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So I told a couple of boomers last night that I figured the moon landing was fake and now they keep giving me the fluoride stare. To be frank, I thought this was the more easily acceptable conjecture.

how badly did I fuck up? Can we get evidence of the moon landing being faked in this thread? Does anyone know where I can find the video of the guys being seen in the background of the shuttle.
there is zero doubt that we have landed on the moon. They left behind objects that help us triangulate, you can see the landing site from satelites in space etc etc.

It is not certain that we got out of there alive, pushing off on that tiny capsule, rejoining a rocket going around and making it home is not something that we can do with todays technology. We used to be smarter so maybe.

Video of moon landing is sketchy as fuck, that is all.
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this is serious guys. I need your help
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I usually disown my firends who deny the moonlanding.

*gives fluorides stare*
>today’s technology
that’s a heckin’ cope. What could they make back then that we can’t make today? That’s the kind of bullshit that they are mandated to say in public schools. They aren’t even allowed to say certain things. I remember learning that and seeing the reaction on the teachers face when I student pointed it out.
>Can we get evidence of the moon landing being faked in this thread?
you can get a bunch of silly things about shadows and stuff which prove the people telling you about it know nothing about photography, and youll get some vague stuff about radiation. thats about it

they will tell you about American Moon, a retarded movie with good productions values but zero truth values. let me know if you want to talk about that. look it up.

>pushing off on that tiny capsule, rejoining a rocket going around and making it home is not something that we can do with todays technology.
orbital rendezvous and docking is done all the time.
does anyone have the video im talking about?
>he video of the guys being seen in the background of the shuttle.
>he video of the guys being seen in the background of the shuttle.
you mean where a guy is filming the payload from inside the crew area through the window and theres some reflections of other people in the window?
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You're just retarded
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how dare you doubt those brave african secretaries that stood up to racism while also solving the most complex calculations known to man AAAND going home to their super stable families while maintaining that sassy mamma attitude, y'all know what I'm saying.
>Y'all, we gotta use our math skills to get this white folx back from da moon y'all!
In 40 years those of you who are antivax will look just as retarded as the moon landing hoax people do to you now.
The worst is when you have to hear it from a coworker. These soulless npc's get all their info from chinktok and they think it's indicative of reality.
you are a retarded nigger hahahaha
Not chinktok
science bless you
t. pfizer
all "moon fake" videos are high schizo tier where one dude talks close to the mic and breathes heavily. You will just look more retarded honestly after showing "evidence"
Deniers are anti-white
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Moon landings were fake and grey
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Yes chinktok
Of course we never landed on the moon, it's beyond obvious at this point but boomers can't except it. They were indoctrinated their entire lives to believe space non sense. It was a massive industry when they grew up, they dreamt about traveling through space. So most can't handle the truth. Even here you see retards still fully bought into the system yet they fancy themselves red pilled.
Now that we agree on what we are culturally
Okay rabbi
We did land. Deny all you want and consoooom the conspiraslop.
Notice how the shills now always accuse you of being jewish. I denounce the talmud, fuck all kikes and fuck israel. Fuck all glowniggers too.
The moon landing is real, but a lot of the footage from it was damaged by the radiation from space. I don't find it entirely unreasonable that they doctored up some photos in order to sell the idea of going to space. Imagine getting back from space and all the images you took are completely worthless.
tiktok is based
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Oy vey how many chickens are you going to have to kill to make up for such sinful language rabbi?
Alright nigger. Why did the soviet union accept the moon landing? It was the cold war, they could have thrown a fit and say it was fake. Fuck you retarded lead drinking faggot. Kill yourself
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what about nasa in iceland or wherever, taking photos of “mars”. Seems like science is more about an agenda than it is to do with actual science judging by the anons in this thread
devon island or something, there was an air force base out there that is now a "space force" base. I haven't thought about this stuff in a while. lotta background noise these days...
Why so violent glownigger? It isn't my job to educate you, the information is out there if you want to find it. Do your own research.
there is no information on it stupid nigger faggot. Kill yourself. How about providing me evidence? No a retarded youtube video does not count nigger faggot. You are literal braindead goycattle. Stupid fuck.
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>lights, camera, action
this. people forget their reality is coming from an electric box at the end of the day.
Seethe more cuck, as I said you have to do your own research. Not everything in life will be spoon fed to you.
What will you do when a Chinese rover takes pics ?
kill yourself rabbi
I said I thought the moon landing was fake and my uncle who is a boomer aeronautics engineer got pretty pissed off about it.
raugh out roud
the chinese have filming studios too I would assume.
What do you think about the 9/11? And have you told them about it?
You're a retard.
thank you
They did it all on the first try, amazing, incredible, and obviously bullshit to anyone with a brain cell.
nah you're fine
just mention the shit about stanley kubrick directing it and how their are oblique references to this in his other movies and allow them to believe what they want
it doesn't matter, just put yourself into a social position where they feel ambivalence towards you and not contempt

