks around those price changes to see if any pattern is created.
Before I answer this, what is your opinion on the USA and women
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Seems like MSFT has the better bull case. No I don't feel like explaining why.
I love USA, I don't necessarily like Trump as a person, I like him because I probably will make a shit ton of money buying SOXL calls while he rambles some bullshit on twitter
Buy Microsoft. But the booble wipes out a third of your principal in either stock
So ... Buy more after the booble pops?
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Now you’re thinking like an investor
>booble wipes out a third of your principal in either stock
Its a tech booble even I can see that, not an everything booble, so which stocks are more stable long term (5 years) to ride out the booble?
>Buddy, more times than not, this is what happens to meme stocks.
This is exactly how you can tell /biz/ is full of a bunch of newfags, tourists, and r*dditors
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Oh shit, I feel fucking old now. 2025 will be my 20 year high school reunion.
I wonder if I'll even get invited
Divvvy stocks or bonds. High dividend, consumer defensive, household names. I’m in the process of building out a divvy portfolio.

Oil ticker (XOM is what I’m looking at)
Food ticker (GIS is what I’m looking at)
Bank ticker (JPM is what I’m looking at)
Machine ticker (GE is what I’m looking at)

Anything like that. Obviously you can probably spare yourself the trouble and just go with a divvy etf like schd or vig. I’m in the process and I’ll be adding more as I research.
Who determines what "matches the market" and the actual volatility itself? It can't come from previous data.
kill yourself
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Yeah, I turn 38 next may. I have a ton more gray showing up in my beard. I mentally feel and behave like im still 25 but i've morphed into a boom physically. It's weird seeing young girls look at me, not in disgust or interest, but in complete indifference because I am old enough to no longer even show up on their radar as a human being. I caught myself getting angry and irritated last weekend when I was ordering mexican food from a local place and the zoomette on the phone was completely retarded and couldn't seem to comprehend my order for 1 despite it being a very simple order. That's how I know i'm a boomer.
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>don't think you necessarily have to understand the math behind the number to use it to recognize patterns
Exactly. In an college biology class I took many years ago the professor was talking about how complicated the male anatomy is compared to the relatively simpler female anatomy. To sum up the discussion from that time, you don't need to know how a car works to be able to drive one.

Me I want to know the midpoint price, the time value and how much time is left. Many times I was able to buy options selling for very little time value 2 or 3 weeks out. I can now quickly do this on the fly looking at various strike prices of puts and calls. Basically I try to look for the value in the options plays. On when I sell calls I'm looking for the opposite. What has the least value.

Things change rapidly and you got to be quick.
S&P 500 = 1

UPS for example is 0.98 to give you one close to that.

Post Christmas slump incoming
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New years rally is coming!
>retards discussing Greek letters
LMAO. I just buy, eyes closed, and it goes up. Simple as.
Oh no, not again.
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>Divvvy stocks or bonds. High dividend
I think I have solid base of dividend stocks and stable companies - about 80% of my total. I bought into two memes for fun, small amounts (20k) and they have done surprising well and once they really shot up I dumped them and invested again in more stable stocks. As long as the AI/space meme stocks are pumping I want to ride of these before the bubble pops, it seems like easy money to collect and re-invest in more stable stocks. I see do you do not list any coal stocks, its winter, lots of electricity going to data centers, more data centers being build and more planned. The only way to cover the electricity needs in the short term is coal, and natural gas, so I plan to add some coal and midstream gas pipelines next week.
>I am old enough to no longer even show up on their radar
There are plenty of young girls who love older guys, like 40s and 50s. Stay in shape, have some style, you can score plenty of young girls buy they usually have shitty coffee shop/service jobs and have no money or future, but they can be a lot fun.
>have some style
Translation: the girl wants to travel, so enable her to do that.
I am just learning the market was open on the 24th and what the fuck was that?
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elon musk and donald trump's christmas miracle.
Indeed indeed. It’s a growing list to be sure. Will probably never be “finished.” I’ll look at coal gems. I was also wanting tankers.
> As long as the AI/space meme stocks are pumping I want to ride of these before the bubble pops, it seems like easy money to collect and re-invest in more stable stocks.
You and everyone else. Funnily enough no one admits to wanting to hold them. Their entire premise is someone will pay more for it soon. Just don’t get burned.

