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Kickboxing Betty Edition

>Who is Betty?
She was a freeloader who appeared on season one of Sam Hyde's internet reality show "Fishtank". She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.

Poncho is her cat with a following all to his own

We are inching closer to /bbg/ #100…

Pastamaxxing and Betty got her bottom braces off

>be nice
>it's free to be nice

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Really crazy random retards get 4chan famous, at the same time Peter Thiel funds Sam Hyde.
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leopard print Betty
Nice. Good night everyone. Sleep well and have a fantastic day tomorrow.
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You too man goodnight. Your positivity is greatly appreciated
g'night mate.
Weak kicks, she makes Hasan's kicks seem stronger
Absolutely not. Look at the thing move. Betty is strong!
That's what we in the biz call, personal growth. I'm not a psychologist though, I have no idea what they actually call it.
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I'm really happy for Betty, getting those bottom braces off must feel great even if she has to have them put back on in a few months.
Maybe she'll have an easier time eating and be able to regain some weight, she's still thin as a rail!
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I’m working on a project. This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but it’s all with the help of chat gbt. I trust you chat gbt. Whenever something goes wrong I just tell it what happened and so far it’s doing a good job at fixing my problems which is quite fucking amazing and easier than googling it. I’m continuing this tomorrow. Goodnight /bbg/
2025 is starting off pretty shakey but looks like it'll be Betty's year

G'night mate
good morning i love betty and cryokeen
Guess who won
Cloud actually hates Sam now I think
But he could just be tsundere for him
G'morning mate

>he was living in the woods when he met my mom i think?
Did your mum found the nearest cavemen and was like "Score!"
>"my wife organized/did that for us"
I don't like that, when I was living with my ex she started doing that but the problem was she was getting the expensive deals or had insurance that didn't cover our needs. In Australia we have compulsory third party insurance for every car you own. So imagine my shock when my car failed in the middle of the road and I had to fork out 4 ground for towing. Basic shit like that wasn't covered. I do my own insurance now.
>to me this is stuff an average man would have a natural aversion to
I don't think it's a gender thing mate. Men and women can be good or terrible at it these things, personally, I see it as a class/education (Not saying you're uneducated or anything).
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It's cold yo
Shephardics speak a varient of gibberish Spanish called "Ladino".
I'm not angry, I'm just wondering what a Jewish person gets out of white nationalism.
This is creeping and grossing me out, and Andrew is chronically masturbating about all of this and spamming me about it. I am glad I cut him out my life and I'm leaving the threads. This time I mean it.
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The only WN girl streamer I know of is Brittany Venti. A woman I once saw struggle to put together an IKEA table for over 3 hours ultimately giving up in anger. I don't know what you're on about.
no im definitely uneducated i never got my grade 9
what happen
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You'll both forget about it in less than a week. Don't be so hard on yourself!
Ok thank you. As we were walking back to the house he said it’s okay and to not be hard on myself but in the moment when it happened he looked super pissed off. I’m more just embarrassed that I could be so low IQ
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Don't overthink it.
At some point you'll realize everyone else is just as stupid and confused and clueless as you are, and that everyone makes mistakes.
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Thank you.
Word on the street is that Betty might be streaming today
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Jr you gotta stop deleting your retarded posts. So what if you fucked up your dad's car. Anyone makes mistakes, after all, you're only human
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Jr, it's not something you can change. Embrace your tardation. It's what makes you, you. Become the king of them
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Yeah I’ll try. You’re guys words mean a lot. I get worried that the tardation might take someone’s life one day if I fuck up while actually driving. But I think I’m doing okay with that. The thing I need to work on most is parking because I also went onto a curb earlier today
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It’ll make myself feel better about today if I blame it on this being the first day I haven’t had coffee in a long time so I wasn’t as locked in.
>I get worried that the tardation might take someone’s life one day
This can and does happen. Surgeon friend relayed to me a story of a fellow (((surgeon))) that ended up killing a patient during a routine colonoscopy/polypectomy. Generally a safe procedure but apparently one you can fuck up massively if you're 'tarded. Another guy I know ended up killing someone with a forklift of all things a few years back. Point is never go into medicine or operate heavy machinery Jr.
Oh yeah that is definitely way out of my skill level. I don’t know why someone would want to be a surgeon. Sometimes I wish when my grandma was tryna get me on government money for my tardation I would’ve been approved for it. But I wasn’t quite retarded enough and even if you try and fake it I’m pretty sure they do brain scans.

But then I’d be no better than skull if I got on that
>I don’t know why someone would want to be a surgeon
Big time money. The power to hold life and death in your hands. Getting to break peoples sternum as you try and restart the heart because the family doesn't understand what it means to attempt resuscitation on their 80 year old grandmother? I understand though, I wanted to be an internist.