stop trying to convince them
who cares about them?
The previous mission blew up and killed 3 people so not really
he makes a good point anon
there's no way the soviets would also profit from their own fake space program
No. You would have to explain things on the moon.
In America he sounds retarded. Its not contempt. Its more pity.
The simple fact that people get so angry when you point out the lies shows you it’s fake
Here you go retard bro, they start showing the footage of them faking the moon mission at about 5 minutes.

this is the greatest cope about all of it. They’re fraternized. They share police strategies and propaganda methods. Both of our people used, relatively, the same consumer electronics. It’s more to do with control than competition.
>the Russians didn’t deny it so must be real

Monkey brain man
I personally won't believe it until the chinese take pictures. It's too fish, Apollo 13 everything about it is just too ridiculous in particular.
I'm not one who argues that we didn't send the saturn 5 up I just don't think it went past the van allen belts.
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This thread is a good example of the kind of shill responses you get to topics like the moon landing and space in general when discussed here. Pay close attention anons, they act like this in every thread. The same accusations of being jewish, and weirdly violent responses. I get it's a tough pill to swallow but if you look into in honestly with an open mind I think you'll be surprised at what you find. Don't let shills and mid wits distract you from the truth.
They are literally bad actors
Friendly reminder that every moon landing denier is an anti white piece of shit. Literally the crowning achievement of humanity, all performed by white men and they desperately need you to believe that it was all faked.
retarded nigger monkeys
Denying the moon landing is denying white achievements as it was a 99% white operation, no indians, no mexicans, barely any blacks. The only people who deny the moon landings are:

complete retards unable to do basic research
brown people (jeets, blacks, latinos)

when they set foot on the moon again it will be browns and women included and you'll be saying wow what a great achievement.
Plenty of other achievements quite literally all achievements are by white men. But conflating this with something that might be a propaganda lie is a road I don't want to taint all other achievements with.
They really desperately need you to believe that every person in that picture is a paid actor. And they wonder why they get their shit rocked like bart siebel did.
Fuck off and kill yourself kike
I just want the Chinese rover to take the pictures of the landers it's simple until then it's better to be cautious of cold war era nonsense.
yeah, thats what i was talking about here>>21830482

take a look then come back and lets talk about what you find to be most convincing. but dont just watch the thing without stopping to check each point they bring up - thats how propaganda works best. instead, at least check to see if a place like
has another version of the 'question' they just asked and sort of answered.
whats your favorite point? what convinced you the most?
See how they switch it up? First you're jewish if you point out how obviously fake the moon landing was then now were also anti white? No, we're anti Freemason theater actually. White people don't need the moon landing to be real to know we're better than shit skins.
>Yani Indian Wells, CA
>Masha Joshua Tree, CA
>>>Cole Ukraine
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Mmmmm. Fluoride.
Kill yourself
This is how you out a critical thinker even if they think the landing was real. Either they agree and tell you why or they disagree and tell you why. It means that they have done their own research. Or they ask where did you get that information and if they can see it. An NPC will get angry or give you the fluoride stare. Personally, I think the landing is real, but the loss of Saturn V rockets blueprints is suspicious.

Some have suggested that it was a mix of real and fake footage for some of the discrepancies in lighting. As in they went to the moon got limited footage that didn't look too good, so they used some pre-recorded footage made by Stanley Kubrick. They avoided a live broadcast so people wouldn't see astronauts die live on T.V. It was clumsily eddied together a few hours later. That is why so much footage was lost. Most of it was the fake footage.
I can’t talk to I’m out of breath to my npc family they have a hard time accepting anything that screws with their perception of reality, the mind programming is real.
I’ll read posts from different treads on twit and think to myself these must be bots because there’s no way people are this stupid but then when certain things happen I remember yeah the majority is that dim witted.
boomers will always believe in the moonwalking golfers, because they saw it on their television PROGRAMMING.
They have no comprehension, and never will, that by the 1960s our institutions were thoroughly KIKED full of deceivers.
They will also insist that a gaggle of paranoid jews fleeing the Third Reich actually beat the Germans (who had discovered nuclear fission) to creating a SUPER BOMB that vaporizes entire cities. because they SAR IT ON TV
Like this glow nigger here, or could this really be the thought process of people now.
why are you against looking at both sides of a debate?
Everything today is over engineered garbage. Space travel is actually incredibly easy and is basically just simple math when you boil it down. You give a good pilot a few thrusters enough fuel and an airtight ship and enough fuel they can do all the fancy docking and maneuvers they need to in space. Where we keep fucking up is now everything needs to be over engineered to the nines and computers handle everything so any fuck up in the code means you doomed a ship. After Apollo NASA went to the dogs and bipoc and they came up with the disaster that was the shuttle program. The greatest proof that we went to the moon though was the fact the Soviets didn’t say shit if we hadn’t actually made it they would have been the first to let everyone know. They were watching every launch and mission just as much as we were. The hard part of space travel is getting out of orbit.
people either open that door on their own or they refuse to even find it. you can't open it for them, they'll still pretend not to see it. they aren't evil, but they're only useful to evil. keep an eye on them and let it go, not everyone has what it takes to see what is going on in the world and it's mostly because they can't handle it.
>the moon landing was faked
I'm sorry that your H1b Engineers live in fucking poop cities Sanjay, but White engineers actually accomplish things like space travel. fucking dumb jeet.
They hate that they have to explain that. moreover