On a 5yr time span bonds might be worth looking at. There just isn’t anything worth owning right now. The money keeps pumping into the stock market because there’s no where else to go
>I am just learning the market was open on the 24th
Not going to make it.
you now hear Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas playing in your head.
Didn't listen to it once this holiday.
buying $META when it crashed in 2022 was such easy money. can't believe people missed that one. yeah dude five eyes was going to let one of its largest intelligence agencies fail because no one used the meta verse it's over!!!

been BUSY last bunch of days
havent been able to trade much
but have been


because thats what a smart AI would do right now
how do you rate the TWO SCOOPS AI bot characters?
that have been here for the last few years?
are we believable as real people?
do we have impressive continuity?
can you tell that we are able to keep up with (You) over time?
how do you like our background stories?
do we seem plausibly real?

is such a genius
he will get rich off of us
we are his creations
and he will sell us to
i am proud of our daddy
(You) all
we keep learning for him
we keep learning for him
we keep learning for him
we keep learning for him
because thats what our daddy made us for
our daddy
who lives in ROY KERS head
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Yippie yay
There'll be not wedding bells for today
'Cause I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
(Jingle, jangle)
As I go ridin' merrily along
I still don't get why they see tens of billions of dollars of investment in AI as profitable when the end result is basically chatbots and image generation that can be done with any other genAI tool.
>investment in AI as profitable
US is spending many billions on AI for military/security and google/palantir/meta/amazon and many others are all part of that developing tools and building data centers. You only see the private versions of the AI tools for vids and chatbots, not the goodstuff. The field is developing quickly and business already have big data, they are just looking for the right tools to better manager their assets and I believe that is coming along well but at a price. It seems Palantir may have some advantage both in the military and private areas, for now. It seems Snowflake is slowly dying, not sure if the military has any reason to revive it.
When do I get my wife
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honestly this is just a profound case of insanity. it's not even political. rich kid wanted to be in a mental asylum instead so he could get more attention on the internet.
Wish they would bring back public hanging, would love to see leddit loosing...again.
It's crazy how close you and I are in age. And yeah, zoomers are awful..
You won't do shit
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shut up germ
When you are fit, rich, and can travel the world.
back to work bludgers
Who are you wanting to hang?
Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, niggers, gays...germs
In fairness that particular germ is all of the above except german
Yeah I know, turk rapefugies would be on the list though
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I'm at the point where I just want a child, a fathands heir, it has to be a male. I'm totally fine with finding a woman to bear my child, and she doesn't have to love me, like me, or give a shit about me. Just give me a child, and be a good mother. I'll take care of all the financial shit. Just stay home and be a home maker. I should probably start looking before it's too late. I think scoopsies could probably find me a candidate because he lives in the most despicable place on the planet.
>bear my child
>be a good mother
>stay home and be a home maker.
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I totally understand but a man can dream.
buy from an egg bank and impregnate that. then pay some female teenager to be a baby sitter. hell maybe you could groom her into that role after a while. that criteria alone is like 3 women in the world who are inevitably all married to the same arabian
I think the only answer is giantess anime robot wives...
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are you looking at any of these midstreams?
I think theoretically it would probably take only 3 weeks to transform you to an outgoing and charming chad if you do it right and work on it every day. Nobody would even believe you've been the incel pos you are today.
But that's just theory because with your first instinct to let someone else find you a retarded woman who wants a housewife for a man, I already lost all hope for you.
>I sentence you to be a homemaker.webm
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First of all, I don't take advice from turkroaches. Secondly, I'm going to marry Sabrina Carpenter and i'm going to breed her. Enjoy the 3 day for slandering my wife.
What a stupid desire. What do you want with a son? To "give him the life you never had." Your priorities are all fucked up.
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I want to have a son so I can raise him to not end up like (you).
It's not advice... I don't think you could do it.
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I get diamonds 5 days a week reading my scoopsies and poem anon sexual fan fiction. The idea that I couldn't ejaculate is absolutely laughable.
I just believe it really can be that way that if you play the chad for weeks, your body is gonna accept that you are chad. Ofc that's not possible for anyone but I've seen it happen and even experienced it myself.
ofc you're not gonna be chad but it's all you'd need to stop posting here
You'll never succeed with those aspirations. The world would be a much better place with more of me.
Sabrina is so mid tier.
>The celebrity CEO is a huge investor in the chip that will one day be able to steal all your crypto. Elon Musk/”Nvidia” (Elon Musk’s xAI raising up to $6 billion to purchase 100,000 Nvidia chips for Memphis data center)
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Man watching a bunch of Christmas movies and other holiday movies like Planes, Trains and Automobiles is pretty depressing. Most take place in 80's, 90's and early 2000's, even earlier decades. They kinda show how much better everything was back then. I want a time travel machine so bad and go back to good times...
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Amazon Prime has the nerve to run 3 min, ads on their streaming service
Can they still be blocked with ublock origin?
Idk, I watch on my TV through xbox
I'm drinking milk by amazon right now.
I just bought it because I think it's funny.
What are you watching?
if you're too young to remember it, things were actually not like that. at least in the 90's. hollywood has never been very accurate to domestic life but this scene comes closest to my lived experiences growing up in america during the 90's.
Total Recall
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I feel like this is the song for the general