>I’m pretty sure they do brain scans.
lmao. Dr. comes back holding a chart, grim look on his face, "says right here you're 'tarded. I'm so sorry". "You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded."

>But then I’d be no better than skull if I got on that
I believe in a social safety net as long as it's not being abused. If you're tarded enough to be on government gibs, who am I to say different?
It might be different now cuz I’m 18 but I might still wanna apply. What’s the harm in trying. But I don’t wanna make everyone else’s tax’s go up or however it works.
I would still work probably but just a really easy job.
But it could also help society if I’m not working as much. I could tell the people about the time I closed the register without giving the money back and stuff like that.
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That's not how it works. Especially here in CA. It just means Jamal (if i'm being honest I've seen way more white homeless people these days) can't afford the Nike's and has to settle for the Puma's with his gibs.

Your best bet would to get diagnosed with a nervous disorder. Say you have agoraphobia. Refuse to leave your house. Unrelated but I've been wondering recently, in your opinion what is a white person? Is it skin color? Ancestry? Behavior? I'm curious.
It’s not just skin tone I don’t think because full Jewish people can have white skin. Although gypsycrusader used to say they have grey skin. The most logical answer is ancestry. If you’re from Europe you’re European. Behaviors a tough one cuz everyone’s different of course but when I think about white culture and behavior the first thing I always think of is scene kids
Being white in America at least literally just feels like being the default. I don’t even think of myself as having a race most of the time. White doesn’t feel like a race it just feels like the norm
>The most logical answer is ancestry. If you’re from Europe you’re European.
Interesting. Would a Sicilian person be considered white then by extension? Pic related.
Hard to say cuz it’s an island right? I’m just now learning about this place. If I were to see these people in public I wouldn’t think of the two people in the front as white. Maybe the woman in the front depending on her accent. They still could be white but that’s not my first thought when seeing them
This seems similar to how America has Hawaii but Hawaii people aren’t really white
It's a European island very closely related to Italy. Very informative though, TY. It seems like being white is a nebulous thing. If it was just skin color you'd call me white (I am not). Depending on how much time I've spent in the sun of course.
Betty smokes weird.
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Bottom middle please
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Betty bump
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RIP Pico & Sepulveda
This one's for you
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Betty is such an angel, always thinking about our furry friends

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Treefaggot is crashing out on bant /ftl/ post betty nudes
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Even with LA burning down all around us people are still giving reporters the business. I love it.

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Poncho is so lucky to have Betty as an owner and not a random crack head
thats not me obviously
make sure you turn autocorrect off on your iphone before attempting to larp as me
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Aussies laughing at California rn
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i went to bed early as usual. sometimes i think these obsessed stalkers of betty's would murder me irl if we ever became friends.

Cats don't like to be held like that
Poncho is pretty chill tho the crack heads were probably nice to him at least he doesn't act like he was abused or anything
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You're generally right but a lot of cats do, too. They just flop upside down in your arms whenever possible and start purring like crazy.
Cats are silly and wonderful
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Looks like Jimmy and Greg are legit about boxxing. Who do reckon will win?
My money is on the Gregger negger
If S2 is anything to go by, Greg by a landslide.
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I want to be a Bambi Bimbo for Betty.
its really cold and im tired but im going outside to practice making more flowers for betty because i think she is really great
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A message from JR. I decided to blur his name in case he doesn't want to blasted on to 4chan.
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lol, glad he's taking to it well
Betty Goes lives in 10!
Be there or you are a pedophile
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One of Binx's whales came in and bought Betty a bunch of subs!
Also, Binx stopped by in the chat and said hi.
Betty has done a great job of not milking her Fishtank appearance, but fans want her to collab with Fishtank streamers it seems.
I shit on BinxKnight a while ago but now that he has gifted me the sub, he is good in my book
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poncho in a basket
I also love Betty's outfit this evening
a quick and dirty video
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It was an entertaining stream, Betty actually had too much to talk about and was planning to cover the fires in Los Angeles originally. She ran out of time and had to go do Doordash.
She raided Binx
Whether it was her cute outfit or organic growth, Betty seems to have had a jump from 50-ish viewers to 70-ish recently.
Betty is becoming a big influencer!
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Short but fun stream. Betty looked very cute as always.
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Yup. She always has a unique new look while still maintaining that classic Betty charm we all know and love.

This is a test, let’s see if it’ll let me post now
Looks like it worked. What was the issue?
Well every once in a while I’ll have to clear my safari website data because if I don’t do it for a while it won’t let me post pictures so I did that like normal but then I had to verify my email on 4chan so I did and it only had a 60 sec timer for the capatcha after but when the timer would hit 0 it wouldn’t give me the capatacha. I could’ve posted on my computer if I really wanted to
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I wonder why I have a sub anniversary in 2 days
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imagine Betty delivering your order wearing a tiny crop top and leggings like this
I would pay extra!
though actually she's wearing a heavy high-visibility coat over this while doing orders, which is a good thing
she gets too much unwanted attention as it is...
She should put a pfp on DoorDash if it lets her. Cuz I know a lot of guys myself included would tip her a lot. Only the best for Betty
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It's every month I think? I don't know honestly, I always just click "show on next visit".