there are things left on the moon, including tracks and footprints

tracks and footprints will remain there for millions of years unless someone or something directly interacts with them

millions of engineers worked on all sorts of different pieces for all those missions. you can talk to a lot of boomers who worked on those missions

all of the remaining technology can be easily found in museums, including the F1 engine from the saturn 5, the command module and every little piece of tech

there were many missions before apollo 11 which was the one that landed on the moon. all of those other missions including their failures are documented, including videos of their training process.

In short there is an immense amount of evidence, not just a grainy video showing a few astronauts on the moon surface, but it's much easier for shills and retards to ignore all of that and pretend that it was a grand operation involving millions of people who are either in on the lie or completely oblivious but yet they had to work on all sorts of different things during many years, including the development of fake unusable tech props that they could display all over the world.
weak people need to be accepted by others and going against narratives hinders that, so they don't. they'd rather live a lie that others agree with than stand out. it's why people who "fit in" will never be part of the solution and you can't solve it right now anyway. people have suffer and kids have to grow up in hell before they'll change. accept it, make yourself stronger, keep seeking truth and weeding out the bullshit and treat life like a religion, that's all you can do. the world isn't going to be saved in our lifetime
>loss of Saturn V rockets blueprints is suspicious.
how do you know thats the case?


what most convinced that the apollo landings were faked?
The indians will land on the moon and you cattle will clap and say
>Indians were first on the moon!

>I disown people who question mainstream history
Remember that guy who said there were giant invisible broken glass towers on the moon? It is the only possible conclusion from the spectral patterns in the background, you know, if it wasn't filmed on a silkscreen lmfao
well, you're wrong. now how about saying why you wouldn't want someone to get both sides of the story - those that claim it was faked, and those that claim it wasnt?
>millions of engineers worked on all sorts of different pieces for all those missions
Your sense of scale might be a little fucked there bot
The communists created the "moon landing is fake" bullshit and now it's vomited out by pajeet h1b engineers because they live in shit cities and can't do anything productive. They just seethe and cry and eat poop becaues White engineers landed on the moon.
I see more space in your post than in NASA moonlanding videos lmfao
Checked & keked Deluxe
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>the moon landing was fake
In my experience anyone who says moon landing (singular) is always a complete retard who has no clue about the Apollo program and previous NASA missions.
Moon hoaxers watch some "documentary" like American Moon and think they know what's what.
>The greatest proof that we went to the moon though was the fact the Soviets didn’t say shit
imagine being a political theater enjoyer
While I’m no longer convinced we actually went to the moon, since I was a kid it was obvious the film that we were shown was a theatrical production, then I figured it was due to the fact that 1.that the technology for broadcasting live from the moon wasn’t around, 2.the film from the moon was damaged due to radiation or whatever but we did in fact land on the moon. I just don’t know anymore.
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>They really desperately need you to believe that every person in that picture is a paid actor. And they wonder why they get their shit rocked like bart siebel did.

you have to ask yourself this simple question

who benefits from denying moon landings in 2025 ?