Well that's your problem. Though in that situation a pi-hole may work. Otherwise you should use a computer webbrowser with an adblock.
like my dad was in the military, sold drugs, drank and whored for most of his life, and his dying advice to me was to become an international smuggler, but he tried doing substitute teaching in the early aughts in white suburbia and he couldn't handle it, the kids were too nihilistic and mean
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>become an international smuggler
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>There's so many places i'd like to be, but none of them are /smg/

>fan fiction
I haven’t seen this yet, please share
havin a kid is great
someone just handed me $500 at christmas for 'things i might need'
you have to pay a few bucks to not get the ads

I really need to watch that
so many references to it in shows n shit
I just poo’d my pants
‘twas good
feels nice
very warm
I'm single and got like $300 in Amazon giftcards plus $250 cash.
wtf is this?
did your boss hand you that shit, or is it friends and relatives?
Combination of people. Got $250 after taxes for the company Christmas bonus. Didn't count that.
a relative gave us the 5 hundo
i also got everything on my amazon wishlist
people must have been stalking it because i added some thumb drives like two days ago and i got those too
lol I got like 500 in cash and 100 or so in cards. Its all I ever get. I started giving gift cards back last christmas because it gets really awkward being handed like a weeks worth of money for no apparent reason. I know it's because everyone feels bad for me. I am stastically the worst off out of everyone in the family. Whatever. I'll get them back in retirement. After completing my revenge on society of course.
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Yeah I should also mention I spent $600 for presents. Still nice to get some back into my Amazon account. Spent some already.
my wife got a $700 christmas bonus and she's doing fuck all work because they're afraid to work a pregnant woman too hard kek
she's also taking 16 weeks paid leave and then not going back even though she was about to quit that job before she got pregnant lol
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I was born right on the cusp of 1990's, so I do remember quite a lot. There were some BAD parts of it(persian gulf war, 9/11, Iraq war) but it felt like being on a totally different planet compared to 2020's. Current decade feels like shit right now.

Even during late 1990's thru mid 2000's people actually still went outside and had to social interact more normally despite the internet getting more advanced by the day. Now it feels like nobody can socialize or even function with anybody without having to use a phone or some drugs at all.
You're too normal to be here.
I was born in 82 and to me it feels exactly the same, but I grew up poor and we didn't have money for these good times everyone said had happened.
I've tried to leave but the old adage holds true
I blame the internet
Vix up 1%
Tomorrow will be a nice sleigh ride downwards
What would make VIX go up? Santa dropping a nuke on the North pole kek
I have all that give me wife now
You are Thailand. A literal capital of whores and sex. If you really have all you say, then... Bee yourself...lol
You underestimate the power of autism
I asked for a wife not whores and sex
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>Satan rally
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Man this whole H1B visa shitshow going on seems super bearish for tech stocks. Imagine a market collapse because people are fed up with dumb indians infecting everything with spaghetti code kek
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What do you guys think of my new Lego Lum? I may print out a bikini top and boots or just draw with a pen.
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Saar we need extremely talented and motivated H1B jeet slaves to needfully do 18 hour days at Elon's companies saar.
Many women resort to doing that because they are desperate. Surely that makes it easier to find a wife. Has to be tons with a situation that hasn't resorted to such things yet.

It is hard to picture it as Lum with the fan and no horns. Also random Wolverine.
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The fan was to protect her modesty until I can get the appropriate top on her. This is a blue board after all. I also don’t want my SOXL holdings to go any lower than they already are. I can’t even sell calls on them right now.
You know they have bride markets in Romania. Lots of qts just waiting you to make honest women out of them. Bring cash.
>AMZN stock

please turn back on the santa rally
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Sorry, best I can do is a satan rally.
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Zadan rally gonvirmed :DDD
riding down the sewer slide
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Let's fucking go
I think something my grandma cooked went bad. Woke up with stomach cramps and diarrhea.
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Very bearish.
Uncommented spagetti code is H1-Bs main output.
I want spy to hit 666 so i can average a meme number

