I HATE generals. This is a generals hate general. ITT we talk about how much we hate generals and try to get them bumped off the page as much as possible.
Based, i hate generals too.
these damned generals, all they do is make the front page more competitive for decent, splendid, hard-working /bant/ threads
>>21871165once, we called for jannies to stop the reign of proxyfags.if only we could go back and warn our past selves of the oppression we'd later face...turning in our right to spam was like turning in a self-defense minigun
>>21871200I call for the outlaw of generals.
>>21871478I hate them so much...why do our threads keep being bumped off with no chance of real interactions because of these overly autistic fanatic losers. I'm fully convinced they're shill bots.
I too, hate generals.
>>21871504i can understand tracking the price of silver but it's as you said, the rest of them give off the creepy autistic weirdo vibes of someone participating in e-stalking.
>>21871627>never get on any other thread except than the one they infinitely bump Sick, sick bastards.
i also hate generals reminder that people who watch fishtank are goddamn degenerate scum
>>21871165Fuck generals
>>21871165They are supposed to contain a topic within one thread but the fishtank niggers just spam 5 at once
Yeah fuck the generals I look inside some of them and it’s barely even on topic it’s just off topic small talk about inane shit it’s too inane for me to follow and comprehend I am not that small minded or almost seems like schizo babble at times too and they’re cliquey as fuck plus I can’t stand rightly talking to them they went through all the trouble of making a general just to make small talk? Do they actually know each other well are they friends? And isn’t this what discord is for? They are fucking niggers
>>21874940its worser then actual discord threads because they at least dont pretend that the thread has a topic beside smalltalki hate the fishtank niggers
Fish stank live
>>21873329Look it’s all like small talk fucking bullshit who are these people where are they from
>>21874999i would guess they are from biz and they should fuck back off there
>>21875023Where is fishtank from?
>>21875050they crawled out of the sewer
>>21875050Exiled from they're own board because they autistically post nonstop about a dead show.
>>21875692Are they even friends do dey even known each others names?
pro-white thread.
>>21871165Fuck YotsubaFuck You
>>21871180BASED BASED BASEDTGD (total general death)!!!!!
>>21875692>they'reFuck autocorrect>>21876411Idk same people in every thread tho for years and years and years.
>>21877261These people have like a fucking encyclopedic knowledge of fish tank it’s a little unnerving most of it is brainless trivia though I can’t even fathom how they all did that
>>21878441kinda sad to think they might have a void that big where a life should be
I love generals!
>>21879728shalom kike hows the weather like in tel aviv?
Quick reminder that generals are anti-white threads conducted by Mossad to subvert and sabotage /bant/.
Donald trump is going to conquer all the generals so that they can be made more American on the outset they may seem to have substantial amount of Americans in them but these threads are actually run by kikes masquerading as white blue eyed Americans Sam Hyde is the biggest Jew of them all
>>21881107Yep, it's kino. Thanks for showing the world the truth.
>>21871165hey wait a minute arent you that one nigga from the shemmy
>>21881203Yeah. What's a 13 year old like you doing in a place like this? Reported.
>>21881221obsessed polack awardkellycord public enemy number one awardtranny award (you still havent showed me your hrtitties faggot)
Total General Death
*jerks you off*
i hate fish kikes too
Fuckin generals everywhere they can’t just create one generalThey have to create multiples as if there wasn’t enough of their inane small talk that’s not even on topic as if on topic that would be the day serious intellectuals here
i fvcking hate this shit
yotsuba general
>>21885423Their days are numbered
I am vigorously masturbating
one more for the night
fucking generals...
so is this the new bant discordtroon general
>>21900277fuck "social media """platforms"""", return to local bulletin boards & the postal service
>>21871180>I HATE THE STOCK MARKET!>I HATE PORN!amen to that4chan is flooded with both
>>21900277lol /qa/ lostlmao
>>21871165/pol/ threads are gems compared to generals. full support for general hate
I hate it when the log dies except for the fucking generals. Oh gee I wonder what’s happening on baby today welpGENERALSGENERALSGENERALSThey pretty much suck the life of everything on the board
>>21900277the generals are the same as discords
adl is doing a good job of keeping this in the 5-9 page zone
Fuck fish tank
Cope and cry, seethers. All of you are jealous of my Fishtank trad wife, Betty, best girl of Fishtank and best /bant/ girl as well
>>21912148She’s mid you’re just a stupid simp anyway
>>21912148what the fuck is the point of watching fishtank
>>21912191>>21912192All of you are just jealous because Betty and I mog you spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially. Picrel a cute pic of me and the last thing you'll ever see
>>21912337Fuck if treefingers you lolcow How many generals does fish tank have now?
Fuck off* fucking autocorrect
Mods, there’s like 17 fish tank generals, it’s time to get rid of fishtank threads
>>21912337This deranged fish tanker is threatening people online with a knife over it, time to get rid of fish tank
>>21914089someone needs to make a whole separate altchan for fishtank at this point, we aren't getting our /incel/ board anytime soon
>>21914133But what the fuck would they even use an alt chan? They have their own threads one should practically be enough why do they need so many threads? They don’t really talk about anything of value the threads are all practically the same yet they need like 20 threads to talk about the same shit
>>21914089>>21914097>>21914201>pretending to hate fishtank>know obscure lore about random schizo poster who orbits the show
Fish tank is like a cult It’s madness
I don’t have 4chan x so I can’t use a filter