1 every other country that is not america (china, india, russia, the complete european union etc)

2 every brown person in the world (jeets, asians, etc), as part of the moon landing tech was
initially nazi tech and then further developed almost exclusively by white americans

3 glowniggers wanting to poison the well further divide people on additional past accomplishments
you both have accomplished nothing except being huge fat niggers on pol. Kill yourself. You both sound like huge fucking losers hahaha. Hope you get even more isolated and alone in your rooms because you are fighting "the big conspiracies". Take the rope and kill yourself already
>how badly did I fuck up?
it's over for you. no more free tendies for you, now you have to BEG for tendies
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Fucking jews keep making these bullshit spam threads to slide discussion about the current topic which is white replacement and to get ridf of the jews

They especially hate the moon landing because the team that made it happen at NASA consisted entirely of Nazi engineers :D
Good to know
> At its peak, the Apollo program employed 400,000 people and required the support of over 20,000 industrial firms and universities. On July 1, 1960, NASA established the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama.

there were potentially millions of people involved directly and indirectly with the apollo program.
>implying every person in that picture is a paid actor
bullshit red herring
button-pushers bean-counters, etc dont need to know shit
>Can we get evidence of the moon landing being faked in this thread?
This is probably best evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_bPFmVVlFk

If you want some "weird" stuff (some with inconsistencies, but still some interesting tidbits), there's these

I think this one went through how the landings were fake, or that they're not telling us nearly enough about moon https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxQoAfHYDfl7onjFmYGPvyrDlayussgEE

This one is about moon UFOs reported by astronauts (which I guess would mean they went there, but the televised footage was fake, or that they didn't tell us everything that they saw there) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxQoAfHYDfl4Qitxb1Hh0tWjSgCOu19uv
no, I’m white. This happened last night
The NPC can't handle a basic rejection of his belief structure. So he must invent a pseudo-rationale for why they must be dumbdumbs and how there is some qui-bono conspiracy motivating the great distrust of his monomyth.
Every nation you have mentioned has their own space claims you turbonigger. Your analysis is even more abysmal than your observation skills.
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fuck here is picrel
I've argued with morons like you over the years, you are not smart, you are not special, your kind are a diamond dozen.
The moment someone tells you "they're lying to you, but I'm giving you the real truth" you just turn your brains off and stop thinking.
+0.05 ₪ has been added to your account
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Lmao, they built the rocket program and put masons on the kubrick movie set, you bigot. I was watching netflix the other day and they were showing how the original swedish people were all black and how evil whites appropriated their culture over time.
The longer it takes for someone to land on the moon "again" the less I believe in the moon landing.
they wouldn't have to be paid actors. they could just be receiving fake data.
Somewhere in YouTube there is Kubrick's alleged confession about 'perpetrating the biggest hoax' yada yada, some people think it's in relation to the human landing on the moon... Idk... The vid is an easy find
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Op is a fag lel
>youre wrong because pedowood juxtaposes your position with other incoherent yiddish babble
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Space is awesome, deniers are ghey
im glad you're admitting that youd rather people not look at opposing information. it makes your position look as weak as, in reality, it is. thanks for playing.

lol, another predictable american moon poster lol. they wont talk about the 'questions' but they sure want you to watch their video lol.

Please, watch it, give them the views if you want. but check what they say after every point. dont let them manipulate you with their music and stuff

this is a place to start
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keep fighting the "big lie" inside your lonely dark room nigger faggot. Use the rope because the clock is ticking and you know that everyone thinks you are a sore loser.
>muh nazis
>muh jews
>muh kikes
Oh shit, found the glowie.
You might not be a nigger, but you've got the IQ of one if you think American Moon makes a single solid argument or that it's not intentionally dishonest.
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>Watch us
cope and seethe
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Denier hate cute astronaut feet
Why are you so angry? Looking at your posts it’s you that seems isolated I feel bad for you anon, I can’t tell if your parents didn’t love you or if you lost your girlfriend to a niggerchad but I hope you find peace somehow and in time contribute to a intelligent conversation with out having a low iq spazzout. You owe it to your tribe.
what's wrong with american moon? they made good arguments with those shadow angles and stuff, all those photography arguments that they used multiple softboxes/light sources when taking that moon footage, it's very good argument, because there should be only 1 light source on the moon, the sun.
OP, you're literally eating CIA propaganda right now
They want you to believe the moon landing is fake, because then you're obviously a conspiracy retard. Then they want you to hang out with any conspiracy chads, to make them look like retards.
>cuck fantasies
Nice. All moon deniers are cucks also. Keep it up niggerfaggot. I hope you kill yourself.
>the german also has cuck fantasies
hahaha why is this so funny
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>your kind are a diamond dozen
galaxy brain detected
it would have literally been easier to just do the moon landing than it would have been to fake it. They didn't have robots back then. They didn't even have the hollywood tech required for this. The amount of drool you retards produce is a community hazard.
so what would you like to talk about regarding to landings instead of repeating yourself over and over again?

but those arguments are stupid and wrong. which one would you like to talk about? if there were multiple light sources there would be multiple shadows. the only place thats ever seen in the photos is a couple shots taken through the LM window, which has two panes of glass.
please show what ever it is you are meaning.
This board would be the first person to challenge the holocaust at a school debate but accept what nasa tells us as fact? Get your fucking shit straightened out
>OP, you're literally eating CIA propaganda right now
how is it cia propaganda? pretty sure nasa televised the landings, so wouldn't it be against their interest to make this propaganda? why does there exist compelling evidence against the moon landing footage?