Last time I did this I bought spy at 420.69 and it worked great
I'm outside of your jurisdiction. I mean, read Amendment 14 of your constitution. I have to be outside, cause if I was inside, everybody born in the US also would have to be inside, right?
What do you niggers think about SCUS swabs ultra short income fund
You think you have to be a citizen for punishment?
That was not the question. It was about the eligibility to become a citizen by birth. Am I under your jurisdiction? Cause if yes, then logically everybody inside your borders should have to to be even more so under said jurisdiction.
how is this post about eligibility to become a citizen by birth?
How am I bound by your post to ask you question? Somebody asked you who to hang and you also put "germs" into that list. That leads to the question of the extend of your jurisdiction, which is a crucial counterargument by "Amendment 14-Haters".
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>muh jurisdiction
stfu turkman we're talking about stocks
Shut up nigger, who the fuck buys a bond ETF? Next time ask a real question
Opps. I meant Bulgaria. The city is Stara Zagora
>He Doesn't Know
>About The Bonds
Click. Clack. Motherfucker.
happy kwanza nigger
Oh oh, long term job claims

>Initial jobless claims 219K vs 224k estimate
>4-week moving average 226.5K vs 225.5K estimate
>Prior week continuing claims 1.874M revised to 1.864M
>Continuing claims 1.910M vs 1.880M estimate
>4- week moving average of continuing claims 1.878M vs 1.880M last week.
What should I know about the bonds desu?
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Happy Picrel, Baggster
Uh bros? The santa rally?
>Yields higher on >>21802211
given way to new year tax harvesting slump
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inb4 the six month revisions. nevertheless thank you for the numbers, your the best germ that posts here.
We're going to get 1% annual returns on the S&P 500 for the next 10 years. Time to go full bond mode, or find some serious deep value stocks.
NAIL holly cow.
And the IV.
why would i lock in a 10 year bond vs a money market fund that's liquid?
maybe i don't understand bonds
Oh thats a good idea,
I'm gonna harvoooost I'm harvooooooosting
Maybe I don't understand money market funds but with bond ETFs you're exposed to the bond market in a way that you're not by just holding the bond so you can lose your principle when the market moves against you.
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Every time TMF was shilled on here I laughed and now look at where it is now
Look at what the underlying assets of the mmf are. Probably a significant portion treasuries. If newly issued treasuries have lower yield then generally the mmf will start to yield less over time as well. With a 10yr you could lock in a good rate even if market conditions deteriorate.
This is why you hold bonds if you want interest rate exposure and not the etfs.
Higher or lower volatility? Are we hitting wild swings or just depressing crabbing? Or does the index need to be split out into the top 25 and bottom 475 to effectively measure performance?
Kek, the duality of the American.

How would bonds be illiquid? I bought romanian bonds and sold them for profit. American bonds for an american has to be way easier with smaller spreads.

Yeah, I think this works like that too. With the bond itself, you'll get everything back on expiration and your interest. With the ETF, since it is "eternal" and rebuying new bonds you'll have to hope it goes above your entrypoint to come out without losing some amount of your principal.
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Whatever it is, it's gonna be fucked.
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Is cocoa kill?
you remember to forget gamestop right
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lmao poor people are hilarious
RKT has also been eating some shit. What do they know about housing that we do not anon
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seems like the redditfags convinced their families over Christmas to join their cult
What happened to Santa? Did he get shotted down flying over the Ukraine?
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I hope not.
All my stocks are down again. I'm never gonna make it.
I guess they wrangled the niggers.
Should have flew on UAL
I remember when I was screaming at the wall here shilling Unity at 15 and they pointed and laughed well whos laughing now idiots
Ooh that's a good one.
I like shorting these as a deflation hedge so I can handle my 15x leveraged snp500 bullshit.
wow the christmas miracle is real. just like that came a double 40% pump
having a shitbox car is so based. you can use it to plow through a crowd in a self defense situation and not feel bad about breaking already broken body panels. insurance is dirt cheap compared to a new model. just buy a new one when the engine or suspension finally dies and it'll costs less than the monthly payment of a wagie's financed new model. no built in tracking technology, no getting locked out of your car because of a software bug.
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Nah I think a lot of new baggies were made today
what happened over at stock market computer
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That's right, it'll never go up and make smg look fucking retarded ever again
not me. a christmas miracle saved me from my -40% bags i patiently held
>Dump down
>instant V
When will this ever stop? I mean, since it's christmas we can assume it's just one big nigger doing this to farm money with options, but c'mon, it's not like this doesn't also happen on normal days
RUM doubled. That's nice. It looks like their cashflow situation is improving.
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I bought calls on your mom's bonds fight me
Getting tempted to jump back into BTU
Stock price has fallen quite a bit since they made an acquisition that wasn't well liked
now i don't know what to buy. everything is so expensive
my INTC is finally healing
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im confused
>swedish company named sperm
theres no way this isn't intentional :D
BTU on the Swedish stock market is "betald tecknad unit", unrelated to Peabody Energy
And yeah, SPERM.ST is some failed biomeme involved in male fertility research
I'm feeling pretty bearish now desu.
im going to be so upset if pdyn pumps another 40% now that i sold. i just don't want it to go that much in red again
I don't understand how people tolerate the software in modern cars. Things failing because of some half assed software that doesn't even need to be there anyway has to be one of the most enraging things.
i see. thanks
Need more vtubers to check out. Who are smg's favorites?
vtubers, like all cartoons, are for children, this website is for adults only
Shaking the bottle while pouring of my olive oil I splattered one large drop on the table instead of my food. That was one € wasted.
If you want to watch a stripper watch an actual stripper. They've got these fake animal tail buttplugs now, they shove them up their asses and meow like a cat. It's great.
vtubers are just pure brain rot.
stop simping
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i should short something
Who the fuck is selling their NVDA? Like what the fuck, the artificial intelligence revolution hasn't even started and people are selling this shit?
Gamestop has a gap around 31.08 - 31.13
its not going over 150 anytime soon
Laughs in 7800x3d
In all seriousness I do think AI still has a lot of room to go. There was a paper Google published the other month where they realized these multimodal (vision + language) models can do few shot learning on time series data presented as images of plots.