I like to imagine Betty relaxing in a big home, no cares or worries, living the good life. Wearing loose fitting clothes.
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Twitch subs allow you to say 'I've subscribed for x months' every 30 days along with a personalized message.
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>I like to imagine Betty relaxing in a big home, no cares or worries, living the good life. Wearing loose fitting clothes.

Hopefully she can get to that point. Whoever did the 1000 is such a G. And no it wasn’t me if anyone was wondering.

Oh cool. I like being subscribed I can’t believe I wasn’t subscribed earlier. It feels more official.
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Twitch is very generous with the term "anniversary", every month is an anniversary to them lol
Guess it helps with retention
It's a bitch to phone post if you're out and about. I wait for the timer but when i go to post it resets it for me
>Whoever did the 1000 is such a G
Me thinks Binx knight did it.
not saying anything bad about our boy BinxKnight. He's a champ
I did think it was you actually. I've only ever spent that much on ladies IRL (I've got like 1.5 years worth of soap now). Betty is a smart, savvy girl. I have no doubt she'll do very well for herself.

I figured it was a blast from the past (if it wasn't Jr)
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I was thinking if anyone it might be TF but yeah thank you binxknight if it was you and you’re reading this. Legendary move
Man she looked like shit today. Looks like Binxsknight is simping for every FT chick
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Might as well say you're into findom/NTR, faggot
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Some kino for tonight if anyone's interested
Work your way up for the sole purpose of giving her money
you were watching the stream, Betty finally got to you didn't she?
Not saying the guy who did it didint have a rational brain his bank account is just ballin more than mine. I might seriously consider data entry if I can learn to type better. I went into my work today asking why I haven’t had any days but the person I needed to talk to wasn’t there
Do you send any $ to streamers in general, i like to send some every once in a while for the small handful i watch
No, the only people that you should give money to is your immediate family and that's it.
Meant to reply to this>>21879840
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No, findom girls are mean. And Betty has also told me to save my money which I’m probably gonna do until I secure another job. If I don’t do it responsibly she might block me on cashapp for my own good. I also have a savings account which I never take money out of
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yes there is so much negativity and drama from the fishtank fandom
guys like binxknight, who are just generous, don't deserve any grief
I think it's great that we have more than a few generous people in the community
Also what is NTR

It’s really good to see her viewer count going up. It was in the 90’s at one point in the stream
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>give money to is your immediate family and that's it.
Generally I agree with this but I also believe supporting/paying for the entertainment I consume. I'm still the cuck buying dvd's/blu-ray's at the store.
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Good evening negroes and shegroes.

It's me, your boi.
If I had a family all my money would be for my kids. And if Betty’s still around if and when that time rolls around I’ll probably leave the community for the most part so I can fully focus on my family. This is all assuming this whole community is still around when I’m a grown man.
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I hope Betty would be fine with me sticking around for that long. I hope I’m never an annoyance. I get a little excited sometimes and start spilling every detail about my life lol
I knew guys younger than you with two kids already. Focus on your studies Jr or you'll end up just like them.
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There is nothing wrong with supporting an angelic young woman like Betty
I'm not sure, but I think that one reason why she is doing DoorDash is because crazy people keep harassing her employers :/
Just don't get too carried away or have weird expectations and you'll be fine
>But then I’d be no better than skull if I got on that
There are worse fates my fren.
Another exception is supporting indie game devs that you like and certain retro archive sites are safe from zoomer's eyes, but that's it
I do get why people shit on the high spenders like him. but he seems ok. also he got me a sub so I am biased towards him.

You need to stop watching that stuff bro

>Just don't get too carried away or have weird expectations and you'll be fine
Exactly. be moderate don't over do it but spend
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>supporting indie game devs
Nah I'm too jewish for that
I avoid that shit like the plague on the contrary
>Exactly. be moderate don't over do it but spend
Nah nigga don't send your money to people like Betty or Binx. Invest any extra scratch you got into crypto or something.
I do have some crypto, check out $nigga on twitter.
Only memecoin I fuck with is Apu Apustaja.
Betty made a lewd post on X, but I think she deleted it
I must have missed it.
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Did she?
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You’re bumm
Researchers deep in the Guatemala hi Brazil
Not flick good gou going4orp2
2 seven sided sided succeesss
You will die so we m sure die nom
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Love betty
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Rhop kitty

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