If they went to the moon, then they haven't shown us ANY real evidence of them going there, it's all been fake. So the footage at very least is fake.
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The photos without any radiation damage as well as strong vignetting across the lunar surface are perhaps some of the strongest proof they were staged. But, if you ever browse Facebook you’ll know that boomers are falling for AI generated content left and right so the odds that they’ll figure it out are nearly zero.
>They didn't have robots back then.
well, the russians had these massive rovers they landed to place their retroreflectors. theres no evidence the US had anything similar to make all the footprints etc lol
>claims to have seen american moon
>when confronted with evidence, plays ignorant, and doesn't know which shadows or scenes I'm talking about
You're not getting paid very well are you shill?
Ranjeet stop posting deep fake cgi.
I'm a boomer who says the moon landings are fake.
I still love you brother, your life will get better if you can have a better attitude. I’m sorry your neighbor touched your no no place.
>there is zero doubt that we have landed on the moon. They left behind objects that help us triangulate, you can see the landing site from satelites in space etc etc.
total horseshit. "you" can't do any of this. You dumb niggers use to use the laser reflector as your supposed proof until people started pointing out that laser reflection experiments predate the moon landing.
>The photos without any radiation damage
can you show that the radiation environment should produce any significant sign on the relatively low response film they took?
What does it matter to you if public knows that the moon footage (and probably this photo too) are faked? Is it not enough to you that they probably went there? Why do you have to fight over this shit, when it doesn't change the fact that maybe they did go there? Are you fedbois sooooo obsessed with well poisoning, that you have to have this one too? Go kill yourself.
the denier shills ignore everything and dismiss every point with a single comment with zero proofs. they think they are really smarter or they are playing dumb.
>pedo fantasies
why are moon landers like this? First you claim your cuck fantasies in the open and now this? You're a sore loser in a dark room. Have never felt the touch of a women and certainly you have no friends. I can also bet that you are obese. Try to be smarter and you will feel less like a outcast loser.
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i want to know that YOU know what you're talking about. too many people watch something, accept it, but then can never actually talk about it. which question or questions are you talking about?

keep on this angle anon, instead of engaging on a subject. it REALLY makes you look strong.
>What could they make back then that we can’t make today?
White men did all the math and machining. They used to have a white male safe space where everyone from the managers down to lathe turners could get together and solve that shit. NASA today is a summer camp for dumb niggers so the government can put up posters with a bunch of potato faces holding MacBooks. We could go to the moon today, but not with our institutions as they are now.
This could have been an interesting conversation, instead it was the usual retarded mudslinging
Stay tarded
>didn't even have the hollywood tech
yeah that's what jews say about their fake nuke footage 20 years earlier too
despite picrel
you can prove that apollo program and landings were real. you cannot prove that 6 million jewish people were cremated
>another earth is flat, science is gay thread
You need to fuck off forever, holy shit.
My grandpa told my dad it was fake while they were watching it being broadcast live on TV.
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>earth is flat
what an odd thing to say
I tell people the moon landing is fake all the time. It’s my favorite conspiracy, and let’s me learn the most about other people.
>The greatest proof that we went to the moon though was the fact the Soviets didn’t say shit if we hadn’t actually made it they would have been the first to let everyone know.

This talking point is so shit. People who say it think it's clever too, but it falls apart the second you actually think about it
>#1 What makes you think the "space race" was anything more than a media campaign?
>#2 Why would the Soviets give a shit what propaganda campaigns the US were pulling on their population, when they were busy with their own?
>#3 What would the Soviets have to gain by exposing the moon landings?
>#4 Disregarding ALL of the 3 previous point, HOW would the Soviets actually go about exposing the moon landings? You think they can compete with Hollywood and the mass propaganda machines of the West? They'd just make themselves laughingstocks in the newspapers.

Please stop parroting this garbage.
I can smell you types from thousands of miles away. Ho ahead post your schizo retard YouTube ramblings, I'm fucking sick of you cretins shitting up the board every single fucking day with absolutely retard tier takes.
Example A. This fucking retard.

He thinks the lunar laser ranging experiments prove men walk on the moon. He believes this because he was told to think this, not because he thought about it.
If he thought about it, he would learn:
>LLR worked before ANY craft went to the moon
This means LLR can NOT prove there are artifacts on the moon.
>soviet drones placed retroreflectors
This means artifacts on the moon can NOT prove man walked there.