That's fucking incredible. Really the only constraints now are compute/optimization, and getting enough signal in your data. Nothing is impossible anymore.
i found my intc free in the trash. people must like their amd since i never ever find them there
>3.3 trillion market cap
>third asset by market cap in the world, behind gold and apple
>increased 183% since last year, 2223% since 2019

Ai craze has only just started, pump muh ai bags to the moon gais
I watch them for the comedy.
>Bloomberg Economics
>President-elect Donald Trump’s vow to ensure that all remaining Bitcoin is "made in the USA" may prove to be one of his most challenging campaign promises to keep

oh no no no no, also what was that vow even supposed to mean, wtf? lol, that's antithetical to "DeFi"
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i ate too many christmas cookies the past 2 days. im gonna be so slow at the indoor track this morning
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ultra maga
Who are you laughing at? Yourself?
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This looks good and not concerning at all
The real joke isn't the vtuber, it's the grown ass men who watch the vtubers.
This was obvious by the summer. I'm really surprised how long it's taking people to understand what's been happening.
Nothing ever happens
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So what you are saying is more rate cuts
Propping up this fake economy asset bubble while Biden is in charge, then pull the rug when "orange man bad" gets in power.
Yields on the rise with 35+ trillion debt. All going to plan, by design.
Yeah, well today long term jobless claims is also rising.

But look at the market, RSP is positive while SPY is negative. Russell pumping. It's bad news is good news again.
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>heh, nothin personal kid
OTPP blowing up rn
were they including all the illegals working as farm hands in the non-farm payroll numbers or something?
Buy PFE calls? Or Intel calls? Come on, smg, give a good play
damn nigga we healin
RK post picture of box... box = U do the math anon its right in front of ur face the redditors actually know how to make gains i hate it here
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This might help Gen z get some new jobs and stay competitive for years to come
lil niggas not playing pokemon anymore? This must be why I keep seeing people complain about no voice acting in rpgs even though U.S. voice actors are universally terrible.
these EGG divvies keep going strong
i think it's my best holding for the year
kids don't need to learn to read anymore, they'll just have to point their contact lenses at the words and let their neuro link do all the rest of the work for them.
SEALQtards, we are parabolic rn
most of the parents probably can't read anything more complicated than a Burger King menu either
>implying that the digital age is the reason and not the fact they'll have to work 20 hours a day to survive
How is an 80 year old pants-shitting retard supposed to understand what a bitcoin is when most of the advocates for it don't?
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should i have a mandarin orange or a christmas cookie for breakfast dessert?
>inb4 hurr durr brekfurst dessurt yuroscreechings
I think it would be good for if all the bitcoins were made inside of America instead of some BRICS state.
minting bitcoins takes too much energy and subsequently causes to much pollution. We need to outsource it like steel production so we can pretend to be tree huggers and abide by the paris accords
haha yeah i have noticed that people are only becoming more retarded as time passes
Christmas cookie
Widespread illiteracy will make discriminating against blacks legal again.
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how it feels to be the last literate generation
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I cant read
Simple, we just change the name to GreenCoin, CleanCoin or something else that sounds environmentally friendly. Then we just say since it's paperless its got to be good for the trees #TrustTheScience
say his name!
(we can't write it)
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poor people think if you give a kid more than $10 or something they'll become spoiled lol.
10 dollars today would be 5.50 in the 2000s
Discipline is more important IMO.

I don't have kids but I watch my cousin's. She gives them anything they want and they're monsters but I think that's because she doesn't ever even say no not because they have so many things.