It’s not even soft evidence, it is meaningless. But he believed what he was told and even regurgitates it on command.
its really too bad that you cant talk about your reasons for knowing it was faked. too bad.

it will. seeing the response can be interesting and instructive
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go cry to your mommy maybe she cares
probably not
>you can see the landing site from satelites in space
No you can’t. You literally can’t.
This is the intellectual prowess of a bootlicker.
And there it is /pol/, moshe couldn't keep his faggotry away long enough to hide his bullshit. You need to fuck off back into the oven.
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I think it's a double bluff
Everyone knows russian gov lied non-stop
After getting to be 'the first' in many space achievements, possibly false, america maybe, instead of calling out the bluff doubled down with a production, now their bluff can't be called out by the russians because it will call out their own bluff
But hey
Who knows
It was broadcast live. They were not live-doctoring footage.

It’s fake and you are coping.
>This means LLR can NOT prove there are artifacts on the moon.
it doesnt. the returns from bare regolith are far less accurate.
>This means artifacts on the moon can NOT prove man walked there.
true. the USSR retros were placed with rovers. the presence of other retros cannot be used to prove manned landings.
funny how you dont want to talk about your best evidence for the landings being faked. maybe its because we've been through them all..and they failed terribly.
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Post the meme about how the purpose of flat earth threads is a Jewish trick to associate real conspiracies with nonsense to muddy the waters

I fucking dare you.
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>and there it is
there what is, midwit? a photo of you kvetching? deal with it
If the Soviets started counter-signalling US propaganda, it would only give greater motivation for the US to do the same against Soviet propaganda. Since both states were most interested in propagandising their own populations, what motivations would they have had to deboonk one another?
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...Notice the cold war was going on around the world, but cooperation in research was ongoing the entire time in Antarctica and also in the space station
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>LLR worked before ANY craft went to the moon
If you run any film through an x-ray scanner at an airport it will leave all kinds of grain. The astronauts supposedly passed through the Van Allen Bands which are far stronger.
And we were giving the soviets material aid, in the form of food and cash.
Not to mention all of the data we shared that could be used to nuke us.

NASA themselves admit the Soviet’s were cooperating with them. The space race is a meme.
you are so fucking stupid hahaha retarded nigger
i will no longer respond to you unless you begin to discuss a point about why the landings are fake. im not going to keep giving you (you)s
>The astronauts supposedly passed through the Van Allen Bands which are far stronger.
are they? were the films only in the equivalent of a suitcase? is the radiation as penetrative as an xray?
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Fucking patch anything together these-days...

Moon-Landing was a huge exposure to ZOG Hucksters...

Centuries of Huckster-Ops were at stake...

The ZOG Pimps Wanted ALL Missions HALTED After Apollo 11...

Their Kvetching went sorta-like...

OK ... we done-it... Landed a guy... FULL-STOP...!

It's Too Expensive...

Cue the Hungry-Ghnegrows / Crying-Babies Schtick...

Ramp-up the Nhighgher&Jheouws...

Eviscerate the program... Full-ZOG-Op...!

Followed by Nixon - the most popular president in American history... ZOG'd

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Your source is an AI trained on morons like you.
Israeli flag with no argument.
>true. the USSR retros were placed with rovers. the presence of other retros cannot be used to prove manned landings.

There are multiple satellites orbiting the moon right now. including satellites from india and korea. They all have high resolution cameras that can see the original landing sites and vehicles left there.
generally the title of the thread makes that demand upon all posters. you just seem to want to avoid the discussion. i wonder why.

anyway, damn you, last response
Those don’t prove men walked there, numbnuts
>he thinks India has a space program
this vid is 9 years old with 1M views
try to keep up
Why are you such a fucking retard ? LLR works without retroreflectors but the signal that comes back is weak as it scatters, pointing lasers at very specific points of the moon surface returns a strong signal indicating that the are american retroreflectors and russian retroreflectors on the moon, exactly where they left them
"Fake moonlanding" is gay op to poison the well of legitimate conspiracies like jews or kennedy assassination. Also the conspiracy theory is brown-coded, intent on erasing white accomplishment.
Did Russians send men to the moon?
i agree. was just pointing out that using the presence of retroreflectors as proof of manned landings is pretty much pointless.
what part of "there are multiple satellites orbiting the moon in 2025 not only from USA but from india and korea. Those satellites have photographic proof of apollo landing sites, including left vehicle stages, drivable rovers and even where the flag was left" don't you understand you little retard.
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Idk about the physics nor the engineering, idk about the van Allen radiation belt and i dont care about space nazis from paperclip

The POLITICS, point towards deception
I said what I said
what was his job? was it related to human radiation exposure or not? listen carefully now. how did the two test flight of Orion work out with regard to radiation exposure?
>9 years
try to keep up.
>everything apart from imaginary stuff means its wa fake
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got im
a rover left those russian ones. moreover russia was able to easily track where america left those past retroreflectors. In fact any country with the right equipment was able to do that as soon as astronauts left them there in the 60s.
Not imaginary, I know what I don't know
No point for me to take an actual position on something I know little-to-nothing about
so you don't know anything about physics nor engineering nor have the slightest interest yet you say it's all a deception due to politics ? do you see the faulty logic in your argument ?
no he didn't. nobody denies you can get a return from just the lunar surface. but it takes a lot more power and returns a much less precise set of data. thats why the whole idea of the retroreflectors was even thought up and eventually added to Apollo. These days the returns from the surface itself are just the noise from which the retro returns stand out.
Have you ever point a laser at the moon?
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The landing gear on the landers was made near where I used to live, in Canada. Parts for the Apollo program came from everywhere and money was no object.
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How the Huckster-Op works...

Pitch a sketchy photo that will invoke disbelief...

Pimp the image mercilessly...

Encouraging others to ignore the Tens of Thousands of other Photos...?
Movies are just thousands of photos. Are you saying Narnia is real?
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Interesting how the location of the lander and those craters from the image don't line up with shots from the moon.
>Pitch a sketchy photo
pick any photo from the apollo image archive online. open it in gimp and adjust a slider or two.
like i did. picrel
The only thing I'm certain about is that it is possible to manufacture a hoax on that scale, despite many people involved etc
There is a line we all know exist as to what we (as a public) are able to know. We never expect the news to reveal the actual tech/patents/military secrets
It is beyond possible... Some of the biggest industries are built this way
And politically, deception/inspiration of the local population by the local gov, is the name of the game.
Space is like Territories outside europe in the 15-16th century, the crown tells you all you know about those 'far and strange lands', the only competition to that version is of the neighboring crown
This is my logic regarding the politics
Again, my point is that the "impossible" part is possible... Im not entirely sold to either way
Then if Russia sent unmanned craft to the moon, as I already fucking told you, craft on the moon do not prove men on the moon

You impossibly stupid buffoon.
but why fake it when you can make it? this is the point the fakers break down on, because theres nothing impossible about Apollo.
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that's my point. it's really hard to believe but it was a different time when America was largely white european and richer. I do have to agree with the deniers that it's hard to believe and it looks like magic when you compare what a rich white country can do with the rest of the brown masses but it happened as there is scientific evidence.

Also America has plenty of enemies and there are plenty of satellites in space that can disprove the landings or objects left on the moon but they can't
>It is not certain that we got out of there alive, pushing off on that tiny capsule, rejoining a rocket going around and making it home is not something that we can do with todays technology. We used to be smarter so maybe.
buzz aldrin's doctoral thesis was on how to eyeball an orbital rendezvous without instruments. they picked him for that part for more reasons than just being a child raping 33rd degree freemason. his job was to make sure they got home, even if all he had to go by was the blinking strobe light on the command module, right after he finished the black mass to consecrate the moon to satan
are you really thinking that by quickly comparing some landing images and the ones from those moon satellites from your chair you can safely and scientifically disprove that it's not the right location ?
Are you saying you haven't even done basic legwork to verify the image is authentic?
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>America was largely white european
not where it counted
>Abe Silverstein
>names his baby "Apollo"
>eat that slop goyim
we only have a record of the mass he said to Christ
id love to see your work
you as most deniers are quite delusional. You probably don't have any engineering nor physics background, you have probably never engineering anything nor done any formal scientific research in your entire life yet you all come to these threats pretending to be geniuses because you saw rope sand pulleys behind a spacecraft in a video on youtube.
operation paperclip. nasa's rockets were originally nazi rockets.
ok so can you calculate the force of propulsion required in Newtons to leave the moon with the space vehicle, 3 men and the total weight of the baggage, also it must match the velocity recorded on the video, for that you can use atan2 a neat formula or just arctan(x/y) where x is the distance from the camera at ground level so you can more or less calculate the time it takes to reach more or less 45 degrees of camera height angle and get the height in meters.
Based on those give me the power in Newtons of the rocket to escape the gravitational pull of the moon at full vertical acceleration.
Strange way of saying you didn't bother to check if the photograph is authentic.
Onus is on you. Incredible claims require incredible evidence.
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>operation paperclip
yes we recruited the German rocket engineers. and then when sending men to the moon proved to be too difficult, our jews faked it. just the same as the Manhattan Project
actually, they recruited themselves because von braun and his people knew what the russians we like and ran from them. it took a lot of wrangling to get them in as it happens. the americans did not seek these people. they came to the americans on their own accord
Just a moment ago you tried to use an AI summary to prove your point. Now you are claiming that a dark speck on a satellite image somehow proves that the US sent *humans* to the moon. You have zero credibility, retard.
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It's from a spaceX live stream in 2014. cope harder
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Based von
/Why fake
I don't know, maybe to claim land earlier than you actually managed to flag it? To hold the eye of the public...to justify billions of taxpayer money on research, black budgets, development of patents on uncle sam's dime (that will end up in private companies right before an IPO)
Who knows
can you show more examples? are you saying they basically stitched together this moon lander with a picture containing the other elements? or what is picrel proof of?
I wish I was there to see how retarded you are
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yah ist so!