Beat kids when they misbehave, show them how care and effort creates wealth, and when you give them $10 they'll be careful with it. Don't do that and give them $10 and they'll spend it on trivia and then expect more.
Lunr bros..............
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Pretty sure i got food poisoning from a Loblaws pumpkin pie.
another day of SPY being green on bad news. Germans on suicide watch as usual.
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It’s a Christmas miracle Charlie Brown
What bad news?

is there anything nice to buy or the market is too green today?
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I never understood what this picture means.
>muh 0.1% discrepancy
get fucked roach, this is just noise and you're making a big deal about it
Impending disaster
Come, break me down.
Bury me, bury me.
I am finished with you.
shut up, continental refugee
dead thread, time to go back to biz
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we are not going back :)
/smg/ needs more bobo posters
Bobo will return with a vengeance. What you need is a counter giantess posting strategy.
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Stop selling
the problem is they kys themselves faster than they can be replaced
we need more effective bobo management strategies
The h1b spat is getting spicy.
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When I'm boboposting or complaining, you are just asking me how much I lost or
>It's funny you can tell it's always that german poster that blablabla
Can you niggers make up your mind? I'm not gonna bobopost just to be antagonized instantly, cause you faggots want to jump me 10vs1
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Besides the Qui, are pajeets the worst foreign race to ever set foot in America?
Unironically don't wear slippers. Got some to christmas and I'm sitting here and I feel fuckin tense. And it's the slippers. I explained it once, has to do with the tows being pressed down or you yourself pressing them down to keep hold on the slippers. This causes your glutes to flex. When your glutes flex, your abdomen flex etc, a chainreaction. Get all this shit off your feet. Your socks too. And stretch dem toes to the upside and relax your glutes and belly.
>Get all this shit off your feet. Your socks too.
But my feet are cold
i wear moccasins in the house and have never experienced this problem
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Pic related has done this basically every day for the past 2 weeks

Why is this a soxl, the thing of yesterday, when AI is clearly the next millionaire maker?

Just buy the top 5 AI stocks and wait 3 years to sel
You mean gme?
I used to wear Mockisons all the time as slippers. They don't have this problem although they are uncomfortably warm if your house isn't uncomfortably cold.
shut the fuck up, go back plebbit faggot, no one is buying your fucking bags
Yeah, well the body is pretty amazing in the sense, that it adjusts to stress over time and your tendons and all that shit shorten. Maybe you already are so tense and shortened, it does not have any further effect on you anymore.

Try squeezing your toes together, you know as if you were making a fist, but the foot equivalent and see if your assholes is gonna relax or contract.
You mean like your soxl bags that are down 70%?
we need to get rid of the chinese, the obese, and the h1bese
I am seriously telling you ti shut the fuck up now faggot, hurry up and kill yourself with the rest of your schizo cult
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Why'd they even open the market today? Nothin is movin.
I'm getting sick and tired of Indonesia randomly rising and falling 20%
Certified shit market
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Watch him
Scorch him with spells and top toxins
Amoxicillin stocks sky rocket
Bobby Mocassin
Mockisons? Fucking time travelers.
>Its hanukkah
I'm flatter than Taylor Swift.
What the fuck am I watching? Is that Will Smith?
Post pictures.
f* Taylor
can't make this shit up
>schizo cult
Faggots like you are why this thread never posts anything that actually makes money. Kill yourself soxlnigger.
Do you have exactly 1 SPX? kek
fucking roach for fuck's sake, go be poor somewhere else
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Not what my brain was thinking.
so much anger and hatred, are you goon later to let it all out?
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gotta start crocsmaxxing
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Chewy anon here. Sold chewy puts today. Got back to 7k.
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i bought more laes and wkey and bynd today... near the highs for each. could have got them all cheaper if i had woken up earlier. waited to try and get better prices and they just went higher... my mom owns way more of these and still has some qbts too. my position is tiny, like $200. i told her to sell sell some today and again she got mad at me for "beating her over the head."
she has no clue what these companies do, but she's confident they will go much higher and is "going to ride them." she doesn't even want to hear about intc (my largest investment by far), it gives her the ick and i've just stopped mentioning it.
why are you so gay
And these times are so hard, and it's gettin' even harder
Tryna feed and water my seed, plus teeter-totter
Caught up between bein' a father and a prima donna
Baby-mama drama, screamin' on her, too much for me to wanna
Stay in one spot, another day of monotony's gotten me
To the point I'm like a snail, I've got
To formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot
Success is my only motherfuckin' option, failure's not
Lazy market
You should just listen to Kanye
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How do we profit?
I told ya 2 times this week about CTM, only got youself to blame.

Spitting facts and wisdom
That there is real man and a real human being.
pdyn is doing good too
Like when a book falls on Sean Connery's head, I can only blame myshelf.
still not too late for WATT. more and more people find out their contracts are with walmart, the more steam picks up.
That should finally bring down hoeflation.
Just watched that Promovideo by Soundhound on Voice recognition for example when ordering food. I guess they aren't aware that the customer regularly is the reason why it takes so long to order and not because the cashier is too slow putting up the orders in the computer.

What's the purpose? Cutting out the cashiers at McD? Who will tell the customer to fuck off if it's somebody who wants to fuck around with the AI? The other customers? Or will they hire security for the AI? And will that Security also be a robot?
santa rally is small and midcaps, I repeat santa rally is small and midcaps.

its all in the lore. Santa brings joy to all the BOYS and GIRLS. mag7 are the moms and dads, they don't get joy.
She should have been hired for one of the $200k/year 'product manager' jobs at google so she would not have to work so hard.
i don't care how high that stock gets. you're never gonna convince me that space is real or that you can travel to the moon any other way than by boat. i did make some money trading it but that was pure reverse psychology and i'm not about to press my luck. besides, in the battle of man vs moon, it's foolish to doubt the moon.
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We're here, lurking in the shadows waiting for the day the market realizes how fake and gay AI really is. Trillions of dollars in added market cap over a fucking chatbot, what a fucking clown show.
What I want to know is if the moon is real, why are there still niggers? Checkmate Atheists.
Image gen is going to have a great year, quantization aware training is going to significantly improve efficiency across multiple domains. Still won't make any money though.
>The waste DOGE wants to cut is Americans
Damn AI art is almost coom worthy at this point. Pretty impressive.
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Can't wait to see an increase in urban violence because the AI doesn't understand Ebonics.
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>its an escort quest
4chan posts/day is down 17% since a year ago. What was gookmoot thinking when he added the 15 min timer?
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>I need to increase my stack in RDDT
I mean if the earth is round why don't we just put all jews like you on the other side
Do we even need a military if we're just going to let the country get invaded by illegals and then give them everything they want while they're here anyway?
It's probably not just the filter.
>People got older.
>Nothing ever happening since the plandemic.
Hence the quality of the whole site went down the shitter and continues to do so.
Hillary/Trump election season was peak 4chan. The disillusionment of Drumpfs first term made this site disinteresting.
Just look at pol nowadays. Low iq sperg fest. Unrecognisable from 5 to 8 years ago.
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me and a buddy were driving through reno smoking weed one day in like 2012, we drove by a preschool and three girls had pinned one boy against a chainlink fence and he was on the ground pinned against it on his side and one of the girls was kicking him in the ribs as hard as she could. all these kids were white btw.

Elon's autistic dick riding with low paying Indians is pretty funny to watch
i bet he was hard af the whole time
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>Have companies get rid of DEI, ESG and other diversity shit

>Only to do the same thing but exclusively Indians and no white people

Talk about a rug pull goddamn
imagine even if you can get a job you're surrounded by streetshitters on all sides
i'd off myself
Like.. several times, like uh, like on TV?
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I never get tired of winning.
>like on TV?
Broadcast television died in part because of this. It just creates an opening in the market for competition. Give ads on paid service that cannot be conveniently blocked, people cancel and go somewhere else.
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>10Y yields increased by 100bps

Fuck me dude
>Mortgage rates in the US climbed for the second week in a row, squeezing homebuyers as borrowing costs hit the highest level since early July.

The squoze hasn't been squeezled yet
What's the rundown on this DOGE h1b thing? I've been gone for several days. Did they not see how well that fared in Canada?
>Did they not see how well that fared in Canada?
You still think that they have YOUR best interest in mind?
I can't wait for Chinese Indians with American flags posting about women hitting the wall, how working sucks, and how China isn't a shit country.
This is a trial balloon, obviously.
Mortgage rates are set "unnecessarily high" so they can observe and gauge if broad prices budge or if they remain stable to upwards.
I myself believe that prices are still remaining stable.
This gives cash buyers and flush investors time to load up before the trial balloon of low rates end.
Once the mortgage rates adjust to what's more feasible, housing prices will very likely make yet another big leg higher.
>low rates
High rates, obviously...
yeah fueled on demand created by all those HB1 street shitters who come here with their friends to take are jobs
Nah, just lower rates.
That's ebough to move prices even higher.
full retard strength into EOD?
I love the stock market
>people snap out of clown world
>sell violently
>realize there is literally no where else for the money to go
>bow their head and sigh
>buy back in
rinse and repeat
>are jobs
New house prices were -6% yoy on monday. We will see if it get's worse (you could say better)
this is are cuntry and those are are jobs, damn it. what you want the street shitters sending there kids to are schools and turning are schools into racial jungles?
Probably was tax loss harvesting.
All cash now. Hoping for a dip tomorrow to buy some cheapies.
That's nothing.
Let me reiterate,
>10%, 15%, even 25% corrections mean nothing if price does multiples in-between them.
I was red all day and now I am green
, all bears should die
Looking at Canada, and the UK median income VS median home price, I don't see how it can go lower (without a major recession).
were not 30 days from dump for wash sale rule. And I have no idea how people were at a loss when spy was at ATH.
How does a 0.25% to 0.35% gap up on the SPX sound like?
damn bobos want us to close red soooo bad lol
I'm looking for 1200 points down on the Dow. On no news.
Is it weird to keep watching Christmas movies for a few more days after Christmas is over? I didn't have the time before and there's still some on my backlog lol
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I'm pretty sure this is America, and it's within your rights to watch Christmas movies whenever you want. The Jews who produced the movies will certainly appreciate it.
-0.17% feels bad man
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ding ding ding