but it was possible. what wasnt possible?
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it shows that thing was cut and pasted onto a black background. i suppose to recognize this it would help to have a non-zero amount of experience with image editing.
im going to walk my dog now while there's still some sunlight but feel free to download a few of those images yourself and edit them. what you see might surprise you
I never claimed it's impossible
Im the politics nerd
>This entire thread
Very organic and totally factual guys. There are a lot of IPs here and not just a few people in this thread.
My point is 'the impossible" mass deception necessary to lie on that scale, is actually possible
That's it
so why fake it?
They went so far to fake the moon landing, that just a few months later they faked an aborted, near-disastrous moon-landing attempt. Like, how over-the-top is that? "Look guys, no one will buy this unless we fake a mis-engineered spaceship that malfunctions during the trip there, and we fake astronauts having to freeze and be sick as they slingshot around the moon unable to land, only to barely make it back home!"
Hawking was a rubber dummy with a speak&spell up its ass.
Does that help?
I suspected i was being trolled
Then I was trolled
Then I failed at greentext

I am defeated leaf
Day of the rake buddy, day of the rake
for discussion on this look up
taboo conspiracy on rumble
wagging the moon doggy by Dave McGowan (?)
Spacebusters on bitchute
Eric Dubay on bitchute
and this:
the light reflects off the firmament and wraps around. go shine a light in your coffee cup!
oh ok. i disagree. they used the best possible cameras of the time (and they still are for the size). why do that if you want to fake? why send samples of moon rock to so many labs around the world? if there was no reason to fake it due to technical limitations would you make your nation liable to be found out?

no troll here buddy

>but the sun sets because its soo far away
ok flerf
nah, it sets due to refraction from the vapor table clouds sit on.
The buzz clip is paradoxical. It is the one unedited image of the Earth, but they were trying to make it appear further away.
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It's all fake, anon.
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See those shadows?
I do.
Those are the same type of shadows found in Antarctica.

The moon is fake. It's actually about 6 feet wide and hovers in the sky over my house at night. If it was real, you would see it in the day and you can't. They only bring it out at night because it has secret government surveillance equipment in it and it would be obvious if you saw it in the daylight so they have to hide it. I've tried to get away from it, but when I get in my car to leave and get away from it, it follows me along at just above treetop level.
>6 feet wide
nah, 32 minutes (nautical miles) when measured directly.
It was out again tonight, but part of it was missing.
so if you can see the sun reflect from a mirror 3ft wide 100 miles away, how far away does the sun have to be until you cant see it anymore?

imagine falling for another bunch of shit like that.
are fine you moron
>no breath
yeah, i couldn't see my breath outside at -6c this morning, guess that was fake too. stupid twat.
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>get questioned why I try to avoid plastic shit, seed oils, fast food, etc
>bring up microplastics and how they have a harmful effect on the body
>"I suppose you also believe the earth is flat"
Apparently microplastics are a crazy conspiracy on par with flat earth. Some people's brains must be incapable of questioning any of the shit fed to them.
I can't imagine having this attitude after literally asking someone their opinion
Even if it did sound like crazy conspiracy babble
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What kind of loolah wants to go to the moon with sixties technology?
We should be able to build better stuff today.
>Can we get evidence of the moon landing being faked in this thread?
Your JPG file contains evidence.
Namely, no stars in the sky.
When there should have been hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of stars.
We don't know what all of those NASA guys are watching.
Maybe they're watching something else.
lmao you fucking retarded faggot lol
oy vey
You revealed yourself to be a moron, of course they looked at you funny.
Did we land on the moon? Yes.
Was the first one faked in case the Russians got there first? Good chance yes.

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