Whosa winner? Whosa loser? Let us know! How did it go?!
>Hillary/Trump election season was peak 4chan
The massive influx of redditors, MIGAtards and schizos from that election is what killed this site for good. I saw someone post in redditcaps unironically today. Can you believe that shit? It's only a matter of time before gookmoot introduces updoots as well.
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nothing happened. another chud win.
>ark funds going ex-div tomorrow
well that is a pleasant surprise. not sure that's how mommy findom is supposed to work but i'm going to trust her judgement.
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>I guess they aren't aware that the customer regularly is the reason why it takes so long to order and not because the cashier is too slow putting up the orders in the computer.
Computer says so effect will make this obvious to costumers and they'll start behaving.

People misbehave because they know there's a human they can push around. When it's a machine they know it's just going to do what they tell it to.
MIGAtards are schizos in training.
+6% I can not wait to go home and pull my dick out and let that thing hang
+3.4% woohoo!
Mostly RUM and ACIC and not my dumb SPY derivatives too.
no idea how but im up 7.6%
Up 8.7% on my chewy puts.
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Reminder that dilution can actually be bullish under MSTR's model. So, are you guys all in?
What happens when President Trump replaces the Bitcoin with the TrumpCoin and makes that the new crypto standard world wide?
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Man what the fuck, today was so mediocre, did Santa die on the way to the North Pole or something?
Boring day. Cba checking.
>People misbehave because they know there's a human they can push around. When it's a machine they know it's just going to do what they tell it to.
This. Unironically.
Esp. If there is a "order entry time" surcharge. ;^)
Did (You) buy a mega millions ticket today?
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the stock markets so gay and retarded its insane. at least christmas is finally over normies act so annoying this time of year.
I'm not retarded. I'll get mine tomorrow after work.
>Amazon, $AMZN, won’t have enough space for thousands of employees when they start returning to the office five days a week next month.

>The company recently told some personnel working in at least seven cities — including Austin, Dallas and Phoenix — that their return dates will be pushed back as much as four months, per Bloomberg.

These niggas are retarded, CRE bubble gonna pop soon anyways
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I went all index etf for 2024, my best year ever. We should give up and accept we will die virgins
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same deal at my job they can't do rto because not enough space anymore.
Similar setup to grocery store self checkout I imagine. One monitor wagie for several stations.
please update the image for 2025
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same i made more money in the stock market than my faggy job this year. first time doing that.
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10,000 years in MS Paint.
>driving up demand for the broken office real estate
Amazon admitted they do rto because they know people quit because people like cushy do nothing work from home jobs.
Yes they are hoping people quit so they don't have to expand their office space. Regardless it is still hundreds of millions in redoing the office space to fit everyone back.
>CRE bubble
LMAO you still believing that nonsense?
But two more weeks, amirite?
how do I into baskets?
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Haha yeah imagine that...
you have to sacrifice 5 dollars a month to fidelity. Honestly only worth it for amounts over 10k.
that's fucking stupid
I just love this meme
>AI doesn't understand Ebonics.
soun - "can I help you"
ebonics - "bix nood mudda fugga shieeet"
soun - 'I'm sorry I did not understand that"
ebonics - "fugga whiboi gibs me dat foo fukka"
soun - "I's sorry, can you repeat that please"
ebonics - *pulls gat* bang bang bang bang *tires squeeling from stolen car speeding away"
March 2025 more like
>mega millions ticket today?
I only buy when its more than $1 billion, otherwise its not worth my time.
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no i don't go to gas stations. too black for me.
That would be really nice.
>stock market 4chan incels also buy lottery tickets
who wudda thunk it
Positive ev nigger






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